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Skill Queue Issues - 2017/06/09

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Jaiden Solo
Chaos arbiter
#81 - 2017-06-15 14:57:33 UTC
Commander Spurty wrote:
If there's something strange in you skill queue
Who you gonna call? (CCP Falcon)
If there's something weird
And it don't look good
Who you gonna call? (CCP Falcon)

I ain't afraid of no dev
Britney Breizh
#82 - 2017-06-15 20:06:30 UTC
I have the feeling that I already know the answer to this question, but will ask it nevertheless...

For those running legit skill farming operation, i.e. who never used ghost training by not letting their accounts lapse, will they receive some kind of compensation from their loss linked to their ignorance of unwillingness to abuse the system with ghost training?

Surely, those accounts are easier to identify and belong for sure to players that respect the game we all share, and are worth more to CCP than bug-abusing cheaters.. Does that mean anything?
Pinky Starstrider
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#83 - 2017-06-15 20:42:59 UTC
I haven't played in a while. Do I have to log in and restart training? Because if so. When did this occur so I can know how much SP I have lost because I haven't played in months. (Sub has remained active if that matters)
Ebony Texas
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#84 - 2017-06-15 21:37:29 UTC
where are the SP pts

you owe me on 4 accts ccp..

The Invisible Man
Gallente Federation
#85 - 2017-06-15 23:56:04 UTC
Britney Breizh wrote:
I have the feeling that I already know the answer to this question, but will ask it nevertheless...

For those running legit skill farming operation, i.e. who never used ghost training by not letting their accounts lapse, will they receive some kind of compensation from their loss linked to their ignorance of unwillingness to abuse the system with ghost training?

Surely, those accounts are easier to identify and belong for sure to players that respect the game we all share, and are worth more to CCP than bug-abusing cheaters.. Does that mean anything?

But this was allowed by ccp. They wrote it in a dev blog here:

Q: What happens if my subscription ends while I'm logged in, will I be converted to Alpha in the middle of a fight?
A: In these cases, you will remain an Omega until the next time you log out. We won't ever turn skills off during the middle of a session.
Salvos Rhoska
#86 - 2017-06-16 04:52:37 UTC
The Invisible Man wrote:
Britney Breizh wrote:
I have the feeling that I already know the answer to this question, but will ask it nevertheless...

For those running legit skill farming operation, i.e. who never used ghost training by not letting their accounts lapse, will they receive some kind of compensation from their loss linked to their ignorance of unwillingness to abuse the system with ghost training?

Surely, those accounts are easier to identify and belong for sure to players that respect the game we all share, and are worth more to CCP than bug-abusing cheaters.. Does that mean anything?

But this was allowed by ccp. They wrote it in a dev blog here:

Q: What happens if my subscription ends while I'm logged in, will I be converted to Alpha in the middle of a fight?
A: In these cases, you will remain an Omega until the next time you log out. We won't ever turn skills off during the middle of a session.

Thats different.

Apparently accounts lapsing out of Omega into Alpha whilst logged out where/are continuing to skill at Omega status until the account logs in again.

In other words the system didnt/doesnt register that the account should revert to Alpha, including sp rate and extent of skills, unless the account logged in again after Omega expired.

Sylvia Kildare
Kinetic Fury
#87 - 2017-06-16 12:35:28 UTC

... everyone see the new news item?
Valdr Auduin
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#88 - 2017-06-16 19:32:58 UTC
CCP Falcon wrote:
The content of this forum post is also reflected here as a news item on the community portal.

After a script was run yesterday to address an issue with Ghost Training, we received a number of reports that some pilots had noticed their skill queues had been paused and their characters were not training.

The cause for this was identified as an issue with the script that was run, which didn't behave as expected and has resulted in a significant number of pilots losing training time over the course of the last 24 hours.

We're currently in the process of applying a fix for this, which will identify all the affected accounts, and will automatically restart training for those who haven't already logged in and done so.

Once this process has been completed, we will look to compensate all affected pilots in the coming days with a refund of skillpoints lost due to this issue.

Sincerest apologies for any confusion or inconvenience that this issue with training has caused!

Just noticed this, as one of the affected accounts, how will I know I've been credited for whatever time I might have lost?
Katana Seiko
Made in Germany
#89 - 2017-06-17 19:42:41 UTC
How did this issue get introduced in the first place?
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#90 - 2017-06-18 13:23:41 UTC
Katana Seiko wrote:
How did this issue get introduced in the first place?

CCP, after 7 months of ignoring ghost training, decided to do something about it, and a dev created a script to stop the ghost training. After rigorous QA, they executed the script. That script turns out affected quite a number of active, paying accounts as well. What the parameters were that made it affect some accounts and not others, I don't know.
The Invisible Man
Gallente Federation
#91 - 2017-06-18 14:28:55 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
The Invisible Man wrote:
Britney Breizh wrote:
I have the feeling that I already know the answer to this question, but will ask it nevertheless...

For those running legit skill farming operation, i.e. who never used ghost training by not letting their accounts lapse, will they receive some kind of compensation from their loss linked to their ignorance of unwillingness to abuse the system with ghost training?

Surely, those accounts are easier to identify and belong for sure to players that respect the game we all share, and are worth more to CCP than bug-abusing cheaters.. Does that mean anything?

But this was allowed by ccp. They wrote it in a dev blog here:

Q: What happens if my subscription ends while I'm logged in, will I be converted to Alpha in the middle of a fight?
A: In these cases, you will remain an Omega until the next time you log out. We won't ever turn skills off during the middle of a session.

Thats different.

Apparently accounts lapsing out of Omega into Alpha whilst logged out where/are continuing to skill at Omega status until the account logs in again.

In other words the system didnt/doesnt register that the account should revert to Alpha, including sp rate and extent of skills, unless the account logged in again after Omega expired.

Ok. Thank you.
ugh zug
Gallente Federation
#92 - 2017-06-19 11:40:29 UTC  |  Edited by: ugh zug
What is absolutely hilarious is that this was tooted at one point to be a feature of eve online.... now this is considered an exploit but if you quit eve and still have time on your subs are you going to bother to log in before the end of that time to pause your skillque? lol what a joke ccp. please start banning all the players that quit with active skillques and see if they bother resubbing Lol

Want me to shut up? Remove content from my post,1B. Remove my content from a thread I have started 2B.

Stanza Inc.
#93 - 2017-06-21 06:40:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Miiikka
So when are these skill points going to be reimbursed ?

It's been almost 2 weeks. If you break something which affects people's accounts, you fix it, like straight away. Seriously.
Malou Hashur
Enterprise Holdings
#94 - 2017-06-21 06:46:20 UTC
Miiikka wrote:
So when are these skill points going to be reimbursed ?

It's been almost 2 weeks. If you break something which affects people's accounts, you fix it, like straight away. Seriously.

Not exactly unexpected, going by their track record for screwing stuff up.

CCP Philosophy ==>>

  1. If it works, break it. If it’s broken, leave it and break something else.

  2. Ignore all Forum comments that raise issues and concerns about our "features", and bring said "features" in anyway.

Celeste Dixie
#95 - 2017-06-21 15:52:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Celeste Dixie
Yeah, it'd be nice to see an update from a Dev confirming we'll get our points back. Paying customer and all that, hate to see 10-12 hours of skill points just lost.
Caldari State
#96 - 2017-06-21 17:41:05 UTC
On 9th June I have submitted a support ticket and got a"Mass reply". I've waited till14th June I have again asked about the issue, received the following reply:

"Unfortunately, the reimbursement has yet to happen and sadly I do not have an exact ETA on when it may happen exactly yet, either, but I can assure that a script for this is being worked on with high priority."

Today my ticket suddenly got closed and marked as "Solved" even though I have not received any reimbursement. Apparently looks like they are trying to wait it out, hoping it will go silent and people would forget. I hope not though... But definitely 2 weeks is more than enough to prepare a script with high priority... heck even a day should be enough actually.
Ebony Texas
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#97 - 2017-06-21 18:15:19 UTC
Pr0boszcz wrote:
On 9th June I have submitted a support ticket and got a"Mass reply". I've waited till14th June I have again asked about the issue, received the following reply:

"Unfortunately, the reimbursement has yet to happen and sadly I do not have an exact ETA on when it may happen exactly yet, either, but I can assure that a script for this is being worked on with high priority."

Today my ticket suddenly got closed and marked as "Solved" even though I have not received any reimbursement. Apparently looks like they are trying to wait it out, hoping it will go silent and people would forget. I hope not though... But definitely 2 weeks is more than enough to prepare a script with high priority... heck even a day should be enough actually.

I 2nd this, ive been waiting for all my effected accounts to be given their lost SP from that day and none have been as of yet. where is the CCP Falcon.. the one flying high in the ccp office sky??

CCP Falcon

Save us!
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#98 - 2017-06-21 19:37:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Elenahina
Pr0boszcz wrote:
On 9th June I have submitted a support ticket and got a"Mass reply". I've waited till14th June I have again asked about the issue, received the following reply:

"Unfortunately, the reimbursement has yet to happen and sadly I do not have an exact ETA on when it may happen exactly yet, either, but I can assure that a script for this is being worked on with high priority."

Today my ticket suddenly got closed and marked as "Solved" even though I have not received any reimbursement. Apparently looks like they are trying to wait it out, hoping it will go silent and people would forget. I hope not though... But definitely 2 weeks is more than enough to prepare a script with high priority... heck even a day should be enough actually.

Yes they're hoping for it to just go away so hard they mentioned it in not one but two news items so far.

For the love of God, people loosen the damned tin foil before it cuts off the circulation to your brains completely.

And before someone asks

Eve is like an addiction; you can't quit it until it quits you. Also, iderno

Ebony Texas
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#99 - 2017-06-21 20:08:30 UTC
Elenahina wrote:
Pr0boszcz wrote:
On 9th June I have submitted a support ticket and got a"Mass reply". I've waited till14th June I have again asked about the issue, received the following reply:

"Unfortunately, the reimbursement has yet to happen and sadly I do not have an exact ETA on when it may happen exactly yet, either, but I can assure that a script for this is being worked on with high priority."

Today my ticket suddenly got closed and marked as "Solved" even though I have not received any reimbursement. Apparently looks like they are trying to wait it out, hoping it will go silent and people would forget. I hope not though... But definitely 2 weeks is more than enough to prepare a script with high priority... heck even a day should be enough actually.

Yes they're hoping for it to just go away so hard they mentioned it in not one but two news items so far.

For the love of God, people loosen the damned tin foil before it cuts off the circulation to your brains completely.

And before someone asks

Sir/Ma"am or it... that was posted on 6/9/17 and we're now at 6/21/17..

where are the freaking points?? ccp should have upped its priority since skills training is the vital life line of eve online..
Moksa Elodie
Hijo de la Luna
#100 - 2017-06-21 20:14:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Moksa Elodie
Knowing how CCP have been over the past year, it will probably be 7 months before the missing SP is returned.

As it seems to of only affected Omega accounts, wouldn't it of just been easier to give all Omega accounts a set amount of SP rather than drag the whole process out for 2 weeks?