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PL gets 15trillion isk banned in recent RMT bannings

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Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#301 - 2012-04-02 16:10:23 UTC
Captain Thunk wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
Rory Orlenard wrote:
The thread has turned into accusing Goonswarm of botting. How many of you put a cloak on a rookie ship and went to Goon space to check ?

The several times I went there I found..Nothing no one on during my normal TZ it was just dead space, completely empty. So no I cant say I know goons bot but I can say the sov system is flawedSmile

Most people just look at the systems with the highest number of NPC kills in the last 24hrs, it's not 100% accurate, but then neither is CCPs RMT detection efforts it seems.

Seeing how CCP haveonly got it wrong only once I'd say its a rather good system.
Beekeeper Bob
Beekeepers Anonymous
#302 - 2012-04-02 16:26:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Beekeeper Bob
Deleted due to CCP's buggy linking system

Signature removed - CCP Eterne

My Neutral Toon
#303 - 2012-04-02 16:31:22 UTC
Aiwha wrote:
WTB Leviathen, I have two quarters and a dime.

you're talking about money?

...Can't. Tell. If ...Troll? Or Serious....

Butt Hurt about Harrasment? Read first GM post:

Beekeeper Bob
Beekeepers Anonymous
#304 - 2012-04-02 16:31:37 UTC
CCP Sreegs wrote:
Beekeeper Bob wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
2D34DLY4U wrote:
Kytoth wrote:
Do you really think they manually looked at alliances/corps/chars? I'm pretty sure they ran some DB script looking for suspicious transfers, which are pretty hard to define, and then just removed all the isk said script flagged / banned flagged accounts.

IF this is the way they did it then I am very much against this crap.

Large alliances with thousands of active people selling ships, contracts and all sorts of services cannot be suddenly hammered to the ground with huge negative isk accounts because some people used rmt isk to buy stuff from them and some dev is using a dumb db script.

As much as I support Sreegs efforts to clean the world from rmt if this is the way it is done we are harming people that play the game instead of harming those that cheat. In a sense it is an even worse way for the cheaters to destroy the game if they are able to provoke this kind of random havoc.

I would expect someone HUMAN and WITH A BRAIN to look closely at the list of bannable accounts that comes out of these scripts and THINK FOR THIRTY SECONDS about implications and trying to understand WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON. CCP should investigate stuff, not randomly ban people.

I may be wrong but if I have to choose between Shamis being a cheater and Sreegs being trigger happy and dumb, I'll go with the one that has more Alliance Tournament wins. There's some love for the game right there.

CCP seems to take matters like this pretty seriously. I think you can safely assume that any implicating data generated would be investigated before penalties were assessed.

I hope this was a troll.....Oops

CCP has ignored it for years, now they suddenly start banning? Interesting timing don't you think? When did they spend 10 minutes addressing it the past?
Just after they get mud in their face due to their favorite Bee having a senior moment in front of the camera.

So...not only is the Hive trying Brute-force metagaming, but CCP is gonna give it a try too?

"CCP, I know, lets out one of the big RMT groups so that we can deflect attention away from our abject foolishness at backing a failed leader"

I can't decide which of the trolls in these quotes I like better.

You know I won this hands down.

Now when is your openness with your with your customers, and your dedication to coding going to catch up with your sense of humor?Cool

Signature removed - CCP Eterne

Gunslingers Corp
#305 - 2012-04-02 16:44:45 UTC
So which alliance is going to kick PL while theyr'e down? just think of all the empty space....Mmmmm just ripe for fresh RMTer's

sry I have too... Points finger and LOLZ

Nice work CCP about time u pulled ya finger out and did something useful.
Swearte Widfarend
Ever Vigilant Fountain Defenders
#306 - 2012-04-02 16:50:17 UTC
Kaldaine wrote:
I can confirm that Goonswarm was not affected by this. Noone in the alliance RMT's.

Except the two characters who are involved in ship reimbursement who were either banned or went negative?

Dude, your own members posting about it with tears in other forums.

Pot, meet kettle.

Democracy is only as good as the despot managing the voting booth.

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#307 - 2012-04-02 17:09:20 UTC
Swearte Widfarend wrote:
Kaldaine wrote:
I can confirm that Goonswarm was not affected by this. Noone in the alliance RMT's.

Except the two characters who are involved in ship reimbursement who were either banned or went negative?
Dude, your own members posting about it with tears in other forums.
Pot, meet kettle.

CCP Sreegs = ED 209

Ninja footage of CCP Sreeg's first day on the job at CCP also featuring Soundwave and Hilmar

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#308 - 2012-04-02 17:15:18 UTC
so, if a toon is negative 75 trillion isk, does that mean that there is 75 trillion isk that the player/corp got away with?
Lapine Davion
Outer Ring Applied Logistics
#309 - 2012-04-02 17:29:33 UTC
Swearte Widfarend wrote:
Kaldaine wrote:
I can confirm that Goonswarm was not affected by this. Noone in the alliance RMT's.

Except the two characters who are involved in ship reimbursement who were either banned or went negative?

Dude, your own members posting about it with tears in other forums.

Pot, meet kettle.

The reimbursement guy keeps records that would make the most OCD Corporate Accountant blush. He petitioned it and was unbanned and given his money back almost within the day.

[b]Don't worry about posting with your main!  Post with your brain! "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."[/b]

#310 - 2012-04-02 18:01:51 UTC
Pr1ncess Alia wrote:
Pretty weak for an April Fools joke.

It's almost predictable.
Is their a fill in the blank form for these now?

"OMG U GUYS!! PL Just lost ____ isk because of _____. I know it's for real serious because ______ ragequit on their IRC."

I will give a 2/10 for getting the GMs in on the joke though

Never mind the OP was made on the 31st at 0130 EVE Time and CCP Sreegs' post was made on the 31st at 1351 EVE Time.


EVE is an illness, for which there is no cure.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#311 - 2012-04-02 18:52:31 UTC
Lyron-Baktos wrote:
so, if a toon is negative 75 trillion isk, does that mean that there is 75 trillion isk that the player/corp got away with?

IIRC, CCP uses a "double penalty" system - they deduct the ISK that you bought and ALSO remove any items that you bought.

So let's say you have a character with 1 billion ISK.
-You buy 50 billion ISK, and then buy a Titan for 40 billion ISK.
-So now you have 11 billion ISK and a Titan.
-CCP catches you for RMTing. They deduct 50 billion ISK from your wallet and seize your Titan.
-You now have -39 billion ISK and do NOT have a Titan.

HOWEVER, the person who sold the Titan in the first place for 40 billion ISK does NOT get his ISK removed (provided that he himself is not guilty of RMT). If the botter ragequits with his negative wallet, then the negative wallet doesn't cancel out the dirty ISK that made its way into the system.

You could come to the conclusion that RMT and bot bannings actually CAUSE inflation, then. Not only does it fail to remove most of the dirty ISK, but it also removes minerals from the game.
#312 - 2012-04-02 18:58:07 UTC
Taedrin wrote:

You could come to the conclusion that RMT and bot bannings actually CAUSE inflation, then. Not only does it fail to remove most of the dirty ISK, but it also removes minerals from the game.

This is probably why they've been targeting alliances since it's a bit more difficult for them to simply "quit", especially when Sov is in the equation.

EVE is an illness, for which there is no cure.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#313 - 2012-04-02 19:03:52 UTC
Taedrin wrote:
Lyron-Baktos wrote:
so, if a toon is negative 75 trillion isk, does that mean that there is 75 trillion isk that the player/corp got away with?

IIRC, CCP uses a "double penalty" system - they deduct the ISK that you bought and ALSO remove any items that you bought.

So let's say you have a character with 1 billion ISK.
-You buy 50 billion ISK, and then buy a Titan for 40 billion ISK.
-So now you have 11 billion ISK and a Titan.
-CCP catches you for RMTing. They deduct 50 billion ISK from your wallet and seize your Titan.
-You now have -39 billion ISK and do NOT have a Titan.

HOWEVER, the person who sold the Titan in the first place for 40 billion ISK does NOT get his ISK removed (provided that he himself is not guilty of RMT). If the botter ragequits with his negative wallet, then the negative wallet doesn't cancel out the dirty ISK that made its way into the system.

You could come to the conclusion that RMT and bot bannings actually CAUSE inflation, then. Not only does it fail to remove most of the dirty ISK, but it also removes minerals from the game.

This makes perfect sense, thanks. So, alliances that do this just have a dummy alt that holds all the isk so if anything happens, then their main alt is not affected. Hopefully, CCP banned all accounts they could find that are associated with the money holding alt
Grath Telkin
Goonswarm Federation
#314 - 2012-04-02 19:04:16 UTC
The amount of stupid gullible mouth breathing retards in this single thread is nigh overwhelming.

Malcanis I am ashamed to even find you in here, though not shocked that pubbie alliances like Cascade and Get off My Lawn are crowing about something they're not even sure is true.

Malcanis - Without drone assign, the slowcat doctrine will wither and die.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#315 - 2012-04-02 19:08:33 UTC
Llyona wrote:
Taedrin wrote:

You could come to the conclusion that RMT and bot bannings actually CAUSE inflation, then. Not only does it fail to remove most of the dirty ISK, but it also removes minerals from the game.

This is probably why they've been targeting alliances since it's a bit more difficult for them to simply "quit", especially when Sov is in the equation.

Correct me if I am wrong, but CCP isn't removing ISK from alliances directly. They are removing ISK from the wallets of the alliance's MEMBERS. Yes, leaders may find it a bit harder to "simply 'quit'" as you put it. But the rank-and-file? They can (and have) quit when something as soul crushing as a negative wallet comes their way.
Padme Amidala Naberrie
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#316 - 2012-04-02 19:12:36 UTC
Grath Telkin wrote:
The amount of stupid gullible mouth breathing retards in this single thread is nigh overwhelming.

Malcanis I am ashamed to even find you in here, though not shocked that pubbie alliances like Cascade and Get off My Lawn are crowing about something they're not even sure is true.

Oh look, a PL toon who's only "argument" to the accusations levelled against his alliance is to resort to insults and abuse.

What a surprise.


The Scope
#317 - 2012-04-02 19:18:08 UTC
CCP Sreegs wrote:
Aranakas wrote:
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
I got banned during Unholy Rage even though my account was expired at the time, but hey I got it unbanned quick enough so nbd.

This sort of thing is worrying to me. I put a lot of effort into EVE and if I got banned by some script for suspicious behavior like donating isk to IRL friends, I'd be pretty pissed off.

I'd recommend saving the worrying for if something actually happens. :)

Sreegs, you've kind of forgotten about the "Scarlet Letter" thread where you made a commitment to provide an answer. Looks like you're pretty busy, but still...
Grath Telkin
Goonswarm Federation
#318 - 2012-04-02 19:18:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Grath Telkin
Padme Amidala Naberrie wrote:
Grath Telkin wrote:
The amount of stupid gullible mouth breathing retards in this single thread is nigh overwhelming.

Malcanis I am ashamed to even find you in here, though not shocked that pubbie alliances like Cascade and Get off My Lawn are crowing about something they're not even sure is true.

Oh look, a PL toon who's only "argument" to the accusations levelled against his alliance is to resort to insults and abuse.

What a surprise.



I'm not sure what country you're from, but in most modern countries accusations need to be leveled with some form of proof to be taken seriously.

Try this:

I heard your mother is a hooker.

Now the thread can safely devolve into a discussion about her going rates, and the burden of proof is now on you to show us that she is indeed not a hooker.

Malcanis - Without drone assign, the slowcat doctrine will wither and die.

Meno Theaetetus
Gallente Federation
#319 - 2012-04-02 19:21:22 UTC
Posting in a PL bait thread.

Markus Reese
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#320 - 2012-04-02 19:32:16 UTC
Grath Telkin wrote:
I'm not sure what country you're from, but in most modern countries accusations need to be leveled with some form of proof to be taken seriously.

Try this:

I heard your mother is a hooker.

Now the thread can safely devolve into a discussion about her going rates, and the burden of proof is now on you to show us that she is indeed not a hooker.

Confidentiality also applies. There quite probably are members in corps and alliances (PL included) where they might have only bought once or twice to not fall behind. Possibly RMT is quite frowned upon. So they suck it up, nobody knows and play legit from then on. Those in the wrong can petition and evidence is between the fined and CCP. None of our business. Botter accounts are another matter though.

To quote Lfod Shi

The ratting itself is PvE. Getting away with it is PvP.