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Balancing Feedback: Hybrid Turrets

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Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1941 - 2012-03-19 22:33:11 UTC
MJDs do nothing for hybrids. Projectiles are still cap-free and lasers still have dominant optimal. Have we learned nothing from this monstrously atrocious thread? How does introducing a new item suddenly and magically fix the shortcomings of another? Even if MJDs were the magical item that gives blasters the ability to live up to their potential, all that would happen is other ships would fit it to get away. If anything, MJDs will only contribute to a long-range game of cat and mouse, promoting artillery/beams/rails.

I'm sorry, but I don't see why MJDs are even being discussed here. Sad
Arpy Corporation
#1942 - 2012-03-20 14:31:03 UTC
Magosian wrote:
I'm sorry, but I don't see why MJDs are even being discussed here. Sad

This. What the hell has a microjump drive got to do with hybrids? Please make a separate thread in Features and Ideas and try to keep this one on topic.

I am disappointed by where the balancing has left hybrids (IE - slightly-less-awful-than-before) but I can also understand that with the announcement of the "game of drones team" (who we have heard worryingly little from in the Dev Blogs), CCP might not be willing to go further.

With Tallest out on paternity leave I'd expect balancing to go absolutely nowhere until next winter. This does make me feel somewhat cheated given how hard the eve community pushed for consistent iterative balancing, and I think CCP needs to either make a statement on the situation or assign another full-time employee to the task. Ship and module balancing is arguably the biggest gameplay component in eve upon which almost every other activity depends. It shouldn't be affected by one guy needing to take time off.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1943 - 2012-03-20 20:39:54 UTC
Ogogov wrote:
Magosian wrote:
I'm sorry, but I don't see why MJDs are even being discussed here. Sad

This. What the hell has a microjump drive got to do with hybrids? Please make a separate thread in Features and Ideas and try to keep this one on topic.

I am disappointed by where the balancing has left hybrids (IE - slightly-less-awful-than-before) but I can also understand that with the announcement of the "game of drones team" (who we have heard worryingly little from in the Dev Blogs), CCP might not be willing to go further.

With Tallest out on paternity leave I'd expect balancing to go absolutely nowhere until next winter. This does make me feel somewhat cheated given how hard the eve community pushed for consistent iterative balancing, and I think CCP needs to either make a statement on the situation or assign another full-time employee to the task. Ship and module balancing is arguably the biggest gameplay component in eve upon which almost every other activity depends. It shouldn't be affected by one guy needing to take time off.

Now what have we learned? Better set no expectations into CCP so you don't get disapointed.
I could now beginn to talk about the letter, the CEO and his marketing blabla like "listen" to something like the "playerbase" or "community" and "improvement" and "have learn from previous mistakes" and so on.
Well, lets just forgett this whole topic.
From CCP's point of view we are just a handfull guys complaining and "there will always be a few that are not happy, they will never be happy...".
This is the situation. Accept it, get over it, or leave the game. The last one is my advice.
Or alternatively enjoy your Enyo and kill something. At least you have one ship now so stfu and be thankfull, could be worse :P
Gustav Knuttsen
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#1944 - 2012-03-28 19:39:52 UTC
Guys, I was able to ask question on fan fest - via twitter :) Thank to this guy who ask this question for me ! Cheers bro !

So I was able to ask question on Design Panel - here it is :

Fast forward to 52:35

So yeah - Gallente ships are big issue got problem with tanking and for sure they will be fixed but when ? soon (tm)

Keep "lobbing" for gallente ships guys !
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1945 - 2012-03-30 00:23:57 UTC
Thank you for the link, but I don't believe what he says, "soon" and then he laughts...
Giving this thread they have promissed to fix it "with the winter 2011 pack".
Well, they didn't. Then there was some blablah about end of Feb 2012...
After that Tallest disappeared without any info. Some say he is at parental leave but disapointing that there is nothing from CCP here. Even if he is at parental leave why CCP doesn't replace him with an other Dev who will look at hybrids in the meantime? Even if they consider this topic as finished, why are they not able to give us an answer here?

This entire topic is more marketing blablah than everything else...
Same stuff like the CEO letter and all the other stuff they promise but do not hold.

CCP at it's best.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1946 - 2012-03-30 01:50:51 UTC
Gustav Knuttsen wrote:
Guys, I was able to ask question on fan fest - via twitter :) Thank to this guy who ask this question for me ! Cheers bro !

Well I guess this counts as a response to this thread at least, which is what we've all wanted. Not the answer I was hoping for tho - the dreaded 'Soon™'!

It seems to me though, that they can't properly balance all the ships without addressing this issue, so perhaps as they're going through all the frigs, cruisers etc they will look at what can be done to fix, and when that day comes, I hope they browse through this thread, as there were a lot of good ideas bandied around.

"Wow, that internet argument completely changed my fundamental belief system," said no one, ever.

Gallente Federation
#1947 - 2012-03-30 02:58:15 UTC
While the it's the another delay with the "soon(tm)" response, i guess it's better than "working as intended"...
Gallente Federation
#1948 - 2012-04-01 14:45:34 UTC
As a gallente pilot, I must say... Love it! thanks for getting around to balancing these things out a bit more. awesome work ccp
Keen Fallsword
Skyway Patrol
#1949 - 2012-04-03 03:34:16 UTC
Im doing small break from eve and i will back when gallente ships will be ready to roll !! Yeah