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Skill Discussions

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EVEMon - The Open Source Character Planner (v3.0.0)

First post
Desmont McCallock
#221 - 2014-08-25 17:33:17 UTC
New snapshot released.
Desmont McCallock
#222 - 2014-08-25 17:37:47 UTC
JimmieTwoTimes wrote:
I did notice that the "Material Efficiency" skill is still in there and the "Advanced Industry" skill that was to replace it is not. Not sure if your waiting till the final implementation or not for this by CCP since i don't believe they have finalized solution as to what the "Advanced Industry" skill will become.

Thanks for all the hard work!!!!!!!!
The snapshots contain updated data files. You obviously overwrite the existing installed EVEMon files with those from the snapshot but you didn't overwrite the data files.

How to have EVEMon snapshot version running side by side with the latest stable one:
- Download EVEMon snapshot version.
- Extract the EVEMon folder contained in the snapshot version on a different folder than the one you have the stable EVEMon version installed. DO NOT overwrite the existing files in the stable EVEMon version installed folder.
- Locate the 'settings.xml' file that your stable EVEMon version is using (open your stable EVEMon version, go to Tools>Options>General and click on the 'EVEMon Data Directory' button).
- Copy the 'settings.xml' file inside the folder where you extracted the snapshot EVEMon version.
- Start the snapshot EVEMon version.
- DO NOT update data files if prompt.
Desmont McCallock
#223 - 2014-08-30 13:36:56 UTC
EVEMon Dev Team is announcing the release of EVEMon 1.9.0.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#224 - 2014-09-09 14:22:31 UTC
I found a bug feature in Evemon but it may be a known issue.

I tried to add "Command Ships" from 4-5 in my skill plan and it refuses to let me add it without the new prerequisites... If I try to remove these new prereqs it also removes the Command Ships skill from my plan...

Is there a work around to this issue?
Desmont McCallock
#225 - 2014-09-09 17:38:07 UTC
IIshira wrote:
I found a bug feature in Evemon but it may be a known issue.

I tried to add "Command Ships" from 4-5 in my skill plan and it refuses to let me add it without the new prerequisites... If I try to remove these new prereqs it also removes the Command Ships skill from my plan...

Is there a work around to this issue?
Thanks for the info. I finally managed to fix that and it will be available on the next release.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#226 - 2014-09-10 13:19:26 UTC
Desmont McCallock wrote:
IIshira wrote:
I found a bug feature in Evemon but it may be a known issue.

I tried to add "Command Ships" from 4-5 in my skill plan and it refuses to let me add it without the new prerequisites... If I try to remove these new prereqs it also removes the Command Ships skill from my plan...

Is there a work around to this issue?
Thanks for the info. I finally managed to fix that and it will be available on the next release.

Now can you make Evemon for Android... I would pay for that app! Big smile
Kallie Rae
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#227 - 2014-09-15 00:01:24 UTC
Any plans on some kind of certificate planner/ISIS being added to the program? Saw some talk about it a few pages back...
Desmont McCallock
#228 - 2014-09-15 16:41:42 UTC
Kallie Rae wrote:
Any plans on some kind of certificate planner/ISIS being added to the program? Saw some talk about it a few pages back...
Maybe on Christmas vacations but I don't promise.
Austrene Kanenald
#229 - 2014-09-27 11:49:09 UTC
How do I import an EFT character (.chr) into Evemon? Or make a skill plan from a .chr file.
Desmont McCallock
#230 - 2014-09-27 12:50:48 UTC
Austrene Kanenald wrote:
How do I import an EFT character (.chr) into Evemon? Or make a skill plan from a .chr file.

Not supported. Only export to EFT.
Austrene Kanenald
#231 - 2014-09-27 12:52:12 UTC
Desmont McCallock wrote:
Austrene Kanenald wrote:
How do I import an EFT character (.chr) into Evemon? Or make a skill plan from a .chr file.

Not supported. Only export to EFT.

Any workarounds?
Desmont McCallock
#232 - 2014-09-28 08:00:04 UTC
Austrene Kanenald wrote:
Desmont McCallock wrote:
Austrene Kanenald wrote:
How do I import an EFT character (.chr) into Evemon? Or make a skill plan from a .chr file.

Not supported. Only export to EFT.

Any workarounds?
Use an API key and import your character. Then plan a skill plan.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#233 - 2014-10-19 18:17:26 UTC
I was wondering why Evemon still gives a red warning when a skill ends during downtime? With the addition of a 24 hour and soon to be unlimited skill queue I don't see how this is an issue anymore. From everything I've read even if the skill starts or ends on DT it will train as normal. I found other posts about this topic but none seemed to have an answer.

Also is there a way for the Eve community to support Evemon (Give money). I know it's free but I'm sure it costs money to develop, host the download, etc.

Thanks again for the awesome application!

Desmont McCallock
#234 - 2014-10-20 13:58:24 UTC
DT warning was left in just FYI. For the majority it has no value but for those that forget to fill their queue and their skill level training ends at DT it's a "screaming reminder" on how they managed to screw up big times.

As for the donating part, we don't lack money but time and afaik you can't donate time (meaning we are mostly looking for contributors).
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#235 - 2014-11-04 14:41:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Sibyyl
It looks like EVEMon stopped picking up plugged in implants with Phoebe. The attributes as well as skill training calculations are all done without implant bonuses.

I think it would also be useful if we could see somewhere how many out of 50 total skills we have queued up (since 50 is now the limit in the system).

Edit: API changes described here:

Also other Phoebe changes here:

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

Desmont McCallock
#236 - 2014-11-04 17:49:43 UTC
I already know about it but don't have the time to apply the changes. You will have to bare with me.
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#237 - 2014-11-04 18:18:52 UTC


Thanks for your response, and I understand all too well about having no time left over.

Thanks for creating this wonderful tool.. I've been using it since I started playing EVE (and even for a few days before I started playing EVE).

Be well.

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#238 - 2014-11-06 00:20:51 UTC
In the meantime, we can use the manual implants to add back the implants on the plan screen. The main screen remains without it, but oh well...

"It's not that I am afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens." - Boris Grushenko

Desmont McCallock
#239 - 2014-11-06 10:48:11 UTC
I intent to work on it on the weekend and have a new release of EVEMon out along with the data files for Phoebe. So please be patient and refrain from multiposting about something that we already know.

The only way to have EVEMon updated on day zero of an EVE patch is for more people to get involved in maintaining EVEMon. Currently I'm the only one on the team and RL is having a toll on me.
Ghostship Tactics
#240 - 2014-11-06 16:41:37 UTC
I have a skill training from before phoebe was deployed.
Strangely enough the time to completion on the eve client is the same with the time shown in evemon (when I don't manually add the implant points), basicly is the wrong time - 14 days.
If I add the implants in evemon I get 11 days like it should be.
Anybody else getting this error? Could be a bug in eve client or am I doing something wrong?