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June release 118.6 - General feedback

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Joia Crenca
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#121 - 2016-06-28 23:13:27 UTC
Adria Blue wrote:
Where did recurring opportunities go?

I'd missed the announcement too, but they did put one in Upcoming Feature and Change Feedback Center

and another Online News

But because the launcher doesn't mirror the online news and I only log onto the website sporadically, I missed it till today as well.
Joia Crenca
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#122 - 2016-06-28 23:14:41 UTC
Norrin Ellis wrote:
I would also like to express my disappointment that CCP isn't devoting more resources to deleting critical system files. I miss the days of the boot.ini fiasco.

Careful, you might find a present of footwear in your redeemables....
Ida Aurlien
HIgh Sec Care Bears
Brothers of Tangra
#123 - 2016-06-28 23:20:50 UTC
carriers turned into big frigates , not even a good ship now let alone a capital
Lothar McPoopenshaft
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#124 - 2016-06-28 23:22:37 UTC
I get motion sick everytime I dock... can we please disable the docking animation?
Eternity INC.
Goonswarm Federation
#125 - 2016-06-28 23:25:56 UTC
Well done on removing the dailies. Shows that CCP is still capable of thinking of its players. Now please fix the travesty that is sov (remember how your trailers talk about empire building, we sort of miss that part of the game that fozzie killed off).

Thanks for making citadels silent and now please remove the damn dock and undock animation. It made me feel sick on the first docking.
Last Ninja
Diversity 101
Domain Research and Mining Inst.
#126 - 2016-06-28 23:47:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Last Ninja
I don't normally get motion sickness, but the animation in the station is without a doubt do it to me. I can't interrupt it like I can the undock animation.

Please give a toggle in the options to enable/disable it.

i have to log in now and not look at the screen for 5-10 seconds before the animations stoped , what crock of camels droppings this is pls give us a choice , no ccp knows best as always lets give them some stupid animation every time they change - jump clone or undock!

I thought id try turning it off by making captains quaters load - but that seams to have been removed as well !

I tried to enable static backgrounds and thats been removed as well.

So now i log in look away from the screen for 30 seconds or so and viola i dont have to look at the crappy animation unless i chnage ships , jump clone or undock and then dock up again.
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#127 - 2016-06-28 23:55:40 UTC
7 pages in 12 hours and much of it requesting ONE (docking animations - ON / OFF) thing be altered.

I wonder if CCP is listening?

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Mayham Jack
Goonswarm Federation
#128 - 2016-06-29 00:05:13 UTC
Sgt Ocker wrote:
7 pages in 12 hours and much of it requesting ONE (docking animations - ON / OFF) thing be altered.

I wonder if CCP is listening?

Probally not.
Morgaine Mighthammer
Rational Chaos Inc.
Brave Collective
#129 - 2016-06-29 00:16:42 UTC
Sgt Ocker wrote:
7 pages in 12 hours and much of it requesting ONE (docking animations - ON / OFF) thing be altered.

I wonder if CCP is listening?

unless they make a DRASTIC change compared to the last month, probably not.
CCP Darwin
C C P Alliance
#130 - 2016-06-29 00:36:04 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Darwin
Sgt Ocker wrote:
7 pages in 12 hours and much of it requesting ONE (docking animations - ON / OFF) thing be altered.

Our focus with the settings menu right now is on reducing complexity, rather than adding it. Generally, we won't add a toggle for a new graphic feature unless it is too heavy for low-end machines, and even then we'd prefer to tie it to an existing setting.

However, your feedback about what you do or don't like about the docking animation can help direct future iteration on it, so if it bothers you, please let us know specifically why.

CCP Darwin  •  Senior Software Engineer, Art & Graphics, EVE Online  •  @mark_wilkins

Citizen's Star Republic
#131 - 2016-06-29 00:42:59 UTC
I couldn't stomach the ship hanger animation, so I switched to the Captain's Quarters.
Now the Ship Fitting window is completely messed up. This is how my ships look.
All of them are borked in the Captain's Quarters.

Sorry but very disappointed in this patch. Please allow me to turn off the animations so I can go back to using the Ship Hanger
CCP Darwin
C C P Alliance
#132 - 2016-06-29 00:49:18 UTC
Zakks wrote:
Now the Ship Fitting window is completely messed up. This is how my ships look.

I recommend posting issues like this in the release issues thread alongside this one.

CCP Darwin  •  Senior Software Engineer, Art & Graphics, EVE Online  •  @mark_wilkins

Plus 10 NV
#133 - 2016-06-29 00:58:45 UTC
It seems I sometimes can not remote contract corp assets from deliverables. It keeps giving me the same screen to finish the contract over and over.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Captain Chuckles
#134 - 2016-06-29 00:59:04 UTC
Sulfurblade wrote:
Ruby Troi wrote:
Could we please have an option to turn off the new ship animation every time I dock, log in a character or change ships. One isn't too bad but after the second one it starts to induce motion sickness.

I absolutely agree its anger inducing to have to watch this animation every time you change a ship!!!

Hell yeah this animation is driving me nuts and I have only been online for about half an hour since the patch Evil
Captain Chuckles
#135 - 2016-06-29 01:02:51 UTC
CCP Darwin wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:
7 pages in 12 hours and much of it requesting ONE (docking animations - ON / OFF) thing be altered.

Our focus with the settings menu right now is on reducing complexity, rather than adding it. Generally, we won't add a toggle for a new graphic feature unless it is too heavy for low-end machines, and even then we'd prefer to tie it to an existing setting.

However, your feedback about what you do or don't like about the docking animation can help direct future iteration on it, so if it bothers you, please let us know specifically why.

What we do like.... The way it was

What we don't like... The animation!

Customer service model of CCP - What you don't like it, tough we don't care about our customers opinions we just do things we want. When responding to customer feedback "we won't" is the wrong answer Shocked

Geritan Makitos
Tule Industrial and Mining Enterprises
#136 - 2016-06-29 01:08:32 UTC
In-citadel trade and contracts, and being able to set destination directly to a citadel are really nice features. Immensely useful for my kind of play, and totally met expectations there. Maybe next, citadels can be made searchable in assets.
Captain Chuckles
#137 - 2016-06-29 01:09:11 UTC
Cearain wrote:
It seems I sometimes can not remote contract corp assets from deliverables. It keeps giving me the same screen to finish the contract over and over.

Yes had the same problem but it is not just remote, I went to the station with my assets in market deliveries and cannot contract them. Contracting from the item hangar still works though.
Vol Arm'OOO
Central Co-Prosperity Union
#138 - 2016-06-29 01:18:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Vol Arm'OOO
CCP Darwin wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:
7 pages in 12 hours and much of it requesting ONE (docking animations - ON / OFF) thing be altered.

Our focus with the settings menu right now is on reducing complexity, rather than adding it. Generally, we won't add a toggle for a new graphic feature unless it is too heavy for low-end machines, and even then we'd prefer to tie it to an existing setting.

However, your feedback about what you do or don't like about the docking animation can help direct future iteration on it, so if it bothers you, please let us know specifically why.

The docking/ship changing animation - apart from being repetitive and annoying - it actually creates a worse game playing experience. Before, when I logged in for the first time, I would get a short black screen, which I would have to clear only once, and then every time thereafter when I undocked all i would get is a short session timer delay. Now every time i undock I get both a black screen and a session timer delay. Moreover it is clear that the entire docking/undocking experience takes longer then it used to largely because of the black screen that occurs.

Worse - alot of game play occurs around combat at stations - the forced camera point of view makes it difficult to impossible to undock quickly and engage your enemies. In particular its now lot harder to undock and bump people off station so as a result we are missing alot of kills.

The ship changing animation has also added a black screen and a longer session change delay. Its awful to look at and needlessly slows down changing ships - which makes it harder to quickly switch ships in the heat of combat - when fast game play is necessary.

Finally - I cannot understand CCP's hell bent need to tinker with things that are not broken - like the warp tunnel, map, scanning, and new camera - the need to make things shinny at the expense of easy of use and functionality is simply wrong headed.

I don't play, I just fourm warrior.

Tyran Crow
Deaths Consortium
Pandemic Horde
#139 - 2016-06-29 01:19:39 UTC
Needa3 wrote:
John'Doe the Second wrote:
Tao Dolcino wrote:
Remove the docking animation, the epileptic giant TVs, the new map, the new icons, the new scanning interface, the new UI, the new cameras, all that useless stuff we never asked for and which are making the game each release more unpleasant, clunky and frustrating to play.

I agreed with this part fully.

another plus one

I plus one your plus one with yet another plus one...
Thead Enco
Valkyre Black
#140 - 2016-06-29 01:23:41 UTC
CCP Darwin wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:
7 pages in 12 hours and much of it requesting ONE (docking animations - ON / OFF) thing be altered.

Our focus with the settings menu right now is on reducing complexity, rather than adding it. Generally, we won't add a toggle for a new graphic feature unless it is too heavy for low-end machines, and even then we'd prefer to tie it to an existing setting.

However, your feedback about what you do or don't like about the docking animation can help direct future iteration on it, so if it bothers you, please let us know specifically why.

Seriously you might as well of named this patch "Incarna" because it holds the same value as WiS, NOTHING. it contributes nothing to internet space ships. I want to quickly jump in and jump out of my ships not watch a short film while station spinning. Remove the feature and bring back the old docking animation. The feature is annoying has hell. It's like there nothing else in the game that needs improving (Sarcasm).