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Crime & Punishment

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Hulkageddon made me quit

First post
Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#81 - 2012-05-03 08:56:10 UTC
Niko Takahashi wrote:
Vaal Erit wrote:
Jeremy Firewind wrote:
As I said, yes. These tears are what you after, have them. Risk/ Reward/Cost are totally out of whack here.
Being capable to destroy a ship with a 100th of the isk in the "safer" empire space is just ridicoulus.

And I know that this will get trolled to hell and back. Hiding behind some Internet Avatar and flinging big words is easy, heh? Well this was my last reply here, fly safe.

Nah, EVE is a skill based game with a strategic focus in that you have to plan out your ship fit strategy in advance. Being successful in EVE requires brains and skill not who swipes their credit card the most. You are looking for games under the category Pay2Win.

While the op is definitely a wuss there is absolutely no strategic element or tactical challenge in shooting a Hulk. Tried it but whoever says there is any skill in suicide ganks involved is lying through their teeth.

As someone that has failed miserably in most gank attempts I can speak from experience that you're wrong P

"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has?

Eftsil Anninen
United Republic of Traders
#82 - 2012-05-03 09:24:09 UTC
got my hulk destroyed about 30 mins ago. I said to myself i ever my ship was killed by a player in highsec I would quit, sure i have more ships but thats not the point, I dont like pvp, I dont want to pvp, I should not be forced to pvp. simple as that.
thankfully Diablo 3 is realesed in 12 days. I had the option to not pvp when i played WoW.

I do hope that CCP change this in the future because it is a nice game otherwise but they dont seem to care that much atm.

wish the best of luck to you all
Dark Shadow Syndicate
Blood Drive
#83 - 2012-05-03 09:41:52 UTC
Eftsil Anninen wrote:
got my hulk destroyed about 30 mins ago. I said to myself i ever my ship was killed by a player in highsec I would quit, sure i have more ships but thats not the point, I dont like pvp, I dont want to pvp, I should not be forced to pvp. simple as that.
thankfully Diablo 3 is realesed in 12 days. I had the option to not pvp when i played WoW.

I do hope that CCP change this in the future because it is a nice game otherwise but they dont seem to care that much atm.

wish the best of luck to you all

Firstly, as its explained everywhere... EVE Online is a sandbox game. Creating a truly safe place in a game which is all about "doing what ever you want" is fundamentally wrong.

Hypocrisy i believe is the correct term for this "i want to mine where you can not kill me" roughly translates too, "I want to do what I want to do, but at the same time prevent you from doing what you want to do".

There are preventative measures on both sides, hulks are hard to cut through solo in a 0.7 as concord turn up a little faster than in a 0.5

1. mine in a higher sec system, or quiet system,
2. stay aligned
3. watch directional scan
4. drag and drop ore as normal.
Zelda Feegle
#84 - 2012-05-03 09:53:16 UTC
Evolution1979 wrote:
did you really quit?
I can help you out, i have a special hulkageddon replacement program.
For just 150 mil i can replace your shot down hulk.
Send it to me ingame, and link the killmail ingame to and i will replace it.
This goes for every victim of hulkageddon ofcourse Cool
I have 37 hulks left to sell for cheap!

Tell you what, after you receive the killmail you make a contract of one of your cheap hulks to the ganked player for 150 mil isk and a hi sec destination they can pick it up from and players may believe you..... wait... silly me, your a Gewnie. Sorry Gewnie I nearly believed you.
Jeremy Firewind
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#85 - 2012-05-03 10:04:30 UTC
Alcatraz184 wrote:

Firstly, as its explained everywhere... EVE Online is a sandbox game. Creating a truly safe place in a game which is all about "doing what ever you want" is fundamentally wrong.

Hypocrisy i believe is the correct term for this "i want to mine where you can not kill me" roughly translates too, "I want to do what I want to do, but at the same time prevent you from doing what you want to do".

There are preventative measures on both sides, hulks are hard to cut through solo in a 0.7 as concord turn up a little faster than in a 0.5

1. mine in a higher sec system, or quiet system,
2. stay aligned
3. watch directional scan
4. drag and drop ore as normal.

All good and valid points. It just should not be possible to gank that easily.

If say someone turned up in a Mega and wasted your Avatar, without you having a possibility to defend yourself, you'd cry on the forums too.

Too little put on the line for too much destroyed. Simple balance issue. I have no problem with being ganked in Highsec. I just think it should take more effort and cost to kill a tanked t2 ship than 3 destroyers.

This is somewhat like the removal of the doomsday in its early form. Too little effort was needed to destroy too much. Now you can still blow up a 500 man gang at once with bombs. Same result as triple doomsday, but takes way more effort (more players). See the difference?
Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#86 - 2012-05-03 10:08:16 UTC
Eftsil Anninen wrote:
got my hulk destroyed about 30 mins ago. I said to myself i ever my ship was killed by a player in highsec I would quit, sure i have more ships but thats not the point, I dont like pvp, I dont want to pvp, I should not be forced to pvp. simple as that.
thankfully Diablo 3 is realesed in 12 days. I had the option to not pvp when i played WoW.

I do hope that CCP change this in the future because it is a nice game otherwise but they dont seem to care that much atm.

wish the best of luck to you all

Yes, it's quite unfortunate that a game I'm planning to play will be filled with people of your kind. But it's okay, I'll find a way to make your lives miserable there as well, just like I did in WoW.

Also, you act as if ganking is some new thing that was just discovered last Thursday; it's not. The game was made with the full intent of the inclusion of this feature.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

Zelda Feegle
#87 - 2012-05-03 10:35:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Zelda Feegle
Jeremy Firewind

What happens here is griefing par excellence. And this has nothing to do with htfu. Would you go and beat up a third grader, knock him sensless, knowing, he has no other possiblity to defend himself and then run around in the street yelling htfu?
Why do not all the griefers htfu and choose a real opponent? Like shooting Goons out of their space or something. Oh wait, maybe there the enemies might fight back and the oh-so-hard destroyer pilots might be send home packing...

Why do you think that pressuring your idea of fun onto others is making them having fun too? I totally lack the time to do more than a couple hours of recreation in front of the PC a week. I like to spend those mining. I wonder who is the carebear here?
Those who know they can grief with absolutely no risk or those who put weeks of gameplay on the line?

So go someplace else with your htfu... As stated before Risk/Reward/Punishment is blown totally out of proportion here.

I feel for you hon but your quote above shows you don't understand the player base.
Yes most of the gankers would do exactly that to the third graders as you put it. Just look at the hero worshipping Goonies and the recent Mittani incident that led to his temporary banning for the proof.
The griefers and htfu players as you put it are also in a large part Gewnies also, so they wont go killing themselves thats one of their definite no, noes.

Being a carebear in a mining boat is no shame although many try to use it as an insult. Its just a different way of playing to the PVP players.

Problem is when you post like this they mostly will tell you the same thing, EVE is a sandbox, and as a sandbox players can play the game anyway they want to. But what they never say, or at least I have never read of any saying it, is that the sandbox lets them play the way they want to by denying players like you to play the game the way you want to.

Now unfortunately, or fortunately depending which side of the fence you sit on, at least one of the CCP overlords who run this sandbox was themselves a one time Goonie, so perhaps you can see a little now why the comments here are so detrimental to your post.

Those telling you to HTFU if you want to stay are being coarse but true. To stay in Eve, even as a carebear, and enjoy the game you wish to, your going to have to change your attitude to the playerbase and the game itself. As far as I can see at this time, the game seems to be moving towards a more hardline PVP direction than it has been for a while, at least in EU/US zone. So unless you can handle that, another game may be a better choice for your play style.

It will be a shame though if you or any other player leaves because of the Jita Burn/Hulkageddon/Ice interdictions, as yes the game loses subscriptions and also some of its kinder side, which it does have btw, but you need to dig deep to find it sometimes.
Because we all add to the game.

Actually you don't need to worry about less and less carebears being around for all the above to harrass, punish unfairly, kill, maim, destroy as Eve seems to have a constant and slow expanding player base of all sorts.

I would suggest you take a little time out of the game if you need to, then return perhaps when things are a little quieter. Work on your defensive skills, if you intend to carry on mining. Start searching the forums for how to mine in hi sec in relative safety if thats where you plan to be and perhaps learn to mission, develop trading or PVP yourself with another character for some variety in your game play while the various Eve disruptions take place.
Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#88 - 2012-05-03 10:45:53 UTC
Zelda Feegle wrote:
Problem is when you post like this they mostly will tell you the same thing, EVE is a sandbox, and as a sandbox players can play the game anyway they want to. But what they never say, or at least I have never read of any saying it, is that the sandbox lets them play the way they want to by denying players like you to play the game the way you want to.

This goes in both directions. The sandbox allows us to play the way we want to by denying the carebears the ability to play the way they want to. The sandbox also ensures that when the carebears play the way they want to, they do so at the expense of our ability to play the way we want to (to be able to freely engage other players, to make sure that our kills have significance, and our loot has value). It is only natural that in a system like this, the more aggressive, violent side enjoys the bulk of success.

Coincidentally, this is also how real-life business, sports, et cetera work. Teams that just want to kick the ball around "in peace" don't take the trophies home, and companies that ignore the competition's attempts to drive them out of business quickly go bankrupt.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

Jeremy Firewind
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#89 - 2012-05-03 10:56:42 UTC
Zelda Feegle wrote:
A lot of interesting stuff.

Thank you for your lengthy reply. You just do not get my angle. see my above post about doomsdays. It is just too easy to wreak such substantial havoc.
now I sit around and can basically do nothing. In essence this is a 45 bucks (3 months) for me down the drain. If that is how ccp intended to have the game played, then indeed I am wrong here.

This is just to much money I pay for a design flaw.

Wuxi Wuxilla
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#90 - 2012-05-03 11:00:04 UTC

I find it totally untolarable, that 3 1 mill Isk ships can easily gank my tanked 300mill hull.

I'm just going to leave this here...
Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#91 - 2012-05-03 11:09:28 UTC
Jeremy Firewind wrote:
Zelda Feegle wrote:
A lot of interesting stuff.

Thank you for your lengthy reply. You just do not get my angle. see my above post about doomsdays. It is just too easy to wreak such substantial havoc.
now I sit around and can basically do nothing. In essence this is a 45 bucks (3 months) for me down the drain. If that is how ccp intended to have the game played, then indeed I am wrong here.

This is just to much money I pay for a design flaw.

Or you can, you know, get into a destroyer and go kill a Hulk. Have an alt/friend on standby to scoop the loot, make some money, and have some fun.

Wuxi Wuxilla wrote:

I find it totally untolarable, that 3 1 mill Isk ships can easily gank my tanked 300mill hull.

I'm just going to leave this here...

Well that pretty much explains it. Guy sticks two meta 0 small shield extenders and cargo expanders/rigs on his Hulk, mines in a .5, and then complains when his ship gets inevitably popped. If he used a proper EHP setup, not only would the ship still be alive, but he would have actually made money from the ore he was mining.

I have two questions for you, OP:

1. Do you mine for pure profit, or simply as a preferred activity in the game?

2. Do you think it's more viable to mine half as much in a ship that will never be ganked, or mine your theoretical maximum amount with exposure to nearly absolute risk?

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

#92 - 2012-05-03 11:12:03 UTC
OK, when you leave your house do you lock the door? Do you close the windows? Of course you do, the whole damned REAL WORLD is a PVP sandbox and just because you don't commit crime doesn't mean the crime won't come to you.

EVE is just the same, and it i s advertised as such. PVP. Sandbox. MMO. All of t hose phrases are really REALLY important. Plenty of people mine without getting ganked becauese they acknowledge that they are not in a single-player game, they take a little time and brain to shift the odds a bit. Gankers don't come for you personally (unless you're at war in which case mining is like wandering between the trenches in a bright yellow polkadot dress), so it's something you did or didnt do made you an easy target.

P.S. recycling alts to avoid the sec status consequences is bannable, so quit yapping about zero consequences.

The gankers risks certain destruction and certain sec loss for possible loot drops reward and definite lolz. The miner risks possible destruction and possible inconvenience for almost certain almost infinite ore rewards. Both make their choices, both roll the dice. Sometimes the hulk goes *pop* and the forums gain another tear post, sometimes there's just a belt with Concord, a bemused miner, and an embaressed blue wreck. Difference is I don't know anyone who quit becaues their carefully planned 100mill Tornado gank went sideways and they came out empty handed.

"That's not a ship, it's a flying shotgun..."

Hortense Sledgemallet
#93 - 2012-05-03 11:34:05 UTC
Yep......another example of how unbalanced game play and 12 year old tactics have screwed up this game.
Sparkle Motion.
#94 - 2012-05-03 11:38:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Khanh'rhh
Jeremy Firewind wrote:
Zelda Feegle wrote:
A lot of interesting stuff.
Thank you for your lengthy reply. You just do not get my angle.

We "get your angle" dude, but you don't get ours. So here goes:

- You were not properly tanked.
- You compounded this error by mining in a 0.5, making ganks very easy.
- You didn't escape, which you could have done if you had taken evasive action (learn Dscan, local, etc)*
- The "cost" of your setup is your own choice. Don't fly what you can't afford to lose.
- You're quitting after your first loss ... you were never made for this game

*If it takes me 20minutes on voice comms to teach new players in my corp how to mine safely in WH space with NO SODDING LOCAL CHANNEL then why in the hell can you not achieve the same in highsec.

Why did you make SO MANY MISTAKES to be mining in a barely tanked Hulk in a 0.5 system during one of the most published events on the eve calendar?

Cost does not equal survivability. Cost, is not balance.

If it were, then tell me why my stealth bomber can be one shot by a destroyer, or cruiser, and costs more than both?

You don't have an "angle" friend, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the game.

It's fine, you've finally been shown it and you're off out the door. Just don't go yelling at people and blaming them for your inability to teach yourself anything.

"Do not touch anything unnecessarily. Beware of pretty girls in dance halls and parks who may be spies, as well as bicycles, revolvers, uniforms, arms, dead horses, and men lying on roads -- they are not there accidentally." -Soviet infantry manual,

Zelda Feegle
#95 - 2012-05-03 11:43:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Zelda Feegle
[quote Jeremy Firewind]
Zelda Feegle wrote:
A lot of interesting stuff.

Thank you for your lengthy reply. You just do not get my angle. see my above post about doomsdays. It is just too easy to wreak such substantial havoc.
now I sit around and can basically do nothing. In essence this is a 45 bucks (3 months) for me down the drain. If that is how ccp intended to have the game played, then indeed I am wrong here.

This is just to much money I pay for a design flaw.

Actually hon I do get your angle about cost versus loss and risk. You missed mine though. I was trying to show you that the rules as they stand at this time, no matter how you view the fairness of them, allow that to happen and did so when you joined.

One thing I do find strange is that you were mining while HG is on, in a .5 hi sec system. Even a tanked hulk is going to have problems in the long delay Concord takes to appear in .5.

Eve is dynamic and is constantly changing perhaps at some time they will change hi sec to make it safer. They could even end up putting a PVP flag switch for a player to change to sometime in the future. But my main chars who are Hulk and Orca pilots shudder at the thought of a WoW Eve.

As a point to examine in this game, remember you make millions of isk quite rapidly and a lot of that is due to the gank factor in the game, as the tonnage that is constantly being destroyed needs to be replaced and miners are the first in the chain that provides the raw materials. The millions you can make with relative ease have to have some risk and danger attached or there isn't really a lot of point to it all. Also make it too easy and too safe and the bots may flood the game destroying the economy for all, as has happened in many other MMO's.

My advice to you still stands, skill up to missioning if you don't want to pvp. Oh yes and ignore the canflipper ninja salvager who scans out your mission and goes red to you by stealing your stuff unless you want some PVP action. Or start trading, or look to joining a corp that mines with an alliance in 0:0. But rage or emo quitting isn't an answer. How do I know this? My partner and I have done it twice but this wicked game has pulled us back in each time, and I could cry over the year we have lost in Eve when we should have stayed and quietly skilled up.
Miranda Fluffbunny
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#96 - 2012-05-03 11:45:31 UTC
Jeremy Firewind wrote:

I find it totally untolarable, that 3 1 mill Isk ships can easily gank my tanked 300mill hull. Sorry, but this makes me really sad. It put me out of business for good, that was my last money. Your cool event just cost CCP a subscriber.

Yes tears are delightful, yadda, yadda, no stuff is to be had, because it all exploded.

I wish you success finding a game more suited to you. I feel the same way. Not lost a hulk myself but I can already see that there's no point in continuing to mine and do industry as a new, low skilled player.
Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#97 - 2012-05-03 11:53:41 UTC
Miranda Fluffbunny wrote:
I wish you success finding a game more suited to you. I feel the same way. Not lost a hulk myself but I can already see that there's no point in continuing to mine and do industry as a new, low skilled player.

Yes there is, you're just completely clueless as to how to do it.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

Miranda Fluffbunny
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#98 - 2012-05-03 12:11:27 UTC
Destiny Corrupted wrote:
Miranda Fluffbunny wrote:
I wish you success finding a game more suited to you. I feel the same way. Not lost a hulk myself but I can already see that there's no point in continuing to mine and do industry as a new, low skilled player.

Yes there is, you're just completely clueless as to how to do it.

Could be. But I don't enjoy this game or the people playing it enough to bother figuring it out.
Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#99 - 2012-05-03 12:33:02 UTC
Are these real or fake tears?

Btw can I haz Sie stuff?


People who put passwords on char bazaar Eveboards are the worst.

New Miner's Union
#100 - 2012-05-03 13:31:13 UTC
td:lr Greedy miner got ganked, cntinued on his greedy way, got ganked again, still greedy the third little piggy got ganked again.

All hulks, no lesson learned despite 3 teachings.

Should have flown a retriever greedy little piggy !!