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New dev blog: Unified Inventory Changes

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Ad'Hakim Tahous
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#481 - 2012-05-24 14:23:36 UTC
Dennie Fleetfoot wrote:

text deleted for brevity by Ad'Hakim...

Suddenly, it's Soundwave, one of the SENIOR game designers, writing the dev blog and asking for help after Team Game of Thrones singularly failed to implement or follow up anything about the reams and reams of suggestions and feedback given about the unifubared inventory on the test server forums.

I think it's telling that Soundwave seems to have been put in charge to sort out this latest debacle.

And just so you think I'm not being totally negative. Every other aspect of Inferno that I've so far tried I love. Hell, if the Unified Inventory had been limited to just Assets I'd have liked it too. It's just beyond useless as a minute by minute gaming interface.

You should know by now what we don't like about and how to sort it out. Either fix it so it can be used in the way that WE, the paying customers would like to use it or man up, admit you broke something that wasn't

Yes, exactly. Lol
Copy Katt
#482 - 2012-05-24 14:32:34 UTC
Why did you bother asking for feedback on the test server if you're going to ignore it and implement an inventory management system that you were told THEN sucks? It seems like an incredible waste of your time and ours if the feedback is overwhelmingly negative and you go ahead and proceed anyway.
LTC Vuvovich
Old-Timers Department
GF Company
#483 - 2012-05-24 14:33:33 UTC
Well yall it's official. I am just about sick & tired of CCP... The Unified Inventory System took what was prolly just a SNAFU and completely turned it into FUBAR. I aint got a freakin' clue as to who right or who's wrong... and I dont really care anymore either. I just want to enjoy the game, now that CCP has prevented that... I am hereby tendering CCP my 'temporary' resignation.

I am spending approximayely 3 Billion ISK's to PLEX my 6 accounts and then deliver those PLEX to the Redistribution System... until such time as CCP gets their collective **** together.

I highly recommend anyone who wishes things to get back to 'normal' to do the same. I reckon sometimes in order to get something done right... you gotta hit 'em where it hurts, if ya follow my drift.

I tried messing around with the damn thing, and I've tried trying to make my voice heard, now Im just plain fed-up with it. When it ceases to be any fun, then there really doesn't seem to be any point to it from where Im sitting.

Fly Safe Peeps and May All Yours Concerns - Get Addressed.

Respectfully Submitted,
LTC Vuvovich
Fabulousli Obvious
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#484 - 2012-05-24 14:41:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Fabulousli Obvious

A Fabulous ***Showtune*** for our situation (1:21 long, especially the last second of it) Big smile

There Will Be Some Changes Made

I am NOT YOUNG ENOUGH to know EVERYTHING.  ~~ Oscar Wilde, writer, d. November 30, 1900

Bayushi Akemi
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#485 - 2012-05-24 14:42:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Bayushi Akemi
The two basic problems with the new UI are loss of functionality and load times. Shift click isn't a viable work around for these fundamental flaws.

I keep thinking about different ways to fix these two flaws. I'm not using some of my alts because right now, their specialties are dreadful to participate in. I'm afraid to hop in my orca and try to use it because of the changes.

General ideas to fix the two fundamental problems listed: - Critical
- Only load tree when visible
* Reduces load lag
* Codewise, when the index is collapsed, it can be treated like a temporary window

- Temporary containers only spawn detached, treeless window that closes when item is no longer in reach
* Reduces load lag
* Returns former functionality to salvaing, jet can mining

- Corp hangar is root for a seperate window with the corp tabs listed in the tree.
* Reduces load lag
* Only loads desired windows, instead of loading a pos full of guns and hangars, loads only 7 tabs for hangar opened
* Would be treated as a temporary window

- Returning active ship to ship hangar tab. It's a little odd docking in an empty station and not seeing your ship

- Double clicking on a ship opens the cargo, not make it active

- Make minimalist window option (reduce/hide UI elements to optimize for item viewing)

- Make isk estimation optional
* It adds to load times
* Isn't accurate enough to be useful

Besides that, there are additional things that could be done to alleviate some of the headaches
Optional, but preferred:
- Return buttons to bottom of station tab (Corp hangar/Deliveries)
* Having corp hangar open all the time is kind of useless for a lot of players, ties in with previous point about load times and organization
* Deliveries tab isn't clearly marked. 'Market' for me would mean 'stuff listed on market here'

- Use the current code for asset window. Much better use of current code, so the dev time isn't a complete waste

PLEASE, consider user feedback from the test server in the future, not just BugHunters. I'm desperately trying to not unsub again, but I can't make any income with some of the characters that I need to because the UI is terrible in it's current state.

Fundamental Problems with New UI. Also, see Tippia's post

Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#486 - 2012-05-24 14:45:25 UTC
Tippia wrote:

The Unified Inventory would be a very nice upgrade for corp and personal hangars, corp and personal assets, for the S&I interface, and maybe for bulk haulers such as freighters, since they will commonly be loaded down with containers. Unfortunately, it only does half of that and instead imposes itself on inventories where this kind of contraption is quite counter-productive and cumbersome.

1. Which brings up a good point. We need to be able to contract things into an item exchange contract from within a container.

2. Sadly, you can't put assembled containers into a freighter. Only courier packages (which are sort of like containers). It's something I wish they would fix / change.

Fabulousli Obvious
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#487 - 2012-05-24 14:47:42 UTC
Scrapyard Bob wrote:

2. Sadly, you can't put assembled containers into a freighter. Only courier packages (which are sort of like containers). It's something I wish they would fix / change.

Seriously. But 1st Things 1st.

I am NOT YOUNG ENOUGH to know EVERYTHING.  ~~ Oscar Wilde, writer, d. November 30, 1900

Sable Moran
Moran Light Industries
#488 - 2012-05-24 14:50:01 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
so if you're missing any specific piece of functionality we'll definitely look at the viability of implementing it.

Currently containers do not remember the sorting order preference per container. It uses the same setting for every container.

This was working pre-Inferno.

Sable's Ammo Shop at Alentene V - Moon 4 - Duvolle Labs Factory. Hybrid charges, Projectile ammo, Missiles, Drones, Ships, Need'em? We have'em, at affordable prices. Pop in at our Ammo Shop in sunny Alentene.

Dennie Fleetfoot
DUST University
#489 - 2012-05-24 14:50:43 UTC

Big smile

CEO Dust University

CPM 1&2 Member

86th Corp Divisoin
#490 - 2012-05-24 14:52:55 UTC
Will CCP even tell us if there even considering giving us back our old inventory? or just ignore majority of people :/
BLUE M00N Fetish Group
#491 - 2012-05-24 14:53:25 UTC
Scrapyard Bob wrote:

1. Which brings up a good point. We need to be able to contract things into an item exchange contract from within a container.

2. Sadly, you can't put assembled containers into a freighter. Only courier packages (which are sort of like containers). It's something I wish they would fix / change.

yeah but you can contract an assembled container and put it in a courier package , hence you are still technically carrying an assembled container just now its hidden inside a cardboard box
CCP Soundwave
C C P Alliance
#492 - 2012-05-24 14:53:56 UTC
Sable Moran wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
so if you're missing any specific piece of functionality we'll definitely look at the viability of implementing it.

Currently containers do not remember the sorting order preference per container. It uses the same setting for every container.

This was working pre-Inferno.

If this isn'tt in the bug list, I'll make sure it gets on. Thanks.
Fabulousli Obvious
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#493 - 2012-05-24 14:56:03 UTC
Fedsem wrote:
Will CCP even tell us if there even considering giving us back our old inventory? or just ignore majority of people :/

Look in the dev Blogs. It's pretty well laid down in Law that THIS will BE.

I am NOT YOUNG ENOUGH to know EVERYTHING.  ~~ Oscar Wilde, writer, d. November 30, 1900

Mournful Conciousness
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#494 - 2012-05-24 14:57:54 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Sable Moran wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
so if you're missing any specific piece of functionality we'll definitely look at the viability of implementing it.

Currently containers do not remember the sorting order preference per container. It uses the same setting for every container.

This was working pre-Inferno.

If this isn'tt in the bug list, I'll make sure it gets on. Thanks.

Soundwave, please forget the niggly bugs. The new solution is flawed. Please don't ignore us. I want the game I love to thrive, not shed disgruntled users.

Please restore our original functionality with all haste.


Embers Children is recruiting carefully selected pilots who like wormholes, green killboards and the sweet taste of tears. You can convo me in game or join the chat "TOHA Lounge".

Fabulousli Obvious
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#495 - 2012-05-24 14:58:24 UTC
Dennie Fleetfoot wrote:

Big smile

For the Thread or the Window ? Like some of my friends, your post could swing either way.

I am NOT YOUNG ENOUGH to know EVERYTHING.  ~~ Oscar Wilde, writer, d. November 30, 1900

86th Corp Divisoin
#496 - 2012-05-24 14:59:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Fedsem
Soundwave, Are you even considering giving us the old inventroy back? A simple yes or no will do for everyone.
Lord Loco
#497 - 2012-05-24 15:09:37 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
[quote=Sable Moran][quote=CCP Soundwave]so if you're missing any specific piece of functionality we'll definitely look at the viability of implementing it.

We want the functionality of the old inventory...
We want the old inventory back, but you are ignoring that fact.

-5 accounts


Ad'Hakim Tahous
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#498 - 2012-05-24 15:10:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Ad'Hakim Tahous
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Sable Moran wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
so if you're missing any specific piece of functionality we'll definitely look at the viability of implementing it.

Currently containers do not remember the sorting order preference per container. It uses the same setting for every container.

This was working pre-Inferno.

If this isn'tt in the bug list, I'll make sure it gets on. Thanks.

CCP Soundwave

TYVM for posting! Reassuring to know you are monitoring the thread.

EDIT: Not one who believes you 'broke' this. Sincere best wishes fixing this after it landed in your lap. Well done naming POS structures; pls advise if naming authority linked to level of POS Management roles?
Dennie Fleetfoot
DUST University
#499 - 2012-05-24 15:12:34 UTC
I think we can forget about the old UI coming back, unless the coding of the new one is too difficult to fix in a way that will please us.

What we hopefully will get is a blending of the old and new that will allow us to have near identical functionality of the old should we wish to set it that way.

There are probably a number of things Market and Dust related that the inventory needed re-doing for. It's just a shame they knackered it for EVE players before testing and fixing it.

To quote my brother, an occasional EVE player, If you're going to put something out for peer review, it's a good idea to act on your peer's view.

CEO Dust University

CPM 1&2 Member

Marisol Shimaya
#500 - 2012-05-24 15:12:48 UTC

You have only one thing to do is this

Let all of us to vote on so we can desided what Inventory list we should us.


New list


Old List

This has to be final destions

Agreed ?

Fight For Our Rights