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PL gets 15trillion isk banned in recent RMT bannings

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Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#261 - 2012-04-01 17:33:24 UTC
Seshzan wrote:

I see this statement thrown around alot but i fail to see how it proves goons immunity to corruption ?

just as a quick example they must do 1,000's of ship replacements weekly ? monthly ? wouldn't be to hard for the reimburstment guy to send 50mil to he's alt in alliance everytime and i highly doubt someone checks every loss to isk payout

Every ship loss is indeed checked to make sure fittings are correct and nobody tries goonfucking.
Prince Kobol
#262 - 2012-04-01 17:37:57 UTC
Believe it or not I actually believe the goons when it comes to RMT.

If somebody within Goonswarm was involved in botting or/and RMT and was caught they would most likely be the first to name and shame them.
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#263 - 2012-04-01 17:37:58 UTC  |  Edited by: ElJo123
Ore Bunny wrote:
Padme Amidala Naberrie wrote:
Ore Bunny wrote:
Calmoto wrote:
2 words

viper shitzle Cool


2 words and 50% of em are wrong spelled, typical Goon.

Incorrectly spelt.

If you are going to pick on someone's spelling and grammar to try and hoist them you really should make some effort to get it right yourself.

Just saying.


If you're going to pick on someone's spelling, who is picking on someone's spelling, you should know what is English and what is not.

Just saying,


Also I believe he took issue with your usage of the word 'wrong' (because it's wrong).
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#264 - 2012-04-01 18:03:03 UTC
Kaldaine wrote:
I can confirm that Goonswarm was not affected by this. Noone in the alliance RMT's.

Goonswarm has strict policies against RMTing with zero tolerance policies. Please, no trolling or unsupported false accusations.
#265 - 2012-04-01 19:19:41 UTC
In all seriousness, I dont believe PL per say did any RMTing, I mean seriously the amount of tech moons, rents, large contracts etc (many we know of running into billions) they dont need to.. They just dont...They have a few trillion just in Alliance Tourny ships wins I bet.

but as others have said its more than like secondhand from botting/rmting alliances - and whos that from? Hmm Russian Alliances perhaps? Not mentioning any names? So why hasnt anything happened to them?

I am always shocked that even though its taboo, people know the major russian alliances and involved in this, yet CCP seem to do nothing about it? I just cant understand it.. The Russian Mafia giving you back handers CCP?

But anyway if we are going by the you got isk by someone who rmt/botted it then i bet you would have to ban tons of ppl because that isk has entered the game, so in essence everyone has probably got some of that isk unknowingly in their wallet.

I would assume CCP did alot more research before simple banning and removing massive amounts of ISK from a major major alliance in eve knowing the consequences...Surely... You dont just do that by some random script to likes of PL...
Minmatar Heavy Industries
#266 - 2012-04-01 19:24:21 UTC
Kaldaine wrote:
Kaldaine wrote:
I can confirm that Goonswarm was not affected by this. Noone in the alliance RMT's.

Goonswarm has strict policies against RMTing with zero tolerance policies. Please, no trolling or unsupported false accusations.

lol I caught a Goon asking for no trolling or unsupported false accusations lol Does that mean he has to put 25 ISK into the swear jar?
An' then, he come scramblin outta the    Terminal room screaming "The system's crashing! The system's    crashing!" -Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'
Fractal Muse
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#267 - 2012-04-01 19:31:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Fractal Muse
I may not have fully understood the Security Presentation by CCP but I thought that it was the perpetrators of the ISK generating activities that had their ISK removed and not the end parties.

For example, if EVE player Iamguilty botted and generated a billion ISK, then Iamguilty bought a really nice implant from Innocent then the ISK would be removed from Iamguilty and not Innocent.

If Iamguilty bought ISK via RMT then Iamguilty has that amount removed regardless if Iamguilty bought something from Innocent.

The posts here are suggesting that Innocent gets nailed by the removal of ISK. Is this the case?

If Iamguilty buys a billion ISK then uses it to buy all sorts of cool stuff from Innocent, Innocent loses a billion ISK and Iamguilty is left alone? That seems... strange and contrary to the stated policy of CCP but I could have misunderstood.

Further, if someone is selling ISK for money, who has that ISK removed?

In the situation: ImaketoomuchISK has an excess of ISK and therefore sells it to Iamguilty.

Who has what punishment?

Does ImaketoomuchISK have ISK removed? Are they banned? Heck, does ImaketoomuchISK have ISK reimbursed? (to reset where the ISK was from, especially if the ISK generating activity was legal?)
Comply Or Die
Pandemic Horde
#268 - 2012-04-01 19:52:05 UTC
Fractal Muse wrote:
I may not have fully understood the Security Presentation by CCP but I thought that it was the perpetrators of the ISK generating activities that had their ISK removed and not the end parties.

For example, if EVE player Iamguilty botted and generated a billion ISK, then Iamguilty bought a really nice implant from Innocent then the ISK would be removed from Iamguilty and not Innocent.

If Iamguilty bought ISK via RMT then Iamguilty has that amount removed regardless if Iamguilty bought something from Innocent.

The posts here are suggesting that Innocent gets nailed by the removal of ISK. Is this the case?

If Iamguilty buys a billion ISK then uses it to buy all sorts of cool stuff from Innocent, Innocent loses a billion ISK and Iamguilty is left alone? That seems... strange and contrary to the stated policy of CCP but I could have misunderstood.

Further, if someone is selling ISK for money, who has that ISK removed?

In the situation: ImaketoomuchISK has an excess of ISK and therefore sells it to Iamguilty.

Who has what punishment?

Does ImaketoomuchISK have ISK removed? Are they banned? Heck, does ImaketoomuchISK have ISK reimbursed? (to reset where the ISK was from, especially if the ISK generating activity was legal?)

million dollar question!

All my views are my own - never be afraid to post with your main, unless you're going to post some dumb shit

Padme Amidala Naberrie
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#269 - 2012-04-01 19:53:56 UTC
Ore Bunny wrote:
Padme Amidala Naberrie wrote:
Ore Bunny wrote:
Calmoto wrote:
2 words

viper shitzle Cool


2 words and 50% of em are wrong spelled, typical Goon.

Incorrectly spelt.

If you are going to pick on someone's spelling and grammar to try and hoist them you really should make some effort to get it right yourself.

Just saying.


if your going to pick on someone's spelling, who is picking on someone's spelling, you should know what is English and what not.

just saying,


Being English, I do. Seems you don't.

Padme Amidala Naberrie
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#270 - 2012-04-01 19:58:09 UTC
The assumption that everyone seems to be making is that Pandemic Legion *bought* ISK.

Might it not be that they, in fact, sold ISK and seeing as CCP can't remove the real money they made, they simply took away from them the same amount of ISK that they sold by way of punishment?

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#271 - 2012-04-01 20:03:21 UTC
DarthNefarius wrote:
Kaldaine wrote:
Kaldaine wrote:
I can confirm that Goonswarm was not affected by this. Noone in the alliance RMT's.

Goonswarm has strict policies against RMTing with zero tolerance policies. Please, no trolling or unsupported false accusations.

lol I caught a Goon asking for no trolling or unsupported false accusations lol Does that mean he has to put 25 ISK into the swear jar?

There is no need for ad hominem attacks here, please keep it respectful. This should be a place for civil discourse where noone should be afraid to post with their mains just because they are in a certain alliance or corp.
Comply Or Die
Pandemic Horde
#272 - 2012-04-01 20:07:15 UTC
Fractal Muse wrote:
I may not have fully understood the Security Presentation by CCP but I thought that it was the perpetrators of the ISK generating activities that had their ISK removed and not the end parties.

For example, if EVE player Iamguilty botted and generated a billion ISK, then Iamguilty bought a really nice implant from Innocent then the ISK would be removed from Iamguilty and not Innocent.

If Iamguilty bought ISK via RMT then Iamguilty has that amount removed regardless if Iamguilty bought something from Innocent.

The posts here are suggesting that Innocent gets nailed by the removal of ISK. Is this the case?

If Iamguilty buys a billion ISK then uses it to buy all sorts of cool stuff from Innocent, Innocent loses a billion ISK and Iamguilty is left alone? That seems... strange and contrary to the stated policy of CCP but I could have misunderstood.

Further, if someone is selling ISK for money, who has that ISK removed?

In the situation: ImaketoomuchISK has an excess of ISK and therefore sells it to Iamguilty.

Who has what punishment?

Does ImaketoomuchISK have ISK removed? Are they banned? Heck, does ImaketoomuchISK have ISK reimbursed? (to reset where the ISK was from, especially if the ISK generating activity was legal?)

million dollar question

All my views are my own - never be afraid to post with your main, unless you're going to post some dumb shit

Alavaria Fera
#273 - 2012-04-01 20:07:28 UTC
Padme Amidala Naberrie wrote:
The assumption that everyone seems to be making is that Pandemic Legion *bought* ISK.

Might it not be that they, in fact, sold ISK and seeing as CCP can't remove the real money they made, they simply took away from them the same amount of ISK that they sold by way of punishment?


Then the question is if they are paying members who can use Titans, how are they doing that and RMTing isk? It seems either way a bit hard to put together.

Is the amount of isk removed even confirmed, or are there just tons of rumors?

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Padme Amidala Naberrie
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#274 - 2012-04-01 20:11:37 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Padme Amidala Naberrie wrote:
The assumption that everyone seems to be making is that Pandemic Legion *bought* ISK.

Might it not be that they, in fact, sold ISK and seeing as CCP can't remove the real money they made, they simply took away from them the same amount of ISK that they sold by way of punishment?


Then the question is if they are paying members who can use Titans, how are they doing that and RMTing isk? It seems either way a bit hard to put together.

Is the amount of isk removed even confirmed, or are there just tons of rumors?

Alt toons transferring the ISK to their mains? I know that would be pretty stupid to "risk" a main like that but the amounts involved - if the rumours are true - are so large that this may well have been going on for years and they got complacent or made mistakes.

J3ssica Alba
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#275 - 2012-04-01 20:11:57 UTC
I sell lots of stuff on the market and in contracts everyday. If anyone has RMTed and buys stuff from me do I get "tainted isk" even through no fault of my own? It's not like I can investigate people that purchase stuff from me Roll
This is my signature. There are many others like it, but this one is mine.  Without me, my signature is useless. Without my signature, I am useless
#276 - 2012-04-01 21:15:50 UTC
It will be interesting to see if Darkside is going to get hit.
#277 - 2012-04-01 22:01:22 UTC
Alavaria Fera
#278 - 2012-04-01 22:15:44 UTC
Padme Amidala Naberrie wrote:

Alt toons transferring the ISK to their mains? I know that would be pretty stupid to "risk" a main like that but the amounts involved - if the rumours are true - are so large that this may well have been going on for years and they got complacent or made mistakes.

Maybe. Who knows except CCP... or even them, since they have apparently gotten some false positives.

My own wallet character recently passed about 2 billion for Game Time cards to my two other alt accounts, but that's really nothing at all (and they spam it back with all the ratting money). A few billions probably wouldn't cause them to trigger an RMT investigation.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

AV Taron
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#279 - 2012-04-01 22:18:21 UTC
Kaldaine wrote:
DarthNefarius wrote:
Kaldaine wrote:
Kaldaine wrote:
I can confirm that Goonswarm was not affected by this. Noone in the alliance RMT's.

Goonswarm has strict policies against RMTing with zero tolerance policies. Please, no trolling or unsupported false accusations.

lol I caught a Goon asking for no trolling or unsupported false accusations lol Does that mean he has to put 25 ISK into the swear jar?

There is no need for ad hominem attacks here, please keep it respectful. This should be a place for civil discourse where noone should be afraid to post with their mains just because they are in a certain alliance or corp.

I just have one question here. Could you have made your reply more pompous in any way? And a goon asking to keep things respectful? Don't break character and go all pompous and climb up onto your seat high up on your might horse, because if you look really really closely you'll find it's just a rather sickly donkey that could collapse under you without any warning whatsoever.
Tanya Powers
#280 - 2012-04-01 22:18:28 UTC
Lady Spank wrote:
Rumour has it alts post shite on the forums.


You don't need an alt to do it.

