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Dev blog: EVE Industry - All you want to know

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Kusum Fawn
Caldari State
#61 - 2014-07-17 23:04:23 UTC
Denidil wrote:
Invention only requires one run from a blueprint copy, and deducts it exactly as if you'd built from the blueprint

so this means if i have a 300 run BPC that i do 1 invention job and it is successfuly i'll get back a 299 T1 BPC, and 1 T2 10x run BPC [assuming it is something like an Armor Hardener that comes with 10 runs)?

Denidil wrote:

Does that mean I can queue the invention job to automatically repeat until the T1 BPC is exhausted? (PLEASE SAY YES!)

No (so far)

later.. who knows?

Its not possible to please all the people all the time, but it sure as hell is possible to Displease all the people, most of the time.

CCP Greyscale
C C P Alliance
#62 - 2014-07-17 23:11:30 UTC
Throwaway Sam Atild wrote:
I have some vague recollection of a statement being made in one of the blogs that if a bpo is functionally perfect now, it will continue to be functionally perfect in the next release.

Quick example would be a simple component bpo Linear Shield Emitter currently researched to ME 4 which is functionally perfect.

Is this going to see a conversion to ME -10% or ME -7%?

ME4 goes to ME -7%, and if ME4 is functionally perfect, ME-7% is also functionally perfect, at least as far as single-run jobs go.

Denidil wrote:
Invention only requires one run from a blueprint copy, and deducts it exactly as if you'd built from the blueprint

so this means if i have a 300 run BPC that i do 1 invention job and it is successfuly i'll get back a 299 T1 BPC, and 1 T2 10x run BPC [assuming it is something like an Armor Hardener that comes with 10 runs)?

Does that mean I can queue the invention job to automatically repeat until the T1 BPC is exhausted? (PLEASE SAY YES!)

- Yes
- No, not yet
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#63 - 2014-07-17 23:14:10 UTC
To think I had just pitched a T3 Gallente a few days ago. Just because something is rare now does not mean it will be in a few months.

Leader of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal.

Creator of Burn Jita

Vile Rat: You're the greatest sociopath that has ever played eve.

Alavaria Fera
#64 - 2014-07-17 23:32:57 UTC
Querns wrote:
I've probably mentioned this before, but here it goes again as a post-Crius Hail Mary.

Right now, there are compressed varieties of all three types of an ore (e.g.: Veldspar, Concentrated Veldspar, and Dense Veldspar.) Instead of having three different types of compressed ore, could all three types of these ore simply compress down to "Compressed Veldspar"?

You can do this by making the amount of, e.g., Dense Veldspar needed to make a Compressed Veldspar be less than the normal Veldspar -> Compressed Veldspar recipe.

Doing this would simplify the acquisition of ore on the market significantly.

This might also be nice for the racial ices as well.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Proddy Scun
#65 - 2014-07-17 23:54:39 UTC
"Wastage as a concept is gone"

CCP marketing sure is pushing this "look at the same thing in a POSITIVE way" description of the same old situation. The only things that changed are capping improvements at 10 research steps. Making level numbering negative instead of positive and calling it efficiency improvement rather than wastage reduction -- does not change the reality of industry.

All CCP needed to say is "its our game and this makes the coding more straight forward to follow and more compatible with other code consolidation and modification we foresee in the future."

Sort of insulting to present this as some big advantage to players when its not (except a few players who get easily lost when math takes any turn at all from straight ahead .)

Or is that the objective? to make EVE simple enough for those unable to pass 4th year math? Lots of 5-10 olds to swell EVE ranks. But really don't want to see anyone whose mental age is that low. Spinoff another stripped down game called EVE Lite if CCP needs that audience.
probag Bear
Xiong Offices
#66 - 2014-07-18 00:07:06 UTC  |  Edited by: probag Bear
I gather from the blog that material requirements for T2 items are still being increased by 1.5*1/0.9? I thought that number was changed?

The problem:
T2 items have been increased by 50% to balance this out as it means we’re no longer adding +50% materials due to negative ME

This justification from the dev blog is false if T2 material requirements are in fact increased by 1.5*1/0.9, rather than just 1.5.

To summarize:

A 1.5x T2 multiplier on top of the 1/0.9x modifier to all blueprints means that decryptor-less invention will take up 9% more raw materials. More significantly, it means that Symmetry, the most popular decryptor by far, results in a 15% increase in raw materials.

A 1.375x additional T2 multiplier (which is almost 1.5*(1/0.9); makes perfect sense since that's where the problem lies) means that decryptor-less invention will take up the same amount of raw materials as now, and invention using the most popular decryptor only needs 6% more raw materials. 6% is quite a bit lower than 15%.

And to copy-paste:
While 1.5 is an awfully nice and round number, I feel it is too large in this context.

I can understand dismissing the fact, which others have mentioned, that this raises material requirements of decryptor-less invention by ~9%, and that a better multiplier for that would be 37.5%. 9% is a small price to pay for such a round number. But on top of that, most T2 items are optimally invented with decryptors. And looking only at the measly +1 ME bonus of Symmetry, easily the most popular decryptor, you end up with ~15% extra material requirements post-Crius. ~23% for Accelerant and Parity, and obviously even worse for Process.

Yes a 1.5 multiplier means that you get almost no change at -6 ME (Augmentation; currently the lowest). But I don't think that justifies raising prices of all other T2 items across the board.

With a 1.5x factor, material requirements modifiers are {0.98,1.03,1.09,1.15,1.23,1.32} (spanning the invention ME range, with Augmentation 0.98, decryptor-less at 1.09, and such). A 1.375x factor turns that to {0.9,0.95,1.00,1.06,1.13,1.21}. Which is still "bad", sure, just a different flavor of it.

Finally, build costs have (as noted earlier) been multiplied by 1/0.9 for T1, and 1.5 for T2

As usual, I need to read before I post.
Throwaway Sam Atild
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#67 - 2014-07-18 00:10:11 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Throwaway Sam Atild wrote:
I have some vague recollection of a statement being made in one of the blogs that if a bpo is functionally perfect now, it will continue to be functionally perfect in the next release.

Quick example would be a simple component bpo Linear Shield Emitter currently researched to ME 4 which is functionally perfect.

Is this going to see a conversion to ME -10% or ME -7%?

Ahh, so the rounding being done at job level means that this becomes a non-functionally perfect blueprint? So either I have to build my components one at a time, or tack on some more research :O)
Doug Dannger
Virtual Eclipse Industrial Technology
#68 - 2014-07-18 00:29:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Doug Dannger
This Dev Blog should be renamed Eve Online: A Eulogy

You're taking a decade of, while not perfect, functioning mechanics and throwing them away just to change it.

There has been a decade of iteration on the current system. There are countless players who've made websites that take an intimidating structure and break it down into easy to swallow chunks. There are calculators for every aspect of manufacturing, and blogs to explain their mechanics. People were proud to call the game spreadsheets online, and it was a point of pride to show friends what you've made, or a nice surprise when friends gave you yet another tool to help you along. Players also gained a sense of accomplishment knowing that after some study, work, and often some mistakes, that you had conquered the beast that was industry in Eve Online.

Does anyone really think that the average industrialist, new or old, will be better off losing all of these out of game features, that will probably never be updated again to the scale we have now in favor of this new system? Do players really thing they can depend on CCP to create these tools? The only thing that needed to be changed was the UI.

Do we have another decade to spend on players to create sites and guides to muddle their way through CCP's perplexing scaling mechanics? Will anyone take the time to update them? Does CCP even have a handle on their own new mechanics? A lot has changed since it was first proposed, most of it because the people who thought of it, did not think the entire thing out. They showed their massive disconnect with their player base when they thought that people wouldn't take the time to online and offline dozens of modules in a POS just to save some isk. When they were confronted with the realization of how far people will go in this game, they decided to scrap the entire idea all together and pass it off on some lame excuse that it was difficult. They changed batch costs, because they couldn't even articulate with any degree of success on how it worked.

Then for me it was the blueprint ME/PE shaft. I've spent months researching blueprints to obscene levels to gain a very small advantage. Just like people spend a month to train skills that give guns 2% better damage, or reduce the sig radius on their interceptor another little bit. This game is based on diminishing returns, and celebrated those who were devoted enough to spend that much extra time to gain a little advantage. The prints weren't that much better, but when it came time to sell your copies in Jita, mine were the ones that sold because I had taken that extra time to make mine stand out among the crowd. Now, someone who's researched their Drake print for a month, ends up with the same print you've spent 6 months or more to research.

That's only the mechanics, the entire roll out of this patch has been insulting. One team wants to raise the barrier to entry, the other seems fundamentally against it. There is no cohesion it seems at the highest levels. The explanations on changes were confusing at best, spread out, and all discussion was lost in a sea of noise on threads where very little was accomplished. To think that the original plan was to put these changes in over a month ago just shows how little serious thought has gone into this change. Then to try and sneak in a ridiculous skill change that anyone with any kind of grasp on their player base would never have attempted just again shows the amount of thought that these changes have received. And then to tell their players, who have long since grown tired of the meme, that it would be looked into “soon”

This attempt to create Hello Kitty Noob Twitch Space Adventure Super Fun Time Online is not only going to alienate a lot of older players, but raise the barrier of entry to newer players as they will suddenly find themselves devoid of the knowledge that was meticulously crafted by devoted players over the last decade. They are also going to be forced to disperse themselves around the galaxy just to get a decent manufacturing price, and then forced to move on once again when the price gets high. A new player will gravitate to a hub to build if simply for the fact they can’t afford a freighter. I hate to draw real life analogy, but Ford isn’t forced to move their plant every month to remain competitive, they’re forced to ship their product to where it can be sold, as industry should be.

I can understand attempting to justify one's job with the ever present threat of constant layoffs over your head, but I fear that your attempt to seem busy has doomed us all.

And no, you cannot have my stuff.
Dark One Inc.
#69 - 2014-07-18 00:38:23 UTC
so ... you SOBs at ccp decided to whack all of your loyal customers who have been investing years and multiple 'toons in building a portfolio of BPOs with decent ME.

What you've done is give every Johnny come lately who only did ME 10 the equivalent of our ME 100 blueprints, AND you have the F'ing gall to not even compensate us for the time and RL money we've invested -- you just snatched it away.

Further, you've made it near impossible for anyone to ever get the same ME level on any Blueprint with rank exceeding 500 or so [750 days training time to get to ME -10% now means that it's not worth doing. 12,000 days training for a jump freighter? no one is going to pay for that -- ever.]

What -- you been reading from the Putin playbook or something? Decided that power makes right? Or is it that your sales people whined that newbs can't catch up and that's "unfair"?? [that's what corps and alliances are for -- join some older guys and share the wealth.]

I've been in this game for 11 years, paying RL money all the time, and this is how you treat me and people like me.

I'm going to take a month off. During that month, I'll decide if you EVER get another nickle of my money. EVER.

Anyone interested in buying a few high skill point [over 100 million] 'toons is welcome to send me an evemail ingame.

Mistah Ewedynao
Ice Axe Psycho Killers
#70 - 2014-07-18 00:45:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Mistah Ewedynao
Firvain wrote:
Querns wrote:
I've probably mentioned this before, but here it goes again as a post-Crius Hail Mary.

Right now, there are compressed varieties of all three types of an ore (e.g.: Veldspar, Concentrated Veldspar, and Dense Veldspar.) Instead of having three different types of compressed ore, could all three types of these ore simply compress down to "Compressed Veldspar"?

You can do this by making the amount of, e.g., Dense Veldspar needed to make a Compressed Veldspar be less than the normal Veldspar -> Compressed Veldspar recipe.

Doing this would simplify the acquisition of ore on the market significantly.

Oh this please so much. Need to buy 6 million compressed velspar every week, now do i put up a buy order for 2 mil each and hope ratios fill them the same? This is just a pain in the ass heh.

Having only 1 type per ore would make things so much better as I put a single buy order up and I know people will have that one

Wait...I thought you goonies needed the high sec refining nerfed and your outposts upped so you could mine and refine all your own ore?

You poor under privileged null bears.

Bring on the swarm of CCP cheerleaders.

Paint it anyway you want, and keep screwin high sec. You'll see CCP, hopefully before it's too late.

Nerf Goons

Nuke em from's the only way to be sure.

Dark One Inc.
#71 - 2014-07-18 00:49:13 UTC
And besides, what was "lost" was time to research something to a theoretical benefit (under the old system) which now has been converted into something that has actual benefit (and the top end benefit at that). I imagine for most if not all players, that so called "lost" time was not mutually exclusive to any other action thus nothing of any value was actually lost. Yet


False. I bought two added accounts with RL euros for over two years to build my BPO portfolio. That's RL F'ing money and most of it is LOST.

Compensation? They aren't offering any at all.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#72 - 2014-07-18 00:51:21 UTC
What will happen to Research Outposts that have upgrades installed. Before they provided 50 research slots, what will they provide post patch?

I combed through the devblogs and could find thing that addressed it.
Barely Illegal
#73 - 2014-07-18 01:15:04 UTC
Well Kudo's to you folks at CCP Team Stupor Fiends...I mean really...for having the guts to spell this nightmare out some more.

It gets worse everytime I read about it. Months of research and skill training POOF! Sorry we can't reimburse this Evil

Standings, nah...we don't need to hamper all the noobs with standingsx to anchor a POS. Probably your smartest move, as you sure are gonna need A BUNCH of noobs to make up for all the cancelled subs over this nightmare.

CSM should be disbanded and replaced with a player survey by paying account if they endorsed this nightmare.

At least you saved me a plex for my extra indy guy, not gonna need him anytime soon.
Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#74 - 2014-07-18 02:09:24 UTC
Querns wrote:
I've probably mentioned this before, but here it goes again as a post-Crius Hail Mary.

Right now, there are compressed varieties of all three types of an ore (e.g.: Veldspar, Concentrated Veldspar, and Dense Veldspar.) Instead of having three different types of compressed ore, could all three types of these ore simply compress down to "Compressed Veldspar"?

You can do this by making the amount of, e.g., Dense Veldspar needed to make a Compressed Veldspar be less than the normal Veldspar -> Compressed Veldspar recipe.

Doing this would simplify the acquisition of ore on the market significantly.

oh god please do this
Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#75 - 2014-07-18 02:19:30 UTC
Mauvian wrote:
What will happen to Research Outposts that have upgrades installed. Before they provided 50 research slots, what will they provide post patch?

I combed through the devblogs and could find thing that addressed it.

.9 job cost multiplier.
Promiscuous Female
GBS Logistics and Fives Support
#76 - 2014-07-18 02:50:43 UTC
Doug Dannger wrote:
This Dev Blog should be renamed Eve Online: A Eulogy

You're taking a decade of, while not perfect, functioning mechanics and throwing them away just to change it.

There has been a decade of iteration on the current system. There are countless players who've made websites that take an intimidating structure and break it down into easy to swallow chunks. There are calculators for every aspect of manufacturing, and blogs to explain their mechanics. People were proud to call the game spreadsheets online, and it was a point of pride to show friends what you've made, or a nice surprise when friends gave you yet another tool to help you along. Players also gained a sense of accomplishment knowing that after some study, work, and often some mistakes, that you had conquered the beast that was industry in Eve Online.

Does anyone really think that the average industrialist, new or old, will be better off losing all of these out of game features, that will probably never be updated again to the scale we have now in favor of this new system? Do players really thing they can depend on CCP to create these tools? The only thing that needed to be changed was the UI.

Do we have another decade to spend on players to create sites and guides to muddle their way through CCP's perplexing scaling mechanics? Will anyone take the time to update them? Does CCP even have a handle on their own new mechanics? A lot has changed since it was first proposed, most of it because the people who thought of it, did not think the entire thing out. They showed their massive disconnect with their player base when they thought that people wouldn't take the time to online and offline dozens of modules in a POS just to save some isk. When they were confronted with the realization of how far people will go in this game, they decided to scrap the entire idea all together and pass it off on some lame excuse that it was difficult. They changed batch costs, because they couldn't even articulate with any degree of success on how it worked.

Then for me it was the blueprint ME/PE shaft. I've spent months researching blueprints to obscene levels to gain a very small advantage. Just like people spend a month to train skills that give guns 2% better damage, or reduce the sig radius on their interceptor another little bit. This game is based on diminishing returns, and celebrated those who were devoted enough to spend that much extra time to gain a little advantage. The prints weren't that much better, but when it came time to sell your copies in Jita, mine were the ones that sold because I had taken that extra time to make mine stand out among the crowd. Now, someone who's researched their Drake print for a month, ends up with the same print you've spent 6 months or more to research.

That's only the mechanics, the entire roll out of this patch has been insulting. One team wants to raise the barrier to entry, the other seems fundamentally against it. There is no cohesion it seems at the highest levels. The explanations on changes were confusing at best, spread out, and all discussion was lost in a sea of noise on threads where very little was accomplished. To think that the original plan was to put these changes in over a month ago just shows how little serious thought has gone into this change. Then to try and sneak in a ridiculous skill change that anyone with any kind of grasp on their player base would never have attempted just again shows the amount of thought that these changes have received. And then to tell their players, who have long since grown tired of the meme, that it would be looked into “soon”

This attempt to create Hello Kitty Noob Twitch Space Adventure Super Fun Time Online is not only going to alienate a lot of older players, but raise the barrier of entry to newer players as they will suddenly find themselves devoid of the knowledge that was meticulously crafted by devoted players over the last decade. They are also going to be forced to disperse themselves around the galaxy just to get a decent manufacturing price, and then forced to move on once again when the price gets high. A new player will gravitate to a hub to build if simply for the fact they can’t afford a freighter. I hate to draw real life analogy, but Ford isn’t forced to move their plant every month to remain competitive, they’re forced to ship their product to where it can be sold, as industry should be.

I can understand attempting to justify one's job with the ever present threat of constant layoffs over your head, but I fear that your attempt to seem busy has doomed us all.

And no, you cannot have my stuff.

this is an awful lot of words to say "WAHHHH THE STATUS QUO IS CHANGED"

you made awful decisions, congratulations
GreasyCarl Semah
A Game as Old as Empire
#77 - 2014-07-18 02:51:22 UTC  |  Edited by: GreasyCarl Semah
Dangeresque Too wrote:
Reading that blog got some gears turning in my head and I wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy here...

T2 ME (based on old material cost, as -4 cost 150% of the base materials, and to counter that they are adding that additional 50% mats to the base for the new system)
-4 = 150%.....2 = 139.5%
-3 = 140%.....3 = 138%
-2 = 130%.....4 = 138%
-1 = 120%.....5 = 136.5%
0 = 110%.......6 = 136.5%
1 = 105%.......7 = 136.5%
2 = ? (and thats where I am stopping as it gets to quickly diminishing returns)

And thats where the math starts to look horrible, maybe I'm wrong with this in my basic understanding of ME on the current system and how its being converted to the new T2 ME/material cost.

But from the above it pretty much says that if you have any T2 BPC's at or above -2 that you need to build them before the patch hits or its going to take up to (or more) 30% additional materials once the patch hits.

Can you confirm this or otherwise state hard values for material costs on old vs new? I mean if/when Sisi ever comes back up some of us can run these numbers by building things, but that will take a lot more time and effort than needed as I would hope CCP would already have run these numbers before making this decision?

I have no idea what Greyscale is talking about in his post either, as I think the math in the blog is pretty straight forward. It may need to be explained in a different manner by him.

I tried a hound blue print last week on the test server and my results agree with your math. I brought it up in the Dev blog comments and no one cared to respond. The net result was about an 8% increase in material cost which jives with your math in your chart, I was at 130% of perfect materials (30% waste) on the live server and on the test server I was at 138% (38%waste).

This is the materials excluding minerals required to build a hound BPC with at -2 ME (130%) under the current system compared to what it cost on the test server with the same print which would convert to a ME of 4 under the new system (138%):

Material OLD/NEW

Construction Blocks 26/28
Deflection Shield Emitter 13/14
Electro Capacitor Unit 52/55
Fernite Carbide Armor Plate 260/276
Ladar Sensor Cluster 52/56
Nanomechanical Processor 156/166
Nuclear Reactor Unit 5/6
Plasma Thruster 26/28

When I coupled this with the increase costs to install the job, my all in increase in cost in a high sec system was +17%. The implications of this are quite staggering and I am hoping that we are all just misunderstanding what CCP is saying here, otherwise I think they just sh*t the bed.
Malice Redeemer
#78 - 2014-07-18 03:02:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Malice Redeemer
Old ME New ME
1 -5%
2 -7%
3, 4 -8%
5, 6, 7, 8, 9 -9%
10 -10%

Old PE New TE
1 -10%
2 -14%
3, 4 -16%
5, 6, 7, 8, 9 -18%
10 -20%

This is your solution, for real? What a joke.

I just trained me 5, thanks for more wasted skill points, it can go with all the other skill you completely gutted.

You have for as long as I have played let people believe that time investments will pay off, but time and time again you have taken things from me that I have "saved" for.

I'm done playing your game of lets arbitrarily move around goalposts for no reason, industry is now dead to me, I will stop recommending eve, period.

Also, Is anyone else noticing this trend of people being upset with changes, and the only people saying that the changes are good are rude goons shitting on everyone else opinions without addressing the points made?
Dr Cedric
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#79 - 2014-07-18 03:33:36 UTC
Malice Redeemer wrote:
Old ME New ME
1 -5%
2 -7%
3, 4 -8%
5, 6, 7, 8, 9 -9%
10 -10%

Old PE New TE
1 -10%
2 -14%
3, 4 -16%
5, 6, 7, 8, 9 -18%
10 -20%

This is your solution, for real? What a joke.

I just trained me 5, thanks for more wasted skill points, it can go with all the other skill you completely gutted.

You have for as long as I have played let people believe that time investments will pay off, but time and time again you have taken things from me that I have "saved" for Malice Roll

I'm done playing your game of lets arbitrarily move around goalposts for no reason, industry is now dead to me, I will stop recommending eve, period.

Also, Is anyone else noticing this trend of people being upset with changes, and the only people saying that the changes are good are rude goons shitting on everyone else opinions without addressing the points made?

I am not a GOON

I officially think its good to change the status quo and update a 10 year old system. New players will figure it out and do it, old players will get over it (or quit, either way I'll still be playing) and Eve will continue.

/me looks for the cheese to go along with


May O'Neez
Flying Blacksmiths
#80 - 2014-07-18 07:16:48 UTC  |  Edited by: May O'Neez
For ME and TE research, there's a further wrinkle, which is that the higher level jobs both take longer (as above) and also cost commensurately more. There is a cost multiplier for each level of research, equal to the time it takes to research to that level divided by the time it takes to research to level 1.

If we take the example of T1 ammo, level 10 being 256k and level 1 105, we got a rough ratio of 2500. Does that mean that the pricing will be 2% * 2500 ?