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Live Events Discussion
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Live Event Resources
CCP Falcon
029,01612012.12.06 11:18
CCP Falcon Go to last post
1 day old Arch Angel chars
104,126222013.11.08 18:24
Scuzzy Logic Go to last post
Please don't do any more live events.
Tara Tyrael
174,531432013.11.08 17:22
Scuzzy Logic Go to last post
Why do Live Events in Eve online risk disaster? How can they become ...
Orion X04
61,993142013.11.08 17:05
Lelira Cirim Go to last post
Welcome to null.
62,093132013.11.08 10:44
Jafit McJafitson Go to last post
Live Event
Lucius Dunier
31,40452013.11.08 07:09
ClearOfFear Go to last post
On the future of Live Events and RP in general
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3813,335842013.11.08 06:19
Sirius Fidelis Go to last post
"Gather in Sarum Prime".... [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
248,470592013.11.08 05:48
Caviar Liberta Go to last post
so, are live events gone?
[ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Jaynee Kado
259,495582013.11.08 03:13
Razor Grey Go to last post
I actually expected this...
Helios Aquiness
189432013.11.08 01:58
Coffeinum Go to last post
Do you really want to know why CCP went to curse and syndicate?
62,023112013.11.08 01:17
Alice Saki Go to last post
Rubicon Live event, Working as intended? (conspiracy)
Danhiil Xadi
113,817302013.11.08 00:41
Rikki Bigg Go to last post
Meves Fleet never made it to Target destination TIDI route Failure
commander aze
41,967162013.11.07 23:24
commander aze Go to last post
Server Error and Signatures Lost!
Maximus Aerelius
055112013.11.07 22:55
Maximus Aerelius Go to last post
Concerning today's event,
CERA Elitist
21,04942013.11.07 21:56
Noriko Mai Go to last post
Alex Kyubei
155,281412013.11.07 21:38
Lakz Go to last post
Blue Box
Mister Marram
21,19932013.11.07 21:26
Mister Marram Go to last post
Revenge and pre-emptive strike on Sansha's Nation for Tibus Heth...
Ichinumi Tsukaya
42,01162013.11.06 22:27
Giuseppe R Raimondo Go to last post
So, did anything come of that anti-CONCORD protest in Yulai?
Sabriz Adoudel
116,197242013.11.06 21:38
Jandice Ymladris Go to last post
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! please join me for the EVE online corpse dump 2013...
Violet Aeon
077512013.10.31 18:38
Violet Aeon Go to last post
"Justice" Protest
Valerian Eldiart
82,339172013.10.21 22:16
Jandice Ymladris Go to last post
"Free Kinhar Elokur!" Protest
Commander A9
62,378142013.10.21 21:12
Commander A9 Go to last post
11,02802013.10.21 04:18
Johan Civire Go to last post
How to get involved in New player Training Sessions?
Sahriah BloodStone
21,25942013.10.15 00:27
Sahriah BloodStone Go to last post
Any plans for WH live events?
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7527,5061022013.10.11 11:49
Akrasjel Lanate Go to last post
Sanctuary Image Contest - Prizes Redeemable Date?
Maximus Aerelius
166,543242013.10.11 00:24
Jin Yuen Go to last post
What happened to those plans to release a comic book and a tv show a...
Dunpeal Hunter
73,133122013.10.08 12:06
Khemax Go to last post
Player Rewards for Live Event Participation and Contribution
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Aldrith Shutaq
5331,2171132013.09.27 09:56
Pytria Le'Danness Go to last post
FW Additions - Live Events Ideas
Isis Dea
82,722102013.09.26 17:11
Bienator II Go to last post
Paging CCP Eterne - Information requested about the Sanctuary Image ...
Imiarr Timshae
82,77542013.09.20 15:46
CCP Goliath Go to last post