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Skill Discussions

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

EVEMon - The Open Source Character Planner (v3.0.0)

First post
Moorgan Skyland
IP II IMI IP my pod
#441 - 2016-06-04 16:53:36 UTC
Can somebody help me to make it readable / usable an old (pre 1.3) skill plan? I can't import it to current version of evemon.
Marcus Tedric
Zebra Corp
Goonswarm Federation
#442 - 2016-06-05 20:12:12 UTC
The errors of - 'can't read wallet transactions'; etc

I am sure are due to the use of orders in Citadels - it simply cannot read them it seems.

Don't soil your panties, you guys made a good point, we'll look at the numbers again. - CCP Ytterbium

Blitz Bandis
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#443 - 2016-06-05 23:21:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Blitz Bandis
Marcus Tedric wrote:
The errors of - 'can't read wallet transactions'; etc

I am sure are due to the use of orders in Citadels - it simply cannot read them it seems.

Hey all, I'll be making another thread and asking the mods to close this one to keep everything organized once the next patch is out. I have implemented the fix for this error, and the patch will go out soon. sorry for the delay as I become acquainted to the EvEMon dev environment!

The release of this patch will be available via the auto-updater later today if you are on v3.0, if you are on < 3.0, make sure to upgrade here manually now or when the patch is released. Immediately following the patch the new EvEMon thread will be created in this forum category.

von Hohenzollern wrote:
This might be an uncommon request, but would it be possible to make a "skill extraction plan", similar to a skill plan but the other way around? So that one could accordingly plan the "reorganisation" of skills.

Basically you create an extraction plan, select the skills you want to extract, EveMon tells you if you first need to lose some pre-reqs and it tells you, how many SP the char has afterwards, how many SP are gone and how many extractors are filled?

Yea that sounds like a cool feature. I've created a tracking issue here for reference: Skill Extraction Planner
Marcus Tedric
Zebra Corp
Goonswarm Federation
#444 - 2016-06-07 09:55:40 UTC
Blitz Bandis wrote:
Marcus Tedric wrote:
The errors of - 'can't read wallet transactions'; etc

I am sure are due to the use of orders in Citadels - it simply cannot read them it seems.

Hey all, I'll be making another thread and asking the mods to close this one to keep everything organized once the next patch is out. I have implemented the fix for this error, and the patch will go out soon. sorry for the delay as I become acquainted to the EvEMon dev environment!

Have applied the patch and I'm afraid the fix didn't work. Please can you re-look?

Not being an expert - but I think the failure message is different this time. I now have two characters who cannot see wallet transactions...

If you want a copy of the failure message - I've sent it along.Blink Thank you

Don't soil your panties, you guys made a good point, we'll look at the numbers again. - CCP Ytterbium

Blitz Bandis
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#445 - 2016-06-07 17:57:53 UTC
Marcus Tedric wrote:
Blitz Bandis wrote:
Marcus Tedric wrote:
The errors of - 'can't read wallet transactions'; etc

I am sure are due to the use of orders in Citadels - it simply cannot read them it seems.

Hey all, I'll be making another thread and asking the mods to close this one to keep everything organized once the next patch is out. I have implemented the fix for this error, and the patch will go out soon. sorry for the delay as I become acquainted to the EvEMon dev environment!

Have applied the patch and I'm afraid the fix didn't work. Please can you re-look?

Not being an expert - but I think the failure message is different this time. I now have two characters who cannot see wallet transactions...

If you want a copy of the failure message - I've sent it along.Blink Thank you

I eve-mailed you back so we can figure this out, I am having trouble replicating the error.

That said, all further reports should go in this new thread please: .

Mods, can we lock this thread?
von Hohenzollern
#446 - 2016-06-11 20:36:38 UTC
Blitz Bandis wrote:

von Hohenzollern wrote:
This might be an uncommon request, but would it be possible to make a "skill extraction plan", similar to a skill plan but the other way around? So that one could accordingly plan the "reorganisation" of skills.

Basically you create an extraction plan, select the skills you want to extract, EveMon tells you if you first need to lose some pre-reqs and it tells you, how many SP the char has afterwards, how many SP are gone and how many extractors are filled?

Yea that sounds like a cool feature. I've created a tracking issue here for reference: Skill Extraction Planner

Thank you!
Unfortunately the dev seems to have closed it, but I opened a ticket with the system he proposed. The priority seems to be based on votes, so I don't know if we can expect this feature soon
Peter Moonlight
Suddenly Carebears
#447 - 2016-06-14 17:00:39 UTC
Tried opening evemon after the last patch couple days ago, and it didn't work it crashed. I tried deleting settings,cache and GZIP files as evemon says to, it didn't fix. When I clicked the "report us the problem", and went to the bitbucket webpage it says Accesss denied, so I can't report the problem.

Bitbucket - Access denied

Evemon crash (theres more below)
Blitz Bandis
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#448 - 2016-06-14 17:17:51 UTC


Please use the new topic:


Mods, please lock this thread.
CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#449 - 2016-06-15 15:09:02 UTC
This thread has been locked as requested.

Many thanks to Desmont McCallock and the EVEMon community for their incredible and absolutely astounding work so far. Thank you!!

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer