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EXEFILE Login To Be Discontinued On September 20th

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CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#261 - 2016-09-13 10:02:16 UTC
Zappity wrote:
Why doesn't hitting Enter enter my password in the launcher?

It does for me - if the issue is reproducable submit a bug report please, with system details and if you have a special keyboard.

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#262 - 2016-09-13 16:19:24 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:
Zappity wrote:
Why doesn't hitting Enter enter my password in the launcher?

It does for me - if the issue is reproducable submit a bug report please, with system details and if you have a special keyboard.

Oh boy.
This is sarcasm right? .... Right?
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#263 - 2016-09-13 16:27:01 UTC  |  Edited by: enotsmirb

It did it again today. (launcher decided to download the update after I was already in the client). Bug report submitted no ship loss this time. Screen shot included. As you can see in the photo I am in the client while the update is taking place. You can also see that my internet connection is maxed out. It was stuck at verifying 99% until I closed the client and launcher then re-opened it.

From now on I just close the laucher after starting the game... Please add the feature to close the launcher after client starts.

The launcher needs help... (or maybe just my launcher needs help.)
CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#264 - 2016-09-14 10:37:16 UTC
enotsmirb wrote:

It did it again today. (launcher decided to download the update after I was already in the client). Bug report submitted no ship loss this time. Screen shot included. As you can see in the photo I am in the client while the update is taking place. You can also see that my internet connection is maxed out. It was stuck at verifying 99% until I closed the client and launcher then re-opened it.

From now on I just close the laucher after starting the game... Please add the feature to close the launcher after client starts.

The launcher needs help... (or maybe just my launcher needs help.)

Can you give me your bug report number(s) please? Can't find anything submitted in the last 24 hours that would match up to your issue. Bug report numbers can be found at

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#265 - 2016-09-14 13:57:42 UTC
Hi all,

To bring you an update on this. We have turned this on on Sisi now, so as of now Singularity will only be accessible via the Launcher. If you experience connectivity issues (bearing in mind that Singularity can go down with short notice for reboots and updates, so give it a couple of tries) please let us know about it.

As to some of the issues discussed in the thread and some progress updates on them:

Leaving Launcher open for a long time/Sleeping computer causing Launcher to forget accounts

Both of these issues share the same root cause from what we can see (and explain some other issues too), essentially the launcher doesn't handle losing network connectivity well. We are working on fixes here and will have those in place prior to closing the exefile entry point on TQ.

The Launcher doesn't remember my accounts/asks me for a login each time I open it

The Launcher will remember accounts and credentials if they are "pinned". You can pin accounts by logging in to them and then clicking the pin icon to the right hand side of the account panel. If the pin is blue, the account is pinned and will be remembered. The white pin means the account will not be remembered.


In the lined box at the top of the account panel, there is an option called "Automatic Login". If this option is selected, your launcher will automatically log in to pinned accounts when you start it. If it is not selected, the launcher will ask you to authenticate one of the accounts, and once you've done that the rest of your pinned accounts will be automatically authenticated. This menu also contains an option to forget all your accounts, should you wish to (e.g. playing on a shared computer). We are taking steps to make this more intuitive but these will not necessarily be in place by the time we close the exefile entry point

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

Maja Chou
#266 - 2016-09-14 14:37:39 UTC
maybee you also want a look into

and see there is still al lot problems with log in via launcher
you are getting realy angy customers everytime the launcher dropp saved accounts (realy not funny for powerplayer with more as one account you want in the game as contendmakers and multiplikators, maybee coaches for you comming alphas), refuse to update again and again, show blank log in screens over and over again
luckely the forum refused my edits here few times so you cant read i wrote in with capitals

yea i see the future without exefile you can remove old code from game and give new fetures maybee like direct char log in bundlet with settings profiles and something

but first get your stuff running rockstabl maybee put more devtime in it, rethink how something work or ask someone from outside ccp how they would do this
other companys show a gamestarter can work since years without problems

you are getting angry customers over and over again who just want to undock ships, play the market, hotdrop noobship with titans and enjoy your nice grafic work

Da die auf Schildwall vorhandenen Informationen nur einen minimalen Einfluss auf das Endergebnis der Neuspielererfahrung von EVE als ganzes gehabt hätten,habe ich beschlossen, die Informationen so zu belassen, wie CCP sie zu liefern in der Lage ist.

Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#267 - 2016-09-14 15:11:54 UTC
I wanna know how many people with forgotten account issues never pinned them lol
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#268 - 2016-09-14 15:49:42 UTC
Log in some accounts. Pin every of them. Close the launcher. Start the launcher. Log in to my main account....

1 logged account in the list.

Again: what is this 'pin' feature for? Roll

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

CCP Avalon
C C P Alliance
#269 - 2016-09-14 17:25:38 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Avalon
Greetings capsuleers!

Earlier today we deployed UI version 1032 to the development version of the EVE launcher, and started testing against the "forgot account" issue.
We hope to complete testing soon, so we may deploy it live, but in the mean time you can try it out by switching to the developer version of the launcher.

Open the launcher preferences (E symbol on Windows) -> Settings -> Version type: [Development]

If you encounter further issues with the launcher forgetting accounts on 1032, please file a bug report with that number in the title or body!

Please remember that you have to enable "Automatic login" for the launcher to login your pinned accounts.

Edit 2:
Version 1032 should now be available for all users on the release version.
If you did upgrade to the development version of the launcher we recommend that you revert to the release version, as the dev version may experience rapid updates with less stability.

CCP Avalon // Web Developer // Team Webster // @ccp_avalon

Twitch: CCP_Avalon

Kenneth Feld
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#270 - 2016-09-14 23:06:34 UTC
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
I wanna know how many people with forgotten account issues never pinned them lol

In windows they pinned themselves

On my Mac, originally it solved my problems, but I wasn't traveling. Next time i went to the airport, connected via wifi in the united club, closed laptop, on flight, connected to plane wifi, landed in san fran, connected in Amex lounge, closed laptop, got to Singapore. During this trip I probably connected my laptop to the internet 2-3 time using my phone as a internet connection as well. Mind you all of this was to get work email and stuff like that, I didn't actually play eve, but the launcher was running

Connected via wifi in hotel

By that time the launcher had a multitude of errors and required a restart, upon restart - no accounts, even the pinned ones

Every now and then logging in one makes it remember them all again, sometimes it juts says you have been on too many wifi's sorry.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#271 - 2016-09-15 06:14:54 UTC
Good to see how reliable your Launcher works all the time...
Fossor Wintersky
Ordinus Ursorum Cautorum
#272 - 2016-09-15 15:07:57 UTC
It's a good reason terminate subscription.
Zenta Carson
Who needs graphics anyway
Solyaris Chtonium
#273 - 2016-09-15 18:07:01 UTC
Ok well will CCP be fixing the Main Launcher, cause after a little while of logging in it kicks me from the game, I don't have this problem with the EXEFILE
CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#274 - 2016-09-16 11:12:01 UTC
Zenta Carson wrote:
Ok well will CCP be fixing the Main Launcher, cause after a little while of logging in it kicks me from the game, I don't have this problem with the EXEFILE

Can you be more descriptive please? Do you mean you are getting socket closed errors once in game, or that the launcher fails to get you into the game?

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

Kenneth Feld
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#275 - 2016-09-16 20:04:32 UTC
CCP Avalon wrote:
Greetings capsuleers!

Earlier today we deployed UI version 1032 to the development version of the EVE launcher, and started testing against the "forgot account" issue.
We hope to complete testing soon, so we may deploy it live, but in the mean time you can try it out by switching to the developer version of the launcher.

Open the launcher preferences (E symbol on Windows) -> Settings -> Version type: [Development]

If you encounter further issues with the launcher forgetting accounts on 1032, please file a bug report with that number in the title or body!

Please remember that you have to enable "Automatic login" for the launcher to login your pinned accounts.

Edit 2:
Version 1032 should now be available for all users on the release version.
If you did upgrade to the development version of the launcher we recommend that you revert to the release version, as the dev version may experience rapid updates with less stability.

Happened this morning - CCP Games Customer Support. Your ticket (258225)

Hmm, looking back I prolly should have submitted a bug report, but i didn't look, I just clicked support on the launcher and that is where it sent, if you don't like it, maybe you should fix where it sends you :)
Drazz Caylen
Team-Pyro Industries
#276 - 2016-09-17 13:35:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Drazz Caylen
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
If you're unable to keep your system up to the very modest requirements of this game, it might be that you should be prioritising something other than eve.
It's curious how you're able to deduct such a statement considering how Runiba Toll has never mentioned their system specifications. Furthermore, to that all your wild talk about QoS and other network shenanigans with previous posters, let me present you this:

Common Minimum Requirements:
  • CPU that supports SSE2
  • GPU
  • - with 256 MB VRAM or more
    - that supports Shader Model 3
    - that supports DirectX 9.0c

  • Drivers: DirectX 9.0c (included)
  • Audio
  • - that is Direct Sound compatible and supports SSE

  • HD: 20 GB free space (or more)
  • Network: ADSL connection (or faster)
  • DVD-ROM: 2x-speed DVD reader (for boxed editions only)

Windows Minimum requirements:

  • OS: Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10
  • CPU: Intel Dual Core @ 2.0 GHz, AMD Dual Core @ 2.0 GHz
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Video: AMD Radeon 2600 XT or NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS

There is no mention what kind of router and which kind of settings and protocols in there are required.
Your argument therefore is invalid.
No matter what kind of change CCP is doing, as long as they do not edit these minimum system requirements on this website (which is also the page displayed when following the system requirements link on the bottom of the official page) then they have to legally support whatever is printed there.

Nakaara Adahsa wrote:
EVE has tended to appeal to a portion of the gaming community with sociopathic or psychopathic tendencies. My guess is that most of this subset of players aren't suffering from actual mental illness but rather are underdeveloped emotionally and this is reflected in their approach to the game and other players.
Your opinion is duly noted, but I don't believe the implied "tended" notion is accurate. If you base your opinion on the negative outlook you view forum posters and what you experience in the game, you either had a lot of bad luck or are prone to the common human perception error (as is an evolutionary trait) being; The negatives are exaggerated while the positives are taken as self evident. That being said though, the rest of your statement is well written and acknowledged as such.

enotsmirb wrote:
CCP Goliath wrote:
Zappity wrote:
Why doesn't hitting Enter enter my password in the launcher?

It does for me - if the issue is reproducable submit a bug report please, with system details and if you have a special keyboard.

Oh boy.
This is sarcasm right? .... Right?

No it's not sarcasm. I can confirm both "Enters" work. The regular one and the one at the keypad. Someone might laugh at this, but you would be surprised at the number of password checks which do NOT accept the keypad enter. You also might not have much experience with using multiple input devices and keyboards.
Did you have at any time...
  • ...plugged in an external keypad to a laptop which has none?
  • ...plugged in a regular second keyboard and used software to completely remap it's keys to execute other functions and macros?
  • ...plugged in a left-hand gamepad like the Logitech G22 or something similar?
  • ... used a one-hand Dvorak Keyboard?
If you can answer one of these questions with "no", then you have no point in waving the sarcasm flag.

And if Zappity successfully trolled us, then you're a bad Zappity zap P Lol
Sophia Mileghere
Scandium Defense and Security Inc.
Sleeper Protocol
#277 - 2016-09-17 15:02:57 UTC
I thought actually: Why not, the Launcher works most of the time.
But this morning wanted to start EVE, however the Launcher no longer works.
The launcher is white and says only:

This web page is not available

Hide details
The web page at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

In case like this, it is a bad decision to remove the function and we have to wait serval days for the support...

Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#278 - 2016-09-18 13:30:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Milostiev
What i would like in the new launcher is an option to remove the clutter.

By that i mean the overlay of the NES and other stuff the launcher introduces into the client, which makes my life miserable (x4 640, HD 5570 graphics), especially when running multiple clients.

My reason for using bin launching for this long, is that the client launched through launcher, works significantly worse, both as sole client (when i go to a fleet and turn down everything to have maximum responsiveness) and in a multiple client situation (i almost always have a Jita trade alt open).

PS: Almost every other failure of the launcher is something one can live with, and i understand the need for more security, but this is a huge thing.
CCP Explorer
C C P Alliance
#279 - 2016-09-19 14:02:53 UTC
Henry Plantgenet wrote:
THe only problem i've had with the new launcher is that the number of pilots on TQ fluctuates randomly at downtime always a positive number never 0 until downtime is almost over.
But that's just something minor.
We updated the Launcher today to more aggressively refresh data when TQ is offline. The Launcher normally updates this lazily, which was becoming a bit of an issue with the ever decreasing downtimes. Blink

Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson | Senior Development Director | EVE Online // CCP Games | @CCP_Explorer

CCP Explorer
C C P Alliance
#280 - 2016-09-19 14:14:41 UTC
Xavier Arcesium wrote:
Teinyhr wrote:
Seeing as the launcher is somekind of mini-browser in itself, and IIRC has been infected with malware before, I have to seriously wonder and doubt how does this enhance account security in any way?

P.S. I have not used the client login system since how many years has it been we've had the launcher, just saying, I'm not buying the "improved security" thing at all.

Presuming they do it right, it's a way to prevent anything that isn't an official launcher to run exefile. That said, I hope the tradeoff is worth it. I have had a lot of trouble running the launcher myself and would hate to lose the workaround.
We are not preventing anything from running exefile, on login we are checking if the user/client is presenting a token from the login server or not.

Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson | Senior Development Director | EVE Online // CCP Games | @CCP_Explorer