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Has suicide ganking become a problem? Empty freighters being ganked.

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State Protectorate
Caldari State
#321 - 2014-06-18 04:30:37 UTC
Noragli wrote:

I personally don't care if changes are made to fix this or not...

...he blatantly lied, right before diving into all of the ways the game should be completely changed to 'fix" this.

Be less full of ****.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

#322 - 2014-06-18 04:36:19 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Hasikan Miallok wrote:
Bohneik Itohn wrote:
So there are 16 pages to this thread... I'm not reading all of that crap...

Has anyone... Just possibly... Mentioned that it may be safer to go a few jumps through a quiet stretch of low sec than it would be to keep trying to fly freighters through systems like Aufray and Niarja?

How about dem high sec to high sec WH's that can carry freighters? I've scanned a few of those down without even looking for them, they shouldn't be hard to find with a covops frigate and a few minutes. You get to skip the scary bits of space AND cut an hour off of your travel time if you're lucky. It's all win.

I also don't understand the logic behind using a freighter over a transport or blockade runner. It make take several more trips to haul the same volume but you can make those several trips in the same amount of time with a significantly lower chance of losing your ship overall, and you lose significantly less if you do get ganked.... If you're gonna carebear, get it right and minimize the risk as much as possible. If you're going to take risks and fly a giant space whale that attracts everyone's attention, man up and don't cry on the forums when your bluff gets called.

It kind of makes me wish I was the kind of person who could find transporting in Eve entertaining, because I have a feeling I could get filthy rich doing it....

10,000 M3 in a DST versus 900,000 M3 in a freighter.

"several more trips to haul the same volume " ???????
Dude, 90 round trips trips is totally fair. If you aren't willing you totally don't deserve to have that cargo moved without exploding.

A blockade runner already does move 400m isk worth of ore if you have a basket of the minerals and build railguns out of it, and after the next major patch you'll be able to dump straight from skiff to compressor at your pos, and only fly compressed from pos to market, which means for the individual pilot the only likely loss is docking ring blap (for which there are solutions for both directions).

ie post-patch blockade runners are relevent to a small time miner, and allow the small time miner to setup far away from hubs in dead ends and the like just fine, or even in lowsec just fine. Only need your pos turned on when mining to protect the compressor.

I do however have absolute faith in my carebear compatriots, in that one of them is dumb enough to move 900,000m3 of compressed ore in a single freighter trip and get ganked doing so afk unescorted.

I'm kinda dubious about bulk loads that aren't minerals today, other than say ihubs or whatever that can't travel by any other method, and since those are corp and alliance relevant items, there isn't any pressing reason why such can't be escorted by whichever corp/alliance intends to install it.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#323 - 2014-06-18 04:36:33 UTC
Noragli wrote:

Negging your security for ganking was supposed to be a deterrant but for most gankers it makes no difference at all. They continue to operate in high security space with -10 security status. It's not a detterant.

Uh, yes it is. You may not be aware of this, but words mean things. They're called "definitions". Deterrent, in this case, means something that discourages or provides cause for restraint.

It does not mean, "Something that universally prevents something 100% of the time." For instance, since I generally like to pass through all sectors of space in a wide variety of ships, security status effectively deters me from going blinky red. Now, I could work around the consequence (or just buy my way out of the hole), but I find it easy enough to satisfy my pewpew urges without needing to. Thus, in my case, the deterrent works.

In the case of these fine gentlemen doing their part to stimulate the freighter production sector of the economy, they're simply willing to push past the deterrent, rendering it ineffective in their case. This is, frankly, fine.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#324 - 2014-06-18 04:41:01 UTC
Hasikan Miallok wrote:
Bohneik Itohn wrote:
So there are 16 pages to this thread... I'm not reading all of that crap...

Has anyone... Just possibly... Mentioned that it may be safer to go a few jumps through a quiet stretch of low sec than it would be to keep trying to fly freighters through systems like Aufray and Niarja?

How about dem high sec to high sec WH's that can carry freighters? I've scanned a few of those down without even looking for them, they shouldn't be hard to find with a covops frigate and a few minutes. You get to skip the scary bits of space AND cut an hour off of your travel time if you're lucky. It's all win.

I also don't understand the logic behind using a freighter over a transport or blockade runner. It make take several more trips to haul the same volume but you can make those several trips in the same amount of time with a significantly lower chance of losing your ship overall, and you lose significantly less if you do get ganked.... If you're gonna carebear, get it right and minimize the risk as much as possible. If you're going to take risks and fly a giant space whale that attracts everyone's attention, man up and don't cry on the forums when your bluff gets called.

It kind of makes me wish I was the kind of person who could find transporting in Eve entertaining, because I have a feeling I could get filthy rich doing it....

10,000 M3 in a DST versus 900,000 M3 in a freighter.

"several more trips to haul the same volume " ???????

So why are you not using its fleet bay?
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#325 - 2014-06-18 04:49:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyberius Franklin
Tauranon wrote:
A blockade runner already does move 400m isk worth of ore if you have a basket of the minerals and build railguns out of it, and after the next major patch you'll be able to dump straight from skiff to compressor at your pos, and only fly compressed from pos to market, which means for the individual pilot the only likely loss is docking ring blap (for which there are solutions for both directions).

ie post-patch blockade runners are relevent to a small time miner, and allow the small time miner to setup far away from hubs in dead ends and the like just fine, or even in lowsec just fine. Only need your pos turned on when mining to protect the compressor.

I do however have absolute faith in my carebear compatriots, in that one of them is dumb enough to move 900,000m3 of compressed ore in a single freighter trip and get ganked doing so afk unescorted.

I'm kinda dubious about bulk loads that aren't minerals today, other than say ihubs or whatever that can't travel by any other method, and since those are corp and alliance relevant items, there isn't any pressing reason why such can't be escorted by whichever corp/alliance intends to install it.
As you point out small timers can take advantage of compression now, but even assuming we don't go with an expanded freighter were still tanking 400m^3 volume and 40 trips to move a load that would have filled the freighter. Even a small timer can take advantage of that. On the occasions I do mine I can see 10k m^3 being restrictive unless the new compression offers something like a 3:1 ratio, which from what I understand it doesn't, correctme if I'm wrong, else even an expanded T1 hauler starts to look more attractive for everyday mineral loads.

That also assumes I put up a POS.

Edit: Derp, I'm thinking Blockade Runner anyways and forgot the fleet hangar.
Lady Areola Fappington
#326 - 2014-06-18 05:08:35 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

And like I said, if you want to pretend like things from real life apply here, then I'm pretty sure the gankers have a few choice suggestions too.

I've got one!!

Eliminate bumping as a mechanic. Realistic damage for ramming!

I mean, have you ever seen what a .50 bullet does when it hits a human body? That's about the same scale difference between a newbie ship and a freighter.

Yes, please, make that happen!

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

Phoenix Jones
Small-Arms Fire
#327 - 2014-06-18 05:12:41 UTC
It's that the gankers can dock in station and have a virtual endless supply of ships.

There is zero fear for the gankers. They want to lose the ship.

Its a bizarre system and pretty one sided. It's been like that for years though.


Xaldafax Caerleon
Veritas Theory
#328 - 2014-06-18 05:30:03 UTC
Hasikan Miallok wrote:
Bohneik Itohn wrote:
So there are 16 pages to this thread... I'm not reading all of that crap...

Has anyone... Just possibly... Mentioned that it may be safer to go a few jumps through a quiet stretch of low sec than it would be to keep trying to fly freighters through systems like Aufray and Niarja?

How about dem high sec to high sec WH's that can carry freighters? I've scanned a few of those down without even looking for them, they shouldn't be hard to find with a covops frigate and a few minutes. You get to skip the scary bits of space AND cut an hour off of your travel time if you're lucky. It's all win.

I also don't understand the logic behind using a freighter over a transport or blockade runner. It make take several more trips to haul the same volume but you can make those several trips in the same amount of time with a significantly lower chance of losing your ship overall, and you lose significantly less if you do get ganked.... If you're gonna carebear, get it right and minimize the risk as much as possible. If you're going to take risks and fly a giant space whale that attracts everyone's attention, man up and don't cry on the forums when your bluff gets called.

It kind of makes me wish I was the kind of person who could find transporting in Eve entertaining, because I have a feeling I could get filthy rich doing it....

10,000 M3 in a DST versus 900,000 M3 in a freighter.

"several more trips to haul the same volume " ???????

I actually have another thread going on about this -

I completely agree that there needs to be more scaling on the M3 side before you get into the biggest ships. It isn't like you have to do 1 extra run.. sometimes you have to do many.
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#329 - 2014-06-18 05:31:46 UTC
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

And like I said, if you want to pretend like things from real life apply here, then I'm pretty sure the gankers have a few choice suggestions too.

I've got one!!

Eliminate bumping as a mechanic. Realistic damage for ramming!

I mean, have you ever seen what a .50 bullet does when it hits a human body? That's about the same scale difference between a newbie ship and a freighter.

Yes, please, make that happen!

While I lol'd, there is a significant difference between the squishy factor (real science term... actually, no it's not :p) of a freighter compared to the human body. On the other hand, with enough free rookie ships fitted with 1MN MWDs pelting the thing, I'm sure the results would be tremendous.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Lady Areola Fappington
#330 - 2014-06-18 05:36:12 UTC
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:

I've got one!!

Eliminate bumping as a mechanic. Realistic damage for ramming!

I mean, have you ever seen what a .50 bullet does when it hits a human body? That's about the same scale difference between a newbie ship and a freighter.

Yes, please, make that happen!

While I lol'd, there is a significant difference between the squishy factor (real science term... actually, no it's not :p) of a freighter compared to the human body. On the other hand, with enough free rookie ships fitted with 1MN MWDs pelting the thing, I'm sure the results would be tremendous.

Hey, if we dig down into it, the freighter hit might be more catastrophic. He human body, being all soft and squishy, can deform and absorb some energy from an impact. I'm pretty sure a freighter is a solid (goo freighters?), so all that impact energy would have to go somewhere....

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

Xaldafax Caerleon
Veritas Theory
#331 - 2014-06-18 05:38:43 UTC
baltec1 wrote:

Haulers do not need any more abilities increased. They have a huge amount of tools and tactics to combat gankers and many of them are very very easy to do. Ganking should not be nerfed even more to protect people from their own greed, lazyness and stupidity.

You segmented my comment specifically to the haulers group which is not what I am talking about. Haulers have many abilities and so do the gankers. So that is not the problem here that I was talking about.

If you look in the thread of my specific comments I am not asking for any nerfs. I am saying that people should have more abilities around the cause and effects of your decisions. People that do criminal actions regularly should be see as that no matter where they are... not have the ability to see in safety until they decide to blow themselves up. Just like people that decide to fly billions around without protection shouldn't get home safe.

The problem is that the mechanics around hostile actions need to be revamped more. Like I said a person we all knew was a FBI most wanted would never survive sitting in a star bucks. He would be taken out long before he could kill someone. He already decided how he wanted to act in society and that decision has a price. In comparison... Just like the rich person that pulls a million dollars out of the bank and has it sitting in a bag open for the world to see in a convertible goes into star bucks to get a latte. He comes back and his bag and the million is gone. Cause and effect.

We need to adjust the model more than the specifics...
Lady Areola Fappington
#332 - 2014-06-18 05:52:08 UTC
Xaldafax Caerleon wrote:

You segmented my comment specifically to the haulers group which is not what I am talking about. Haulers have many abilities and so do the gankers. So that is not the problem here that I was talking about.

If you look in the thread of my specific comments I am not asking for any nerfs. I am saying that people should have more abilities around the cause and effects of your decisions. People that do criminal actions regularly should be see as that no matter where they are... not have the ability to see in safety until they decide to blow themselves up. Just like people that decide to fly billions around without protection shouldn't get home safe.

The problem is that the mechanics around hostile actions need to be revamped more. Like I said a person we all knew was a FBI most wanted would never survive sitting in a star bucks. He would be taken out long before he could kill someone. He already decided how he wanted to act in society and that decision has a price. In comparison... Just like the rich person that pulls a million dollars out of the bank and has it sitting in a bag open for the world to see in a convertible goes into star bucks to get a latte. He comes back and his bag and the million is gone. Cause and effect.

We need to adjust the model more than the specifics...

Just to prove a slight point here:

Without Googling or looking, please tell me the name and biographical information of any of the FBI's ten most wanted. Provide enough detail that I could accurately point them out.

My point being, the EVE "criminal" system is a hell of a lot more overpowered than RL. People quite regularly get away with going fugitive in the real world. They aren't hiding under a bridge, or hunkered down in a compound out in the woods....they live "normal" lives next to you and me.

If we were to advocate a "realistic" law enforcement system, all I'd have to do is commit a crime, escape concord, then move a few systems away where nobody knew my face. Worst comes to worst, I'd edit my API and name (generate a fake identity), and go about my business as usual.

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

Antihrist Pripravnik
Scorpion Road Industry
#333 - 2014-06-18 05:54:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Antihrist Pripravnik
Here are my thoughts on the subject copied from another thread.

Note for ISD:
It originally belonged to a thread about CCP layoffs and was part of the ongoing discussion there about player retention. Since the post itself without accompanying discussion belongs to this thread, I will copy the post here so that the discussion can move on this subject specifically and to avoid linking the original post in the original thread because the original thread would be derailed if the discussion on this subject alone continued there.

EVE has a history as an open PvP universe throughout 11 years of its existence and makes headlines because of the huge battles. Trillions of ISK make the headlines in player run scams and battle losses. If someone who never played EVE before came into the game with that reputation, what's the first thing they are going to do? Well, it's pretty obvious - try to accumulate enough wealth and skills in order to even think about competing in the game. And with a game that has characters from 2003 and 2004. active, even those who are interested to stay are basically thinking that a year in the game is absolute minimum for becoming competitive. I'm not saying that,... in fact I have been guiding newbies to see exactly the opposite of that, but the fact is that this mentality of new players is predominant and the best part is - it's natural given the global industry standards.

So we really need to look at "leveling up the Raven" not as a comfort zone, but completely the opposite - it's a heavy discomfort zone. It's the zone where a new player is absolutely convinced that he needs more time, skills and ISK in order to compete with other players. Stomping on those players while they are in that state certainly doesn't help. And forcing them to move away from that state by game mechanics or other player actions can and does only yield leaving the game altogether.

Hell, after 8 years and all that I have experienced in the game, I still have less than 10 bil in the wallet and sometimes feel that I'd need more financial security in order to PvP actively (although my experience always kicks in and tells me that I don't). Imagine having that thought as a new player without 130 mil SPs on their character and without prior experience of PvP as the primary focus of the game. And then force the interaction on them with a clear message "you are already competing even though you don't like it and don't think you are ready".

Add to that a dozen of cheap Catalysts ganking his ISK making machine (or his stuff in industrial ships) that was beasically a tool that kept him in the game and you just sent exactly what message to that player? That "no matter how much effort he puts in, there will be always older and more experienced players that will stomp on you whenever they feel like it for no apparent reason". Please note that these are not my words or words of bad forum posters.

Don't get me wrong, suicide ganking is an element of this game like any other and the game is richer because it exists. On the other hand it is damaging for the community if it gets out of control and it's pretty clear that it will be getting out of control very soon if the trends continue. And this time I'm not doing CCP's job of detecting the scope of the problem like I did a couple of years ago for bots. Players underestimated the scope of the problem back then and would usually send an obligatory HTFU if you even tried to touch a subject of bots, especially of those in nullsec. It's the same now with suicide ganking, but I now simply don't have time or will to gather all the information about the scope of suicide ganking in order to present it to CCP. That's a job for a game designer... or even better CSM.

And the simple solution is already there - tax the ganks dynamically depending on frequency of ganks in certain areas like they are going to do with industry. Connect he tax with the percentage of the value of the target even if it means that your wallet will go into negative. That would still make juicy targets attractive, it would still keep suicide ganking as a viable profession but it would also involve at least some form of planning and dedication if you want to focus your core gameplay around it and would finally introduce risk of failure if you don't do it right and without planning. But it would still generously reward those that plan and know what they are doing. And targeted assassinations would still cause more damage to target than to the attackers, so you even won the ISK game there.

Finally, suicide gank alts do not bring money to this game as they can be trained in about 2 weeks (Tornado with large guns... for catalysts it's much shorter) on the existing accounts and don't require further maintenance whatsoever. I actually have one ready on this account, but haven't had time to use it due to RL. On the other hand, ganked players do quit after just 2 or 3 loses and they do take their money with them. CCP should keep that in mind along with everything else I've said in this post if they really want to keep subscribers in the game long enough for those players to progress into player interaction naturally or with positive focused help of other players.

Me? I don't care about suicide ganking as an element of my game. When I have enough time to play actively, I will re-join one great group of players in W-Space that I had a privilege to meet. Or get back to nullsec if the doors to W-Space get closed to me. I'll continue to move my valuable stuff with collateralized freight services and farm ISK in W-Space, nullsec or Factional warfare. As an old player with a long and diverse experience I have these options - those 80% mentioned simply don't.
Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#334 - 2014-06-18 06:01:24 UTC
Not really a big fan of the EVE vs RL comparisons when it comes to criminal activity, as they are bad comparisons. In RL people can commit crimes without suffering any consequences, and do so every day in droves. Many of them will commit the same crime over and over again for decades without losing any 'security status' and in some cases are regarded to be fine upstanding citizens by those who are unaware of their activities. We operate under a series of social contracts and a framework of 'laws' that are imperfect, not any set of absolute mechanics aside from physics and the like.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#335 - 2014-06-18 06:29:21 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Xaldafax Caerleon wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

Haulers do not need any more abilities increased. They have a huge amount of tools and tactics to combat gankers and many of them are very very easy to do. Ganking should not be nerfed even more to protect people from their own greed, lazyness and stupidity.

You segmented my comment specifically to the haulers group which is not what I am talking about. Haulers have many abilities and so do the gankers. So that is not the problem here that I was talking about.

If you look in the thread of my specific comments I am not asking for any nerfs. I am saying that people should have more abilities around the cause and effects of your decisions. People that do criminal actions regularly should be see as that no matter where they are... not have the ability to see in safety until they decide to blow themselves up. Just like people that decide to fly billions around without protection shouldn't get home safe.

The problem is that the mechanics around hostile actions need to be revamped more. Like I said a person we all knew was a FBI most wanted would never survive sitting in a star bucks. He would be taken out long before he could kill someone. He already decided how he wanted to act in society and that decision has a price. In comparison... Just like the rich person that pulls a million dollars out of the bank and has it sitting in a bag open for the world to see in a convertible goes into star bucks to get a latte. He comes back and his bag and the million is gone. Cause and effect.

We need to adjust the model more than the specifics...

In real life we would be pirates and the FBI would have nothing to do with us, we would have the Royal Navy hunting us down. You have all the tools you need to combat gankers, use them.
Prince Kobol
#336 - 2014-06-18 06:37:05 UTC
Commandante Caldari wrote:

If your flying solo its possible that they may be bumping you towards a warpable object, In that case just warp to it and your free. Fit a DCU and 2 bulkheads, it gives you somewhere in the range of 600k ehp on a freighter.

Fist off I can tell you have never been bumped in a freighter or even own a freighter. Trust me once you start being bumped your chances of being able to warp off are virtually zero. The guys doing the bumping know what they are doing.

Also you can not fit a DCU, small thing call CPU. Also you can not get 600k EHP on a freighter, you can get about 360k but you are massively nerfing your cargo capacity.

Commandante Caldari wrote:
Your hauling stuff in a freighter, you shouldn't be alone anyway. 3x webs or a bump in the right direction will get you into warp very quickly. Its not unreasonable that capital ships (and freighters are capital ships) should not be flown solo and unguarded.

This goes back to my point of to having to use a "legal loophole" Also most people do not class freighters as capital ships. Also who say that you should not haul goods in a freighter alone? Are you saying that every time you want to haul goods regardless of their value you need 2 -3 guys to fly with you and have to use a "Legal loophole"?

Commandante Caldari wrote:
Check your route though highsec, if a system has alot of kills in it, even in highsec, avoid it. I know it might be 20 extra jumps to go around but hey it will still take less time then letting your freighter afk autopilot the trip.

I have no problem with this at all.

Commandante Caldari wrote:
Jump freighters you have no excuses at all, you can jump to the nearest lowsec system to your destination, land on the gate and jump into highsec. after that just avoid the systems with high kill rates.

That still wont stop your JF being ganked in HS will it? Also it is easy to say just use this low sec system etc but that might mean you have to make an extra 2 or 3 jumps which means needing more cyno's, low populated station systems or safe pos's. Until you have owned and used a JF you can not say, you should never be killed in one. If it was that simple no JF's would ever die.

Commandante Caldari wrote:
Honestly is any of this so hard that people refuse to do it. Freighter pilots want to be killed if they are not doing these things.

Stop complaining that its unfair, or that bumping shouldn't be allowed. It is allowed, CCP said it was, time to adapt.

And before anyone says anything about me being just another ganker, check my killboard. I don't gank people. But I do find gankers to be very useful in punishing the stupid.

I am not saying ganking is unfair, never have never will. Neither am I saying that bumping needs to be banned, in fact I would be totally against this.

However all I am saying is that the mechanics of bumping could be looked at or at the very least discussed to see if anything could be done.

Until you are in a Freighter and you are bumped do not tell me you can just warp away. The simple fact is once you are bumped you are at the complete mercy of those who are bumping you. For me any mechanic that relies on a person using a "legal loophole" to stand a chance of escapi it can not be right.

#337 - 2014-06-18 06:45:13 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Commandante Caldari wrote:

If your flying solo its possible that they may be bumping you towards a warpable object, In that case just warp to it and your free. Fit a DCU and 2 bulkheads, it gives you somewhere in the range of 600k ehp on a freighter.

Fist off I can tell you have never been bumped in a freighter or even own a freighter. Trust me once you start being bumped your chances of being able to warp off are virtually zero. The guys doing the bumping know what they are doing.

If you have 2 escorts and they have 2 bumpers, you can warp, unless your escorts are useless.

This whole line of debate is just another variation of "I deserve to win 1v12 whilst afk".
Prince Kobol
#338 - 2014-06-18 06:49:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Prince Kobol
Tauranon wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:
Commandante Caldari wrote:

If your flying solo its possible that they may be bumping you towards a warpable object, In that case just warp to it and your free. Fit a DCU and 2 bulkheads, it gives you somewhere in the range of 600k ehp on a freighter.

Fist off I can tell you have never been bumped in a freighter or even own a freighter. Trust me once you start being bumped your chances of being able to warp off are virtually zero. The guys doing the bumping know what they are doing.

If you have 2 escorts and they have 2 bumpers, you can warp, unless your escorts are useless.

This whole line of debate is just another variation of "I deserve to win 1v12 whilst afk".

At what point have I even mentioned being afk?

You can easily bump a freighter who is not afk. What you are saying is that every trip you make in your freighter you have to have a couple of guys with you all the way using a legal loophole.

My align time in a providence is 42 seconds. Sure I can fit 3 nano's and totally gimp the EHP but its till going to take 27 secs. That is plenty of time to get bumped. Being afk has nothing to do with it.

Needing people to use a legal loophole to avoid a tactic is a bad game design.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#339 - 2014-06-18 06:54:10 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Tauranon wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:
Commandante Caldari wrote:

If your flying solo its possible that they may be bumping you towards a warpable object, In that case just warp to it and your free. Fit a DCU and 2 bulkheads, it gives you somewhere in the range of 600k ehp on a freighter.

Fist off I can tell you have never been bumped in a freighter or even own a freighter. Trust me once you start being bumped your chances of being able to warp off are virtually zero. The guys doing the bumping know what they are doing.

If you have 2 escorts and they have 2 bumpers, you can warp, unless your escorts are useless.

This whole line of debate is just another variation of "I deserve to win 1v12 whilst afk".

At what point have I even mentioned being afk?

You can easily bump a freighter who is not afk. What you are saying is that every trip you make in your freighter you have to have a couple of guys with you all the way using a legal loophole.

Why do you think you should be able to beat 20-30 pilots when solo. Is it really to much to ask for you to have 2 guys escorting you?
Herr Wilkus
Aggressive Salvage Services LLC
#340 - 2014-06-18 06:59:05 UTC
Ima Wreckyou wrote:
I think is far worse that this thread gets constantly ganked.

I find it amusing that the carebears' posts were SO BAD that ISD Bormann had to show up and 'evacuate' them. What, 20 pages worth at least? That's a staggering number of bad posts. A memorial should be established so we never forget.