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About the Eos' model

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Liu Valitore
Eclipse Inc.
#121 - 2013-06-02 01:37:22 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
This is something I've been thinking about during my predesign for the command ships.
That would (potentially) mean:

  • Eos would use the Myrm hull
  • Sleipnir would use the Hurricane hull
  • Abso would use the Harb hull
  • Nighthawk would use the Drake hull

  • ...
    So, hypothetically, what do you guys think?

    I think this is an awesome idea, though I can only truly speak from a Khanid(my main) perspective: I would love to see the abso as a Harby, it would lend even more distinction to the Khanid "Dark Amarr" side of things with the Damnation being different from the Empire's Absolution.
    Sante Ixnay
    University of Caille
    Gallente Federation
    #122 - 2013-06-02 01:37:52 UTC
    CCP Fozzie wrote:
    I'll start with this disclaimer, we will never feel that we need to make hull designs match the function of every ship.

    Let me take this opportunity to say I still lay awake on some forlorn nights, seething with indignation yall switched the Cheetah from the quintessential covops hull--the Vigil-- a hundred and fifty years and thirty-one dev teams ago. /neverforget

    Anyway, back in the modern era, I love the Sleip the way it is. The others I've no attachment to.
    Estrale Frontiers
    #123 - 2013-06-02 01:49:35 UTC
    Bear in mind that this would have a game play effect on the people who build these ships (which includes me). Whilst the hull change makes sense, it presumably has to change the base hull for invention and manufacturing, which would screw over people who have a large investment in the current hulls - and that would not make me happy :-\


    Takara Mora
    University of Caille
    Gallente Federation
    #124 - 2013-06-02 01:51:32 UTC
    + 1 - could never figure out why this wasn't already done!
    sera leonza
    University of Caille
    Gallente Federation
    #125 - 2013-06-02 01:53:33 UTC  |  Edited by: sera leonza
    Sounds good.

    Not sure the Drake Nighthawk would look right with the A-Team van stripes though Straight
    Alvatore DiMarco
    Capricious Endeavours Ltd
    #126 - 2013-06-02 01:53:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Alvatore DiMarco
    Ydnari wrote:
    Bear in mind that this would have a game play effect on the people who build these ships (which includes me). Whilst the hull change makes sense, it presumably has to change the base hull for invention and manufacturing, which would screw over people who have a large investment in the current hulls - and that would not make me happy :-\

    It wouldn't "screw over" anyone. You can continue making Command Ships with the existing hulls, it just adds a second hull to the mix. T1 BCs that are still not terribly popular becoming components of popular T2 BCs isn't a bad thing for the economy and popular T1 BCs also becoming part of popular T2 BCs is a good thing for manufacturers as well.

    sera leonza wrote:
    Sounds good.

    Not sure the Drake would look right with the A-Team van stripes though Straight

    I posted a mock-up of the Kaalakiota Drake (Nighthawk is a Kaalakiota Ferox atm) on Page 4. Credit goes to Apricot Baby of the Caldari Prime Pony Club.
    Junko Sideswipe
    Love Squad
    #127 - 2013-06-02 01:54:29 UTC
    Myrm hull model is kawaii. Cool


    Maximus Andendare
    Rote Kapelle
    #128 - 2013-06-02 04:10:06 UTC
    CCP Fozzie wrote:
    This is something I've been thinking about during my predesign for the command ships.

    I'll start with this disclaimer, we will never feel that we need to make hull designs match the function of every ship. So there's no NEED to switch the hulls on any command ships. This is not something we've decided to do, but it is something we could do and would like your opinions on.

    It might be interesting to convert half the command ships into the other BC hull, picking the one that matches their weapon type at the T1 level.

    That would (potentially) mean:

  • Eos would use the Myrm hull
  • Sleipnir would use the Hurricane hull
  • Abso would use the Harb hull
  • Nighthawk would use the Drake hull

  • This is the kind of thing that we'd expect many people would have strong opinions about, and since it wouldn't have direct gameplay effects we wouldn't consider it worth doing unless there was some significant community support for the idea that overwhelms the opposition.

    So, hypothetically, what do you guys think?
    I think it would such a great change to Command Ships. It'd keep the unique flavor of their T1 hull living on in their T2 iterations.

    I think it'd be a bit of a change, yes, but I think overall it'd be healthy for the game and keep Command ships fresh.

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    Mara Rinn
    Cosmic Goo Convertor
    #129 - 2013-06-02 04:17:47 UTC
    CCP Fozzie wrote:
    That would (potentially) mean:

  • Eos would use the Myrm hull
  • Sleipnir would use the Hurricane hull
  • Abso would use the Harb hull
  • Nighthawk would use the Drake hull

  • This is the kind of thing that we'd expect many people would have strong opinions about …

    My strong opinion is that if you got this done tomorrow, it would be about five years late! Lol


    Of course the other option is to retcon it all like you did for using the incursus as the basis for the Ishkur instead of the Imicus (that's been retconned now, no need to change the models, besides the Ishkur is awesome).
    Mara Pahrdi
    The Order of Anoyia
    #130 - 2013-06-02 04:21:08 UTC
    CCP Fozzie wrote:
    That would (potentially) mean:

  • Eos would use the Myrm hull
  • Sleipnir would use the Hurricane hull
  • Abso would use the Harb hull
  • Nighthawk would use the Drake hull

  • No, I wouldn't like this optical change. Mostly because I'm not very fond of the Myrm, Drake and Cane hulls.

    Also, as a Khanid pilot I have to add: Do not mess with the black beauty Twisted!

    Remove standings and insurance.

    Mara Rinn
    Cosmic Goo Convertor
    #131 - 2013-06-02 04:21:14 UTC
    Ydnari wrote:
    Bear in mind that this would have a game play effect on the people who build these ships (which includes me). Whilst the hull change makes sense, it presumably has to change the base hull for invention and manufacturing, which would screw over people who have a large investment in the current hulls - and that would not make me happy :-\

    You would pass the cost of the upgrade over to the consumers. Or perhaps CCP could allow people with a track record of inventing command ships to nominate some batch of T1 battlecruisers (e.g.: your feroxes) to be converted to the other T1 battlecruiser (e.g.: drakes), and convert the appropriate BPO to the same.

    It would be what, three weeks of hardship while you retool your production line and clear out your previous production?
    Liandri Industrial
    #132 - 2013-06-02 04:23:07 UTC
    CCP Fozzie wrote:
    This is something I've been thinking about during my predesign for the command ships.

    I'll start with this disclaimer, we will never feel that we need to make hull designs match the function of every ship. So there's no NEED to switch the hulls on any command ships. This is not something we've decided to do, but it is something we could do and would like your opinions on.

    It might be interesting to convert half the command ships into the other BC hull, picking the one that matches their weapon type at the T1 level.

    That would (potentially) mean:

  • Eos would use the Myrm hull
  • Sleipnir would use the Hurricane hull
  • Abso would use the Harb hull
  • Nighthawk would use the Drake hull

  • This is the kind of thing that we'd expect many people would have strong opinions about, and since it wouldn't have direct gameplay effects we wouldn't consider it worth doing unless there was some significant community support for the idea that overwhelms the opposition.

    So, hypothetically, what do you guys think?


    As soon as humanly possible by the way
    Fibian Virpio
    Order of the Eclipse
    #133 - 2013-06-02 04:40:23 UTC
    Kaalakiota drake!

    #134 - 2013-06-02 04:50:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Sarmatiko
    Please don't touch my Sleipnir and Nighthawk X

    I want Sleipnir, not Brutor Hurricane; Nighthawk, not Kaalakiota Drake.
    And while this thread is ongoing, silent change of models will cause another inevitable shitstorm on forums, because as always major part of the community will be unaware about this.

    If you like to change something so iconic - make proper playerbase-wide poll first.
    Erutpar Ambient
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #135 - 2013-06-02 05:04:20 UTC
    Yes we can! Change is coming!

    Dear art team, make them look mo badder than ever!
    Ertai Erquilenne
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #136 - 2013-06-02 05:26:12 UTC
    Voicing my support for the change. The Myrm would make a great Eos. I'd hate to see the Nighthawk changed, but it makes sense, just like the other changes. I'm 100% for the change.
    Dr Felonius
    Civilian Purposes Limited
    #137 - 2013-06-02 05:29:13 UTC
    CCP Fozzie wrote:
    That would (potentially) mean:

  • Eos would use the Myrm hull
  • Sleipnir would use the Hurricane hull
  • Abso would use the Harb hull
  • Nighthawk would use the Drake hull

  • This idea is so self-evidently excellent as to be essentially mandatory for the winter release.
    Lord Eremet
    The Seatbelts
    #138 - 2013-06-02 05:32:36 UTC
    Leave the Sleip and Nighthawk alone. Same goes for vulture och Abso.

    You can change the Eos if you like - its a crap ship with a crap bonus.
    kai il
    #139 - 2013-06-02 05:35:19 UTC
    leave them alone, you already changed the cyclone to missiles so I cant use ACs on it and have to use a sleipnir, dont ruin this ship for me to.
    Azrael Dinn
    Imperial Mechanics
    #140 - 2013-06-02 05:39:32 UTC
    yes please

    i have also been wondering why the hulls have sayd the same.

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