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New dev blog: Unified Inventory Changes

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Malice Redeemer
#161 - 2012-05-23 18:02:03 UTC
Scaugh wrote:
Hans Tesla wrote:
n2thefray wrote:
Anyone else run into an issue when they're dragon dropping into the tree and you hover too long and it opens up that location?

I understand why it works that way but I would never want to change containers while I'm dropping stuff.

Verily, this annoys me to no end when I'm trying to dump loot & salvage into the appropriate areas of my corp hangar.

Also, semi-cross post: What's the formula for the estimated price value at the bottom of the UI. After testing, it seems somewhat... uneven. Some items are spot on, others are way over/under priced.

You dont even have to hover over it for a long time. Just tried to drag and drop and it immediatley opened up the destination container. I then had to go back through the UI tree to try to find which corporation folder and then which container the items were in.

Rinse and repeat the above 3 times unitl I finally opened up the cargo of my ship draged items to there and then opened up the destination container and drag items to there.

Faster and easier to move items my AR$E..


arrg arrg arrg, lets have the mouse pointer behave in the most annoying way possible! This is windows switching is frustrating to no end.
#162 - 2012-05-23 18:03:14 UTC
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
CCP Guard wrote:
We've been busy taking in feedback about the Unified Inventory and figuring out what to tackle first, and how. CCP Soundwave has put together a blog on the subject. Please read the blog here, and make sure you give us your feedback right here in the thread.

You guys are the best. All concerns about the new UI addressed.

All pigs armed and ready to fly, more like.
Rrama Ratamnim
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#163 - 2012-05-23 18:03:16 UTC
Horath Blackguts wrote:
I still need to find an easy a way to show me how much ammo, cap boosters, boosters,, and other expendables I have in my cargo hold. It's way too difficult to sort through it all during a fight using the new inventory.

what are you talking about? make the window small, put it in list view like you used to and its nearly identical to the old window for your cargo... i mean really what is the issue here?

ya the cargo shortcut is missing WHICH I HOPE THERE BRINGING BACK with the new "small window as default"
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#164 - 2012-05-23 18:03:29 UTC
+5 for CCP taking this seriously

+5 to Soundwave for being active participant in the dialogue on the thread so far... you sir have my respect.

Soniver Rozaklis
Stampeding Beasts
#165 - 2012-05-23 18:03:45 UTC
Stop already ranting about old system and you don't need new one. Just accept it. It's called modernization and it happens everywhere, not just in games. There were definitely some cumbersome issues with old system and most importantly, it was old unmaintable code, so rather than making patches over patches, it's better to write new thing, that can be customized and made right for your hearts....
Davion Falcon
Those Once Loyal
#166 - 2012-05-23 18:04:52 UTC
A devblog on UI issues within 24 hours of a patch with fixes and improvements to come? Holy ****. Kudos!

Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise. Never forgotten, never forgiven.

Muul Udonii
THORN Syndicate
Northern Coalition.
#167 - 2012-05-23 18:05:15 UTC
Why don't you just turn it off in the meantime to stop anyone else complaining.

Then release a test version to SISI, give a real game reward for the time players spend on SISI testing (like maybe your main account trains at double speed while you are on SISI during important testing times) (so more people go there), then listen to the feedback and make changes like those above BEFORE you release the exact same version to the TQ?

This would stop broken mechanics getting into the game where 100% of players can see, and complain about.

The main thing I want to know, is WHY did you want to change the inventory at all? I never saw a problem with the old one, and the new one is a massive step backwards in terms of user friendly functionality.

Maybe even turn this inventory into the assets window, which is a pain and could do with an overhaul EXACTLY LIKE THIS. Local cargo bays never needed this modification.
Fabulousli Obvious
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#168 - 2012-05-23 18:05:37 UTC
This is all 5 Weeks late and about a Billion ISK short.

My Main was yelping about these changes and all suggestions put forth on Day 1 of this travesty being unleashed upon Sisi, as didi many others. Tippia did some amazing video work even. All of it to help CCP avoid EXACTLY THE ANGER AND FRUSTRATION THAT IS OCCURRING. We did not want another Incarna-Debacle.

There is absolutely no excuse for ignoring all the suggestions that hung in that Forum Thread for weeks, and then for you guys to suddenly pretend to play dumb the day after release to TQ.

Changing it now is not enough to reverse my disappointment in your entire development processes and the game itself in general. This is the sound of 4 accounts leaving. And I'm not the only one.

I am NOT YOUNG ENOUGH to know EVERYTHING.  ~~ Oscar Wilde, writer, d. November 30, 1900

Ken Kyoukan
#169 - 2012-05-23 18:05:48 UTC
Still have the old assets list to search through, wonder if that will get added to a master inventory page at some point?

And they still need to fix the names of items that were 2 rows long originally and now with the newer inventory font take up 3 rows with only 2 rows visible, the text spacing needs fixing!
Chokichi Ozuwara
Caldari State
#170 - 2012-05-23 18:07:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Chokichi Ozuwara
Why does it take 2 minutes to open my inventory?

Tears will be shed and pants will need to be changed all round.

Delivery Boi
#171 - 2012-05-23 18:07:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Delivery Boi
Rrama Ratamnim wrote:
Kremnican wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Oxandrolone wrote:
We’re going to allow renaming of all POS structures, this should let players navigate more easily in the tree view, instead of a large group of identical items.

does this mean only in the inventory window or mean we can rename SMA's and CHA's just like drugs labs etc?


While rename everything is really something I like... I think what Silos and Reactors should have the type they're set up after the name. Something like "Silo (Tritanium)".

1. In order to keep the reactors and silos "organised" using the names, you'd have to rename the structure every time you change the content. While this is OK with single tower set up for a 4-5 days, it doesn't really work with 4 or more towers, where every day you're switching the reactions on at least one tower.

2. To keep the chaos to minimum, you will have to name the structures in a reasonable way. #1 .. #10 isn't different from Silo... Silo. So you'll in most cases use name that indicates whats in, like Trit, AG or Tech. And from the security point of view I think it's not good that everyone who warps to the POS can see that you're running two Platinum Technite reactions.


If they do this i'm so starting up a pos bashing corp to go start crashing peoples tech and neo moons without the need to scan LMFAO... warp on grid, look at name of the mods, ah tech, ya boys come on over this is the one we need to smash

Naming it yourself you can be smart about the naming conventions atleast and name it something your corp will know what it means but not joe shmoe in his cloaky

How about having the custom names only visible to corp members while everyone else sees just the pos module type?

EDIT or better yet: just POS operator roles.
Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#172 - 2012-05-23 18:08:38 UTC
Rrama Ratamnim wrote:


If they do this i'm so starting up a pos bashing corp to go start crashing peoples tech and neo moons without the need to scan LMFAO... warp on grid, look at name of the mods, ah tech, ya boys come on over this is the one we need to smash

Naming it yourself you can be smart about the naming conventions atleast and name it something your corp will know what it means but not joe shmoe in his cloaky

You won't even need to warp onto the grid, just get within a few AU and point your d-scan at it.

That being said - we've long wanted the ability to name ALL the arrays / batteries / labs. There's no reason not to allow us to name the modules.

Just like anything else (such as ship names) in EVE, the dumb will be dumb and you can't cure dumb. The smart folks will come up with various schemes (like naming silos after ponies) to disguise their purpose while still allowing you to keep track of which silo is which.
Rrama Ratamnim
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#173 - 2012-05-23 18:08:43 UTC
Delivery Boi wrote:

How about having the custom names only visible to corp/alliance members while everyone else sees just the pos module type?

Then your talking a new mechanic lol, considering modules just like pos's and cans are universally viewable from the ovewview
Verge of Collapse
#174 - 2012-05-23 18:10:43 UTC
Delivery Boi wrote:

If they do this i'm so starting up a pos bashing corp to go start crashing peoples tech and neo moons without the need to scan LMFAO... warp on grid, look at name of the mods, ah tech, ya boys come on over this is the one we need to smash

I dare you to even try bashing a Tech moon, last I checked it was entirely under the control of alliances with alot more supers you can dream of owning.
Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#175 - 2012-05-23 18:10:58 UTC
Vincent Athena wrote:

Well, maybe with the orca you can just use the tree instead of tabs.

Tabbed layout is nice and compact and you can set it up to only show the containers that you are truly interested in.

The tree view has a bad habit of (a) taking up a lot more space (b) moving around or expanding sub-trees and (c) shows everything instead of just the containers that you're interested in.

Soniver Rozaklis
Stampeding Beasts
#176 - 2012-05-23 18:11:31 UTC
Yeah, i agree that naming of POS modules should be only client side thing without actually changing name of module for public. If you need somebody to go to certain module, you can use bookmarks for that...
#177 - 2012-05-23 18:12:53 UTC
Javajunky wrote:
+5 for CCP taking this seriously

+5 to Soundwave for being active participant in the dialogue on the thread so far... you sir have my respect.

-10 CCP for a really bad idea. As for all the graphics and videos that accompanied this release I leave you with a Paul Conrad quote:

"I've never seen bad drawing destroy a good idea. On the other hand, I've never seen a good drawing save a bad idea."
CCP Soundwave
C C P Alliance
#178 - 2012-05-23 18:13:00 UTC
gfldex wrote:
"CPP Soundwave" wrote:
but instead of being hidden behind a hotkey

Did you ever consider to actually document all those hidden short keys?

That's so crazy it might actually work.
Nair Alderau
The Blessed Chains of Freedom
#179 - 2012-05-23 18:13:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Nair Alderau
galrizian wrote:

yeah great it.... great but.......the problem is...

how do i put this?..................WE DONT NEED THE NEW INVENTORY...... we will still have to open up stuff that was already open before the patch ffs.............. why arnt you guys listening to us players...

seriously ppl are going to stop playing the game if you guys at CCP dont start listening to us... i know of 4 ppl how have canceld there sub already and me and my 3 accounts makes that 7....... so sort it out an get rid of **** we dont want or need.....or give us an option in the esc menu to turn stuff off when you add something.................


  1. Many (I'd say most by now) players actually appreciate the new inventory system, which in many ways is a step ahead that makes our lives easier (my trader alts are rejoicing). So simply going back to the old system would be a major disappointment and ridiculous move (it wont come anyway)
  2. Putting in both systems and being able to switch between them (sbd said sth like "it is only a checkbox"). I guarantuee you it isnt only a checkbox. You'd not only have to continue support the code for two inventory systems... you'd else have to be able to make both interact with the rest of the game (so double the code for inventory system <-> rest of game). That's stupid from a development perspective.
  3. CCP seems to actively listening to us and quickly making changes to improve on the current shortcomings (POS, looting, persistency, etc.). That is the way they should be doing it now (even if it would have been better if more changes would have happened before going live - mind you, they did change some stuff already following Sisi feedback)
OLVI industries
#180 - 2012-05-23 18:13:32 UTC
Did anyone else notice that in the new window, the location where it says "index" without any function is like.. just a placeholder for the dropdown where you select which index configuration to use?

Disclaimer: The above was probably written drunk or by a friend on my pc or a hacker. No warranty for any misinformation provided.