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Dev Blog: Reprocess all the things!

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Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#1361 - 2014-03-23 13:39:41 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Rivr Luzade wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

Mine stuff in highsec, transport from highsec to null station, transport from refinery to forge, transport to market

Mine in null next door to refinery, transport to refinery, transport from refinery to forge, transport to market.

Which one of these has lower costs and takes less time?

Depends. If you can mine more Ore in High sec than in 00 sec (safety first Roll), it can very well be possible that the first choice is faster than the second. All depends.

No it doesnt depend, A mack is a mack, they mine the same everywhere. Are you going to truthfully answer or are you just going to try and worm out of answering like you have been every other answer you dont like?

What is not truthful with my answer? A Mack mines just as much in 00 as in High sec, that is true. But if you can mine 10 hours in High sec without disturbance, you mine more than if you can only mine 5 hours in 00 - thus you get your required ores/minerals faster. Transport of course also plays a role, but I'm convinced that this is negligible in comparison. Blink

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1362 - 2014-03-23 13:47:55 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Rivr Luzade wrote:

What is not truthful with my answer? A Mack mines just as much in 00 as in High sec, that is true. But if you can mine 10 hours in High sec without disturbance, you mine more than if you can only mine 5 hours in 00 - thus you get your required ores/minerals faster. Transport of course also plays a role, but I'm convinced that this is negligible in comparison. Blink

So why half the time?

You could equally find a quiet spot and mine the full 10 due to the fact that you do not show up on the map like when you go ratting.

You try to cop out every time you come across something you dont like. Yea but what if this, yea but if we do that.

Why are you so against rewarding people for doing things outside of highsec?
Salvos Rhoska
#1363 - 2014-03-23 13:54:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
By means of an example;

I have an ice/ore mining alt currently in an NPC Corp in high sec.

What incentive can a null corp offer me, pending these changes, that I join and come down there to contribute my output to the null economy?
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1364 - 2014-03-23 13:57:50 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
By means of an example.

I have an ice/ore mining alt currently in an NPC Corp in high sec.

What incentive can a null corp offer me, pending these changes, that I join and come down there to contribute my output to the null economy?

Most likely nothing because you dont want there to be a reason for you to go to null.
Salvos Rhoska
#1365 - 2014-03-23 14:00:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
baltec1 wrote:
Most likely nothing because you dont want there to be a reason for you to go to null.

Sorry, I don't understand.

I do want there to be a reason for me to bring him down to null, and that is why I'm asking what reason there would be for doing so.

If this change is supposed to incentivise mining activity in null, I want to capitalise on that if possible, and hence am asking what benefit there would be to me in doing so.

No connivance in any of this. I'm sincere in the query. I ask both for purposes of self-interest in how I might stand to profit from it, and also for purposes of placing a part of this discussion into a concrete and real frame of reference.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1366 - 2014-03-23 14:04:35 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Most likely nothing because you dont want there to be a reason for you to go to null.

Sorry, I don't understand.

Yes you do.

You have spent your entire time in this thread arguing with the people happy with this change.
Salvos Rhoska
#1367 - 2014-03-23 14:08:47 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
You have spent your entire time in this thread arguing with the people happy with this change.

That is not fair or true.
I could argue the same towards you saying that you have spent your entire time in this thread arguing with the people unhappy with this change, and it would be equally unfair and untrue.

I'm sincerely asking out of personal self-interest for making profit on my miner, and for purposes of putting the changes proposed into a real frame of reference, what benefit I would stand if I take my unaffiliated miner who is currently just mining ice day in day out and selling it directly to market in high-sec, to null sec pending these changes.
#1368 - 2014-03-23 14:13:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Inspiration
Rivr Luzade wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Rivr Luzade wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

Mine stuff in highsec, transport from highsec to null station, transport from refinery to forge, transport to market

Mine in null next door to refinery, transport to refinery, transport from refinery to forge, transport to market.

Which one of these has lower costs and takes less time?

Depends. If you can mine more Ore in High sec than in 00 sec (safety first Roll), it can very well be possible that the first choice is faster than the second. All depends.

No it doesnt depend, A mack is a mack, they mine the same everywhere. Are you going to truthfully answer or are you just going to try and worm out of answering like you have been every other answer you dont like?

What is not truthful with my answer? A Mack mines just as much in 00 as in High sec, that is true. But if you can mine 10 hours in High sec without disturbance, you mine more than if you can only mine 5 hours in 00 - thus you get your required ores/minerals faster. Transport of course also plays a role, but I'm convinced that this is negligible in comparison. Blink

Actually, ORE mining efficiency for the Mackinaw and certainly for the Skiff is highly dependent on how big the rocks are. This statistically makes them more efficient miners in null. There are other factors in null, that can negate this. But to state based on its the same ship that they are equal in both locations is wrong. Every miner knows this!

I am serious!

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1369 - 2014-03-23 14:15:23 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
You have spent your entire time in this thread arguing with the people happy with this change.

That is not fair or true.
I could argue the same towards you saying that you have spent your entire time in this thread arguing with the people unhappy with this change, and it would be equally unfair and untrue.

I'm sincerely asking out of personal self-interest for making profit on my miner, and for purposes of putting the changes proposed into a real frame of reference, what benefit I would stand if I take my unaffiliated miner who is currently just mining ice day in day out and selling it directly to market in high-sec, to null sec pending these changes.


Access to ice anoms, rorq bonuses, 20% refine bonus, access to entire alliance/coalition POS network market, less transport costs.
Harah Noud
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1370 - 2014-03-23 14:22:16 UTC
I have two problems with these changes:

1- an unskilled fresh char, with no implants can refine at 75% in a POS
meanwhile a maxed out char with hall skills at V and an implant can get
To MAX 72.4% In a station and same 75% in a POS!!!!!

This goes against CCP philosophy for these changes (encouraging char to skill up and create an incentive for refining career)
This will push ppl away from training and into owning or being part of a Corp with a POS

2- making the station Max refine dependent on the +4% implant (to reach the theoretical max refining yield in a station in high sec-72.4%- u need all skill to V and an +4% implant. This max is equal to the current refine yield at 100%) is also counterintuitive.

The implant should be an addition to the 72.4, making the investment in implants an additional gain not a mandatory payment to preserve the current lvl of income.

In short, POS refine can be better than station but it has to give an advantage to high skill char.
And implant should add to the max-current yield

Thanks for reading
Salvos Rhoska
#1371 - 2014-03-23 14:24:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
baltec1 wrote:

Access to ice anoms, rorq bonuses, 20% refine bonus, access to entire alliance/coalition POS network market, less transport costs.

Thanks for the reply.

I can mine Ice in high-sec with less risk and have no transport costs as I can sell it raw directly from the in-system stations to existing BOs that exceed those of even market hubs.

The 20% refine bonus would be nice, but I have no ice-refining skills. The character is only good at mining itself.
Do I gain free access to your refineries and will someone refine my stuff for me? If not, at what cost?
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1372 - 2014-03-23 14:26:57 UTC
John Ustinov Donne wrote:
The subtle corollary of the Refining* amendments ie. to dislodge the parasitic capitalists of Highsec, is laudable; however I cannot support the changes as they stand as I foresee that the greatest burden of the changes will fall on the most disadvantaged of New Eden citizens, namely, Rookies.

At the moment, Rookies, of limited means and in NPC corps may refine to the best of their ability with 5/4/1, losing perhaps 2.5% thru imperfect standings. After the change, each ore commonly found in Highsec shall require further training of approx. 125hrs for V/Sc/Py/Pl and 250 hrs for O. The Highsec anomaly ores K/J/Hem require 250 hrs, and Hed 375. Thus, the average Rookie player with a smattering of +3/+2 implants who has already trained 5/4/1 will require another approx 31 days training in order to refine the belt-sourced ores - yet to an inferior degree to which they can presently. (The 4% implant is out of the reach of most Rookies, even if they know it exists, and so expensive as to require a jump clone which also will be out of the reach of the average NPC member Rookie). In order to have perfect refining for all Highsec ores, the average Rookie will need to spend a total of approx. 80 days training.

Or, the rookie can simply not refine their ore, and ship compressed ore to a market hub to be sold.'

To support this sea change in the miner's routine, I once again must call for station compression.

This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1373 - 2014-03-23 14:36:32 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

Access to ice anoms, rorq bonuses, 20% refine bonus, access to entire alliance/coalition POS network market, less transport costs.

Thanks for the reply.

I can mine Ice in high-sec with less risk and have no transport costs as I can sell it raw directly from the in-system stations to existing BOs that exceed those of even market hubs.

The 20% refine bonus would be nice, but I have no ice-refining skills. The character is only good at mining itself.
Do I gain free access to your refineries and will someone refine my stuff for me? If not, at what cost?

And there we have it. But if I do this reply.

If you decide to not refine it for yourself and you chose to not to go to null for the 20% bonus or the rorq bonus thats up to you. You will earn less than someone else who is willing to do those things.
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#1374 - 2014-03-23 14:37:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Rivr Luzade
Random numbers. I could also have taken 10/1 or 10/7, doesn't change the fact.

I turn around words in other's mouths, find loopholes in other's logics or extend their's in ways they don't want to see it extended, I grudge other's theoretical and practical success, and want to see others wriggle like an eel when they justify their logic and their way to play the game. There are more ifs connected to everything in EVE, there is no non-if-able solution in EVE, so I just do what is obvious. Makes me the perfect EVE player in the current state of things, doesn't it? Roll

Because it does solve none of the more fundamental problems in the game and kicks tons of existing problems just further down the road. Moreover, there is already more than enough reward to be had outside of High sec, as stated before (unless the posts were deleted in CCP's "private cleaning party"), but people just cannot be bothered to reap them and put effort into. This change also does not change any of the reasons for many people to not go into 00 sec space, because many of their reasons are not solvable/changeable by changing game mechanics. It only makes their lifes more difficult, nothing else (also as stated before and in other threads).
Another example are the immense and exuberant expectations that people have and are driven to have with regards to SRP. What is your SRP again? Pay people double the price of the ships they fly? Something like that at least. That's sick, on the one hand, and it turns people into spoiled crybabies who don't know the effort, investments and time that is needed to create these things and they don't need to invest time and effort to earn these things. On the other hand, the more people demand such SRP, the more easy money the alliance needs to make, which turns into an neat spiral with a very well-known end. In High sec, people at least fly around in their stuff they have earned through mission grinding or mining (or botting, if you wish), but certain 00 focused entities foist the impression on me that they depend entirely on being able to provide people with such extensive SRP to keep them on board. I am convinced that this is not something that should be supported further than it already is.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Salvos Rhoska
#1375 - 2014-03-23 14:44:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
baltec1 wrote:
If you decide to not refine it for yourself and you chose to not to go to null for the 20% bonus or the rorq bonus thats up to you. You will earn less than someone else who is willing to do those things.

I see. So in order for this to be an incentive to come to null for my alt as a miner, I also need to be a refiner and have access to a null refinery or rorq.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1376 - 2014-03-23 14:44:44 UTC
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Random numbers. I could also have taken 10/1 or 10/7, doesn't change the fact.

I turn around words in other's mouths, find loopholes in other's logics or extend their's in ways they don't want to see it extended, I grudge other's theoretical and practical success, and want to see others wriggle like an eel when they justify their logic and their way to play the game. There are more ifs connected to everything in EVE, there is no non-if-able solution in EVE, so I just do what is obvious. Makes me the perfect EVE player in the current state of things, doesn't it? Roll

Because it does solve none of the more fundamental problems in the game and kicks tons of existing problems just further down the road. Moreover, there is already more than enough reward to be had outside of High sec, as stated before (unless the posts were deleted in CCP's "private cleaning party"), but people just cannot be bothered to reap them and put effort into. This change also does not change any of the reasons for many people to not go into 00 sec space, because many of their reasons are not solvable/changeable by changing game mechanics. It only makes their lifes more difficult, nothing else (also as stated before and in other threads).
Another example are the immense and exuberant expectations that people have and are driven to have with regards to SRP. What is your SRP again? Pay people double the price of the ships they fly? Something like that at least. That's sick, on the one hand, and it turns people into spoiled crybabies who don't know the effort, investments and time that is needed to create these things and they don't need to invest time and effort to earn these things. On the other hand, the more people demand such SRP, the more easy money the alliance needs to make, which turns into an neat spiral with a very well-known end. In High sec, people at least fly around in their stuff they have earned through mission grinding or mining (or botting, if you wish), but certain 00 focused entities foist the impression on me that they depend entirely on being able to provide people with such extensive SRP to keep them on board. I am convinced that this is not something that should be supported further than it already is.

So, you're saying that one should not fly any spaceship unless it's been built by their own hands? What nonsense is this?

Also, you seem unusually concerned about the fomenting of entitlement in an organization or organizations to which you don't belong. I can't really see why this would matter to you.

This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1377 - 2014-03-23 14:46:11 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Random numbers. I could also have taken 10/1 or 10/7, doesn't change the fact.

I turn around words in other's mouths, find loopholes in other's logics or extend their's in ways they don't want to see it extended, I grudge other's theoretical and practical success, and want to see others wriggle like an eel when they justify their logic and their way to play the game. There are more ifs connected to everything in EVE, there is no non-if-able solution in EVE, so I just do what is obvious. Makes me the perfect EVE player in the current state of things, doesn't it? Roll

Because it does solve none of the more fundamental problems in the game and kicks tons of existing problems just further down the road. Moreover, there is already more than enough reward to be had outside of High sec, as stated before (unless the posts were deleted in CCP's "private cleaning party"), but people just cannot be bothered to reap them and put effort into. This change also does not change any of the reasons for many people to not go into 00 sec space, because many of their reasons are not solvable/changeable by changing game mechanics. It only makes their lifes more difficult, nothing else (also as stated before and in other threads).
Another example are the immense and exuberant expectations that people have and are driven to have with regards to SRP. What is your SRP again? Pay people double the price of the ships they fly? Something like that at least. That's sick, on the one hand, and it turns people into spoiled crybabies who don't know the effort, investments and time that is needed to create these things and they don't need to invest time and effort to earn these things. On the other hand, the more people demand such SRP, the more easy money the alliance needs to make, which turns into an neat spiral with a very well-known end. In High sec, people at least fly around in their stuff they have earned through mission grinding or mining (or botting, if you wish), but certain 00 focused entities foist the impression on me that they depend entirely on being able to provide people with such extensive SRP to keep them on board. I am convinced that this is not something that should be supported further than it already is.

If there is more than enough reward outside of high sec why are the vast bulk of miners in high sec? Christ even the bots are almost totaly located in high sec and they are all about getting the most isk for their time.
Salvos Rhoska
#1378 - 2014-03-23 14:50:50 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
If there is more than enough reward outside of high sec why are the vast bulk of miners in high sec? Christ even the bots are almost totaly located in high sec and they are all about getting the most isk for their time.

I dont think this change will bring any substantial influx of miners to null.

As to bot preponderance in high-sec, I think that is related to the low risk of being blown up, whereas botters would be KOS in null.
I mean if I was ever to bot, not that I would, Id set my fleets up in remote high-sec fields where nobody will ever even notice me ingame.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1379 - 2014-03-23 14:55:14 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

As to bot preponderance in high-sec, I think that is related to the low risk of being blown up, whereas botters would be KOS in null.
I mean if I was ever to bot, not that I would, Id set my fleets up in remote high-sec fields where nobody will ever even notice me ingame.

Stick it in a backend null system in the middle of nowhere away from everything. They used to do this when belt ratting was good money back in 2007. Its damn near impossible to catch them.

They are in high sec because there's no reason to stick them in null for the same isk as high sec.
Salvos Rhoska
#1380 - 2014-03-23 15:04:59 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
They are in high sec because there's no reason to stick them in null for the same isk as high sec.

Although now there will be, due to the refining efficiency.