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So, where's our war?

Elsebeth Rhiannon
Electus Matari
#61 - 2017-03-22 06:34:24 UTC
I am amazed by the sentiments that I am condemning the Republic here; moreover amazed that I receive such sentiments from pirates and hostiles. Have things really gone so bad that to disagree with Shakor's politics is considered traitorous in its own right? Is speaking against him now the worst crime we can perform?

That said; I will no longer answer personal attacks here. Let's talk about the message, not the messenger.

Challis Drant wrote:
Please note Elsebeth is not a Diplomat for EM. ( Once I can convince her to stand for that again - oh I shall - I shall)


Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
There seems to be a common misunderstanding of Ms Rhiannon's point vis a vis economic and military infrastructure - namely that it is entirely possible to be both improving relative to your position last year and falling behind compared to your enemy.

Thank you.

Ayallah wrote:
Where are these people? Who are you arguing against in this thread?

That is indeed a good question and one I already asked in the thread, too. Where are those people? We had no shortage ten years ago, and let me assure you, the loyalists then did not (if I say so myself) just up and pack their bags because someone disagreed with them and said so with no uncertain terms.

Mebrithiel Ju'wien wrote:
I, for one, welcome my Elsebeth overlord!

Nope to that too.
Rodj Blake
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#62 - 2017-03-22 07:25:02 UTC
Elsebeth Rhiannon wrote:
Templar Thal Vadam wrote:
Perhaps the leaders of our respective nations do not really desire a death toll in the hundreds of billions.

This would be a fine argument, if the Sanmatar had not pretty much ran for office with the contrary opinion.

And this is why democracy fails.

Dolce et decorum est pro Imperium mori

Elmund Egivand
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#63 - 2017-03-22 07:33:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Elmund Egivand
Also, remember that the Sanmatar came into power at about the same time the Republic's government went into the drain. I am sure rebuilding the Republic's government structure was considered a higher priority than starting a war especially considering the losses sustained by the Elder Fleet.

Not to mention the Emancipation happened, which, while very likely an attempt to politically embarrass the Republic, also opens up the possibility that the Empire is open to a more peaceful method of ending the Republic's long gripe against the Empire. Then throw in the fact that the current Empress was formerly of a servitor bloodline and is also a mercantile power, the likelihood for a peaceful resolution through negotiations and possibly very shady backroom dealings seems to be even greater than ever before.

A Minmatar warship is like a rusting Beetle with 500 horsepower Cardillac engines in the rear, armour plating bolted to chassis and a M2 Browning stuck on top.

Elsebeth Rhiannon
Electus Matari
#64 - 2017-03-22 08:27:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Elsebeth Rhiannon
Elmund Egivand wrote:
Not to mention the Emancipation happened, which, while very likely an attempt to politically embarrass the Republic, also opens up the possibility that the Empire is open to a more peaceful method of ending the Republic's long gripe against the Empire. Then throw in the fact that the current Empress was formerly of a servitor bloodline and is also a mercantile power, the likelihood for a peaceful resolution through negotiations and possibly very shady backroom dealings seems to be even greater than ever before.

Such optimism is refreshing in this galaxy. I wish I could share it.

If you allow me to continue that spirit of international respect, I would, in fact, be very interested in hearing Admiral (is it still 'Admiral'?) Blake's comments on this one. Do you see a peaceful solution an achievable goal, given the current government?
Mizhara Del'thul
#65 - 2017-03-22 08:35:19 UTC
If anyone think Cat's going to be a leader with a manumission bent, you're not thinking particularly clearly. Her House, political and economical philosophies are no secret to anyone paying a little attention. Much like Khanid, it's far more about the profits and power mongering of the slave trade than any kind of religious duty of 'enlightenment' to those people.

If her views on the subject will matter in the Empire - which is not necessarily the case on any large scale, admittedly - there'll be more slave raids, more vitoxin use and more TCMC use.

On the other hand, this is a far more... practical Empress than the previous one in such regards. Make the price too high to pay and she might be willing to negotiate a solution falling short of a war where the gain can never match the certain losses.
Elmund Egivand
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#66 - 2017-03-22 08:47:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Elmund Egivand
Mizhara Del'thul wrote:
If anyone think Cat's going to be a leader with a manumission bent, you're not thinking particularly clearly. Her House, political and economical philosophies are no secret to anyone paying a little attention. Much like Khanid, it's far more about the profits and power mongering of the slave trade than any kind of religious duty of 'enlightenment' to those people.

If her views on the subject will matter in the Empire - which is not necessarily the case on any large scale, admittedly - there'll be more slave raids, more vitoxin use and more TCMC use.

On the other hand, this is a far more... practical Empress than the previous one in such regards. Make the price too high to pay and she might be willing to negotiate a solution falling short of a war where the gain can never match the certain losses.

That is EXACTLY the point. She is a merchant, a practical person. That makes negotiation with her a far more likely proposition. Never trust negotiations made on moral grounds to go well. Instead, go for the pragmatic angle. She's of a former servitor bloodline and a merchant to boot. That means there's a good likelihood that she will be far less zealous than her fellows in matters of holding slaves. Throw in a previous precedent and there is a much better chance of getting something out of negotiating for further emancipations than previously. Since there is that angle to pursue, I say, pursue it first.

If the other Heirs, except Khanid, were Emperor, negotiation is off the table. Since it's not them but Catiz, there's a small chance. Might as well exploit that for all it is worth.

War is still an option, but should only be reserved as the last resort.

A Minmatar warship is like a rusting Beetle with 500 horsepower Cardillac engines in the rear, armour plating bolted to chassis and a M2 Browning stuck on top.

Aeternus Command Academy
#67 - 2017-03-22 11:53:42 UTC
I would remind you that we seem to have lived through the reign of a Sarumite Empress, who literally took the throne atop the bones of an invading Tribal warfleet, and the order to glass Pator did not come.

The war-monger who deposed the one person who the Republic owes it's continued existence to, also came to power. The Defiants are more silent now than ever.

The worst case scenario for the Republic came. And went.

Huge capsuleer paramilitaries (compared to what we have now) used to skirmish and prepare for the day they were called upon to set forth on that final terrible path. That call never really came. Some of those forces still exist now, but I'd put the relative strength of then-to-now at around 5-10% at best.

I can appreciate how no one during this discussion has aped the silly line of "But we are at war!" Anyone who believes it would do well to sign up themselves and see what that 'war' entails. When one side of a conflict regularly switches sides en-masse just to keep up the appearance (and funding) of a conflict, and all sides find it acceptable, then you have your answer. The Pendulum Wars do accomplish one thing though; any true zealot of either side has a place to go and die for their cause in a small fireball, in a tiny ship, alone, and far away from anything of value.

So, "Where is your War"?

It, and those who actually wanted to fight it, were slowly fed into a tiny paper shredder.

Cardinal Graelyn

Amarr Loyalist of the Year - YC113

TK Corp
#68 - 2017-03-22 12:40:27 UTC
Elmund Egivand wrote:
That is EXACTLY the point. She is a merchant, a practical person. That makes negotiation with her a far more likely proposition. Never trust negotiations made on moral grounds to go well. Instead, go for the pragmatic angle.

Something I heard from one of my crew feels applicable here:

"Better the devil than an honest man. One of them will compromise."
TK Corp
#69 - 2017-03-22 13:06:23 UTC
Graelyn wrote:
I can appreciate how no one during this discussion has aped the silly line of "But we are at war!" Anyone who believes it would do well to sign up themselves and see what that 'war' entails. When one side of a conflict regularly switches sides en-masse just to keep up the appearance (and funding) of a conflict, and all sides find it acceptable, then you have your answer. The Pendulum Wars do accomplish one thing though; any true zealot of either side has a place to go and die for their cause in a small fireball, in a tiny ship, alone, and far away from anything of value.

Eh, there are those who take the Pendulum Games very seriously, and insist they are a 'real war', and just as soon as they can win that part, their home empire will decide to flaunt CONCORD and set them loose to see that the fed-err.... enemy will be destroyed.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#70 - 2017-03-22 14:10:37 UTC
Mizhara Del'thul wrote:
Much like Khanid, it's far more about the profits and power mongering of the slave trade than any kind of religious duty of 'enlightenment' to those people.

If her views on the subject will matter in the Empire - which is not necessarily the case on any large scale, admittedly - there'll be more slave raids, more vitoxin use and more TCMC use.
You are basing this an absolutely nothing at all but your own fears.

House Tash-Murkon has long been thought of as the most liberal and progressive of the royal houses and in the past were a major factor in pushing for relations with the Federation and Republic. The house is nothing like Khanid, it has long been used as an example for a good balance of treating slaves well but properly managing their work. You should be grateful that she is Empress where she can move the policies of the Empire to be more like her liberal house. I truly wonder how you people would handle an actual conservative on the throne after all your years of crying wolf over liberal Empresses.

The perception of her practicality is because during the reign of Heth she recognized the weakness of the State's position and, with her fostering as Garkeh Khanid and Merimeth Sarum as allies, drafted the CAESA. Empress Jamyl enacted it on 01.02.111.

None of this adds up in any capacity to the picture you are trying to paint but I doubt anyone expects accuracy from you regarding the Empire.

Goddess of the IGS

As strength goes.

Mizhara Del'thul
#71 - 2017-03-22 14:17:29 UTC
What fears? This is the best possible option we could have gotten, you blithering moron.

That you also have no understanding of what 'liberal' means in the context of the Empire's leaders and how they tend to treat the slave trade, due to the shift in motivation, is also unsurprising I suppose. I truly can not fathom how poorly you understand literally every nation and faction in New Eden and yet feel you should be sharing your staggering amount of stupid in every possible venue you can.

I suggest using your head the way your breeders intended. A blunt instrument to knock down walls and doors with. It'll shame you a great deal less.
Aria Jenneth
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#72 - 2017-03-22 18:11:28 UTC
It's starting to look a little like this might have been a snark too soon. If the State and Federation go at it hard ...

(Please gods no.)

... I wonder if the Empire and Republic will be able to stay out of it. It would probably be best if they did, but....
Jade Blackwind
#73 - 2017-03-22 18:19:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Jade Blackwind
Aria Jenneth wrote:
It's starting to look a little like this might have been a snark too soon. If the State and Federation go at it hard ...

(Please gods no.)

... I wonder if the Empire and Republic will be able to stay out of it. It would probably be best if they did, but....

...Probably no.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#74 - 2017-03-22 19:30:07 UTC
Mizhara Del'thul wrote:
the profits and power mongering of the slave trade than any kind of religious duty of 'enlightenment' to those people.

If her views on the subject will matter in the Empire - which is not necessarily the case on any large scale, admittedly - there'll be more slave raids, more vitoxin use and more TCMC use.

  • A slave trade focused more on profit than spirituality
  • More slave raids
  • More use of Vitoxin
  • More TCMC use

These are your fears. Though I suspect now your entire view of it is based on the idea that "liberals want more trade" therefor "There will be more focus on slavery for profit and the mechanisms of it." You directly compare her to Khanid which just shows how little you understand about it at every level. Some liberals do believe that what you are saying but those are the liberal conservatives, mostly Khanid holders, not the Classical liberals such as Tash-Murkon which are more focused on equality and individual freedoms. It is a distinction that may seem confusing but to anyone born in the Empire you are comparing Sarumites and Khanids to Tash-Murkons and you look a fool.

The fact you throw a fit about the care of your people one day and then the next say that your idea of a Empress who pushes the for-profit slave trade and inhumane methods of control is good for the same shows the level of cognitive dissonance you go into just to feel right. Perhaps you have been doing what you suggested I should do, hitting your head against something repeatedly? Not understanding the difference between a liberal conservative house and a classically liberal house is understandable but claiming a liberal conservative Empress is the best thing for your people? That is an insane twist.

Goddess of the IGS

As strength goes.

Samira Kernher
Cail Avetatu
#75 - 2017-03-22 20:30:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Samira Kernher
Ayallah wrote:
You are basing this an absolutely nothing at all but your own fears.

And the most basic understanding of House Tash-Murkon. It is amusing how much faith you put in a house that has none. You do know that TCMC usage outside of the Kingdom is highest in Tash-Murkon territories? And that Tash-Murkon and Khanid have had very close relations since long before the Kingdom was ever invited back to the Privy Council (it was Her Imperial Majesty Catiz that arranged that, afterall)? And that House Tash-Murkon was pushing for escalation in slave taking operations and the war just a few years ago?
TK Corp
#76 - 2017-03-22 22:34:15 UTC
Jade Blackwind wrote:
Aria Jenneth wrote:
It's starting to look a little like this might have been a snark too soon. If the State and Federation go at it hard ...

(Please gods no.)

... I wonder if the Empire and Republic will be able to stay out of it. It would probably be best if they did, but....

...Probably no.

If that happens, and it goes to all-out war between all four, capsuleer trade will likely suffer as well. After all, if you're the Federation and you want to hurt the State, just get yourself a loyal egger, have them publicly renounce their ties, do their work to build up standings enough to avoid CN interdiction... and then bring a freighter full of explosives right into the undocking tunnel for Jita 4-4 CNA.

Heck, each of the Empires probably has eggers they've specifically tasked with keeping good standing in the 'enemy' empires in order to facilitate deep strikes. Wouldn't take more than a few to create a real disruption to all those broker fees and taxes the State sucks down every day.
Elsebeth Rhiannon
Electus Matari
#77 - 2017-03-23 11:11:25 UTC
Samira Kernher wrote:
House Tash-Murkon. It is amusing how much faith you put in a house that has none.

Nice to know I am not the only one in the galaxy with complex loyalty issues.
Lord Harrowmont
Amarr Empire
#78 - 2017-03-27 08:36:57 UTC
Elsebeth Rhiannon wrote:
It's been almost ten years since Malaetu Shakor stepped into office as the Republic's prime minister (later 'Sanmatar').

While more patient minds cautioned against it, many clans supported him, because he made them promises of new glory, of a full-out war at last, the final throwing off our shackles. At his inaugural speech, he seemed confirm their hopes: "Sons and daughters of Matar, make no mistake about it. [---] Let it be known from this day forth that we are a race of warriors, not slaves, and that we will fight to the last drop of blood for what we hold dear."

Almost a decade. Not slaves but warriors.

And what do we have to show for it?

Oh, we have fought the Militia wars. We have even won it, for a short while, and some of us have metal to show for it. But where was the push on from that victory? The Empire was in turmoil, we held the field, slaves were returning and turning into warriors, and then what? The next step is causing a controversy with his choice of companion and attire?

I am sure our sisters and brothers still in the darkness rejoiced and complimented his bravery.

Where is our war, Sanmatar Shakor?

It's always the same with you Minmatar. I say we build that wall and send 'em back!

State War Academy
Caldari State
#79 - 2017-03-27 08:40:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Davlos
It's generally considered unethical to wage war on a blind man. It's just as unpleasant and unfair as challenging said blind man to a contest in watching grass grow.

A war will come. But it's really impolite to be declaring war now.
Gwion Achasse
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#80 - 2017-03-27 18:14:44 UTC
I'll sit back and wait for the tribals to chuck their first spear and see what happens.

I doubt even the majority of the Minmatar want this war.