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Is the Naga dead to you, or are you still excited for it?

#101 - 2011-11-19 06:11:21 UTC
I am beyond thrilled.

I, as a Caldari, have an adequate hybrid platform. Unlike the Rokh, with it's false promises in it's flavor text.

I'm Caldari. I have gun skills. Why can't the rest of you just train gun skills? You don't have to use them. Stick with your terrible cruise missiles and torps. I'm going to be flaying my enemies into a fine, likely ionized molecular cloud with my 8x Ion Blaster Cannon II Naga. And maybe Electron Blaster Moa if it can ever get into a decent fleet.
Jude Lloyd
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#102 - 2011-11-19 06:22:35 UTC
Vincent Gaines wrote:
Jude Lloyd wrote:
TrollFace TrololMcFluf wrote:
caldari tears aka carebear tears BEST TEARS

Your logic is faulty.

I have never PVE'd once since playing this game, and I fly Caldari.

Caldari is the best race for PVP.

Combat record for Jude Lloyd

Favourite prey: Battlecruiser
Favourite ship: Imperial Navy Slicer

Kills With:

Crow 5
Caldari Navy Hookbill 2
Imperial Navy Slicer 21
Thrasher 1
Cynabal 33

Okie dokie. Then use Caldari more.

Lol my top used ships are the drake, rook, and merlin. Good intel m8 Roll

I'm back!

Jhagiti Tyran
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#103 - 2011-11-19 06:57:03 UTC
Vincent Gaines wrote:
OT Smithers wrote:
. The typical Caldari pilot, having no hybrid skills or gunnery skills to speak of, is looking at five or six months to use this ship properly. It's ridiculous.

And who's fault is that?

Caldari have been using Hybrids since the game started.

Every ship any noob has encountered has presented the race as both missiles and hybrids- not secondary, but both equal in terms of use in space.

Most of the people that have purely trained Caldari didn't put many SP into gunnery because the gunboats for the most part are worse than the missile boats. It is refreshing to see the Naga with a damage bonus though, it wouldn't have surprised me to see it come with 7 turrets and no damage bonus. Still I have not tried the ship on sisi and it makes me wonder if its like the other Caldari gunboats and lack the cap to even run its turrets, let alone any other mods.
#104 - 2011-11-19 17:31:34 UTC
I think CCP chose the easiest way to deal with the Naga.

Making a viable missile tier3 BC would mean fixing cruise and torps

What this dude said. I'm just glad to not have a completely inadequately bonused torp ship.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H.L. Mencken

Klown Walk
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#105 - 2011-11-19 17:38:29 UTC
Don´t see the point of adding 2 hybrid ships.
Eva Blacklist
#106 - 2011-11-19 18:10:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Eva Blacklist
Vincent Gaines wrote:
Eva Blacklist wrote:
For me,the excitement of the expansion was the Naga plus torpedoes. To be frank, if I wanted a gun-based boat it would be the Oracle (which is major sexy). It appears the management of CCP continues to be out-of-touch with a part of its player base.

The Naga is now competitive instead of another lolCaldari ship.

CCP has listened to a long neglected, much larger part of its playerbase and a huge part of Caldari/Gallente gameplay.

You don't know this because you started playing eve around the time hybrids became completely useless.

I don't know how to explain this.. it's like trying to explain life before the internet to a person under 20. There's a whole big part of Caldari and Gallente playstyles that has been left behind and finally brought to the forefront.

Dude, this is my 'baby' character, and I am confident I am a hell of a lot older than than you. I wanted a torpedo boat, but barring that I will stick with the Tornado or Oracle because I am skilled for those. Stop speaking to people you do not know as if you know something.

One more thing, unless you programmed with something before punch cards, STFU about the internet, assclown.

Smiling Menace
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#107 - 2011-11-19 19:44:32 UTC
Eva Blacklist wrote:
Vincent Gaines wrote:
Eva Blacklist wrote:
For me,the excitement of the expansion was the Naga plus torpedoes. To be frank, if I wanted a gun-based boat it would be the Oracle (which is major sexy). It appears the management of CCP continues to be out-of-touch with a part of its player base.

The Naga is now competitive instead of another lolCaldari ship.

CCP has listened to a long neglected, much larger part of its playerbase and a huge part of Caldari/Gallente gameplay.

You don't know this because you started playing eve around the time hybrids became completely useless.

I don't know how to explain this.. it's like trying to explain life before the internet to a person under 20. There's a whole big part of Caldari and Gallente playstyles that has been left behind and finally brought to the forefront.

Dude, this is my 'baby' character, and I am confident I am a hell of a lot older than than you. I wanted a torpedo boat, but barring that I will stick with the Tornado or Oracle because I am skilled for those. Stop speaking to people you do not know as if you know something.

One more thing, unless you programmed with something before punch cards, STFU about the internet, assclown.


Think you completely missed his point.

And he is right btw. Hybrids have long been neglected. I started EVE when they were the defacto standard for all turrets then it all went horribly wrong and I barely used Gal ships once they fell so badly behind Projectiles and Lasers. Web nerf was pretty much the last straw for blasters.

The guy was just trying to give an idea of how difficult it was to explain life when hybrids ruled until now. Totally no need for your baseless rant at him. It's assclowns like you that really make these forums suck.

Oh, one more point, how do you know that isn't his alt? You have no idea about him either but you are doing what you asked him not to. That makes you a hypocrite.
Rico Rage
#108 - 2011-11-19 22:53:59 UTC
Eva Blacklist wrote:
Vincent Gaines wrote:
Eva Blacklist wrote:
For me,the excitement of the expansion was the Naga plus torpedoes. To be frank, if I wanted a gun-based boat it would be the Oracle (which is major sexy). It appears the management of CCP continues to be out-of-touch with a part of its player base.

The Naga is now competitive instead of another lolCaldari ship.

CCP has listened to a long neglected, much larger part of its playerbase and a huge part of Caldari/Gallente gameplay.

You don't know this because you started playing eve around the time hybrids became completely useless.

I don't know how to explain this.. it's like trying to explain life before the internet to a person under 20. There's a whole big part of Caldari and Gallente playstyles that has been left behind and finally brought to the forefront.

Dude, this is my 'baby' character, and I am confident I am a hell of a lot older than than you. I wanted a torpedo boat, but barring that I will stick with the Tornado or Oracle because I am skilled for those. Stop speaking to people you do not know as if you know something.

One more thing, unless you programmed with something before punch cards, STFU about the internet, assclown.


Then post with your main. Hate it when people talk crap but then puss out and post on an alt character.
Borun Tal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#109 - 2011-11-20 01:28:04 UTC
How many mining lazors and warp core stabs can I fit on the Naga?

Oh, wait....
The Konvergent League
#110 - 2011-11-20 03:38:11 UTC
Gypsio III wrote:
Rail Naga - 700 DPS at 100 km. Deal with it, pathetic whingeing Caldari carebears.

This is the feed back CCP is getting...from ppl who dont fly caldari ships.....and they are listening to them... =FAIL
Goonswarm Federation
#111 - 2011-11-20 06:30:47 UTC
TS0 wrote:
Gypsio III wrote:
Rail Naga - 700 DPS at 100 km. Deal with it, pathetic whingeing Caldari carebears.

This is the feed back CCP is getting...from ppl who dont fly caldari ships.....and they are listening to them... =FAIL

I'm a caldari, who flies caldari ships, and I'm greatly looking forward to a proper rail platform:)


Katabrok First
Apukaray Security
#112 - 2011-11-20 21:19:55 UTC
Zeerover wrote:
TS0 wrote:
Gypsio III wrote:
Rail Naga - 700 DPS at 100 km. Deal with it, pathetic whingeing Caldari carebears.

This is the feed back CCP is getting...from ppl who dont fly caldari ships.....and they are listening to them... =FAIL

I'm a caldari, who flies caldari ships, and I'm greatly looking forward to a proper rail platform:)

Hello. I'm caldari, I fly rail boats and I approve the Naga. Thank you very much.
Nezumiiro Noneko
Alternative Enterprises
#113 - 2011-11-20 22:12:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Nezumiiro Noneko
TS0 wrote:
Gypsio III wrote:
Rail Naga - 700 DPS at 100 km. Deal with it, pathetic whingeing Caldari carebears.

This is the feed back CCP is getting...from ppl who dont fly caldari ships.....and they are listening to them... =FAIL

A decent BC class gun boat for caldari has been a gaping hole for years. CCP listened to that gripe. 2 choices in this realm. Lolrox or x-train amarr or minny (usually minny, easier x-train imo). Lolrox has been lacking, hell on paper it will still lack after hybid fix. NAga will be the gap filler here I'd put money on.

CCP listenend to caldari gunners who said thanks for the range but we want moar gun damage. 20-25% level dependent a good step in that direction. Powergrid fixes as well and it becomes clear ccp wants a caldari bc besides drake on the server (we all know lolrox ain't so popular....).

gun choice a good call imo. Might even clear up some canes off the server....most x-trains I know of like me went to that when drake got old. KNow I'll give her a go. Be nice if tracking was thrown in too...but you can't have everything.
Caldari State
#114 - 2011-11-21 07:33:05 UTC
Yup, dissapointed. I hoped to take my missile skills and fleet with any Drake pilot (are there any out there?). I hoped the Naga could thus sail through difficult PVE cheaply enough to fly in nullsec. Combined arms concept after all.
Jennifer Starling
Imperial Navy Forum Patrol
#115 - 2011-11-21 12:44:44 UTC
Perhaps they can give it a big cargohold of say 1,000 cubic metres so i can use it as a transporter or salvager (with 8 turrets)?
Katabrok First
Apukaray Security
#116 - 2011-11-21 13:23:56 UTC
Jennifer Starling wrote:
Perhaps they can give it a big cargohold of say 1,000 cubic metres so i can use it as a transporter or salvager (with 8 turrets)?

Oh my, maybe you could use a ship with bonuses to tractors and salvagers? With a good enough cargo bay? Could CCP dare to create a ship like that?

Oh, wait. They did... Noctis?
Jhagiti Tyran
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#117 - 2011-11-21 14:36:32 UTC
TS0 wrote:
Gypsio III wrote:
Rail Naga - 700 DPS at 100 km. Deal with it, pathetic whingeing Caldari carebears.

This is the feed back CCP is getting...from ppl who dont fly caldari ships.....and they are listening to them... =FAIL

Its not fail at all, its good to see a railgun platform that's not whacked with a nerfbat before it even hits the server. Maybe, just maybe CCP will fix the other Caldari gunboats to.
Niko Takahashi
Yoshitomi Group
#118 - 2011-11-21 14:54:37 UTC
I approve of the Naga

Although I was reall hoping for a Torp ECM strength bonus combo :)

But a nice Freaking boat that will be long range fire support decent damage and range. AND cheap

Now Fix the Rokh
Techno General
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#119 - 2011-11-21 17:13:31 UTC
This is the exact reason I trained for ERRYTING :) T3 BC's with al T2 Weapons HERE I COME :)
Mike Whiite
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#120 - 2011-11-22 13:53:31 UTC
I think it's a missed chance.

Let me try to explain, Due to it's affinety with missles the Caldari race is a very good race to start with in Eve.

In the rather steep learning curve Eve has, less is more in your early months. So not having to keep track of your speed, angle ect. ect. is a great plus.

Before you start to earn a little money and realy have a chance to see what this game is all about people usualy train to battlecruiser class, this is about the time when people make the decision to stay onboard and become paying members. The prospect of goodies right behind the door might be quite aluring and in your first weeks/months of EVE training time is seen different, 90 days is quite a long time when you're only 90 days online.

that said the hybrid ship might be nice for the players that play longer.

Nnot playing to long myself, I don´t expect to fly the Naga anytime soon. When putting time in gunnery, things like Projetiles and Artillery seem more alluring then Hybride. more new ships availible, which actualy have a use at frigate lvl above what I fly already. for a few days extra of learning Minmatar Frigate.

That said I think the Naga is going to do well for Gelante, since they can fly it in relative shorter time a lot of Caldari will need to invest in it.