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Dev blog: Skill trading in New Eden

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Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2021 - 2016-02-10 10:37:45 UTC
Berrice Silf wrote:
IAlso on a side note i've found 2 sites offering them for sale and another taking enquiries for them already ..... Black Market much Big smileBig smileBig smileBig smile
Compared with the number selling characters or isk that's actually amazingly low. But wait, that can't be since CCP so successfully disincentivized those via PLEX and the Bazaar.
Berrice Silf
Academy of the Imperial Guards
#2022 - 2016-02-10 10:47:46 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Berrice Silf wrote:
IAlso on a side note i've found 2 sites offering them for sale and another taking enquiries for them already ..... Black Market much Big smileBig smileBig smileBig smile
Compared with the number selling characters or isk that's actually amazingly low. But wait, that can't be since CCP so successfully disincentivized those via PLEX and the Bazaar.

Seeing as they have been out less than 24 hrs and all i did was google it you can bet there's a hell of a lot more doing it. Point being though it has now added yet another RMT to the growing product line of game items you can purchase externally.
Omniscient Order
#2023 - 2016-02-10 10:49:19 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Don ZOLA wrote:
Your story would maybe make sense if Dr Caymus was here since day 1. But he was late 10 days to that, so there are thousands of players who had head start on him, meaning he is top 1 without head start. Why? Cuz he performed better. And even with skill queue you still need to plan and optimize your attributes in order to gain max SP/h all the time.

Regardless of that, if you have a system which works time + effort, of course those who had more time could have more awards. If you change some of those fundamentals after 13 years, you just screw those who have invested their time and efforts in that. And if you start playing the game with such system, it is quite obvious you will not be able to overcome those who invested more time and effort than you., unless you outlast them in the long run. Simple as that.
What I stated isn't changed by whether Caymus was here first or started yesterday. It's simple math Don. 2 people with equal rates of return over time using the same methods will only differ by how much time they've had to accrue SP. And that goes to great lengths to ignore every other reason why someone just as dedicated to SP, but perhaps with a worse starting attribute set, or taking time to train alts or whatever other reason.

Did he perform better? We don't even know, not every character is even on EB, and no manner of accounting for training efforts over the set attribute of the past of training multiple characters can be accounted for.

What we did know is that of those entering the game after a certain point couldn't even try to approach that effort because there was literally no way. Beyond that there's a certain irony that a pilot actively using a pirate implant set and taking risks in game and playing is considered less effort than someone sitting in station in +5s because they make his ticker move slightly faster by your reasoning. So here we are, with a means to actually have effort and SP progress intertwine again, yet you're still complaining, which makes it clear that it's not about effort, but tenure.

It is perfectly fine that you admit that you do not know it. Your lack of knowledge and understanding is visible in every post you make.

He did perform better. Or should he be blamed for making better starting attributes, is it his fault someone else did not do it? Is his fault someone has chosen worse training path? Is his fault someone died and lost implants while he was training in the station? People with lot of sp know how hard is to keep everything optimized even with remaps.

We know he performed better. If your theory was right, there would be almost no gaps in top 3 places or it would be lined according to age. But look at them, it is 10mil gap above #2 which was born at the same day. 10 Million! 17mil over #3 who waster playing before him. He OBVIOUSLY performed way better in terms of sp training.

As I already wrote but it seems you failed to understand (:shocker:):

if you have a system which works time + effort, of course those who had more time could have more awards. If you change some of those fundamentals after 13 years, you just screw those who have invested their time and efforts in that. And if you start playing the game with such system, it is quite obvious you will not be able to overcome those who invested more time and effort than you., unless you outlast them in the long run. Simple as that.

Those who join the game should play the game for fun or some other aim. It would be quite stupid to expect they can run for top sp player. Which still does not limit them in any way. They can become the richest, the best pvper or whatever else they want over time, but sp should have stayed off limits.

There are 2 rules in a successful life: 1. Don't tell people everything you know

Morgan Agrivar
#2024 - 2016-02-10 11:05:58 UTC
Took this toon from 44m sp to just about 49.8m sp just today. Happy for the result and now time to go cold turkey from the skill injectors. It also allowed me to remove the mining skills I had when I first started that has bothered me for so long, skills that I haven't used in over two years, plus a few miscellaneous skills I didn't want there. Plus, big kudos to them for being able to inject any skill you want, regardless of whether you have the prerequisites. It is great for tiding up skill training.

Thank you CCP.
Berrice Silf
Academy of the Imperial Guards
#2025 - 2016-02-10 12:03:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Berrice Silf
Morgan Agrivar wrote:
Took this toon from 44m sp to just about 49.8m sp just today. Happy for the result and now time to go cold turkey from the skill injectors. It also allowed me to remove the mining skills I had when I first started that has bothered me for so long, skills that I haven't used in over two years, plus a few miscellaneous skills I didn't want there. Plus, big kudos to them for being able to inject any skill you want, regardless of whether you have the prerequisites. It is great for tiding up skill training.

Thank you CCP.

Actually i'll rephrase it how much did your 6.5/7 mill skill points cost, those mining skills that grieved you so much that you've drained whats it like still looking at the same mining skills now with no skill points but the books still there Shocked
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2026 - 2016-02-10 19:16:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyberius Franklin
Berrice Silf wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Berrice Silf wrote:
IAlso on a side note i've found 2 sites offering them for sale and another taking enquiries for them already ..... Black Market much Big smileBig smileBig smileBig smile
Compared with the number selling characters or isk that's actually amazingly low. But wait, that can't be since CCP so successfully disincentivized those via PLEX and the Bazaar.

Seeing as they have been out less than 24 hrs and all i did was google it you can bet there's a hell of a lot more doing it. Point being though it has now added yet another RMT to the growing product line of game items you can purchase externally.
Considering that list is added to with any new item that's not surprising in the least. There are offers for ships out there, does that mean we shouldn't add any more of those?

Don Zola wrote:
Your lack of knowledge and understanding is visible in every post you make.
Feel free to give specifics, else this line is just the same BS you were doing in the other thread, making erroneous claims and doubling down on pure rhetoric without support. I stated specific factors. You should be able to point to something if you have a leg to stand on.

He did perform better.
No, we don't. And I've stated why. A player could have a superior performance split between characters and we'd have no way of knowing. Or they could have had superior performance even from before but due to a poor bloodline choice that effort and performance became irrelevant over time until remaps became a factor. Considering we're talking years with static attributes that creates sizable gaps in itself. Your position isn't taking into account the mechanics that would have affected those players and the impact single decisions made back then on having a top character 13 years later.

The only thing shocking here is that you insist on doubling down on saying people don't know what their talking about yet never actually provide evidence of it.

And thanks for admitting it was about time over effort. Thanks for recognizing that yes, you are entirely stating a players worth and investment was dictated first by tenure to even have high SP opportunities. Thanks for realizing that until yesterday no avenue for effort existed to close that gap save those explicitly allowed by those on top.

It's not really a contest if the player behind caymus has to quit the race in order for it to actually become a race. If he wants the throne back he can take it and has posted as much on the subject.

And the bigger irony is that for most it's not about closing on Caymus, it's about improving their own abilities for their own gameplay. They ARE doing it for fun and their own aims, but you refuse to entertain the idea that affecting advancement contributes to that at any level.
Berrice Silf
Academy of the Imperial Guards
#2027 - 2016-02-10 22:27:05 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Considering that list is added to with any new item that's not surprising in the least. There are offers for ships out there, does that mean we shouldn't add any more of those?.

Didn't expect you to resort to smart ass comments but hey ho, I was referring to the fact that it could of been avoided if CCP had just sold the TSP for cash or traded with them for plex the same as transfers on the bazaar.

I spent the afternoon looking into just what is being sold and it's quite an eye opener, they can't take there RMT problem to serious as i've seen tournie ships and special edition ships on offer - Seeing as they're of very limited supply you telling me that they cannot be traced back to a point of origin.

Anything for a quick buck - very sad !!!
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2028 - 2016-02-10 22:33:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyberius Franklin
Berrice Silf wrote:
Didn't expect you to resort to smart ass comments but hey ho, I was referring to the fact that it could of been avoided if CCP had just sold the TSP for cash or traded with them for plex the same as transfers on the bazaar.
It may have seemed like a smart comment, but it was intended just as asked. If the idea is bad as a potential vector for RMT and should have been avoided for that reason, should the reasoning be expanded to all similar cases? If not it seems hardly fitting to hold against this and only this mechanic.

Berrice Silf wrote:
I spent the afternoon looking into just what is being sold and it's quite an eye opener, they can't take there RMT problem to serious as i've seen tournie ships and special edition ships on offer - Seeing as they're of very limited supply you telling me that they cannot be traced back to a point of origin.

Anything for a quick buck - very sad !!!
It really is, but I personally think the game loses more by trying to design around this rather than simply letting designers design what's good for game play and letting the teams responsible for handling EULA violating RMT do just that.
Berrice Silf
Academy of the Imperial Guards
#2029 - 2016-02-10 22:42:02 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Berrice Silf wrote:
Didn't expect you to resort to smart ass comments but hey ho, I was referring to the fact that it could of been avoided if CCP had just sold the TSP for cash or traded with them for plex the same as transfers on the bazaar.
It may have seemed like a smart comment, but it was intended just as asked. If the idea is bad as a potential vector for RMT and should have been avoided for that reason, should the reasoning be expanded to all similar cases? If not it seems hardly fitting to hold against this and only this mechanic.

Berrice Silf wrote:
I spent the afternoon looking into just what is being sold and it's quite an eye opener, they can't take there RMT problem to serious as i've seen tournie ships and special edition ships on offer - Seeing as they're of very limited supply you telling me that they cannot be traced back to a point of origin.

Anything for a quick buck - very sad !!!
It really is, but I personally think the game loses more by trying to design around this rather than simply letting designers design what's good for game play and letting the teams responsible for handling EULA violating RMT do just that.

How cheap you can pick up plex packs out of game is staggering, you telling me that they can't in some way digitally ID tag them with some form of unique number same as the old cheques used to have - £16.99 from CCP 6 euro's from blackmarket traders.

Sorry but there security is dreadful.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2030 - 2016-02-10 22:53:11 UTC
Berrice Silf wrote:
How cheap you can pick up plex packs out of game is staggering, you telling me that they can't in some way digitally ID tag them with some form of unique number same as the old cheques used to have - £16.99 from CCP 6 euro's from blackmarket traders.

Sorry but there security is dreadful.
Probably could and would work fine until there were stacks involved. One could compensate by not allowing them to stack, not sure how bad that is for QoL though since I'm not a PLEX trader/hoader. Would probably bug the crap out of me though given how I handle in game inventory of the items I do have.

Though I'd wonder the gains there. Yes, you could track the PLEX back to its origin, but that doesn't really tell you who the RMTing party is any more that seeing that specific illicit transaction happen. It does tell you the original buyer, though unless done through stolen payment information it's a losing proposition. If it is there is a bigger issue than simply PLEX RMT for at least 1 unwittingly involved party.
Johan Civire
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2031 - 2016-02-11 00:41:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Johan Civire
Its like the do not give a sh*t what older players want! And this is one update that proof my point here. Its a shame that this is become the norm of gaming. Money money money. Thats it. ****** laughing at older people that sponsor this game and then laughing at them while the wasting time over time and money for SP points.

Now we can now al say lets see how this will work out. There is one point thats the only plus point. That is ccp is going to make money again. Then the bring new players in there game (short time only) because when the notice the game is 3/4 of there time boring the will leave the first 2 months. But lets hope some will stay. Spending some 100 dollars in skill injectors and plex will give new players a happy short start when the understand that the only get bent over and get f*ck in there..... because sp do not make you pro.... and there was the reasons why we have to learn a game.....

So i`m not happy with it. But i can see why the are doing this.... Still not the best choice but i can see why. Or the need to change eve in a more casual/arcade game. And thats a other debate.
Omniscient Order
#2032 - 2016-02-11 01:34:03 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Feel free to give specifics, else this line is just the same BS you were doing in the other thread, making erroneous claims and doubling down on pure rhetoric without support. I stated specific factors. You should be able to point to something if you have a leg to stand on.

You mean a thread where you have failed to provide a single counter argument to the side effects I mentioned and where you twisted out anything you could while digressing? Where you were denying economy laws? Stating that TSP will be cheap and everyone will be able to afford it easily? Where you denied official game and market data? Are you kidding me, get lost :D

No, we don't. And I've stated why. A player could have a superior performance split between characters and we'd have no way of knowing. Or they could have had superior performance even from before but due to a poor bloodline choice that effort and performance became irrelevant over time until remaps became a factor. Considering we're talking years with static attributes that creates sizable gaps in itself. Your position isn't taking into account the mechanics that would have affected those players and the impact single decisions made back then on having a top character 13 years later.

The only thing shocking here is that you insist on doubling down on saying people don't know what their talking about yet never actually provide evidence of it.

And thanks for admitting it was about time over effort. Thanks for recognizing that yes, you are entirely stating a players worth and investment was dictated first by tenure to even have high SP opportunities. Thanks for realizing that until yesterday no avenue for effort existed to close that gap save those explicitly allowed by those on top.

It's not really a contest if the player behind caymus has to quit the race in order for it to actually become a race. If he wants the throne back he can take it and has posted as much on the subject.

And the bigger irony is that for most it's not about closing on Caymus, it's about improving their own abilities for their own gameplay. They ARE doing it for fun and their own aims, but you refuse to entertain the idea that affecting advancement contributes to that at any level.

He did. Everyone could do the same he did, everyone had the same options to be contestant for top1. But its him there. He made good choices. With bloodline, with skills, with attributes. Should it be his faults others did not? Is it his faults he invested in implants and others (maybe) did not? Should he be banned cuz of that? :D Is it his fault he did EVERYTHING in order to be top 1 for 13 years?

Thousands of players had advantage on him. THOUSANDS. He was top 1 because he worked for his aim and performed better. Be it by purchasing implants, not losing pods without upgraded clones, or whatever else. He outperformed.

Of course you do not know, check top10 chars, most of them are not making max sp/h. Do you know why? Because it is quite hard to optimize everything to do it constantly. Dr Caymus was better than them obviously so far, but things change as he cannot keep max rate either + remaps are limited. So yes, it is a race. A long term race as every serious planning in eve demanded to be long term and commitment to the game had to be long term in order to achieve something. After changing game fundamentals after 13 years, what consistency can we count on, to be sure this game is worth our time+effort investment? After this change, we cant, there is obviously no sacred ground for ccp`s cash rush. Lot of players will find that it is not worth making long term plan and stick with it since they can be screwed any time over anything at all.

And of course someone who played way much less and invested way less time + effort should not get there. It is not about tenure it is about customers relations. People can buy high sp chars if they need them, they can even buy sp now, but they should never ever be provided option to take someone 13 years of loyalty. With this change, CCP send wrong message to the players. Even though some cannot understand it or do not want to think about it at all as short term personal gain is all they need. In the long run game loses and players with it as well.

I have proven many evidences already, they are still in all those topics, reason why you do not want to try to understand but prefer to troll is your problem.

And again you take things out of context. It was clearly written in my post that it takes TIME + EFFORT. It is obvious that you cannot comprehend what effort, so I give up. You will keep trolling/spamming anyway. Because choosing attributes, skill plans, remaps takes no effort. It is so simply whole eve player base trains at max sp/h, right?

Improving own abilities and gameplay is totally fine. Screwing up very loyal customers is not. That is why CCP HAD to put a hardcap on this. I cannot say I am shocked that they have failed, ever since they even brought up this idea they cannot shock me any more. Only the time will tell what will be the consequences. I bet on bad ones.

Since I have said I will stop replying to trolls etc, this is my last reply to you. I am looking forward your taking things out of context, with lack of ability to look at the whole picture, change POV, lack of comprehensions, knowledge etc to twist it any way you want and claim your forum victory. Cheers!

There are 2 rules in a successful life: 1. Don't tell people everything you know

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2033 - 2016-02-11 02:20:59 UTC
Don ZOLA wrote:
You mean a thread where you have failed to provide a single counter argument to the side effects I mentioned and where you twisted out anything you could while digressing? Where you were denying economy laws? Stating that TSP will be cheap and everyone will be able to afford it easily? Where you denied official game and market data? Are you kidding me, get lost :D
Feel free to point out where I didn't directly address your BS. Funny thing here is that the numbers I did were actually pretty much right, the only factor not accounted for was the one we didn't have, the extractor price, which is something I admitted I speculated incorrectly on. So those economic laws played out as expected. Better than I expected really given what the extractor price actually was, and far from the doom scenarios and non-availability argued against. And no market data was denied, you just twisted things to try to mean what you wanted them to mean rather than what they actually did mean.

Don ZOLA wrote:
Cut for length
To start, you're again conflating the top SP with best performance when that doesn't result in top character unless the ability to split training time between characters doesn't exist and all training time was equal, but we know that's not the case.

And you state thousands had the jump on him, well for lack on information on my part lets just ask. Best info I can find suggests launch on May 6th, 2003. Caymus was created on May 16th. He at worst had 10 days training to overcome, regardless of how many thousands of players that may have entailed unless of course some manner of progress was kept from beta, feel free to advise if that was the case. So we're not talking an actual strong deficit here, despite your attempt to hind that behind a player count rather than the trivial potential SP it actually entails.

Regarding maximizing SP, that's actually pretty easy. Easy enough that over 7 years my best SP/hour is within 5 points of 2700. Why? Because aside from sitting in a station with +5's there's need for at best a years worth of skills to shove in the queue. And I really can't even be screwed over on it due to CCP making a habit of not changing attribute sets for skills. As conceded prior yes, there is some level of accomplishment there prior to the queue, but that removed most of the competition at that point and trivialized effort. As far as being banned, aside from being unnecessarily dramatic what point was there in even mentioning that? Who ever suggested he should be punished for accumulating SP?

Now to the point at hand, there really isn't a way for any amount of effort to close the time gap. I can do everything perfectly under the prior system and not see the top. Ever. Or be even remotely close as the peak moves as fast as it can be chased. As such it's a non competition. Something not worthy of preserving. A not really trophy for the guy at the front of the race for 13 years.

The problem is that this non-race tells everyone else that their progress needs to be capped, and that the cap can be reached with no continuous effort, or better is achieved through non-effort. It very much simply boils down to time rather than time+effort since the effort part is capped incomparably lower than time. I mean really, I know you mean to suggest the opposite but yes, skill plans, implants and attributes are no effort. Their extremely trivial.

And all this comes without screwing over anyone, because no one lost what they had unlocked and gained. They just didn't get to further their exclusivity of that SP. How horrid. End of the game. Bad consequences.

Since I have said I will stop replying to trolls etc, this is my last reply to you. I am looking forward your taking things out of context, with lack of ability to look at the whole picture, change POV, lack of comprehensions, knowledge etc to twist it any way you want and claim your forum victory. Cheers!
This is probably your 3rd or 4th time claiming that, if you actually stick to it I might even miss our exchanges.
Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#2034 - 2016-02-11 07:39:56 UTC
I just encountered another side effect I did not actually expect but is actually straight forward. Since SP now has a price tag, every change or addition of skills now end in arguments about how much it will cost to play this new content in $$ and how greedy that is on CCPs part. Big smile

Also, the claims about Freighter ganking harming new players seams to become true now since CODE. already ganked a 9bil ISK Ark of a 4 day old player. Big smile
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2035 - 2016-02-11 08:48:15 UTC
Ima Wreckyou wrote:
I just encountered another side effect I did not actually expect but is actually straight forward. Since SP now has a price tag, every change or addition of skills now end in arguments about how much it will cost to play this new content in $$ and how greedy that is on CCPs part. Big smile
Not really much of a side effect considering it was already paid in training time prior.

Ima Wreckyou wrote:
Also, the claims about Freighter ganking harming new players seams to become true now since CODE. already ganked a 9bil ISK Ark of a 4 day old player. Big smile
Does anyone honestly look at that cargo and think the was a 4 day old player as opposed to a 4 day old alt of someone who can fly a variety of ships or is hauling for those that can?

I mean honestly, who instantly goes for the closest things to flying coffins in game first?
Morgan Agrivar
#2036 - 2016-02-11 08:57:31 UTC
Berrice Silf wrote:
Morgan Agrivar wrote:
Took this toon from 44m sp to just about 49.8m sp just today. Happy for the result and now time to go cold turkey from the skill injectors. It also allowed me to remove the mining skills I had when I first started that has bothered me for so long, skills that I haven't used in over two years, plus a few miscellaneous skills I didn't want there. Plus, big kudos to them for being able to inject any skill you want, regardless of whether you have the prerequisites. It is great for tiding up skill training.

Thank you CCP.

Actually i'll rephrase it how much did your 6.5/7 mill skill points cost, those mining skills that grieved you so much that you've drained whats it like still looking at the same mining skills now with no skill points but the books still there Shocked

True, it would be better if we could remove the skillbooks too, but I was able to take those skill points and put them into finishing my gunnery skills (15.8m sp perfect subcap with all guns) instead of it sitting there, doing nothing in the mining skillbook. I can just keep that tab closed and my OCD will not have an issue with it.
#2037 - 2016-02-11 11:10:31 UTC
Initially I was excited about this change, but now I just feel quite cynical and a bit disillusioned with EVE and CCP.

I was hoping to siphon some SP from one character to another, but then the cash cost of the extractors sank in (I'm not space rich). I would need to spend £80 to get the AUR for enough extractors.

I logged in to the AUR store and considered buying the big AUR pack. Then I considered what £80 could buy me elsewhere. I could buy The Last Of Us, Fallout 4 and Divinity: Original Sin for my PS4 and still have change out of £80. That's three great games for the price of 15m skill points - actually 12m due to diminishing returns. £80 will also buy two max level characters in World of Warcraft, or sixteen albums from Bandcamp.

And so the cost has made me consider whether EVE is worth investing my money in. I could of course simply continue as before and earn my sp the normal way. But now the injectors are part of the game there is always going to be this feeling that I could be advancing my character much faster, and that bugs me. (Before someone says "but character bazaar", that's not the same. That's not advancing my character, it's paying for someone else's).

Earning sp via the normal time-based subscription method now feels like playing the crappy low xp f2p version, and earning sp via injectors is like the premium or 'upgraded' pay monthly version. - except I'm still paying a monthly sub.
Brigade of Guards
#2038 - 2016-02-11 11:33:11 UTC
Dibz wrote:

Earning sp via the normal time-based subscription method now feels like playing the crappy low xp f2p version, and earning sp via injectors is like the premium or 'upgraded' pay monthly version. - except I'm still paying a monthly sub.

I totally agree to that

Proud member of the Frustrated Association of International Losers Failing Against the Gifted and Superior (F.A.I.L.F.A.G.S.) #Are you a gambling addict? Then this is the right place for you IwantIsk!

Berrice Silf
Academy of the Imperial Guards
#2039 - 2016-02-11 13:44:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Berrice Silf
Dibz wrote:
Initially I was excited about this change, but now I just feel quite cynical and a bit disillusioned with EVE and CCP.

I was hoping to siphon some SP from one character to another, but then the cash cost of the extractors sank in (I'm not space rich). I would need to spend £80 to get the AUR for enough extractors.

I logged in to the AUR store and considered buying the big AUR pack. Then I considered what £80 could buy me elsewhere. I could buy The Last Of Us, Fallout 4 and Divinity: Original Sin for my PS4 and still have change out of £80. That's three great games for the price of 15m skill points - actually 12m due to diminishing returns. £80 will also buy two max level characters in World of Warcraft, or sixteen albums from Bandcamp.

And so the cost has made me consider whether EVE is worth investing my money in. I could of course simply continue as before and earn my sp the normal way. But now the injectors are part of the game there is always going to be this feeling that I could be advancing my character much faster, and that bugs me. (Before someone says "but character bazaar", that's not the same. That's not advancing my character, it's paying for someone else's).

Earning sp via the normal time-based subscription method now feels like playing the crappy low xp f2p version, and earning sp via injectors is like the premium or 'upgraded' pay monthly version. - except I'm still paying a monthly sub.

Its been an exercise in making money fast, I've noticed a lot of the gobsh*tes who were in full support of this in the original thread have not made an appearance here saying how wonderful it is. It has nothing to do with being cynical either you are now paying for the privilege of a subbed f2p base model with the benefits of being RL rich or space rich to gain you time perks. How this mess is going to draw new players in is laughable.
Memphis Baas
#2040 - 2016-02-11 14:02:44 UTC
It's absolutely wonderful!

Not only that, but it's opened the door for more microtransactions, so I'm looking forward to CCP making more money, and spending some of it to code more EVE stuff, including quality-of-life things.

Basically, looking forward to seeing everything you hate. Your rage is delicious. Also, not posting much here, because General Discussion is full of threads, keeping me busy.

And also, I'm switching over to the upcoming Carriers / FAUX threads. Gonna **** that up for you. Again, because I love the rage.