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People who ride bicycles (on roads) should be run down

Renan Ruivo
Forcas armadas
Brave Collective
#41 - 2011-10-16 01:36:04 UTC
Sir Substance wrote:
Renan Ruivo wrote:
If you don't like them, leave your vehicle and hand your keys to them. Or give them a lift and put their bikes on your trunk. Otherwise stfu and keep driving.

Or waiting until we are through.

And then cyclists complain that people don't like them. Considering ANYTHING on the road is faster then you, including 50CC vespa scooters, you don't really have any right to the arrogance you display. You are a liability and a danger to everyone around you.

And, as a cyclist, if i could afford anything faster i would. So unless you want to give me something faster, stfu and keep drinving.

The world is a community of idiots doing a series of things until it explodes and we all die.

Sir Substance
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#42 - 2011-10-16 02:26:02 UTC
Renan Ruivo wrote:
Sir Substance wrote:
Renan Ruivo wrote:
If you don't like them, leave your vehicle and hand your keys to them. Or give them a lift and put their bikes on your trunk. Otherwise stfu and keep driving.

Or waiting until we are through.

And then cyclists complain that people don't like them. Considering ANYTHING on the road is faster then you, including 50CC vespa scooters, you don't really have any right to the arrogance you display. You are a liability and a danger to everyone around you.

And, as a cyclist, if i could afford anything faster i would. So unless you want to give me something faster, stfu and keep drinving.

Cost is a terrible justification. Perhaps its truly a problem for you, but its not for most cyclists where I live. Most of them have spent at least $4000 on their gear. On the other hand, I bought a brand new Sach Express 150 for $2200 including on roads, and another k for the gear, $800 less.

I'm a student, with a casual job. I don't even have a dependable income, and I can afford that much.

If you buy second hand, you can get a honda CT110 for less then $1000, and those things are the most reliable vehicle on the planet. Either of these bikes will set you back less then $10 a week in petrol, and at most $400 a year in maintenance unless you are an idiot. Provided your insurance slate is clean, you can insure the sach for $300 annually, and thats full comprehensive.

If those kinds of costs are too high for you, then you should consider bus tickets.

Pushbikes are not a defensible form of transport, there are better forms of transport all around you. If you want to ride a pushbike because its fun or because its good for you, fair enough. But don't pretend you are playing on the same level as the rest of traffic, you are a kid with a potato gun at a rifle range. Every single person on the road, from motorcycles to trucks, has a superior form of transport, and could kill you by accident. Respect that, don't do stupid things around serious machines, and for the love of god don't antagonize real shooters with your potato gun.

The beatings will continue until posting improves. -Magnus Cortex

Official Eve Online changelist: Togglable PvP. - Jordanna Bauer

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#43 - 2011-10-16 06:44:47 UTC
Karak Terrel wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
She openly carries her handgun (which is not only permissible in my state, but freemen openly bearing arms goes back to English common law).

Dude... Which state are you talking about? Just wanna make sure i never visit it.

Now I will never tell you. Don't come to any of them. Mexico is South. No guns allowed there, unless you are in a drug cartel.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#44 - 2011-10-16 06:45:48 UTC
JordanParey wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:

either Prius-driving, bike riding, canvas-bag-to-Whole Foods (that's a health store for those of your out of the US) snarky liberal democrat types

God, I hate Priuses... they're alright when they're in the city but on the highway they always mess up traffic because people driving them seem to not want to go more than 55mph in a 75mph zone (because they don't want to wreck their "perfect" fuel economy...)

Anyways, that's OT.

I slightly agree with the OP. Every year where I live, in the summertime, there are a bunch of bike-riding retards (I say retards, because there are NO bike lanes here, lots of curves and steep hills, narrow roads, and they ride on the highway). The result is that nobody around here likes cyclists (more out of concern for their physical health and curiosity concerning their mental well-being or doing something like that in the area I live in) and that everyone thinks they look funny because they can't do anything to make themselves safer except wear bright neon-colored spankypants...

So, every time I drive by one of them on the highway, all I can think of is "haha, look at that ****** wearing bright pink underwear as clothes"

LOL "spankypants".
I'm stealing that.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Lutz Major
Austriae Est Imperare Orbi Universo
#45 - 2011-10-16 07:30:03 UTC
Jada Maroo wrote:
This is simple Newtonian physics. My vehicle has more mass and acceleration than your bicycle. Therefore I win. The laws of the universe say that car/truck > bicycle every time they exchange forces in a collision.

So Newton is your excuse to be a fat guy?

That you can bulldoze us "crazy" people down at the next (free) buffet?
Sir Substance
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#46 - 2011-10-16 08:05:55 UTC
Lutz Major wrote:
Jada Maroo wrote:
This is simple Newtonian physics. My vehicle has more mass and acceleration than your bicycle. Therefore I win. The laws of the universe say that car/truck > bicycle every time they exchange forces in a collision.

So Newton is your excuse to be a fat guy?

That you can bulldoze us "crazy" people down at the next (free) buffet?

Ladies and gentlemen, 3000+ years of survival of the fittest being made redundant, and we arrive here, at people who think its ok to ride a pushbike in front of a truck because of principal.

Looks like natures catching up, and some of these people are imminently going to go full darwin on their own arses. Can I get a hallelujah?

The beatings will continue until posting improves. -Magnus Cortex

Official Eve Online changelist: Togglable PvP. - Jordanna Bauer

Myfanwy Heimdal
Heimdal Freight and Manufacture Inc
#47 - 2011-10-16 09:02:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Myfanwy Heimdal
The Survival of the Fittest? Surely, it's Horses For Courses?

On a bank Holiday weekend here on the Llŷn Peninsula I can travel over 15 miles on my bike in the time it can take a vehicle to go two.

Oddly enough, even on these lanes it's not the cyclists who block up the roads but idiots in inappropriate sized cars who can't pass another oncomng vehichle without having a hissy-fit that thir supposed rufty-tufty Chelsea Tractor may actually have to get onto a grass verge by six inches or so.

Whenever I have driven up a lane and found two city dwellers stuck (you can usually tell as they often have a Pringle type jumper over their shoulders) and exractated them out I have never once found a cyclist within ten miles of the place.

If I want to get to visit a client's site about six miles from here and it's not in dead of winter then I can nip there in far less time on my pushbike than I can in my car. I just cycle down the middle of the road and even get though the gaps that motorcyclists can't get through . And in every one of these long multi-mile tailbacks it's always cars which cause the problem.

In winter I often cycle over too if it's a nice day because I can always stop and take photos of the estuary around Portmerion.

It' funny how car drivers always think that road blockages is always someone else's fault. and never their own. If this were so then they'd never be a single tailback on any of the motorways where cyclists aren't allowed.

No, I am not a card carrying cyclist. I don't do lycra (be thankful, people of North Wales) but I do know which mode of transport is more applicable than the other at certain times. Those dogmatic car users are wrong and so are the dogmatic cyclists.

Pam:  I wonder what my name means in Welsh?Nessa: Why?

Sir Substance
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#48 - 2011-10-16 09:50:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Sir Substance
Myfanwy Heimdal wrote:
but idiots in inappropriate sized cars who can't pass another oncomng vehichle without having a hissy-fit that thir supposed rufty-tufty Chelsea Tractor may actually have to get onto a grass verge by six inches or so.

The britishness of this sentence cause a top hat to spontaneously appear on the top of my head.

People who can't drive and people who drive cars inappropriate for city driving are a problem, but my concern for cyclists doesn't stem from the fact that their vehicles are inappropriate for the roads. I can deal with that. It stems from the fact that their attitudes are inappropriate for the road.

If you acknowledge that your vehicle puts you at a disadvantage to everyone on the road, and ride in a manner appropriate to that fact, the problem would vanish.

But cyclists inexplicably ride as if they are kings of the road, when in reality, they are the most vulnerable and the least trained. Here in Australia, there is no required training for riding a bike on the road. Everyone else gets shown how to control their vehicle and what the road rules are, and is required to pass a fairly stringent (although not perfect) test to demonstrate they at least grasp the basics.

Its par for the course for cyclists to ignore road rules. Just the other day I saw a learner in the turn left lane at a red light with a left arrow (also red). He had two cyclists on his left side. The turn left arrow went green, and he and the cyclists started moving. He went to turn the corner, but they went straight ahead, flagrantly ignoring the red light and almost went under his wheels.

I can count on one hand the number of times in my whole life I have seen a cyclist indicate by sticking his hand out. Its law to indicate that way over here, because otherwise how can you tell what they are about to do?

But none of them do it.

And you want motor vehicle users to respect your right to the road? **** off.

Cyclists are, almost to a man, unpredictable, roaming driving hazards, as surely as if someone put knee high cement blocks on powered skate boards and set them loose.

Display some internal community solidarity against cyclists breaking road rules, create community oriented measures to educate poor cyclists, and maybe we'll start respecting you. Until then, we shall treat you how you act: As a bunch of arrogant, stupid and dangerous children who either don't realise or don't care how much trouble they put us adults through.

The beatings will continue until posting improves. -Magnus Cortex

Official Eve Online changelist: Togglable PvP. - Jordanna Bauer

Myfanwy Heimdal
Heimdal Freight and Manufacture Inc
#49 - 2011-10-16 12:22:06 UTC
Sir Substance wrote:
Myfanwy Heimdal wrote:
but idiots in inappropriate sized cars who can't pass another oncomng vehichle without having a hissy-fit that thir supposed rufty-tufty Chelsea Tractor may actually have to get onto a grass verge by six inches or so.

The britishness of this sentence cause a top hat to spontaneously appear on the top of my head.

People who can't drive and people who drive cars inappropriate for city driving are a problem, but my concern for cyclists doesn't stem from the fact that their vehicles are inappropriate for the roads. I can deal with that. It stems from the fact that their attitudes are inappropriate for the road.

If you acknowledge that your vehicle puts you at a disadvantage to everyone on the road, and ride in a manner appropriate to that fact, the problem would vanish.

But cyclists inexplicably ride as if they are kings of the road, when in reality, they are the most vulnerable and the least trained. Here in Australia, there is no required training for riding a bike on the road. Everyone else gets shown how to control their vehicle and what the road rules are, and is required to pass a fairly stringent (although not perfect) test to demonstrate they at least grasp the basics.

Its par for the course for cyclists to ignore road rules. Just the other day I saw a learner in the turn left lane at a red light with a left arrow (also red). He had two cyclists on his left side. The turn left arrow went green, and he and the cyclists started moving. He went to turn the corner, but they went straight ahead, flagrantly ignoring the red light and almost went under his wheels.

I can count on one hand the number of times in my whole life I have seen a cyclist indicate by sticking his hand out. Its law to indicate that way over here, because otherwise how can you tell what they are about to do?

But none of them do it.

And you want motor vehicle users to respect your right to the road? **** off.

Cyclists are, almost to a man, unpredictable, roaming driving hazards, as surely as if someone put knee high cement blocks on powered skate boards and set them loose.

Display some internal community solidarity against cyclists breaking road rules, create community oriented measures to educate poor cyclists, and maybe we'll start respecting you. Until then, we shall treat you how you act: As a bunch of arrogant, stupid and dangerous children who either don't realise or don't care how much trouble they put us adults through.

there is not a lot I can disagree with there. I cycle a lot and I drive a lot.

What I never do is not indicate when cycling. Well, tell a lie, if there's no-one around I don't indcate.

As a cyclist I sit at red lights; they are for all traffic users and not optional indicators. I don't have time for cyclists who ride two, or more, abreast on busy roads.

As a motorist I know that it's essential to keep the flow of the traffic going. It the Sunday drivers and grockles who don't keep to the speed limit which are the worst drivers. of course, cyclists aren't going to be doing 60mph down the A470 but they can jolly well stay in single file so that the traffic can more.

I mentioned Sunday drivers and Grockles. The former are usually unsafe to drive and the latter are the twats who think "I am on holiday in thie lovely part of the world so I will go at thirty on a road which could be done safely at fifty and not care about the traffic building up behind me."

As for the Original Poster saying that they had to wait whole minutes I wonder if he or she had never been in a queue caused by other motorists. Most of the time the road works for users who know how to use the damned things. It's those, motorists, cyclists and whomever who don't which are the issue. There's nothing wrong with cyclists who know how the road works.

Pam:  I wonder what my name means in Welsh?Nessa: Why?

Gallente Federation
#50 - 2011-10-16 12:35:00 UTC
and this thread here is why I keep wishing a meteor comes crash into us, because A) lots of bike riders act like they own the road, and B) lots of car owners act like they own the road.


[quote]The more I know about humans, the more I love animals.[/quote] ain't that right

Sir Substance
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#51 - 2011-10-16 12:47:53 UTC
Myfanwy Heimdal wrote:

there is not a lot I can disagree with there. I cycle a lot and I drive a lot.

What I never do is not indicate when cycling. Well, tell a lie, if there's no-one around I don't indcate.

As a cyclist I sit at red lights; they are for all traffic users and not optional indicators. I don't have time for cyclists who ride two, or more, abreast on busy roads.

As a motorist I know that it's essential to keep the flow of the traffic going. It the Sunday drivers and grockles who don't keep to the speed limit which are the worst drivers. of course, cyclists aren't going to be doing 60mph down the A470 but they can jolly well stay in single file so that the traffic can more.

I mentioned Sunday drivers and Grockles. The former are usually unsafe to drive and the latter are the twats who think "I am on holiday in thie lovely part of the world so I will go at thirty on a road which could be done safely at fifty and not care about the traffic building up behind me."

As for the Original Poster saying that they had to wait whole minutes I wonder if he or she had never been in a queue caused by other motorists. Most of the time the road works for users who know how to use the damned things. It's those, motorists, cyclists and whomever who don't which are the issue. There's nothing wrong with cyclists who know how the road works.

Then you and I see almost eye to eye on the situation, because I agree with most of your post as well. Truthfully though, change has to come from within the cycling community. As an exclusive user of motorized transport, there's little I can do about the dangers cyclists pose to me and them selves other then keep a sharp eye out, two hands on the wheel and cover the brake.

Sadly though, I don't think the right change will occur. The cycling community perpetuates the problem with events like critical mass, and when I hear about things like that all I can think is that the police really should get to use tear gas launchers more often. Realistically, the war (if you wish to call it that) can only be ended by the cyclists. Since cars and trucks won't go away (we need them more then bikes), this will either end nicely, end with bicycles being banned or restricted to the pavement, or it will end with a lot of dead cyclists.

I hope for nicely, but I don't expect it.

The beatings will continue until posting improves. -Magnus Cortex

Official Eve Online changelist: Togglable PvP. - Jordanna Bauer

Myfanwy Heimdal
Heimdal Freight and Manufacture Inc
#52 - 2011-10-16 13:08:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Myfanwy Heimdal
I am of the age when, as small brat, I did what was called The Cycling Profeciency Test.

It was a worthwhile initiative, UK wide, to get children to learn to cycle before they got onto the roads. The local coppers would help as would the local schools and it was generally accepted that no-one would cycle on the roads until they pased their test.

Then it was decided that this was all a waste of money and the cash could be better spent on councillor's mistresses and jinkets instead. And we have the mess which we have now.

I am in my fifties and cyle as to what I was taught back in my pre-teens as per the CPT and I see these cycle clubs out on the roads breaking every rule that there is. And I despise them for it because what they do affects me twice; once as a motorist there and then and secondly as a cyclist by others later on.

So if you want to run these lycra louts over then best hurry and get in before me. And then I will be gunning for the Git Drivers next. Like that geriatric git in Porthmadog this morning.

Pam:  I wonder what my name means in Welsh?Nessa: Why?

Kitty McKitty
In Praise Of Shadows
#53 - 2011-10-16 13:51:02 UTC
People who drive cars are arrogant nobheads.

Haviing your portrait painted here helps INTAKI Disabled Children ♥

Myfanwy Heimdal
Heimdal Freight and Manufacture Inc
#54 - 2011-10-16 13:55:00 UTC
Kitty McKitty wrote:
People who drive cars are arrogant nobheads.

Cripes. Now as Sweeping Generalisations go, that is very sweeping.

Pam:  I wonder what my name means in Welsh?Nessa: Why?

Renan Ruivo
Forcas armadas
Brave Collective
#55 - 2011-10-16 16:15:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Renan Ruivo
Sir Substance wrote:
Renan Ruivo wrote:
Sir Substance wrote:
Renan Ruivo wrote:
If you don't like them, leave your vehicle and hand your keys to them. Or give them a lift and put their bikes on your trunk. Otherwise stfu and keep driving.

Or waiting until we are through.

And then cyclists complain that people don't like them. Considering ANYTHING on the road is faster then you, including 50CC vespa scooters, you don't really have any right to the arrogance you display. You are a liability and a danger to everyone around you.

And, as a cyclist, if i could afford anything faster i would. So unless you want to give me something faster, stfu and keep drinving.

Cost is a terrible justification. Perhaps its truly a problem for you, but its not for most cyclists where I live. Most of them have spent at least $4000 on their gear. On the other hand, I bought a brand new Sach Express 150 for $2200 including on roads, and another k for the gear, $800 less.

I'm a student, with a casual job. I don't even have a dependable income, and I can afford that much.

If you buy second hand, you can get a honda CT110 for less then $1000, and those things are the most reliable vehicle on the planet. Either of these bikes will set you back less then $10 a week in petrol, and at most $400 a year in maintenance unless you are an idiot. Provided your insurance slate is clean, you can insure the sach for $300 annually, and thats full comprehensive.

If those kinds of costs are too high for you, then you should consider bus tickets.

Pushbikes are not a defensible form of transport, there are better forms of transport all around you. If you want to ride a pushbike because its fun or because its good for you, fair enough. But don't pretend you are playing on the same level as the rest of traffic, you are a kid with a potato gun at a rifle range. Every single person on the road, from motorcycles to trucks, has a superior form of transport, and could kill you by accident. Respect that, don't do stupid things around serious machines, and for the love of god don't antagonize real shooters with your potato gun.

Yeah that i can relate with, riding in 4000 dollars bicycles is stupid. I built mine with less than 50 bucks.

Right now i'm on the same page as you, student with no dependable income. I had a job as IT technician one year ago and will probably have another one before march, but i don't have driving licenses for either a car or a bike, and getting those takes time (2 weeks of lessons and tests) and money (about 1300 dollars).

Right now i can't afford the money, and when i work i can't afford the time.

And i won't pay a bus ticket to go a distance i can go in my bicycle

I ride safely on the edge of the road but some time ******* pedestrians will have to walk on the road as well because some ****** parked his car on the sidewalk. And also, people will honk their ******* horns when i'm hugging the sidewalk and they have 12 meters of free road to drive on. So there are really no good guys on this issue as a whole. Both sides have jerks.

The world is a community of idiots doing a series of things until it explodes and we all die.

Sir Substance
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#56 - 2011-10-17 00:29:38 UTC
Renan Ruivo wrote:
but i don't have driving licenses for either a car or a bike


And i won't pay a bus ticket to go a distance i can go in my bicycle

Perhaps you should. Since you've never been trained, you have no idea about how to safely (not just safely for yourself but safely for others as well) navigate the road.

The beatings will continue until posting improves. -Magnus Cortex

Official Eve Online changelist: Togglable PvP. - Jordanna Bauer

Herping yourDerp
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#57 - 2011-10-17 00:50:56 UTC
bikes have the right away? around there they must be on the very side of the road or on the sidewalks.
Tactical Farmers.
Pandemic Horde
#58 - 2011-10-17 03:32:24 UTC
Grimpak wrote:
and this thread here is why I keep wishing a meteor comes crash into us, because A) lots of bike riders act like they own the road, and B) lots of car owners act like they own the road.

I would settle for his car on fire and thousands of hungry rats setting off for Jada Maroo and he has to run if he wants to live.

Agent of Chaos, Sower of Discord.

Don't talk to me unless you are IQ verified and certified with three references from non-family members. Please have your certificate of authenticity on hand.

Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#59 - 2011-10-17 04:38:23 UTC
Well, i for one ride bikes. I like to keep fit, so i wear lycra shorts and a top. it's getting nice and warm here so more rides on the road than in winter.

being 6'4" and a bit of a gym freak leaves me with confidence when i ride. When i come across someone who things i shouldn't be there, i would ride up to them and lean on their car at the lights when they are red.

The more annoyed people get behind me, the slower i go. If an annoyed person was in a small car, and they had a go at me, then i would tip the car over onto its side and ride on.

Australian Fanfest Event

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#60 - 2011-10-17 04:59:30 UTC
Sir Substance wrote:
Myfanwy Heimdal wrote:
but idiots in inappropriate sized cars who can't pass another oncomng vehichle without having a hissy-fit that thir supposed rufty-tufty Chelsea Tractor may actually have to get onto a grass verge by six inches or so.

The britishness of this sentence cause a top hat to spontaneously appear on the top of my head.

People who can't drive and people who drive cars inappropriate for city driving are a problem, but my concern for cyclists doesn't stem from the fact that their vehicles are inappropriate for the roads. I can deal with that. It stems from the fact that their attitudes are inappropriate for the road.

If you acknowledge that your vehicle puts you at a disadvantage to everyone on the road, and ride in a manner appropriate to that fact, the problem would vanish.

But cyclists inexplicably ride as if they are kings of the road, when in reality, they are the most vulnerable and the least trained. Here in Australia, there is no required training for riding a bike on the road. Everyone else gets shown how to control their vehicle and what the road rules are, and is required to pass a fairly stringent (although not perfect) test to demonstrate they at least grasp the basics.

Its par for the course for cyclists to ignore road rules. Just the other day I saw a learner in the turn left lane at a red light with a left arrow (also red). He had two cyclists on his left side. The turn left arrow went green, and he and the cyclists started moving. He went to turn the corner, but they went straight ahead, flagrantly ignoring the red light and almost went under his wheels.

I can count on one hand the number of times in my whole life I have seen a cyclist indicate by sticking his hand out. Its law to indicate that way over here, because otherwise how can you tell what they are about to do?

But none of them do it.

And you want motor vehicle users to respect your right to the road? **** off.

Cyclists are, almost to a man, unpredictable, roaming driving hazards, as surely as if someone put knee high cement blocks on powered skate boards and set them loose.

Display some internal community solidarity against cyclists breaking road rules, create community oriented measures to educate poor cyclists, and maybe we'll start respecting you. Until then, we shall treat you how you act: As a bunch of arrogant, stupid and dangerous children who either don't realise or don't care how much trouble they put us adults through.

Yeah the post gave me a craving for some tea.
Otherwise I could not understand most of it. Can someone translate it here?

Bring back DEEEEP Space!