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EVE General Discussion

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First Maxed Eve account.

First post
#81 - 2016-02-14 14:37:41 UTC
I wonder to what extent this new two-tier character progression system will affect the general perception of EVE Online, both for the players and for the gaming world as a whole.

Not being able to afford to boost your character kind of feels like riding your bicycle uphill in the rain while you watch all the cars drive past you Lol
Gabriel Karade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#82 - 2016-02-14 14:37:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Gabriel Karade
probably should have introduced a logarithmic function, rather than simple thresholds, to the quantity of SP transferred per injector for a given starting SP.

Edit: If that guy now bio-massed the character, just to 'burn' all of those SP from the joint 'pool' I'd actually then be impressed... Pirate

War Machine:

Dr Caymus
Applied Technologies Inc
Agents of Fortune
#83 - 2016-02-14 14:40:55 UTC
The new skill system: Dawn of a New Era or Epic Fail

Perhaps I owe CCP an apology for making a goal of leading the skillpoint group for the last 13 years, I must have offended them greatly for them to do what they have done to the system.

However, now a complete mockery of the system has been made with a 3-day-old character. Was that not seen coming?

This could have been done much more effectively with more controls: more tiers with decreasing marginal gains at higher SP levels, daily limits, or whatever.

Back up and restore, anyone?
Big Lynx
#84 - 2016-02-14 14:42:42 UTC
Mr Mieyli wrote:
oreman2 wrote:
i made a huge mistake reactivating What? very sad days in eve

I know what you mean, I went and bought a 6 month sub before Christmas. Now I feel like I might as well play WoWS; it has better ship-to-ship combat and has about as much meaning attached. EvE has changed from being the harsh cold technologically plausible universe that it once was to a hollow shell. Change after change has stripped life from the game with even small things such as the MWD name changes have been a part of this. Once upon a time this game felt like an ultra-harsh version of real life set in space, the ultimate sci-fi simulator. Now it feels like a bunch of bored kids throwing sand at each other, where losses don't matter because isk is easily farmable, where play time no longer matters because you can buy your way there. I'm struggling to justify continuing my subscription once it runs out, this game no longer feels like an MMO but instead more like FarmVille.

CCP have lost heir original vision of eve, the have caved into players always asking for more. They will never have enough and chasing their demands will run the game into the ground. When eve was the best sci-fi sim around it always had that niche, now I worry it's losing it's unique features and becoming another bland commercialised game.

Well said sir. Eve feels so average now.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#85 - 2016-02-14 14:50:38 UTC  |  Edited by: SKINE DMZ
Dibz wrote:
Not being able to afford to boost your character kind of feels like riding your bicycle uphill in the rain while you watch all the cars drive past you Lol

Yup I think people never realised or even considered that buying SP will become the standard for new players because of this, they already feel behind because of how long this game has been running. They will never develop the patience to wait on a month long skill, instead feel the need to grind or buy ISK.

People like to say having SP doesn't make you win EVE, but that's like saying a level 60 in WoW doesn't make you win, of course it doesn't but being able to buy a level 60 character does devalue the journey and experience to fellow players.

If only people could buy some damn logic..

I disagree

Kerensky Initiatives
#86 - 2016-02-14 15:06:23 UTC
Dawny Star wrote:
I'd really like to hear a Dev. viewpoint on this, a lot of Dev's are ex-players and I can't imagine this was what they had in mind for this service?

Some possible restrictions you could add to the service.

Prepping T3 Tear Injectors

This thread is now the Official Crybaby Thread

Perfection is a dish best served like wasabi .

Bumble's Space Log

Boom Boom Longtime
EVE Corporation 6908469858
Heroes and Villains.
#87 - 2016-02-14 15:08:23 UTC
CCP allowed their own corporate greed to renege on the fundamental core principles of the game they created.

Sums it up really.

What "exciting new features" will be rolled out next to shamelessly endeavour to milk more cash from the playberbase?

Concord Approved Trader

Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#88 - 2016-02-14 15:14:03 UTC
Agata Matahari wrote:
Admiral Mason wrote:

Make of it what you will.

*facepalm* well done, ccp! well done.. *golf claps*

What you think that the upper echelons of any of the big null groups can't do the same thing with their dozens of supers/titan alts?

I saw a guy post a screencap today of his wallet - 76 trilion isk. How many skill extractors is that?

The only solid fact to be gleaned from this social experiment is that this game has an extremely mature economy with not enough sinks.
Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#89 - 2016-02-14 15:15:04 UTC
Where are all the players telling newbies, skill points do not matter? Blink

Now we realize, this was and is a lie.

I fell this myself after applying a couple of skill injectors ... I can have everything instantly ... but why? Ugh

EvE had the feeling of a real open world, with limits, with unreachable goals, like getting all skills ... now it feels the eternity folded into the beginning, EvE became a closed loop ...ShockedSad

I'm my own NPC alt.

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#90 - 2016-02-14 15:26:21 UTC
Did anyone do the maths on how many SP were nuked in this endeavor?

I don't think it's going to change much for Eve but it makes me feel like Eve has lost a bit of.. idk.. Eve.

Oh well. I bet it helps new players though :trollface.jpg:
#91 - 2016-02-14 15:27:13 UTC
Tipa Riot wrote:
Where are all the players telling newbies, skill points do not matter? Blink

Now we realize, this was and is a lie.

Skill points have always mattered, how much they matter depends on the ability of the players involved.

But to have all the skills at maximum is a waste of a lot of sp.

I think the player of the character that is the subject of this thread, just did it to prove a point.
Dr Caymus
Applied Technologies Inc
Agents of Fortune
#92 - 2016-02-14 15:27:16 UTC
Tipa Riot wrote:

EvE had the feeling of a real open world, with limits, with unreachable goals, like getting all skills ...

Refreshing to see a thought that returns to an original game design concept! An important one that differentiated the game from many if not most others.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#93 - 2016-02-14 15:29:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Tipa Riot wrote:
Where are all the players telling newbies, skill points do not matter? Blink
Now we realize, this was and is a lie.

They still don't matter. What matters is that…

EvE had the feeling of a real open world, with limits, with unreachable goals, like getting all skills ... now it feels the eternity folded into the beginning, EvE became a closed loop ...ShockedSad
…a core part of the “feel” of EVE has been sacrificed for a quick injection of cash, and for no real benefit to the game itself. Indeed, its main result is to further reinforce the two most common unattractive misunderstandings that made new players reticent to try the game.

Age and history had some kind of meaning; that meaning is gone. What was once the most valued commodity in the game — time — is now trivially tradable on the in-game market and offered in abundance for anyone who wants to pay.
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#94 - 2016-02-14 15:30:51 UTC
Before I leave this thread: When can we change character names for PLEX or Aurum or whatever?
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#95 - 2016-02-14 15:31:30 UTC
Tipa Riot wrote:
Where are all the players telling newbies, skill points do not matter? Blink

Now we realize, this was and is a lie.

I fell this myself after applying a couple of skill injectors ... I can have everything instantly ... but why? Ugh

EvE had the feeling of a real open world, with limits, with unreachable goals, like getting all skills ... now it feels the eternity folded into the beginning, EvE became a closed loop ...ShockedSad

You naughty girl.
Looks like bad trip to me.
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#96 - 2016-02-14 15:33:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Nana Skalski
Tippia wrote:
Tipa Riot wrote:
Where are all the players telling newbies, skill points do not matter? Blink
Now we realize, this was and is a lie.

They still don't matter. What matters is that…

EvE had the feeling of a real open world, with limits, with unreachable goals, like getting all skills ... now it feels the eternity folded into the beginning, EvE became a closed loop ...ShockedSad
…a core part of the “feel” of EVE has been sacrificed for a quick injection of cash, and for no real benefit to the game itself. Age and history had some kind of meaning; that meaning is gone. What was once the most valued commodity in the game — time — is now trivially tradable on the in-game market and offered in abundance for anyone who wants to pay.

Its the future, you adapt or what?

And since when history and experience does not matter? Ugh
They mnatter even more now. Since everyone can have SP for cash. Devaluing SP even more.
Big Lynx
#97 - 2016-02-14 15:35:16 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Tipa Riot wrote:
Where are all the players telling newbies, skill points do not matter? Blink
Now we realize, this was and is a lie.

They still don't matter. What matters is that…

EvE had the feeling of a real open world, with limits, with unreachable goals, like getting all skills ... now it feels the eternity folded into the beginning, EvE became a closed loop ...ShockedSad
…a core part of the “feel” of EVE has been sacrificed for a quick injection of cash, and for no real benefit to the game itself. Indeed, its main result is to further reinforce the two most common unattractive misunderstandings that made new players reticent to try the game.

Age and history had some kind of meaning; that meaning is gone. What was once the most valued commodity in the game — time — is now trivially tradable on the in-game market and offered in abundance for anyone who wants to pay.

Disgusting. But from economical survival of eve point of view, necessary obviously.
Eli Stan
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#98 - 2016-02-14 15:39:42 UTC
As a member of CAS - even an Intaki Reborn, funny enough - I would much rather have one of my fleetmates with 10 million SP by my side in battle than this character. I would be more worried about going up against SUAS than this character. *shrug*
Poddington Bare
Black Mount Industrial
#99 - 2016-02-14 15:42:14 UTC
Quite a few people have said the guy in question is an RMTer.

(1) How can this be open knowledge, and yet still be happening?
(2) Why are CCP not doing something about it?*

*even if he is being crafty...surely it's as simple as CCP creating a character, initiating RMT activity, confirming evidence, deploying banhammer?
Sunshine and Lollipops
#100 - 2016-02-14 15:42:23 UTC
Nana Skalski wrote:
Its the future, you adapt or what?
Adapt to what?
That CCP is pursuing short-term strategies that hurts their long-time viability? Yeah, sure. I have other games to play when that process has run its course.

And since when history and experience does not matter?
Since day 1. It's pretty much the life-blood of any persistent and long-lasting game — indeed, it's what makes the persistence last so long. If your business model is to sell long-term progression, then letting people skip that progression means you no longer have a viable business model.