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Dev Blog: Long-Distance Travel Changes Inbound

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Charlotte Ginger
Death Troopers
#3661 - 2014-10-02 17:20:00 UTC
Amyclas Amatin wrote:
Charlotte Ginger wrote:
Another insight...

Recently my corp was building 4 titans for a customer (easy to work out who).

Thats like, 300 Dreads/Carriers....

Big alliances can have mass Capitals deposited at every corner of their space sitting in hangers...

So, nothing changes, Big blob still wins.
Little Blob stays in low-sec

and logged out alts sitting in those supercaps... u think we dock supers in those xlsma things?

The supers will always stay at home in new-eve
Space Wolves ind.
Solyaris Chtonium
#3662 - 2014-10-02 17:20:21 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Murauke wrote:
I slept on it and I think that CCP's focus on solving the challenge of force projection is on the wrong part of the over all problem.

Punishing people for jumping ships around space in search of enjoyment shouldn't be the focal point of reducing force projection.

In my opinion the cyno mechanic should be the focal point. After all this is what makes it possible to jump capitals around our fictitious universe.

By changing the ease by which a cyno can be deployed this will affect the ease to which a force can projected across the universe .

I worry that by imposing a "time bound" penalty to a branch of the game that has always been about the "sandbox" and the" immediate enjoyment" you will push Eve down a path where it will lose its identity as one of the best MMORPG's in the world.

Focus on the cyno step of jumping ships and this opens up an array of avenues from specific cyno ships, modules, fleet roles, limitations and certain requirements.

Cyno-ing requires 5 days with a new character and that pilot can cyno an entire fleet into a system with next to no difficulty. Personally this is part of the act of force projection that should be the focus, not the punishment to a pilot of jumping his/her ship around space in search for fun.

People would totally not train for cyno on their cap to bring the rest of the fleet who could not use the first one...

Shock Beer
Never Not AFK
#3663 - 2014-10-02 17:20:33 UTC
I hope CCP backflips when the unsubs start coming through
Amyclas Amatin
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3664 - 2014-10-02 17:21:14 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Planned new feature to address new player movement:

For players less than thirty days old, once per player corporation joined, and
For all players, once a year

You may push a button in your corp interface (while a member of a player corp and docked) that:
- Moves your medical clone to a station designated by your corporation, and
- Automatically moves you to your medical clone

Exact method of corporations designating target station still being ironed out, but it will involve at the very least being able to designate a default station for all corp members, and will likely be allowed for *any* station with a corp office, regardless of system sec status.

This seems to us like it solves the "I want to recruit people to nullsec" concern, and also gives non-nullsec recruiters an easier way to get genuinely new players to the right location easily.

Thoughts? Pasting this into the FAQ and also trying to get it into the blog proper.

"New null-sec players" are not all alts. Goon Newbie drive is a real thing that injects fresh blood into the meatgrinder to keep the organisation fresh.

The coalitions are what they are because of PEOPLE, not just an oligarchy with 500 alts each.

For more information on the New Order of High-Sec, please visit:

Remember that whenever you have a bad day in EVE, the correct reponse is "Thank you CCP, may I please have another?"

TerminalSamurai Sunji
Caldari State
#3665 - 2014-10-02 17:21:15 UTC
Volmyr wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Volmyr wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
X Gallentius wrote:
Why pilot specific (multiple pilots can move one dread across the universe pony express style), instead of hull specific (removes ability to move dread across universe)?

Because hulls can be repackaged.

unless say there was a mechanic that wont let you re-package unless your jump drive is cooled off...

Which will be a lot more work than just having it on the pilot.

since i in part pay CCP's checks, as do many others here, that is no excuse. They can work for the money being shoveled on them.

I have to agree, there's doing something as a quick-fix, and then there's doing something the right way to solve the issue. That further allows a system to be developed on. If adding a timer to a pilot to avoid jumping is being developed on because it's the quickest way to address an issue then I think we need to go back to the table and really come up with a game plan to solve the problem. If current game mechanics don't exist to allow that, then they need to be developed. Force projection problems have been a problem for a long time, to see a dev team try to fix a problem in 1 release (In terms of jumping) the quickest way possible is rather disappointing in my opinion.

I support the fact that change does need to happen, I don't support the fact that this change is probably the least risky code change possible to limit jumping.
Space Wolves ind.
Solyaris Chtonium
#3666 - 2014-10-02 17:21:22 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Planned new feature to address new player movement:

For players less than thirty days old, once per player corporation joined, and
For all players, once a year

You may push a button in your corp interface (while a member of a player corp and docked) that:
- Moves your medical clone to a station designated by your corporation, and
- Automatically moves you to your medical clone

Exact method of corporations designating target station still being ironed out, but it will involve at the very least being able to designate a default station for all corp members, and will likely be allowed for *any* station with a corp office, regardless of system sec status.

This seems to us like it solves the "I want to recruit people to nullsec" concern, and also gives non-nullsec recruiters an easier way to get genuinely new players to the right location easily.

Thoughts? Pasting this into the FAQ and also trying to get it into the blog proper.

I slept on it and I think that CCP's focus on solving the challenge of force projection is on the wrong part of the over all problem.

Punishing people for jumping ships around space in search of enjoyment shouldn't be the focal point of reducing force projection.

In my opinion the cyno mechanic should be the focal point. After all this is what makes it possible to jump capitals around our fictitious universe.

By changing the ease by which a cyno can be deployed this will affect the ease to which a force can projected across the universe .

I worry that by imposing a "time bound" penalty to a branch of the game that has always been about the "sandbox" and the" immediate enjoyment" you will push Eve down a path where it will lose its identity as one of the best MMORPG's in the world.

Focus on the cyno step of jumping ships and this opens up an array of avenues from specific cyno ships, modules, fleet roles, limitations and certain requirements.

Cyno-ing requires 5 days with a new character and that pilot can cyno an entire fleet into a system with next to no difficulty. Personally this is part of the act of force projection that should be the focus, not the punishment to a pilot of jumping his/her ship around space in search for fun.
Jean Luc Lemmont
Carebears on Fire
#3667 - 2014-10-02 17:22:55 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:

John McCreedy wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:

Rutger Centemus wrote:
Lemme guess - you expect people to web supers into warp...?

I expect people to get an escort.

Quite frankly you're living in cloud cuckoo land if you think that's the end result of your changes. Pilots will simply adjust and factor in travel time. It may slow down the movement of them, it may stop people rushing across half of Eve to get in on a Super Cap fight, but it won't result in people using gates with escorts.

That's fine too.

I think what people are having a hard time understanding is what CCP's message is with these changes.

It's not "We're going to make it obscenely hard to do what you've been doing all along."
The message here is "We don't want you doing what you've been doing, which is why we're making it obscenely hard to do."

Once you put the changes in that context, they make perfect sense. I'm sad about the black ops thing, because I love BLOPS fleets, but meh, I'll survive.

Will I get banned for boxing!?!?!

This thread has degenerated to the point it's become like two bald men fighting over a comb. -- Doc Fury

It's bonuses, not boni, you cretins.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#3668 - 2014-10-02 17:23:06 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Planned new feature to address new player movement:

For players less than thirty days old, once per player corporation joined, and
For all players, once a year

You may push a button in your corp interface (while a member of a player corp and docked) that:
- Moves your medical clone to a station designated by your corporation, and
- Automatically moves you to your medical clone

Exact method of corporations designating target station still being ironed out, but it will involve at the very least being able to designate a default station for all corp members, and will likely be allowed for *any* station with a corp office, regardless of system sec status.

This seems to us like it solves the "I want to recruit people to nullsec" concern, and also gives non-nullsec recruiters an easier way to get genuinely new players to the right location easily.

Thoughts? Pasting this into the FAQ and also trying to get it into the blog proper.

Seems to work.
Charlotte Ginger
Death Troopers
#3669 - 2014-10-02 17:23:13 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Planned new feature to address new player movement:

For players less than thirty days old, once per player corporation joined, and
For all players, once a year

You may push a button in your corp interface (while a member of a player corp and docked) that:
- Moves your medical clone to a station designated by your corporation, and
- Automatically moves you to your medical clone

Exact method of corporations designating target station still being ironed out, but it will involve at the very least being able to designate a default station for all corp members, and will likely be allowed for *any* station with a corp office, regardless of system sec status.

This seems to us like it solves the "I want to recruit people to nullsec" concern, and also gives non-nullsec recruiters an easier way to get genuinely new players to the right location easily.

Thoughts? Pasting this into the FAQ and also trying to get it into the blog proper.

There is no need for this what so ever. Grab a Frig, and FLY

Grant Sirus
Maekon Mercenaries
#3670 - 2014-10-02 17:23:27 UTC
Isha Subula wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Ninteen Seventy-Nine wrote:

Maybe in your eyes.

But then again, you're wrong about basically everything, always.

Feel free to ask red frog what they think of this change.

Yes Red Frog pretty much looking at packing it in. Just to hard to keep a service like that up. But, was the service ever really a good thing? Being able to get 500 Caracals delivered to deep null in 20 min with fits from jita? Was just to easy before.

These services will still exist just be way more expensive. I think this has a indirect impact on the isk printer that is ishtar ratting in null. The influx of isk has devalued everything. Just check PLEX prices. Too easy to get 1 bill with 3 accounts afktaring all day.

Plex prices will drop because no one is buying them.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3671 - 2014-10-02 17:24:13 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Planned new feature to address new player movement:

For players less than thirty days old, once per player corporation joined, and
For all players, once a year

You may push a button in your corp interface (while a member of a player corp and docked) that:
- Moves your medical clone to a station designated by your corporation, and
- Automatically moves you to your medical clone

Exact method of corporations designating target station still being ironed out, but it will involve at the very least being able to designate a default station for all corp members, and will likely be allowed for *any* station with a corp office, regardless of system sec status.

This seems to us like it solves the "I want to recruit people to nullsec" concern, and also gives non-nullsec recruiters an easier way to get genuinely new players to the right location easily.

Thoughts? Pasting this into the FAQ and also trying to get it into the blog proper.

will work, but feels like this:
Lord TGR
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3672 - 2014-10-02 17:24:26 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
For players less than thirty days old, once per player corporation joined, and
For all players, once a year

This is 3 separate situations, right?

1) if you're <30 days old, unlimited moves
2) if you've joined a corp, you get one free move
3) once a year you get a free move
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#3673 - 2014-10-02 17:24:28 UTC
Amyclas Amatin wrote:

and logged out alts sitting in those supercaps... u think we dock supers in those xlsma things?

Now you say that...
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#3674 - 2014-10-02 17:25:36 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Planned new feature to address new player movement:

For players less than thirty days old, once per player corporation joined, and
For all players, once a year

You may push a button in your corp interface (while a member of a player corp and docked) that:
- Moves your medical clone to a station designated by your corporation, and
- Automatically moves you to your medical clone

Exact method of corporations designating target station still being ironed out, but it will involve at the very least being able to designate a default station for all corp members, and will likely be allowed for *any* station with a corp office, regardless of system sec status.

This seems to us like it solves the "I want to recruit people to nullsec" concern, and also gives non-nullsec recruiters an easier way to get genuinely new players to the right location easily.

Thoughts? Pasting this into the FAQ and also trying to get it into the blog proper.

What about those that get kicked/leave corp will in a sov station?

How will they get out without just hoping they don't get podded?

e.g. Jeff gets kicked from corp. He tries to leave to empire in a ceptor. Gets caught and podded before he gets out of sov 0.0. He is now back in the sov station, but unable to upgrade his clone (standings). He used his yearly move 8 months ago.

It seems he's presented with the choice of trying again in an alpha clone or waiting there until he gets into a new player corp. He can't just make his own corp (as the hq system would be the same system he's already in).
Bagrat Skalski
Koinuun Kotei
#3675 - 2014-10-02 17:25:40 UTC
You should have been not posting those in a form of blog, but wait until the last minute and post it in patch notes. They would like the surprise and a lot of caps would be catched with their pants down.
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#3676 - 2014-10-02 17:26:22 UTC
I personally think this will be a boon for the Small corp who tries to survive out in the null sec.

They have a tendency not to have the resources to use Jump frieghters to use Jita as a hub for everything. All production should be able to completed in Null sec with out needing to Visit Jita.

The small null sec resource gatherer can't make a living, currently Jita sells everything and logitics can deliver it instantly, and mobility is so easy in Null sec for hot drops that the risk does not match the reward.

I am looking forward to these new changes.

Someday I will have the time to play. For now it is mining afk in High sec. In Cheap ships

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#3677 - 2014-10-02 17:26:26 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Planned new feature to address new player movement:

For players less than thirty days old, once per player corporation joined, and
For all players, once a year

You may push a button in your corp interface (while a member of a player corp and docked) that:
- Moves your medical clone to a station designated by your corporation, and
- Automatically moves you to your medical clone

Exact method of corporations designating target station still being ironed out, but it will involve at the very least being able to designate a default station for all corp members, and will likely be allowed for *any* station with a corp office, regardless of system sec status.

This seems to us like it solves the "I want to recruit people to nullsec" concern, and also gives non-nullsec recruiters an easier way to get genuinely new players to the right location easily.

Thoughts? Pasting this into the FAQ and also trying to get it into the blog proper.

This does not address the issue of the new player in a noob corp exploring null that gets caught in null with a bubbled exit gate and no way out. Every player should be able at any time to at least choose to have his home station be set back to his birth station regardless of corp affilitation.

Also you just introduce corp hopping to get around timers much like people to now to get jump clone access.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3678 - 2014-10-02 17:26:28 UTC
Any new mechanic introduced should NOT make you wait nearly an hour between actions. If the system gets introduced as it is, at max jump range it would take 51 minutes between jumps, that's totally ridiculous. The problem is you're trying to nerf force projection, but for someone who just wants so move a capital ship their own you're making it take days to do what would usually take a few hours if they did it alone. When I moved my carrier by myself with a single cyno pilot down from branch to immensea, it took me a long time between waiting out the 10min cyno timers and taking gates the whole way in a viator. In the proposed changes, not only would I have to light 3x the cynos, I would have to wait nearly an hour for each jump. I'm not going to play waiting simulator online, I simply don't have the time nor patience to wait that **** long just to move my stuff. I would sooner go back to WoW where I would actually get more for my time and money if these changes were introduced.
Mr Floydy
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#3679 - 2014-10-02 17:26:42 UTC
Charlotte Ginger wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Planned new feature to address new player movement:

For players less than thirty days old, once per player corporation joined, and
For all players, once a year

You may push a button in your corp interface (while a member of a player corp and docked) that:
- Moves your medical clone to a station designated by your corporation, and
- Automatically moves you to your medical clone

Exact method of corporations designating target station still being ironed out, but it will involve at the very least being able to designate a default station for all corp members, and will likely be allowed for *any* station with a corp office, regardless of system sec status.

This seems to us like it solves the "I want to recruit people to nullsec" concern, and also gives non-nullsec recruiters an easier way to get genuinely new players to the right location easily.

Thoughts? Pasting this into the FAQ and also trying to get it into the blog proper.

There is no need for this what so ever. Grab a Frig, and FLY


I'd agree. It's unnecessary. But if this is needed for the whole change the movement mechanics to be added? Hell yes.
The change is going to be awesome. :)
Komi Toran
Caldari State
#3680 - 2014-10-02 17:26:56 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
For players less than thirty days old...

Frankly, I'd be impressed if they could do more than teeth on the mouse and not require changing every couple hours. Getting a newborn to understand jump clone mechanics, let alone somehow subscribe to the game, seems to be an overly ambitious project.