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People who ride bicycles (on roads) should be run down

Darteis Elosia
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2011-10-15 11:55:33 UTC
Dear OP, **** you. Get a hobby of your own and gain understanding of others who have a hobby. Again, **** you.
Jada Maroo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2011-10-15 11:58:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Jada Maroo
My favorite thing so far in this thread is how Spitfire editted the original post. It tells me one of two things:

1. someone actually flagged it, he read it, agreed with the overall sentiment that speedo wearing freaks on bikes are horrible people and editted it so that he wouldn't have to close the thread, which is hilarious

or 2. he thought I was serious in my suggestion that people with older vehicles should take it for the team and run over people on bikes wearing lycra and hang their speedos on their antennas as trophies, which is equally hilarious

I'm gonna choose to believe the first one because I have noticed on other forums and in other venues that this particular group (lycra wearing bicycle riders) are wonderfully sensitive to criticism, are full of arrogance, possess an obnoxious sense of entitlement (to roads), and are, in general, vile but hilarious when provoked.

When you point out that they don't belong on roads they fume and turn into what I can only describe as an impossible hybrid of a steaming teapot, a yuppie, a hippie, and a small angry terrier.
leviticus ander
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2011-10-15 12:03:07 UTC
Astenion wrote:
OP has the right idea. I can't speak for the rest of Europe but in Italy bicyclists act like they own the road. They've created bike paths alongside the road for them, but that's not good enough so they ride on the road anyway. It's always said spandex-wearing tools as well.

Fortunately, they've begun new laws stating that if you're caught riding on the road when there's a bike path for you, you'll be fined. Finally.

even as a cyclist I hate people who do that. sitting in the middle of the road waiting for the lights. and because they are on a bike they get 2-3 car lengths behind them. this then adds up and because the turn lane is only so long the cars end up lining up even more in the actual lanes, slowing traffic, and generally causing congestion. I've seen an entire road stop from a single cyclist not wanting to push it meaning that the main lanes get blocked, meaning more and more people just pile up behind them.
meanwhile there are bike lanes, cross walks, well kept traffic signals, and all this stuff that is designed to help everyone get around faster and these jackasses just break it all because they figure they should be riding on the road.
Jada Maroo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#24 - 2011-10-15 12:16:24 UTC
People who ride offroad bikes are fine. I have a trail bike myself. Bikes are superior on trails, after all, and cars don't belong on trails. The only things that belong on trails are bikes, motorcycles, four wheelers, rapists, dead bodies (to the side), and Mexicans.

People who "hike" -- I don't trust those people. I've never met a normal person who hikes. The common nexus between "hikers" and their lycra wearing brethren on roads seems to be Whole Foods.
Alara IonStorm
#25 - 2011-10-15 12:21:21 UTC
Every time Jada opens her mouth a Stereotype falls out.

Then she states why and how it deserves to be killed.
Jada Maroo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#26 - 2011-10-15 12:23:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Jada Maroo
I also don't like people who grocery shop with canvas bags (hemp based of course).

I need to start a blog on this.
Alara IonStorm
#27 - 2011-10-15 12:25:14 UTC
Jada Maroo wrote:
I also don't like people who grocery shop with canvas bags (hemp based of course).

No one likes them, but we are polite about it.

Show some pity.
Sir Substance
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#28 - 2011-10-15 12:33:08 UTC
Darteis Elosia wrote:
Dear OP, **** you. Get a hobby of your own and gain understanding of others who have a hobby. Again, **** you.

Dear Darteis, please understand that people don't like it when you engage in hobbies with reckless abandon, knowing that if you cause accidents, other people will be the ones who get punished.

For example, most people would consider it poor taste if your hobby was setting off poorly constructed fireworks from the backyards of people other then yourself and then hiding when the police come, and would probably tell you to stop it.

The beatings will continue until posting improves. -Magnus Cortex

Official Eve Online changelist: Togglable PvP. - Jordanna Bauer

#29 - 2011-10-15 12:58:02 UTC
Hmm most cyclists I know are actually a bunch of rich conservative doctor/professional types.
Also law states having to share the road. Meaning cars and bikes are equal. (unless it's a highway I believe because of minimum speed) .

What I found weird is that in most states riding a bike on the sidewalk is actually illegal. So they dont really have the option. I will say in certain places/roads where there really is no shoulder and the speed limit is 45+ (and lots of traffic) you dont really belong there as that's just a stupid place to ride.

I do know a few cyclists here that have gotten off their bikes and thrown down with cars that purposely tried to **** with them when they got to the next stop light. (Really funny stories actually. Who wants to admit they got their ass kicked by a guy in a helmet and tights.)
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#30 - 2011-10-15 13:49:02 UTC
KaarBaak wrote:
My went something like this:

OPs friends: Don't you know how to ride a bike?
OP: of course I do. My dad taught me when I was four years old.
Friend: Prove it.

OP starts taking off his clothes.

Friend: are you doing??
OP: This is how my daddy taught me.
Friends: Dude...

OP calls dad in prison to ask 'wtf' then goes to bedroom and logs into EvE Forums.

You win. No seriously, I think I just peed a little as I fell out of my chair laughing.
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#31 - 2011-10-15 19:44:14 UTC
Jada Maroo wrote:
I also don't like people who grocery shop with canvas bags (hemp based of course).

I need to start a blog on this.

Jada represents a faction of conservatism that I call "blacked little soul" conservatism. It's what happens when you spend too many Saturday night staying home and watching COPS while keeping a dark little secret that they are afraid to go anywhere because they spend most of the week wanting the world to be a harsher place for people they don't like. A daily dose of Fox news and Limbaugh damages the mind further.

Don't blame them though. They are merely a result of "the other side" manipulating them. You see the whole spectrum of ideals is manipulated in such manner that people are:

either Prius-driving, bike riding, canvas-bag-to-Whole Foods (that's a health store for those of your out of the US) snarky liberal democrat types


SUV driving, overweight, burger-wrapper-out-the-window smug conservative republicans.

Both of these types of people are highly irritating, fooled, and no smarter than any German in the 1930s who sat there thinking it was either communism of fascism and ended up under the dictatorship of someone who deployed both systems.

The worst part of it is dealing with the zombie-like stupidity. For example, the hemp thing. There are a lot of reasons to support the use of Hemp but just because it's depicted by the media "as a liberal issue", the Jadas of the world don't like it. I can go down a long list of how both left and right are fooled and manipulated by stereotypes and having dumb ideas drummed into their heads all day every day.

My girlfriend was at a food co-op yesterday getting some good stuff. She openly carries her handgun (which is not only permissible in my state, but freemen openly bearing arms goes back to English common law). There were people working at that place who do not know that the sends in SWAT teams over raw milk. She was talking to some of the employees there interested in firearms training.

You'd think that people who are involved in that business would know about this? How come they don't? Who's hiding that from them? Perhaps the news media who likes the O-man is not in a hurry to report that? But the "other media" that liked the B-man didn't say much when he tripled the size of the ATF either. Meanwhile the O-Man is acting like the B-Man in his third term and everybody who complained about what the B-man did is silent now because the O-man is doing it, and everybody who is complaining about what the O-man is doing was silent when the B-man did it. These are the media sock puppets on both sides, twisting the minds of the Jadas of the world.

So I would feel sorry for Jada and people like that. They watch Fox news and think they took the red pill and escaped the Matrix like Neo - but they are still in a matrix. The matrix just let them think they took a red pill and got out, so now they sit around saying "I'm not brainwashed! I don't pay attention to the 'liberal media'" and all that means is yes they won't go wanting more socialist welfare state and thinking the O-man is their savior but instead will end up wanting the R-Man or some other Ken Doll the GOP sends out and clamoring for more fascist warfare state.

Luckily there are people here who have their eyes wide open and can see what's going on. without bothering to think in terms of stereotypes and ideals. Amongst the un-fooled an alliance is growing.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#32 - 2011-10-15 19:44:25 UTC
Jada Maroo wrote:
I also don't like people who grocery shop with canvas bags (hemp based of course).

I need to start a blog on this.

Jada represents a faction of conservatism that I call "blacked little soul" conservatism. It's what happens when you spend too many Saturday night staying home and watching COPS while keeping a dark little secret that they are afraid to go anywhere because they spend most of the week wanting the world to be a harsher place for people they don't like. A daily dose of Fox news and Limbaugh damages the mind further.

Don't blame them though. They are merely a result of "the other side" manipulating them. You see the whole spectrum of ideals is manipulated in such manner that people are:

either Prius-driving, bike riding, canvas-bag-to-Whole Foods (that's a health store for those of your out of the US) snarky liberal democrat types


SUV driving, overweight, burger-wrapper-out-the-window smug conservative republicans.

Both of these types of people are highly irritating, fooled, and no smarter than any German in the 1930s who sat there thinking it was either communism of fascism and ended up under the dictatorship of someone who deployed both systems.

The worst part of it is dealing with the zombie-like stupidity. For example, the hemp thing. There are a lot of reasons to support the use of Hemp but just because it's depicted by the media "as a liberal issue", the Jadas of the world don't like it. I can go down a long list of how both left and right are fooled and manipulated by stereotypes and having dumb ideas drummed into their heads all day every day.

My girlfriend was at a food co-op yesterday getting some good stuff. She openly carries her handgun (which is not only permissible in my state, but freemen openly bearing arms goes back to English common law). There were people working at that place who do not know that the sends in SWAT teams over raw milk. She was talking to some of the employees there interested in firearms training.

You'd think that people who are involved in that business would know about this? How come they don't? Who's hiding that from them? Perhaps the news media who likes the O-man is not in a hurry to report that? But the "other media" that liked the B-man didn't say much when he tripled the size of the ATF either. Meanwhile the O-Man is acting like the B-Man in his third term and everybody who complained about what the B-man did is silent now because the O-man is doing it, and everybody who is complaining about what the O-man is doing was silent when the B-man did it. These are the media sock puppets on both sides, twisting the minds of the Jadas of the world.

So I would feel sorry for Jada and people like that. They watch Fox news and think they took the red pill and escaped the Matrix like Neo - but they are still in a matrix. The matrix just let them think they took a red pill and got out, so now they sit around saying "I'm not brainwashed! I don't pay attention to the 'liberal media'" and all that means is yes they won't go wanting more socialist welfare state and thinking the O-man is their savior but instead will end up wanting the R-Man or some other Ken Doll the GOP sends out and clamoring for more fascist warfare state.

Luckily there are people here who have their eyes wide open and can see what's going on. without bothering to think in terms of stereotypes and ideals. Amongst the un-fooled an alliance is growing.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Marz Ghola
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#33 - 2011-10-15 22:16:59 UTC

I am a triathlete, in many states (in arizona at least) it is often illegal to ride on the sidewalk. When I was cycling in high school when I first got into cycling (to keep fit out of wrestling season), i was actually riding on the side walk and used the cross walk (when it actually gave me the signal to cross). I was hit by a car...guess who was cited? yep, me. I then had a broken bike, hospital bills and a ticket from the city. I was citing for riding against the flow of traffick and riding on the side walk. lol

So if you don't like cyclists on the road, take your fat a$$ down to the voters booths and vote. if you decide to hit a group of cyclists (i have seen this), then you better kill all of them, because it would not be the first time i, and others I know, have beaten the teeth out of motorists for f$cked up moves.

Oh, have a gun with you too, because most of the riders I train with (myself included) do as well. I have no qualms about shooting someone who threatens my life with a car.Big smile

#34 - 2011-10-15 23:28:11 UTC
Funny that people mention whole foods as super liberal. I suppose the people that shop there are, but it anit cheap so "real hippies " cant shop there. Also the guy who owns it is pretty conservative. He wrote an editorial once on his views about gov't run health care. (He was not for it) and took a lot of flak for it.

What was funny is how people politized shopping there. People boycotted and protested out in front (Who use to shop there), and then fox news got a hold of it and conservatives (Who once hated it) began to shop there.
I usually shop at places I think have good products for the price, but too each their own I guess.
Cherry Nobyl
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#35 - 2011-10-15 23:45:57 UTC
Jada Maroo wrote:
I also don't like people who grocery shop with canvas bags (hemp based of course).

I need to start a blog on this.

original post 2/10

add the parade 4/10

moseying on through into ccp participatory agreement with original sentiment 6/10

into hemp bag loving/patchouli sweating/bike riding/neckbearded tree huggers 8/10

still doing it all with a straight face puts us at 9/10.

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#36 - 2011-10-16 00:00:35 UTC
Cherry Nobyl wrote:
Jada Maroo wrote:
I also don't like people who grocery shop with canvas bags (hemp based of course).

I need to start a blog on this.

original post 2/10

add the parade 4/10

moseying on through into ccp participatory agreement with original sentiment 6/10

into hemp bag loving/patchouli sweating/bike riding/neckbearded tree huggers 8/10

still doing it all with a straight face puts us at 9/10.


Wait. Neckbeards can't be tree huggers, can't they?

Where is the authority on this. Stereotype check in aisle 5.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Renan Ruivo
Forcas armadas
Brave Collective
#37 - 2011-10-16 00:54:05 UTC
If you don't like them, leave your vehicle and hand your keys to them. Or give them a lift and put their bikes on your trunk. Otherwise stfu and keep driving.

Or waiting until we are through.

The world is a community of idiots doing a series of things until it explodes and we all die.

Sir Substance
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#38 - 2011-10-16 00:57:14 UTC
Renan Ruivo wrote:
If you don't like them, leave your vehicle and hand your keys to them. Or give them a lift and put their bikes on your trunk. Otherwise stfu and keep driving.

Or waiting until we are through.

And then cyclists complain that people don't like them. Considering ANYTHING on the road is faster then you, including 50CC vespa scooters, you don't really have any right to the arrogance you display. You are a liability and a danger to everyone around you.

The beatings will continue until posting improves. -Magnus Cortex

Official Eve Online changelist: Togglable PvP. - Jordanna Bauer

Karak Terrel
Foundation for CODE and THE NEW ORDER
#39 - 2011-10-16 01:04:11 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
She openly carries her handgun (which is not only permissible in my state, but freemen openly bearing arms goes back to English common law).

Dude... Which state are you talking about? Just wanna make sure i never visit it.
Obvious Money Laundering Service Inc
#40 - 2011-10-16 01:28:34 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:

either Prius-driving, bike riding, canvas-bag-to-Whole Foods (that's a health store for those of your out of the US) snarky liberal democrat types

God, I hate Priuses... they're alright when they're in the city but on the highway they always mess up traffic because people driving them seem to not want to go more than 55mph in a 75mph zone (because they don't want to wreck their "perfect" fuel economy...)

Anyways, that's OT.

I slightly agree with the OP. Every year where I live, in the summertime, there are a bunch of bike-riding retards (I say retards, because there are NO bike lanes here, lots of curves and steep hills, narrow roads, and they ride on the highway). The result is that nobody around here likes cyclists (more out of concern for their physical health and curiosity concerning their mental well-being or doing something like that in the area I live in) and that everyone thinks they look funny because they can't do anything to make themselves safer except wear bright neon-colored spankypants...

So, every time I drive by one of them on the highway, all I can think of is "haha, look at that ****** wearing bright pink underwear as clothes"