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you want more people going to nullsec? then buff highsec!

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Harry Forever
#101 - 2013-09-05 20:47:04 UTC
Georgina Parmala wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
Georgina Parmala wrote:


you can't do **** with a frig,

Just because YOU can't do **** with a frig, does not make a ship useless.

Focusing on Frigate training also gets you into sexy Assault Frigates in short order.
Harry Forever wrote:
and you don't understand the Jita example either, people in highsec like risk, thats why they PvP infront of jita so much... in VFK they just dock and cry when I start shooting their cynos

They PvP in front of Jita because they can dock when they are losing.
They PvP in front of Jita because their booster alt is not probable and does not have to jump gates exposing it to any risks at all
They PvP in front of Jita because their neutral remote reps on standby are invisible and protected by concord until they commit.

Station games are just an exercise in finding someone stupid enough to let you kill them. Just like every other aspect of PvP in EvE. The hardest part is letting them shoot back and giving them the illusion of winning all along.

If anything, station games are the big evil making people afraid of fighting and losing. It's the first pvp they are witness to / a part of. And it's a blinged out offgrid boosted neutral rep circlejerk with no room for people with no skill points or experience.

People don't pvp in high sec because they like risks, they do it because they can easily avoid the risks they don't want to take. People who like risks don't stay in high sec. Which is why I moved into a low class wormhole with a low sec static after only playing for a couple of months.

no, its not the risk, its becaues its easier and not so timeconsuming, all they do out there in nullsec is wait to get pvp, wherelse infront of jita you can do it right away with duels... the risk is the same, you loose a ship, but the time to get there is much shorter, it never was the risk, thats just what the nullsec people want to tell everybody so they feel cool and better

the average gamer does not have time to wait 5 hours to kill a frig in nullsec... they have it because its all pensioneers out there in null
Harry Forever
#102 - 2013-09-05 20:52:02 UTC
Georgina Parmala wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:

one PvP kill kosts way more time vs. killing 100 PvE ships, thats not what a gamer wants when doing PvP

And that one hard earned kill gives infinitely more satisfaction than a million "PvE kills" to a gamer LIKE ME. Because they outsmarted and defeated another person, not destroyed a pixel programmed to suicide into you and put cash in your wallet. The hunt is often better than the catch.

It's like saying you would rather work at a fast food restaurant because you get to "make a hundred things a day" where if you were an architect instead it would take you months to design just one building.

no its not, the time it takes makes the PvP kill worthless, I did many of those... its not satisfying, all are just waiting for them, and you can not do enough of them, even the best just have few kills each day, the average can be happy if you get one, if you loose a ship you have to refit spend much more time, its not satisfying
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#103 - 2013-09-05 20:52:29 UTC
Infinity Ziona wrote:
I think its more of a logistical thing rather than isk. I want to take a mega to deep null, no way Ill make it 60 jumps with running into a camp. I could squeeze it through a choke at downtime with luck and take it to npc null but its full of gankers wont survive long. So scouted out wormholes last night took 5 hours to find a reasonable exit n entry unfortunately it got camped so no go there. Now jumping it through low to another entry.

When I get there cant re-supply refit or repair.

I think for most people its just too much work to do to most likely get ganked or hot dropped on the first, second or if your lucky third tackle.

Well a Mega is not a solo PvP ship. If you take it out solo, of course you will get killed, gate camp or not.
If you want to take a Mega into combat, you need a group.

By the way, you know that bigger doesn't mean better right? A Mega can get taken out by a single frigate is the frigate pilot flies it right.

You and Harry want easy access to solo PvP. It's already there, you just aren't skilled enough to succeed in it.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Harry Forever
#104 - 2013-09-05 20:56:43 UTC
bloodknight2 wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:

you don't get the point, like usual... more players in jita, fine, guess why i made a suggestion to bring more players to nullsec

the only thing why you post is because you just want to talk against me, you do not even check the arguments anymore and the reason behind it... dull

You are wrong. I don't post because i want to talk **** about you. You think by buffing income, more players in empire will move to null. Even if you buff lv4's income by 10, you will not see more players trying pvp or going to null.

I know eve because i had a friend playing it. After 2-3 months, he asked me to join Légion du lys in null (they were with goonswarm at that time). I refused. Not because i feared PVP, but because my skills weren't good enough in my opinion. I thought i needed T2 guns and everything else T2 before PVPing. So for the next few weeks, i did PVE and i was working on my skill. My friends left Eve for WOW (yeah, ******* douchebag) and i left eve too for a few months. Came back, did PVE again and working on my skill until another friend offered me to join his corp in a WH. Since the CEO was french too, i accepted and this is where i saw how wrong i was. You don't need T2 gun, T2 ship or perfect skill for PVP. I have 3 alts in NPC corp and days after days, i read noobs who don't want to try PVP because they think they lack the skills.

Isk isn't a problem for most of us, but thinking we need good skills before trying pvp is and you will not fix this by buffing empire.

the only skill needed is waiting, and thats maybe the biggest drawback of it... I only lost ships because i got unpatient, I think its the main problem, maybe even bigger then the ISK, the time you have to wait for kills, it is far too long... my suggestion was to reduce the risk for everybody because of more ISK for all... that would bring more people to null and the time to wait for targets would be reduced
#105 - 2013-09-05 21:00:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Motorbit
Well a Mega is not a solo PvP ship.

he doesnt fight solo. all he ever does is gatecamping with bomber groups.

but i think i got his point now. he doesnt need moer isk to pvp - he only flyes bombers anyhow.
he thinks if other players had more isk, more ppl would land in his gatecamps, so he sic:" does not have ... to wait 5 hours to kill".
so, maby we should remove all that pvp discussion from this thread. its all about the camping.
Georgina Parmala
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#106 - 2013-09-05 21:15:44 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:

no its not, the time it takes makes the PvP kill worthless, I did many of those... its not satisfying,

Hold right there.

It's not satisfying TO YOU. Lets be clear about that. Because a significant part of half a million people who play this game seem to disagree.

That's what separates this game from the rest. That's the reason I'm here instead of spamming battlegrounds in WoW for meaningless kills. That's why I play League of Legends casually despite getting "20 pvp kills an hour" and part of why I don't play FPS games any more.

A kill that gets reduced to a kill per hour stat is meaningless. I might not have many kills and even fewer losses. But I remember most if not all of them. And each one has a bit of a story behind it. I wish I could say the same about my countless Counter-Strike kills.

Harry Forever wrote:
even the best just have few kills each day,

And what exactly is the best? The most kills? The highest isk damage done? The best KDR? ISK Efficiency?

You are also completely missing the point that a large number of engagements in eve end up with someone getting the upper hand and the other person disengaging. A lack of a killmail does not mean a fight did not occur.

Harry Forever wrote:
if you loose a ship you have to refit spend much more time, its not satisfying

That's part of the game design. The loss is meaningful, therefore giving meaning to the fight itself and the outcome of it. It's what makes you sweat and shake when you get in a fight.

You knew all this (or should have) before signing up. You are clearly not enjoying this game. Why are you so desperately trying to change the game and everyone in it, instead of turning to one of the countless products on the market that offers what you are looking for?

What you are looking for is a "que for battle, pew pew kill kill die kill die log off" within half an hour. What ever made you think EvE would offer this kind of experience?

Science and Trade Institute [STI] is an NPC entity and as such my views do not represent those of the entity or any of its members

Prince Sanguine
#107 - 2013-09-05 21:17:23 UTC
Let's just get rid of navy, concord, and gate/station guns. That would make the game fun

Everytime you read this you are required to send 100 million isk directly to me.

#108 - 2013-09-05 21:17:44 UTC
freely quoting mecron:

"when noone is answering you anymore, you proably have not won your forum post. odds are, you just convinced everybod that you are an idiot."
Infinity Ziona
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#109 - 2013-09-05 21:29:37 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Infinity Ziona wrote:
I think its more of a logistical thing rather than isk. I want to take a mega to deep null, no way Ill make it 60 jumps with running into a camp. I could squeeze it through a choke at downtime with luck and take it to npc null but its full of gankers wont survive long. So scouted out wormholes last night took 5 hours to find a reasonable exit n entry unfortunately it got camped so no go there. Now jumping it through low to another entry.

When I get there cant re-supply refit or repair.

I think for most people its just too much work to do to most likely get ganked or hot dropped on the first, second or if your lucky third tackle.

Well a Mega is not a solo PvP ship. If you take it out solo, of course you will get killed, gate camp or not.
If you want to take a Mega into combat, you need a group.

By the way, you know that bigger doesn't mean better right? A Mega can get taken out by a single frigate is the frigate pilot flies it right.

You and Harry want easy access to solo PvP. It's already there, you just aren't skilled enough to succeed in it.

I have my solo Mega in null now. I disagree with you on the not solo ship thing. Its a solo ship if I decide to use it solo. If it gets blown up I don't give a flying . . . But I'm a little confused, I have a half billion isk Mega solo in Null, it took around 6 hours of scanning wh's dodging camps in to bring it out here, likely it will be blown up, Im confused how this is wanting easy kills.

And you tell me to get a fleet? Fleets are easy mode imo.

As for bigger is not better, thats just something wife's and girlfriends say.

CCP Fozzie “We can see how much money people are making in nullsec and it is, a gigantic amount, a shit-ton… in null sec anomalies. “*

Kaalrus pwned..... :)

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#110 - 2013-09-05 21:34:08 UTC
Infinity Ziona wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Infinity Ziona wrote:
I think its more of a logistical thing rather than isk. I want to take a mega to deep null, no way Ill make it 60 jumps with running into a camp. I could squeeze it through a choke at downtime with luck and take it to npc null but its full of gankers wont survive long. So scouted out wormholes last night took 5 hours to find a reasonable exit n entry unfortunately it got camped so no go there. Now jumping it through low to another entry.

When I get there cant re-supply refit or repair.

I think for most people its just too much work to do to most likely get ganked or hot dropped on the first, second or if your lucky third tackle.

Well a Mega is not a solo PvP ship. If you take it out solo, of course you will get killed, gate camp or not.
If you want to take a Mega into combat, you need a group.

By the way, you know that bigger doesn't mean better right? A Mega can get taken out by a single frigate is the frigate pilot flies it right.

You and Harry want easy access to solo PvP. It's already there, you just aren't skilled enough to succeed in it.

I have my solo Mega in null now. I disagree with you on the not solo ship thing. Its a solo ship if I decide to use it solo. If it gets blown up I don't give a flying . . . But I'm a little confused, I have a half billion isk Mega solo in Null, it took around 6 hours of scanning wh's dodging camps in to bring it out here, likely it will be blown up, Im confused how this is wanting easy kills.

And you tell me to get a fleet? Fleets are easy mode imo.

As for bigger is not better, thats just something wife's and girlfriends say.

That's fine, you can play in your "hard mode" if you want, but don't complain when you take on a task that's designed for groups, then fail.

And if you truly believe bigger ship = better, you are showing you're lack of EVE knowledge. If I took on your Mega in a frigate, I'd win. I'd simply spiral my transversal to you, then orbit you until you eventually died. You'd stand no chance of hitting a ship that small orbiting you and you wouldn't be able to outrun me.

A Mega is designed as a fleet ship. If you don't want to fly in a fleet, you shouldn't fly a Mega (in PvP).

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Harry Forever
#111 - 2013-09-05 21:37:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Harry Forever
Georgina Parmala wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:

no its not, the time it takes makes the PvP kill worthless, I did many of those... its not satisfying,

Hold right there.

It's not satisfying TO YOU. Lets be clear about that. Because a significant part of half a million people who play this game seem to disagree.

That's what separates this game from the rest. That's the reason I'm here instead of spamming battlegrounds in WoW for meaningless kills. That's why I play League of Legends casually despite getting "20 pvp kills an hour" and part of why I don't play FPS games any more.

A kill that gets reduced to a kill per hour stat is meaningless. I might not have many kills and even fewer losses. But I remember most if not all of them. And each one has a bit of a story behind it. I wish I could say the same about my countless Counter-Strike kills.

Harry Forever wrote:
even the best just have few kills each day,

And what exactly is the best? The most kills? The highest isk damage done? The best KDR? ISK Efficiency?

You are also completely missing the point that a large number of engagements in eve end up with someone getting the upper hand and the other person disengaging. A lack of a killmail does not mean a fight did not occur.

Harry Forever wrote:
if you loose a ship you have to refit spend much more time, its not satisfying

That's part of the game design. The loss is meaningful, therefore giving meaning to the fight itself and the outcome of it. It's what makes you sweat and shake when you get in a fight.

You knew all this (or should have) before signing up. You are clearly not enjoying this game. Why are you so desperately trying to change the game and everyone in it, instead of turning to one of the countless products on the market that offers what you are looking for?

What you are looking for is a "que for battle, pew pew kill kill die kill die log off" within half an hour. What ever made you think EvE would offer this kind of experience?

all want the same, thats why they just shoot rats, level 4 ships and run incursions, thats where they get it, PvP no man, there you do not get the satisfaction, thats the reason why it has to be geared up, made more and easier accessible, I aready mentioned it does not need to be like in an fps to get 100 kills per hour, but it should be around 10 kills per hour on average, that would be healthy gameplay and much more attractive to many people, not just the half a million...

they could add other stuff as well, maybe arenas where you can fight, 1 vs. 1, 10 vs. 10, 100 vs. 100... maybe like a deathmatch you are put together with others, in my opinion this is missing, and it would just add to the game, the rest can stay the same... people can have their challanging nullsec pvp, and there would be a possibility to have mindless blobbing in the arenas for the masses and the FPS kids maybe with full ship and module reimbursment whatever... the game right now just does not use all its potentials there

you can not compare it to FPS because the mechanics of the fights are completely different, going to battlefield or other games does not help, because you can not shoot spaceships there, it needs to be an option in this game
Daisai Investments.
#112 - 2013-09-05 21:40:20 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:
it is a missleading idea that buffing nullsec and nerfing highsec will lead to more people going to null, the main reason so many are in highsec is just the risk going to nullsec and the high amount of ISK lost when going there... buffing highsec will reduce the risk because of good income streams for the average player

my suggestion would be to have higher profitable high sec anomalies, 30-50 million an hour minimum

newbs and random players need better faster access to isk, especially solo players who hop in and out of the game... more money for those players will lead to more risk taking (PvP), therefore more targets going to nullsec and more fights there

So how would give anomaly's in high sec close to the same amount as in null sec in rewards get people to null sec ?
It will only create more inflation in the game which results in higher prices for items, so less risk taking for the new players.

Some people in eve only play this game for the missions or mining in high sec you will have to really change the game alot to get those people in null sec.
Also some people in null sec don't like pvp either, most industry characters for example.

If you want to get more people to pvp in null sec they need to change something else then just give them isk.
The new skill which reduces jump clone timer is a good start ( not enough imo ).
Georgina Parmala
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#113 - 2013-09-05 21:40:45 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:

all want the same

That's not how humans work.

Or most sentient beings for that matter

Science and Trade Institute [STI] is an NPC entity and as such my views do not represent those of the entity or any of its members

Infinity Ziona
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#114 - 2013-09-05 21:43:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Infinity Ziona
Lucas Kell wrote:
Infinity Ziona wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Infinity Ziona wrote:
I think its more of a logistical thing rather than isk. I want to take a mega to deep null, no way Ill make it 60 jumps with running into a camp. I could squeeze it through a choke at downtime with luck and take it to npc null but its full of gankers wont survive long. So scouted out wormholes last night took 5 hours to find a reasonable exit n entry unfortunately it got camped so no go there. Now jumping it through low to another entry.

When I get there cant re-supply refit or repair.

I think for most people its just too much work to do to most likely get ganked or hot dropped on the first, second or if your lucky third tackle.

Well a Mega is not a solo PvP ship. If you take it out solo, of course you will get killed, gate camp or not.
If you want to take a Mega into combat, you need a group.

By the way, you know that bigger doesn't mean better right? A Mega can get taken out by a single frigate is the frigate pilot flies it right.

You and Harry want easy access to solo PvP. It's already there, you just aren't skilled enough to succeed in it.

I have my solo Mega in null now. I disagree with you on the not solo ship thing. Its a solo ship if I decide to use it solo. If it gets blown up I don't give a flying . . . But I'm a little confused, I have a half billion isk Mega solo in Null, it took around 6 hours of scanning wh's dodging camps in to bring it out here, likely it will be blown up, Im confused how this is wanting easy kills.

And you tell me to get a fleet? Fleets are easy mode imo.

As for bigger is not better, thats just something wife's and girlfriends say.

That's fine, you can play in your "hard mode" if you want, but don't complain when you take on a task that's designed for groups, then fail.

And if you truly believe bigger ship = better, you are showing you're lack of EVE knowledge. If I took on your Mega in a frigate, I'd win. I'd simply spiral my transversal to you, then orbit you until you eventually died. You'd stand no chance of hitting a ship that small orbiting you and you wouldn't be able to outrun me.

A Mega is designed as a fleet ship. If you don't want to fly in a fleet, you shouldn't fly a Mega (in PvP).

Why not lol. So what are going to do when Nuet your lil frig, web it and sick my warriors on you. You could maybe kill an idiot in a Mega with a frig but any half competent Mega is going to pop you pretty easily if they fit right.

Just add I have played this game for 10 years. I don't care about getting popped, especially by a gang, they accomplished nothing of worth and I lost some pixel money. I don't care. Im having fun.

CCP Fozzie “We can see how much money people are making in nullsec and it is, a gigantic amount, a shit-ton… in null sec anomalies. “*

Kaalrus pwned..... :)

Harry Forever
#115 - 2013-09-05 21:46:41 UTC
Infinity Ziona wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Infinity Ziona wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Infinity Ziona wrote:
I think its more of a logistical thing rather than isk. I want to take a mega to deep null, no way Ill make it 60 jumps with running into a camp. I could squeeze it through a choke at downtime with luck and take it to npc null but its full of gankers wont survive long. So scouted out wormholes last night took 5 hours to find a reasonable exit n entry unfortunately it got camped so no go there. Now jumping it through low to another entry.

When I get there cant re-supply refit or repair.

I think for most people its just too much work to do to most likely get ganked or hot dropped on the first, second or if your lucky third tackle.

Well a Mega is not a solo PvP ship. If you take it out solo, of course you will get killed, gate camp or not.
If you want to take a Mega into combat, you need a group.

By the way, you know that bigger doesn't mean better right? A Mega can get taken out by a single frigate is the frigate pilot flies it right.

You and Harry want easy access to solo PvP. It's already there, you just aren't skilled enough to succeed in it.

I have my solo Mega in null now. I disagree with you on the not solo ship thing. Its a solo ship if I decide to use it solo. If it gets blown up I don't give a flying . . . But I'm a little confused, I have a half billion isk Mega solo in Null, it took around 6 hours of scanning wh's dodging camps in to bring it out here, likely it will be blown up, Im confused how this is wanting easy kills.

And you tell me to get a fleet? Fleets are easy mode imo.

As for bigger is not better, thats just something wife's and girlfriends say.

That's fine, you can play in your "hard mode" if you want, but don't complain when you take on a task that's designed for groups, then fail.

And if you truly believe bigger ship = better, you are showing you're lack of EVE knowledge. If I took on your Mega in a frigate, I'd win. I'd simply spiral my transversal to you, then orbit you until you eventually died. You'd stand no chance of hitting a ship that small orbiting you and you wouldn't be able to outrun me.

A Mega is designed as a fleet ship. If you don't want to fly in a fleet, you shouldn't fly a Mega (in PvP).

Why not lol. So want are going to do when Nuet your lil frig, web it and sick my warriors on you. You could maybe kill an idiot in a Mega with a frig but any half competent Mega is going to pop you pretty easily if they fit right.

Lucas was thinking about attacking you in his mackinaw I guess ^^
Georgina Parmala
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#116 - 2013-09-05 21:52:06 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:
but it should be around 10 kills per hour on average, that would be healthy gameplay and much more attractive to many people, not just the half a million...

they could add other stuff as well, maybe arenas where you can fight, 1 vs. 1, 10 vs. 10, 100 vs. 100... maybe like a deathmatch

Again this is the exact opposite of what eve is and has been for a decade.

What you WILL find is players doing their own thing. Some of it may be for you. Like:

Harry Forever wrote:
you can not compare it to FPS because the mechanics of the fights are completely different, going to battlefield or other games does not help, because you can not shoot spaceships there, it needs to be an option in this game

If you want WoW in space, I can't help you there. Perhaps there needs to be a wow-in-space. But it does not need to be an option here. I don't want matchmaking queues and arbitrary restrictions and the bull that goes along with that. The only memorable PvP I've ever had in WoW was world PvP. Something the likes of your suggestions from instant gratification seeking crowds have killed.

Science and Trade Institute [STI] is an NPC entity and as such my views do not represent those of the entity or any of its members

Ersahi Kir
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#117 - 2013-09-05 21:53:43 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:
all want the same, thats why they just shoot rats, level 4 ships and run incursions, thats where they get it, PvP no man, there you do not get the satisfaction, thats the reason why it has to be geared up, made more and easier accessible, I aready mentioned it does not need to be like in an fps to get 100 kills per hour, but it should be around 10 kills per hour on average, that would be healthy gameplay and much more attractive to many people, not just the half a million...

they could add other stuff as well, maybe arenas where you can fight, 1 vs. 1, 10 vs. 10, 100 vs. 100... maybe like a deathmatch you are put together with others, in my opinion this is missing, and it would just add to the game, the rest can stay the same... people can have their challanging nullsec pvp, and there would be a possibility to have mindless blobbing in the arenas for the masses and the FPS kids maybe with full ship and module reimbursment whatever... the game right now just does not use all its potentials there

you can not compare it to FPS because the mechanics of the fights are completely different, going to battlefield or other games does not help, because you can not shoot spaceships there, it needs to be an option in this game

Eve is not a game built upon instant gratification. If you want something you have to go out and take the time to actually achieve it. Other games cater to the instant gratification crowd, and if you're looking for that you should go investigate those instead.
Moneta Curran
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#118 - 2013-09-05 22:01:12 UTC
Doh. Don' t **** up Monk's chances to join SpaceJunkys!
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#119 - 2013-09-05 22:05:19 UTC
Infinity Ziona wrote:
Why not lol. So what are going to do when Nuet your lil frig, web it and sick my warriors on you. You could maybe kill an idiot in a Mega with a frig but any half competent Mega is going to pop you pretty easily if they fit right.

Just add I have played this game for 10 years. I don't care about getting popped, especially by a gang, they accomplished nothing of worth and I lost some pixel money. I don't care. Im having fun.

I would shoot down your warriors, then proceed to fire on you for eternity with my autocannons.
If you've played this game for 10 years, then why do you need it explained that a Mega is NOT a solo PvP ship? Surely you would already know this by now?
How many pro solo pirates do you see running around in battleships?

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Harry Forever
#120 - 2013-09-05 22:08:17 UTC
Ersahi Kir wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
all want the same, thats why they just shoot rats, level 4 ships and run incursions, thats where they get it, PvP no man, there you do not get the satisfaction, thats the reason why it has to be geared up, made more and easier accessible, I aready mentioned it does not need to be like in an fps to get 100 kills per hour, but it should be around 10 kills per hour on average, that would be healthy gameplay and much more attractive to many people, not just the half a million...

they could add other stuff as well, maybe arenas where you can fight, 1 vs. 1, 10 vs. 10, 100 vs. 100... maybe like a deathmatch you are put together with others, in my opinion this is missing, and it would just add to the game, the rest can stay the same... people can have their challanging nullsec pvp, and there would be a possibility to have mindless blobbing in the arenas for the masses and the FPS kids maybe with full ship and module reimbursment whatever... the game right now just does not use all its potentials there

you can not compare it to FPS because the mechanics of the fights are completely different, going to battlefield or other games does not help, because you can not shoot spaceships there, it needs to be an option in this game

Eve is not a game built upon instant gratification. If you want something you have to go out and take the time to actually achieve it. Other games cater to the instant gratification crowd, and if you're looking for that you should go investigate those instead.

you do not understand the advantages to attract those players, more players in the game who want to do PvP is more fun for all of us, but eve is just not attractive for them because of the long waiting times etc. ...the suggested arenas would bring those people in and they would try other stuff as well....