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New dev blog: Unified Inventory Changes

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CCP Soundwave
C C P Alliance
#81 - 2012-05-23 16:35:11 UTC
Oxandrolone wrote:
We’re going to allow renaming of all POS structures, this should let players navigate more easily in the tree view, instead of a large group of identical items.

does this mean only in the inventory window or mean we can rename SMA's and CHA's just like drugs labs etc?

sterva I
Critical Mass ltd.
#82 - 2012-05-23 16:35:32 UTC  |  Edited by: sterva I

Another two things that were changed:

1. Station Items button and ship hangar button - that was a good thing; now its gone too.

2. Double click on a ship doesn't open a ship hangar anymore. Why? You still can sit in the ship just by dragging it to the station.

d'Arma Edd wrote:
Current problems of new UI:
1. Current window with tree-view open occupy more space than 2 smallest windows in old UI, critical for in-space operations like looting, mining, e.t.c.
2. Elements of tree-view are too small to be suitable drop target - sniper clickfest forever?
3. To drag-and-drop items, you must see at the same time source and destination in tree-view, longer the list - lager height of window required. I can imagine situation like "1080 pixel screen height is not enough".
4. I like different view (icons/detail/list) and sorting settings remembered for different containers (container types) in UI.
For example: I like icons|by name for current ship cargo and detail|by ship class for ship maintenance hangars.

^ All that also. (very good notices mate)

By the way: In Corporate hangar the members hangars are arrangemented.. how? Definitely NOT by an alphabetic order.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#83 - 2012-05-23 16:36:23 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Smohq Anmirorz wrote:
Thank you for addressing these issues quickly. I am unsure what happened to the optional nature of this UI change that we were promised (I'd link where that was told to us but it's currently impossible to find with search terms like 'optional'), and I have looked everywhere for the button to turn it off and don't see it. Good to see you're fixing it, that issue was going to cause a lot of people to quit. It currently makes the game much harder to play for many activities. If I didn't think you were going to address it, I would leave. I don't want to leave. I want the issues to be fixed.

Still looking for that option to turn it off...or the post that said that it would be optional. He was all excited about it, too, I'm going to keep looking for that post.

Maintaining two systems really isn't an option...

Then just give us what we want.... give us back the old system Attention
BugraT WarheaD
#84 - 2012-05-23 16:37:24 UTC
Thanks for reading our feedbackDev Spaceship People :) , hope life will pbe easier with those changes ...
Trebor Daehdoow
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#85 - 2012-05-23 16:37:43 UTC
Excellent list of improvements, especially the ability to rename modules. They are going to enable some workflows that will really make the power of the UI UI shine shine.

I will bring *really* expensive alcohol to Iceland if you promise to:

* Let us designate favorite containers, which get floated to the top of the sort order. In my WH corp, for example, in each POS corp members have designated CHA's they share. Being able to say "In POS A, this CHA is my favorite, and in POS B, this CHA is my favorite" would be a huge improvement even over being able to rename everything.

* I personally would like the option to have newly opened UI windows default to the full view with the object tree -- and inherit the width of the objects panel from the parent window. Yeah, I know, it's just one extra click to reveal the objects panel, but I'm lazy and hate clicks.


Private Citizen • CSM in recovery

Raoul Endymion
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#86 - 2012-05-23 16:38:51 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Cyriacus Antonius wrote:
Will there ever be a way to revert to the old inventory system? I'm not sold on the new one at all, regardless of changes.

No, probably not. I will however go fairly far in implementing feedback that improves this piece of UI though. Feedback continues to be welcome.

The new "Unified Inventory" is like trying to paint a dogshit. It might be possible to disguise it...but it still smells bad...

Since you wont make it possible to use old style inventory, could you perhaps just add the buttons for the diffrent hangars, or make it possible to create a menu group for the diffrent hangars etc....really need independent buttons for diffrent hangars!.

still, if stuff aint broke dont fix it...m'kay...or in eve terms, if people dont ***** about it...dont touch it.

Delivery Boi
#87 - 2012-05-23 16:40:45 UTC
I posted this in one of the threadnaughts, and wanted to repost it just in case it got missed:

Dropping onto tabs doesn't work as it used to:
I shift-click two containers to get them in separate windows (Orca cargo hold and ore hold). I drop one of the new windows onto the other so they are now tabbed in a single window. I click the cargo hold tab to have it the "active tab".

I used to be able to drag items from wherever and drop directly onto the tab of the "hidden" ore hold in the tabbed window (moving from cargo/corp hangar to ore hold). Now dropping onto any tab doesn't move the items.
May O'Neez
Flying Blacksmiths
#88 - 2012-05-23 16:42:39 UTC  |  Edited by: May O'Neez
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
I personally would like the option to have newly opened UI windows default to the full view with the object tree -- and inherit the width of the objects panel from the parent window. Yeah, I know, it's just one extra click to reveal the objects panel, but I'm lazy and hate clicks.

On the opposite way, I like when the default windows open without tree (in particular when it's the cargohold), but admit the other way in case of stuff to loot/access nearby would be also handy. Maybe an option ?Roll
State War Academy
Caldari State
#89 - 2012-05-23 16:43:12 UTC
An issue I've ran into: When I'm viewing an Audit Log Container in 'Details' or 'List' mode, there's no visual feedback do distinguish which items are locked and unlocked, like there is in the Icon view.

Then again, you can now shift-drag from a can to a trade window, which is pretty rad.
Archon Industries
#90 - 2012-05-23 16:43:19 UTC
SigmaPi wrote:
I'd still like to suggest this:

When filters are active, folders or items with none of that item present become hidden (or at least have an option for this) - this would make POS management that much easier.

I.E. - Filter with 'ore and minerals' and it will automagically hide all the guns and other structures that are of no concern to you.


Expanding on this: You're asking for an inventory option to "hide inventory tree entries for currently empty containers", where "currently empty containers" are those parts of the inventory UI which have nothing to show (i.e. they may have stuff in them, but the filters aren't selecting anything). Sounds like a useful feature, but dunno about how difficult it would be.

CCP Soundwave
C C P Alliance
#91 - 2012-05-23 16:44:00 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
Excellent list of improvements, especially the ability to rename modules. They are going to enable some workflows that will really make the power of the UI UI shine shine.

I will bring *really* expensive alcohol to Iceland if you promise to:

* Let us designate favorite containers, which get floated to the top of the sort order. In my WH corp, for example, in each POS corp members have designated CHA's they share. Being able to say "In POS A, this CHA is my favorite, and in POS B, this CHA is my favorite" would be a huge improvement even over being able to rename everything.

* I personally would like the option to have newly opened UI windows default to the full view with the object tree -- and inherit the width of the objects panel from the parent window. Yeah, I know, it's just one extra click to reveal the objects panel, but I'm lazy and hate clicks.


We might be able to work something out :)

We're going to do more changes. The stuff in the devblog are the immediate ones but we're also working on longer term ones. Favorites is one thing that keeps popping up.
A55 Burger
Weiland Yutani Corporation
#92 - 2012-05-23 16:44:40 UTC
Wrecks and jetcans should always open in new windows, preferably without treeview options. Or at least make this a checkbox option.
Mund Richard
#93 - 2012-05-23 16:45:04 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Kaphrah wrote:
my biggest problem is looting containers after salvaging wrecks.
If there are 50 containers around my noctis, I'll open them and click on "Loot all". Sounds easy, but the UI window always jumps back to my cargo, and I have to click on another container again, this takes ages if you have a lot of containers around your ship.

Before this ......... Patch, I opened all containers and just hit the "Loot All" Button in every window, please bring this back

Will check this out and post an update.

This is actually a bug and it's being fixed :)

So the intended mechanism would be, when one has 50 containers clicking open on every one of them, is that once one presses loot all on one of them, the current container will go poof and the focus will shift on the next one instead of theship's cargo.

As in as efficient as it was before. Sounds nice.

PS: I don't suppose there is hope for a keyboard shortcut or something, that lets you loot without checking the contents? Roll
(Appologies if it has been discussed a lot before.)

"We want PvE activities to require active participation and mirror PvP more closely." Stacking penalty for NPC EWAR then? Lock range under 9km from over 100 in a BS is not fun. Nor is two NPC web drones making me crawl 10m/s. PvP SW-900 x5: 75m/s.

Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#94 - 2012-05-23 16:45:22 UTC
Alphabetical order for members hangers please :)

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Aperture Harmonics
#95 - 2012-05-23 16:47:25 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Oxandrolone wrote:
We’re going to allow renaming of all POS structures, this should let players navigate more easily in the tree view, instead of a large group of identical items.

does this mean only in the inventory window or mean we can rename SMA's and CHA's just like drugs labs etc?


Will I be able to give my large artillery batteries exciting names?
BugraT WarheaD
#96 - 2012-05-23 16:48:00 UTC  |  Edited by: BugraT WarheaD
Baltic77 wrote:
Then just give us what we want.... give us back the old system Attention

Old System wasn't as great as people thought, we were only forced to deal with it, so we did so. With the new system, there's tons of possibilities like certainly a way to save preference (like only Wrek, only CHA, etc) as it is now possible in the overview.

Keep up the good work CCP, by patching and making this new system better and better ...
olo VonBorg
Gallente Federation
#97 - 2012-05-23 16:48:14 UTC
You guys should have tried test-running this inv on fanfest - if a horde of drunks can manage, the everyday player can to.

U may have actually felt their painful response/commentary tho.

apologies are nice and all, but , no, u still need to work on this relationship, I think I ´m holding up my paying part well enough from my end.
Andy DelGardo
#98 - 2012-05-23 16:48:50 UTC
Selissa Shadoe
#99 - 2012-05-23 16:50:01 UTC
While on the subject of inventory. Although I love the fact that containers are shown as 'folders' there are still no actions available for those items, such as 'manufacturing'. With containers too, it will not allow renaming of them, saying I don't have it in my possession.

Also, when looking at skillbooks, you can't just inject it from there, you must move it to your 'items hanger' (made all the more awkward by the tree view) before injecting it since it says 'this item is not yours to take', when you CAN take it just fine, and then inject it. Just little niggles like that are frustrating.

"Whether suicide ganking or doing anything in eve, there are exorbitant amounts of people in the game and on the forums that are complete jerks." - Spikeflach

Max Gades
Phoibe Enterprises
#100 - 2012-05-23 16:50:58 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Smohq Anmirorz wrote:
Thank you for addressing these issues quickly. I am unsure what happened to the optional nature of this UI change that we were promised (I'd link where that was told to us but it's currently impossible to find with search terms like 'optional'), and I have looked everywhere for the button to turn it off and don't see it. Good to see you're fixing it, that issue was going to cause a lot of people to quit. It currently makes the game much harder to play for many activities. If I didn't think you were going to address it, I would leave. I don't want to leave. I want the issues to be fixed.

Still looking for that option to turn it off...or the post that said that it would be optional. He was all excited about it, too, I'm going to keep looking for that post.

Maintaining two systems really isn't an option and I've never seen this promised anywhere. As I mentioned, we'll continue making changes and making fixes (like the looting reverting to the main hangar) though, so if you're missing any specific piece of functionality we'll definitely look at the viability of implementing it.

Can we have the functionality of the old corp hanger set up with the multi tabs for easier navigation at least? It's a headache opening each corp hanger as a window of its own and then having to use a filter for each one rather than 1 filter for all of them. Make it where its the same as it was but you open it as its own window and it ties all of then together. I utilize the corp hanger for as many assets as possible. Ammo, ships, rigs, modual are all in their own hanger it takes 30 minutes hunting everything down with the new system to fit a logi when literally the day before the patch it took 5 minutes. I like it over all and i think its going in the right direction but the lack of functionality in the new inventory system for the corp hanger eats up more time hunting down Mods for the ship I might be trying to get together and get out the door for a roam or for a member to use at the time.