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EVE General Discussion

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Some EVE players can not separate themselves from the game.

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Jake Rivers
New Planetary Order
#321 - 2014-05-05 09:52:39 UTC
Defacing that monument was really ****** up, hope CCP can figure out who the culprit is and have them hung by there balls. It is public property as CCP donated the monument to the city I do believe, but private or public does not give anyone the right to do what they did.

I will be checking it out again in a few days before I head back to Canada, seems we need to take photo's of a few names for corp mates, lol.
Shurgin Ambraelle
Vagrants Against Gankers In Null Alliances
#322 - 2014-05-05 09:55:19 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
Gevlon Goblin wrote:
Who is Xenuria?

Isn't this the clown who wanted a GM seat and got booted for something on their blog or was it a questionable hacker? Either way they were a no go.

Fixed quoting. ISD Ezwal.

The Biggest FUCer of them all!! RL COMES 1ST!!

-The Gene Pool Could Use a Little Chlorine!! Proud Member of InPanic!!

Shurgin Ambraelle
Vagrants Against Gankers In Null Alliances
#323 - 2014-05-05 09:56:06 UTC
Jake Rivers wrote:
Defacing that monument was really ****** up, hope CCP can figure out who the culprit is and have them hung by there balls. It is public property as CCP donated the monument to the city I do believe, but private or public does not give anyone the right to do what they did.

I will be checking it out again in a few days before I head back to Canada, seems we need to take photo's of a few names for corp mates, lol.

He said balls

The Biggest FUCer of them all!! RL COMES 1ST!!

-The Gene Pool Could Use a Little Chlorine!! Proud Member of InPanic!!

Shurgin Ambraelle
Vagrants Against Gankers In Null Alliances
#324 - 2014-05-05 09:57:28 UTC
Jake Rivers wrote:
Defacing that monument was really ****** up, hope CCP can figure out who the culprit is and have them hung by there balls. It is public property as CCP donated the monument to the city I do believe, but private or public does not give anyone the right to do what they did.

I will be checking it out again in a few days before I head back to Canada, seems we need to take photo's of a few names for corp mates, lol.

Will give you some isk if you can send a photo of mine. I am in US and can't get out there since I am perma jammed by my wife.

The Biggest FUCer of them all!! RL COMES 1ST!!

-The Gene Pool Could Use a Little Chlorine!! Proud Member of InPanic!!

New Eden Tank Testing Services
#325 - 2014-05-05 10:17:28 UTC
Xaerael Endiel wrote:
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
Scipio Artelius wrote:

It was clearly a Goon and you are all the same. End of/.

IF it did turn out to be a goon, the forum would probably break from all the sudden 180's from posters.

If it did turn out to be a goon, I hope they enjoy their hellpurge. We're all pretty disgusted by this.

On balance, it probably was a goon although clearly not an intelligent one and you will be better off without them anyway. For instance, it would have been much more sensible to choose either The Mittani or Mynnna to frame Goblin, although a goon would be unlikely to actually deface those ones. But as one of your number posted earlier, the leadership should not be held accountable for the actions of a deranged individual.

Having said all that, it was probably a highsec solo competitor industrialist trying to get Gevlon banned!

Zappity's Adventures for a taste of lowsec and nullsec.

Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#326 - 2014-05-05 10:35:55 UTC
It was an idiot. Inconsiderate idiot.

It doesn't matter what logo his/her "show info" window displays in-game.

Also what doesn't matter are his/her motives for committing this act of vandalism.

Nothing, NOTHING happening in-game justifies taking a sh!t on somebody else's property in real world.

Invalid signature format

Pubbie Spy
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#327 - 2014-05-05 10:41:38 UTC
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
It was an idiot. Inconsiderate idiot.

It doesn't matter what logo his/her "show info" window displays in-game.

Also what doesn't matter are his/her motives for committing this act of vandalism.

Nothing, NOTHING happening in-game justifies taking a sh!t on somebody else's property in real world.

Well there was that Russian who wanted to cut the power to a Titan pilot's house...
JC Anderson
#328 - 2014-05-05 10:52:42 UTC
Pubbie Spy wrote:
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
It was an idiot. Inconsiderate idiot.

It doesn't matter what logo his/her "show info" window displays in-game.

Also what doesn't matter are his/her motives for committing this act of vandalism.

Nothing, NOTHING happening in-game justifies taking a sh!t on somebody else's property in real world.

Well there was that Russian who wanted to cut the power to a Titan pilot's house...

Yeah it was a Red Alliance dude. The Titan pilot was The Enslaver.
Critically Preposterous
#329 - 2014-05-05 10:57:07 UTC
Dixxon Harass wrote:
What a despicable act. Make that soab pay and ban him from this game.

not far from what he deserves...
Oxide Ammar
#330 - 2014-05-05 11:13:36 UTC
Pubbie Spy wrote:
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
It was an idiot. Inconsiderate idiot.

It doesn't matter what logo his/her "show info" window displays in-game.

Also what doesn't matter are his/her motives for committing this act of vandalism.

Nothing, NOTHING happening in-game justifies taking a sh!t on somebody else's property in real world.

Well there was that Russian who wanted to cut the power to a Titan pilot's house...

Wait ..wait ...WHAT? OMG when did this happened ?

Lady Areola Fappington:  Solo PVP isn't dead!  You just need to make sure you have your booster, remote rep, cyno, and emergency Falcon alts logged in and ready before you do any solo PVPing.

Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#331 - 2014-05-05 11:16:23 UTC
Oxide Ammar wrote:
Pubbie Spy wrote:

Well there was that Russian who wanted to cut the power to a Titan pilot's house...

Wait ..wait ...WHAT? OMG when did this happened ?


Invalid signature format

JC Anderson
#332 - 2014-05-05 11:17:09 UTC  |  Edited by: JC Anderson
Oxide Ammar wrote:
Pubbie Spy wrote:
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
It was an idiot. Inconsiderate idiot.

It doesn't matter what logo his/her "show info" window displays in-game.

Also what doesn't matter are his/her motives for committing this act of vandalism.

Nothing, NOTHING happening in-game justifies taking a sh!t on somebody else's property in real world.

Well there was that Russian who wanted to cut the power to a Titan pilot's house...

Wait ..wait ...WHAT? OMG when did this happened ?

That was like 06/07 when the RA guy did that if I remember correctly.

I was around for it but could be a bit off on the date due to how long ago that was.

Edit: Looks like above poster found it.

Talon SilverHawk
Patria o Muerte
#333 - 2014-05-05 11:21:41 UTC
HeXxploiT wrote:
I find this thread laughable. I mean seriously I laughed out loud. People that spend all day on internet forums flaming others telling other people they ought to be ashamed of themselves for their behavior.

I am quite LITERALLY ******* laughing right now...

Really, you don't see a difference ?


Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#334 - 2014-05-05 11:35:53 UTC
CCP Falcon wrote:
Shurgin Ambraelle wrote:
Solecist Project's Alt wrote:
Is there any proof it was actually him?

CCP Falcon posted about this on Page 2 confirming

Please don't put words in my mouth, I didn't confirm that it was him.

What I can confirm is that the monument has indeed been vandalized, and we're looking into what action we can take, once we confirm who is responsible.


I'm not really a fan of modern art, but it looked ok I guess for a statue type thing
hope the repair bill isn't too bad

it's criminal damage
dunno what Icelandic law has to say about that.

your suspect list is
- fanfest attendee
- local Icelander

proving anything will be the really hard part.

Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#335 - 2014-05-05 11:53:07 UTC
So, given Xenuria's thirst for drama and attention; what are the chances he did it himself?
CCP Falcon
#336 - 2014-05-05 12:00:47 UTC
Gregor Parud wrote:
So, given Xenuria's thirst for drama and attention; what are the chances he did it himself?

He'd have to have pretty long arms considering he's from the US, and isn't in Iceland.

CCP Falcon || EVE Universe Community Manager || @CCP_Falcon

Happy Birthday To FAWLTY7! <3

CCP Falcon
#337 - 2014-05-05 12:03:04 UTC
So, there's a couple of things going to happen in this thread right now:

  • First - People are going to stop pointing fingers and blaming people. CCP will investigate and take any action against game accounts, along with any legal action that we feel necessary. This is already in progress.
  • Second - This is damage of public property in the City of Reykjavik. The police have been informed, and investigation is ongoing. This is not a laughing matter, and will be dealt with as a criminal offence. We are currently reviewing security footage from a number of surrounding buildings.
  • Third - People will stop attacking the victim of this on our forums. It's not funny, it's not clever. Take your rumor mongering and personal attacks away from our community. If you choose not to, you'll be removed from the community, permanently. It's a simple as that. We will not tolerate victimization.

What's happened is absolutely disgusting. It's an insult to the entire community and is clearly the work a person who believes that behavior in a virtual world is a valid reason to make a real life personal attack on someone, and deface public property.

We will not tolerate this.

Thankfully we've already had a number of players come forward to assist us and provide information. Including, we believe, members of the person's own alliance.

Thankfully the vast majority of the rest of the community are in the same frame of mind as CCP - disgusted at the fact that someone would do this, and we're extremely grateful for your assistance.

With that in mind, I'll make a simple one time offer, that if the person who defaced the monument wants to come forward and contact me relating to this, then they can do so by EVE mailing my Dev character. If this happens, we'll take it as a gesture of good faith after an extremely stupid act that was committed.

With this in mind, be sure to keep this thread on topic, and cut out the personal attacks and finger pointing. People who break the rules will lose their forum posting privileges. Permanently.


CCP Falcon || EVE Universe Community Manager || @CCP_Falcon

Happy Birthday To FAWLTY7! <3

Algarion Getz
Aideron Corp
#338 - 2014-05-05 12:04:54 UTC
Looks like the monument needs a guard. A CCP Guard.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#339 - 2014-05-05 12:08:41 UTC
Algarion Getz wrote:
Looks like the monument needs a guard. A CCP Guard.

really happy to hear this is being resolved,
Major 'Revolver' Ocelot
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#340 - 2014-05-05 12:08:55 UTC
I'm surprised everyone is surprised something like this happened. Honestly I expected graffiti or something. I imagine it's going to be worse come fanfest when everyone has had a drink.

Hopefully they have someone look after it for the duration.