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Watch Lists in High Sec

Shallanna Yassavi
qwertz corp
#41 - 2016-09-08 20:31:19 UTC
Infinity Ziona wrote:
When I was wardeccing my war started about 2 weeks before the dec.

First I'd choose an alliance that wouldn't run / disband. Then I'd use online tools to find every active in the alliance. Then I'd scout them out, find their hubs, pos etc. Position nuetral alts at those locations. I'd also create an opportunity for interaction with one of their members (take a barge to a belt where one is ratting / mining) and usually get invited into corporation.

Once you have a spy in alliance, well...

If you're just declaring war on people and sitting at a gate you're not going to have much luck.

Just saying.


One thing I'll concede though is the location agents are pretty poor. An improvement would be the following:

A skill line that allows:

1. Repeating locates - where the agent gives you 10 minute locates repeatedly on a per person
2. Remote locates
3. Locates that includes whether the pilot is active or offline.

You... wardecced? o.O
Bolded part is kind of rare any more.

Theories are nice, but a proof that you can still do that effectively is a lot more convincing.

A signature :o

Infinity Ziona
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#42 - 2016-09-08 20:43:36 UTC
Shallanna Yassavi wrote:
Infinity Ziona wrote:
When I was wardeccing my war started about 2 weeks before the dec.

First I'd choose an alliance that wouldn't run / disband. Then I'd use online tools to find every active in the alliance. Then I'd scout them out, find their hubs, pos etc. Position nuetral alts at those locations. I'd also create an opportunity for interaction with one of their members (take a barge to a belt where one is ratting / mining) and usually get invited into corporation.

Once you have a spy in alliance, well...

If you're just declaring war on people and sitting at a gate you're not going to have much luck.

Just saying.


One thing I'll concede though is the location agents are pretty poor. An improvement would be the following:

A skill line that allows:

1. Repeating locates - where the agent gives you 10 minute locates repeatedly on a per person
2. Remote locates
3. Locates that includes whether the pilot is active or offline.

You... wardecced? o.O
Bolded part is kind of rare any more.

Theories are nice, but a proof that you can still do that effectively is a lot more convincing.

Yeah I wardecced most of my EvE career.

CCP Fozzie “We can see how much money people are making in nullsec and it is, a gigantic amount, a shit-ton… in null sec anomalies. “*

Kaalrus pwned..... :)

Knockaround Guys Inc.
#43 - 2016-09-08 20:47:23 UTC
I actually like some idea here

What I suggest

Watch list in empire space works, adapt it to work kind of like a locator agent, for example, if they are in empire space you can see their online status, if they are in low sec or null you do not see if they are online.

Mercs and wardecs are part of this game, it is now silly as the mechanics are against the deccer, too much so, just the basics of knowing if someone is online or not, not like they are giving the actual location.

I dislike how it is/was used for super pilots but it did have an important part to play in war decs.
Rawmeat Mary
Empire Assault Corp
Dead Terrorists
#44 - 2016-09-08 21:35:25 UTC
Xtreem wrote:
I actually like some idea here

What I suggest

Watch list in empire space works, adapt it to work kind of like a locator agent, for example, if they are in empire space you can see their online status, if they are in low sec or null you do not see if they are online.

Mercs and wardecs are part of this game, it is now silly as the mechanics are against the deccer, too much so, just the basics of knowing if someone is online or not, not like they are giving the actual location.

I dislike how it is/was used for super pilots but it did have an important part to play in war decs.

That could be added to CCP's 'incentives' to actually go Low/Nulsec for their player base.

Hey CCP Blink

'If they take the ship, they'll rape us to death, eat our flesh, and sew our skins onto their clothing. And if we're very, very lucky, they'll do it in that order.'

Yeah, we're like that.

Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#45 - 2016-09-09 00:57:37 UTC
Xtreem wrote:
I actually like some idea here

What I suggest

Watch list in empire space works, adapt it to work kind of like a locator agent, for example, if they are in empire space you can see their online status, if they are in low sec or null you do not see if they are online.

Mercs and wardecs are part of this game, it is now silly as the mechanics are against the deccer, too much so, just the basics of knowing if someone is online or not, not like they are giving the actual location.

I dislike how it is/was used for super pilots but it did have an important part to play in war decs.

Or you know, you could actually do some research on your target using scouts like how all of null/wh space have done since the patch hit.

Why is it that people who reside in high sec have the highest sense of entitlement? Even the 'mercs' ***** and whine about actually having to work for their targets.
Empire Assault Corp
Dead Terrorists
#46 - 2016-09-09 01:23:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Starrakatt
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
Xtreem wrote:
I actually like some idea here

What I suggest

Watch list in empire space works, adapt it to work kind of like a locator agent, for example, if they are in empire space you can see their online status, if they are in low sec or null you do not see if they are online.

Mercs and wardecs are part of this game, it is now silly as the mechanics are against the deccer, too much so, just the basics of knowing if someone is online or not, not like they are giving the actual location.

I dislike how it is/was used for super pilots but it did have an important part to play in war decs.

Or you know, you could actually do some research on your target using scouts like how all of null/wh space have done since the patch hit.

Why is it that people who reside in high sec have the highest sense of entitlement? Even the 'mercs' ***** and whine about actually having to work for their targets.

There is a major difference between Hisec and Othersec.

- In Othersec, groups live together, in static home/staging systems. So you want to find them, it IS easy. Just go look at their staging and surroundings. And if they deploy, their KB will tell you where they are. Easy. Once your scout(s) are there, you end up with plenty of people to watch. Say 20-30 players over a 250 man Alliance.

- In Hisec, they usually do not and are scattered all over New eden (including Othersec), and usually scatter furthemore when Wardecced. Finding them is NOT easy. When your scout(s) get there, you got 1-2 guys to watch. The other 18-28 are elsewhere, FAR.

- In Othersec, you don't care what you catch, just need not to be blue, everything is fair play.

- In Hisec, you can't, you can only shoot these guys. So you end up with less potential targets, that are harder and need more work to find.

This is no entitlement, its a fact. I did Nul, Hisec and Low (along with many others so-called 'Hisec' pvpers), I perfectly get the difference.
Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#47 - 2016-09-09 01:38:00 UTC
You have locator agents so don't try that lmao. They even work the fastest in high sec

People don't dock up as soon as a neutral enters system either and for sure less people use dscan

also since you admitted you're only ever going to get 1-2 targets at a time there's never any risk of a qrf fleet from the defending entity to close in on you and even if that did happen you can just dock up cause: lol empire.

TL;DR High sec is EASY

The only thing a watchlist grants you is the cue for you to start searching. Something you could easily do by doing some research into the Corp you're hunting
Princess Adhara
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#48 - 2016-09-09 01:51:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Princess Adhara
Solecist Project wrote:
The npc forum alt sure knows what he is talking about.
Post with your main or don't talk about things you have no clue of.

^ (Reasons to post/condemn someone posting) with an alt

[edit: misquotation]
Infinity Ziona
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#49 - 2016-09-09 03:31:38 UTC
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
You have locator agents so don't try that lmao. They even work the fastest in high sec

People don't dock up as soon as a neutral enters system either and for sure less people use dscan

also since you admitted you're only ever going to get 1-2 targets at a time there's never any risk of a qrf fleet from the defending entity to close in on you and even if that did happen you can just dock up cause: lol empire.

TL;DR High sec is EASY

The only thing a watchlist grants you is the cue for you to start searching. Something you could easily do by doing some research into the Corp you're hunting

Its not easy.

In null you have only a few connections between regions and like the above poster said limited hubs. Also what he said was true, you only blues and nuets.

In highsec you can go any number of routes, there are thousands of stations a person can be at, and they can be spread all over the entire highsec map doing whatever they're doing. In addition there are usually a ton of nuets in every system requiring scrolling down to find a war target, not an easy task as people enter and leave. There are no bubbles allowed.

Locator agents are largely useless since there is a delay before the agent tells you where the person is, if theyr'e active they could be 15 systems or more away since I believe from memory its 15 minutes.

Theres a further delay before you can repeat a location. Locators were the reason I gave up on high sec war decs, they were just incredibly frustrating and the delay to get the locate and the redelay to do another when the person was gone when you arrived was without much reason.

Tracking a person down in highsec is not easy, in null its very easy.

CCP Fozzie “We can see how much money people are making in nullsec and it is, a gigantic amount, a shit-ton… in null sec anomalies. “*

Kaalrus pwned..... :)

Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#50 - 2016-09-09 03:38:17 UTC
So you think people camp a regional gate in null to gank things?

Why would the number of stations in a system matter at all when you're out to get them while they're in space?

Having a watchlist would help how with locating someone on the move?

Get locator alts, if you were trying to locate someone using agents by yourself I'm sorry to say: you were doing it wrong
Paranoid Loyd
#51 - 2016-09-09 03:51:01 UTC
Suki, i've never seen you venture into GD, you sure that's a good idea? Blink

"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix

Fix the Prospect!

Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#52 - 2016-09-09 04:00:21 UTC
I'm on holiday and all my eve energy needs to be channeled somewhere :D
Infinity Ziona
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#53 - 2016-09-09 04:29:16 UTC
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
So you think people camp a regional gate in null to gank things?

Why would the number of stations in a system matter at all when you're out to get them while they're in space?

Having a watchlist would help how with locating someone on the move?

Get locator alts, if you were trying to locate someone using agents by yourself I'm sorry to say: you were doing it wrong

I war decced for about 6 years in EvE so I have actual experience.

I had 8 characters. Every one of them I had to grind through missions to get level 4 agents in every region. I would have 4 sitting at locators and 3 scouts that I'd send around looking for particular targets.

The number of stations matters a lot since you need to dock at each one with a scout to check to see if the person is docked up. It also matters because if a person is buying something they're not going to be travelling X jumps along a certain path to an alliance market hub to buy it they can buy it often from many different locations in highsec, those locations being many many stations in every system.

You're also not out to get them in space, if they're in space they're either missioning mining, but usually travelling. You're out to get them in station so you can guesstimate where they're likely to be going next and set up an ambush.

Having a watchlist helps to reduce the number of times you locate someone, travel over to where they are, and find they're not there. What next? Another locate on the same person to see if the person is still at that location but not online. Problem is the locate is delayed meaning you have to wait for the locator to become available again (15 minutes), do your locate (another wait 15 mins), if the locate still says the person is there, then the person is offline (you just spent probably an hour to find out someone was offline) or if the person is somewhere else now, then you start the whole process again.

Anyone who thinks that's reasonable is kindof stupid. Probably why people give up and sit outside Jita 4 4.

CCP Fozzie “We can see how much money people are making in nullsec and it is, a gigantic amount, a shit-ton… in null sec anomalies. “*

Kaalrus pwned..... :)

Morgan Agrivar
#54 - 2016-09-09 04:41:02 UTC
Infinity Ziona wrote:
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
So you think people camp a regional gate in null to gank things?

Why would the number of stations in a system matter at all when you're out to get them while they're in space?

Having a watchlist would help how with locating someone on the move?

Get locator alts, if you were trying to locate someone using agents by yourself I'm sorry to say: you were doing it wrong

I war decced for about 6 years in EvE so I have actual experience.

I had 8 characters. Every one of them I had to grind through missions to get level 4 agents in every region. I would have 4 sitting at locators and 3 scouts that I'd send around looking for particular targets.

The number of stations matters a lot since you need to dock at each one with a scout to check to see if the person is docked up. It also matters because if a person is buying something they're not going to be travelling X jumps along a certain path to an alliance market hub to buy it they can buy it often from many different locations in highsec, those locations being many many stations in every system.

You're also not out to get them in space, if they're in space they're either missioning mining, but usually travelling. You're out to get them in station so you can guesstimate where they're likely to be going next and set up an ambush.

Having a watchlist helps to reduce the number of times you locate someone, travel over to where they are, and find they're not there. What next? Another locate on the same person to see if the person is still at that location but not online. Problem is the locate is delayed meaning you have to wait for the locator to become available again (15 minutes), do your locate (another wait 15 mins), if the locate still says the person is there, then the person is offline (you just spent probably an hour to find out someone was offline) or if the person is somewhere else now, then you start the whole process again.

Anyone who thinks that's reasonable is kindof stupid. Probably why people give up and sit outside Jita 4 4.

Damn, I was doing it wrong. When I was doing highsec wardecs, it was just this character and locater alts.

But to my credit, I was pretty successful in doing so. Cool
Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#55 - 2016-09-09 05:13:38 UTC
People have habits you should study what they do and then use it against them. I know hunters who camp supers for weeks before getting the kill.

Just sounds like you want it on a silver platter without any actual effort
Empire Assault Corp
Dead Terrorists
#56 - 2016-09-09 05:43:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Starrakatt
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
People have habits you should study what they do and then use it against them. I know hunters who camp supers for weeks before getting the kill.

Just sounds like you want it on a silver platter without any actual effort

I want you to go in Hisec, wardec a specific target and wait 2 week on a gate, which he will hopefully travel through eventually with his freighter, if he ever logs in at all. And then realise he's flying a free Ibis.

1 of the 150 guys in corp.

Every hunters in Nul aren't just sitting on their log in for weeks twiddling their thumbs, that's 1 character on 1 account watching 1 (25 BIL) Super that logged off in that system, or his cyno alt to log back in from his last cyno job/dock.

NOBODY is going to do that to catch a Battlsehip or an Orca. Your vast Hisec experience is telling, stop being a troll.

It makes me laugh every time some self-entitled someone barge in and tell everyone else that their playstyle is irrelevant, dumb or harder than his.

Also, I didn't state it was harder to pvp, I said it was harder to find specific targets.
Infinity Ziona
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#57 - 2016-09-09 07:07:36 UTC
Morgan Agrivar wrote:
Infinity Ziona wrote:
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
So you think people camp a regional gate in null to gank things?

Why would the number of stations in a system matter at all when you're out to get them while they're in space?

Having a watchlist would help how with locating someone on the move?

Get locator alts, if you were trying to locate someone using agents by yourself I'm sorry to say: you were doing it wrong

I war decced for about 6 years in EvE so I have actual experience.

I had 8 characters. Every one of them I had to grind through missions to get level 4 agents in every region. I would have 4 sitting at locators and 3 scouts that I'd send around looking for particular targets.

The number of stations matters a lot since you need to dock at each one with a scout to check to see if the person is docked up. It also matters because if a person is buying something they're not going to be travelling X jumps along a certain path to an alliance market hub to buy it they can buy it often from many different locations in highsec, those locations being many many stations in every system.

You're also not out to get them in space, if they're in space they're either missioning mining, but usually travelling. You're out to get them in station so you can guesstimate where they're likely to be going next and set up an ambush.

Having a watchlist helps to reduce the number of times you locate someone, travel over to where they are, and find they're not there. What next? Another locate on the same person to see if the person is still at that location but not online. Problem is the locate is delayed meaning you have to wait for the locator to become available again (15 minutes), do your locate (another wait 15 mins), if the locate still says the person is there, then the person is offline (you just spent probably an hour to find out someone was offline) or if the person is somewhere else now, then you start the whole process again.

Anyone who thinks that's reasonable is kindof stupid. Probably why people give up and sit outside Jita 4 4.

Damn, I was doing it wrong. When I was doing highsec wardecs, it was just this character and locater alts.

But to my credit, I was pretty successful in doing so. Cool

You did okay, the Orca was a nice kill. My goal was to kill as many people in the alliances / corps as I could as fast as possible while being almost impossible to kill, if they killed me once the war was over. The reason for that was so they would pay me isk to leave them alone and to make it a challenge for both parties. Information is extremely important and multiple alts = more information = more kills and less deaths.

CCP Fozzie “We can see how much money people are making in nullsec and it is, a gigantic amount, a shit-ton… in null sec anomalies. “*

Kaalrus pwned..... :)

Morgan Agrivar
#58 - 2016-09-09 07:14:45 UTC
I did lose a Stabber to a Skiff because I fit it wrong and did give the 'gf' when he got me but I did come back in a Vexor to ruin his day. That was the only ship I lost in my highsec wardec days.

I also lost a Hound but that was by a mess up when the victim was still flashy red to me but apparently she left the corp, so CONCORD paid me a visit. I was NOT happy about that one.

And besides, I was able to write about it too... Cool
Litla Sundlaugin
#59 - 2016-09-09 07:26:35 UTC
There's a watch list???

Wow this is news to me, I make my own watch list already but to know there's something even better, sheesh.
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#60 - 2016-09-09 08:42:00 UTC
Toriessian wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
In RL hunter works without anyone notify him 'your target woke up and is leaving it's den'. In Rl you NEED to know who are you hunting BEFORE you start.

Recent (not really 'recent' tho) changes made EVE 'hunters' feel what real hunters can feel.

I don't see much problems here.

Ironically 3/4 of the RL hunters I know use the "Jita" method of hunting. They sit in a shack 50 yards from a corn feeder and wait for deer to come by looking for a snack.

Don't even get me started on cameras mounted on trees. (they're like scout alts lol)

What do you want? EVE is real Lol

It's not that in EVE players are lazy. They come to the game already being lazy.

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"