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Star Citizen v EVE

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Erin Crawford
#1741 - 2014-09-27 08:04:46 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
New Reclaimer salvage / mobile dockyard ship....Kinda handy after a big fight to salvage destroyed ships or repair friendly ships after a fight is finished....Looks like a brute and is a large ship and the concept goes up for sale at 350$:

we'll know the actual dimensions tomorrow, but the 4 main engines in the picture are 60 meters long.....

I was going to post about it, but you beat me to it! Blink
It really looks impressive, even in concept stage!

"Those who talk don’t know. Those who know don’t talk. "

Rift Tech
#1742 - 2014-09-27 20:26:37 UTC
I am not a frequent poster here but thought I would add the latest on the new Salvager concept ship, pledges since the ship was offered last night are at $800,000, and still climbing, total will pass $55 mill by tomorrow. There are currently 605,000, pledgers, that's a rise of 5k in 24 hours.

Some will call it crazy to spend thousands on a pre-alpha game, but most see it not as buying ships, more like investing in a game that will give years of pleasure, many are flight sim enthusiasts transitioning from terrestrial flight sims and are very serious about their internet spaceships.

I have a Constellation with up to 5 crew, human or hired Npc. Really looking forward to undocking it and exploring.

I have just joined an Exploration/salvaging "Corp" with 1,800 members in an alliance of over 8k, the game is well and truly on its way despite what any nay sayers might think.

My 9 year Eve career will end in December, fun for the 1st 5 or 6 years but the excitement and mystery left long ago. Will leave with all skills in game plus a few unavailable's and all at 4 and above. Hopefully I can eke out another 9 or 10 years in SC.

Hope we cross paths (trails) in the "Verse" Digital, I am in the "XPLOR" Org. (under a different name)
Black Panpher
Rote Kapelle
#1743 - 2014-09-27 23:07:23 UTC
Contralto wrote:
My 9 year Eve career will end in December, fun for the 1st 5 or 6 years but the excitement and mystery left long ago. Will leave with all skills in game plus a few unavailable's and all at 4 and above. Hopefully I can eke out another 9 or 10 years in SC.

With your 1 kill and 3 losses in 9 years of playing I'm surprised you didn't quit sooner.
Rift Tech
#1744 - 2014-09-28 07:14:45 UTC
Black Panpher wrote:
Contralto wrote:
My 9 year Eve career will end in December, fun for the 1st 5 or 6 years but the excitement and mystery left long ago. Will leave with all skills in game plus a few unavailable's and all at 4 and above. Hopefully I can eke out another 9 or 10 years in SC.

With your 1 kill and 3 losses in 9 years of playing I'm surprised you didn't quit sooner.

Haha, yes, I should have known my "dismal" Pvp record would be exposed if I showed my head above water :)

My one kill was when I spent a year solo in a C4 and got a bit excited one day.
DW inc
#1745 - 2014-09-28 20:04:28 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
Contralto wrote:
I am not a frequent poster here but thought I would add the latest on the new Salvager concept ship, pledges since the ship was offered last night are at $800,000, and still climbing, total will pass $55 mill by tomorrow. There are currently 605,000, pledgers, that's a rise of 5k in 24 hours.

Some will call it crazy to spend thousands on a pre-alpha game, but most see it not as buying ships, more like investing in a game that will give years of pleasure, many are flight sim enthusiasts transitioning from terrestrial flight sims and are very serious about their internet spaceships.

I have a Constellation with up to 5 crew, human or hired Npc. Really looking forward to undocking it and exploring.

I have just joined an Exploration/salvaging "Corp" with 1,800 members in an alliance of over 8k, the game is well and truly on its way despite what any nay sayers might think.

My 9 year Eve career will end in December, fun for the 1st 5 or 6 years but the excitement and mystery left long ago. Will leave with all skills in game plus a few unavailable's and all at 4 and above. Hopefully I can eke out another 9 or 10 years in SC.

Hope we cross paths (trails) in the "Verse" Digital, I am in the "XPLOR" Org. (under a different name)

Shouldn't be too hard since according to the lore of the game, there's only 137 systems in UEE controlled space, and we might have maybe 500 systems in total between all 4 races( Terran, Banu, Vanduul, Xian).

And yes the game is growing financially at a phenomenal rate, and I don't know if you saw the latest around the verse, but it made it into the Guinness book of world records when it reached the 39 million point last year, and i'm guessing it'll hold on to the record when it's published this year's edition too.....Might even reach the 60 million mark before the end of the year.

DW inc
#1746 - 2014-09-30 03:51:37 UTC
An idea of size of the Reclaimer when viewed beside other ships.....Gives a better idea of how it'll look in the hangar.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#1747 - 2014-09-30 06:27:42 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
An idea of size of the Reclaimer when viewed beside other ships.....Gives a better idea of how it'll look in the hangar.

What a brute! Shocked

(But it's smaller than the Idris Corvette...)
DW inc
#1748 - 2014-09-30 06:42:00 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
An idea of size of the Reclaimer when viewed beside other ships.....Gives a better idea of how it'll look in the hangar.

What a brute! Shocked

(But it's smaller than the Idris Corvette...)

Yup, the idris is still 75 meters longer and about 45 meters wider than this, and if all ships will be able to land and we can simply appreciate the view from that perspective, it gives a whole new meaning to size.

Now add all the interior of the ship where the player can walk inside and the damage state modes being added, where we can see parts blown off because the ship was in combat, and the overall amount of detail everywhere, it gives a much better perspective of the absurd amount of work developers have to put into the large ships, hence why they take so long to make.

Once the entire game is done, I wouldn't expect it being much smaller than 100 GB to download for sure if people are buying the game only when it's fully completed.

Edit: the Idris is no longer a corvette.... it's turned into a frigate at 240 meters long, and there's rumors that a sale of a new corvette design will be released before the end of the year, while the javelin destroyer is 340 meters long so you can imagine that sucker landed and you watching it from the ground....Big smile
DW inc
#1749 - 2014-09-30 07:06:27 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
This picture kinda says it all about how it'll rip ships apart piece by piece to recycle them:

Claw, cutting wheel, laser cutters and equipment to drain fuel from the wreck, after specialized survey drones made an overall assessment if it's still salvageable, because the same ship can also do basic repairs that can allow enough functionality to be restored, that would allow it to re enter the atmosphere and land on a maintenance/ repair facility where the entire ship can be fixed and brought back to new condition for less money that buying a brand new one.

Might be handy if I find an Idris wreck and it's still possible to repair it and keep it for myself......Just thinking out loud...Big smile
Rift Tech
#1750 - 2014-09-30 08:16:22 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
An idea of size of the Reclaimer when viewed beside other ships.....Gives a better idea of how it'll look in the hangar.

Cool image, 1st time I have seen that one.

I am sorely tempted to buy the Reclaimer now, but my Organization leader has said he intends to buy 3 spares in case any members want one after the 1 week limited offer expires. He already has a couple of spare $1200 Idris waiting for new owners.

No wonder the pledge amount is rising so rapidly!

What an amazing business model, I hope it encourages other developers to go the same route, "Publishers be damned" :)
Rift Tech
#1751 - 2014-09-30 08:22:00 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
Might be handy if I find an Idris wreck and it's still possible to repair it and keep it for myself......Just thinking out loud...Big smile

If you need a claw operator, I'm your man, would love to mash some metal. Will be a bit scary being stuck out there in that tiny cab on the end of the arm though :) especially if under attack.
Erin Crawford
#1752 - 2014-09-30 11:09:18 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
Once the entire game is done, I wouldn't expect it being much smaller than 100 GB to download for sure if people are buying the game only when it's fully completed.

That's what I was thinking too. Looks like I'll have to bribe someone to download it for me! Pirate

"Those who talk don’t know. Those who know don’t talk. "

Black Panpher
Rote Kapelle
#1753 - 2014-09-30 13:31:28 UTC
No non pledgers will buy the game after its release! The LTI pay to win is a nail in the games coffin before its release! (Imho)
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#1754 - 2014-09-30 13:36:50 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
This picture kinda says it all about how it'll rip ships apart piece by piece to recycle them:

Claw, cutting wheel, laser cutters and equipment to drain fuel from the wreck, after specialized survey drones made an overall assessment if it's still salvageable, because the same ship can also do basic repairs that can allow enough functionality to be restored, that would allow it to re enter the atmosphere and land on a maintenance/ repair facility where the entire ship can be fixed and brought back to new condition for less money that buying a brand new one.

Might be handy if I find an Idris wreck and it's still possible to repair it and keep it for myself......Just thinking out loud...Big smile

1- Buy Reclaimer
2- Hire the claw operator seat to other players for $
3- Profits!

DW inc
#1755 - 2014-10-01 03:19:00 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
Erin Crawford wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:
Once the entire game is done, I wouldn't expect it being much smaller than 100 GB to download for sure if people are buying the game only when it's fully completed.

That's what I was thinking too. Looks like I'll have to bribe someone to download it for me! Pirate

New patch just came out and the total size of the client is now 20 GB, and we still have the rest of the arena commander modules( 1.0, 2.0, 3.0), the FPS module, the 50 mission single player campaign and the public universe, not to mention the toolset to create our own mods or missions, and the ability to host games ourselves....It's going to be nuts size wise.
DW inc
#1756 - 2014-10-01 03:26:16 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
Black Panpher wrote:
No non pledgers will buy the game after its release! The LTI pay to win is a nail in the games coffin before its release! (Imho)

That's not such a big deal for those flying smaller ships, since it's been said LT1 can be purchased in game and it isn't expensive for those, but I can see the point of it being an advantage for those flying the larger and more expensive ships, but then again it's those same initial pledgers that supported the project from the start, when everyone was pretty much saying it's one massive rip-off from chris Roberts.

Their starting to eat those words big time with every patch being released and it starting to become a game, not just pictures, promises, presentation video and vaporware anymore.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#1757 - 2014-10-01 06:54:03 UTC
Houm... thinking about that Reclaimer ship, don't you think it will be only as cool as the gameplay involved? I mean, will you be able to rip off parts of a ship with the claw? Or it will be like "get within x meters, press button, wait timer, get bacon"? Also, how about doing that for an hour? How long will it take to rip off the juicy bits of a large wreck, or even a small one? How fun or rewarding will it be?

None of that is related to the coolness of the ship.

Ships are cool. But ultimately, they are just tools to enjoy yourself playing a game.

If EVE could teach us something, is that cool graphics and nice looking ship designs don't make for interesting gameplay (ORE ships, i am looking at you).
DW inc
#1758 - 2014-10-01 07:58:27 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Houm... thinking about that Reclaimer ship, don't you think it will be only as cool as the gameplay involved? I mean, will you be able to rip off parts of a ship with the claw? Or it will be like "get within x meters, press button, wait timer, get bacon"? Also, how about doing that for an hour? How long will it take to rip off the juicy bits of a large wreck, or even a small one? How fun or rewarding will it be?

None of that is related to the coolness of the ship.

Ships are cool. But ultimately, they are just tools to enjoy yourself playing a game.

If EVE could teach us something, is that cool graphics and nice looking ship designs don't make for interesting gameplay (ORE ships, i am looking at you).

Given it's just a concept, there's still plenty of details to flesh out, but if one of it's capabilities is to also allow repairing ships to a basic functional level where the engines work and the navigation computer too, then the owner of the ship get lucky and finds a nice corvette or even Idris frigate that was thought to be too badly damaged and unrepairable, it get's those basic repairs done, flies it to the closest planet with a proper repair facility and fully repaired back to new condition.

Then the ship can either become part of the collection of whoever owns the Reclaimer, or put back on the open market for sale...:)
Rift Tech
#1759 - 2014-10-01 09:12:32 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Houm... thinking about that Reclaimer ship, don't you think it will be only as cool as the gameplay involved? I mean, will you be able to rip off parts of a ship with the claw? Or it will be like "get within x meters, press button, wait timer, get bacon"? Also, how about doing that for an hour? How long will it take to rip off the juicy bits of a large wreck, or even a small one? How fun or rewarding will it be?

I see the specialized ships like the Reclaimer being Fleet vessels, taken out on exploration or specific missions with fighter cover, freight haulers and dedicated exploration ships such as the upcoming "Carrack"

Most Players that own one already have other smaller and more versatile ships. I don't see much success or fun for that matter trying to solo such a beast, be like taking a Rorqual out alone and expecting to return alive.

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#1760 - 2014-10-01 13:01:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Indahmawar Fazmarai
Contralto wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Houm... thinking about that Reclaimer ship, don't you think it will be only as cool as the gameplay involved? I mean, will you be able to rip off parts of a ship with the claw? Or it will be like "get within x meters, press button, wait timer, get bacon"? Also, how about doing that for an hour? How long will it take to rip off the juicy bits of a large wreck, or even a small one? How fun or rewarding will it be?

I see the specialized ships like the Reclaimer being Fleet vessels, taken out on exploration or specific missions with fighter cover, freight haulers and dedicated exploration ships such as the upcoming "Carrack"

Most Players that own one already have other smaller and more versatile ships. I don't see much success or fun for that matter trying to solo such a beast, be like taking a Rorqual out alone and expecting to return alive.

You know that such showed-down-your-troath multiplayer would be a huge No-No to many players, right?