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EVE General Discussion

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The Shrinking Sandbox - Eve by numbers

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Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#281 - 2015-04-10 12:47:51 UTC
Sofanaut wrote:
Dantelion Shinoni wrote:
Sincerely, I doubt it.

I doubt anyone would pick up this game if they were not remotely interested in the 'hard' PvP. Even to the most casual of MMO players EVE is well-known for being THAT game where you can kill and get killed.

Those players you are talking about are probably not carebears, but they lack the ability to cross the gap between high and non-high sec and thus they prefer the surest (and probably slowest) way to power in the game.

Trying to improve the PvE would be the biggest waste of time for this game in my case, I strongly feel that more ways to get players in corps that can support them and more ways for them to access mass-PvP or fair small-PvP would be better.
And to tell the truth I can understand them, after the last two days of outfitting and losing ships I think I'm gonna spend some time in high-sec exploring, and that not because I don't like losing ships but because I need to cut the losses else I won't even be able to afford losing ships lol.

I think you vastly underestimate the ability of people to see the potential of the PvP in this game, you are deluded if you really think the type of players that would go back to their night elf hunter in WoW would happen to try and pick up EVE, those are two very different types of players that are too different to ever have the same motivations.

What I didn't make clear in the post you quoted was that I was describing players like myself. I came from WoW to EVE, and still play WoW occasionally. I PvP'd quite a bit in that game, because stealthing around battlegrounds with my rogue was a lot of fun. I have zero interest in PvP in EVE because frankly it's not very good. I play EVE because I like sci-fi and it's currently the best internet spaceships game available, and my educated guess is that many others play EVE with the same mindset and for the same reasons.

CCP doesn't need to make radical changes to the PvE because that's not what the game is about and that's cool. I like New Eden as it is. But if Star Citizen lives up to the hype (doubtful) I - and I suspect quite a few others - will be gone before you can say "can I haz your stuff?"

I simply have no idea why (after 12 years of new sci-fi games coming out , people claiming they were going to affect EVE Online, and SEEING those games not affect EVE Online) people still think this way lol.

Star Trek Online
Black Prophecy
Jump Gate: Evolution (which never even launched despite the hype)
Star Wars Galaxies
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Elite: Dangerous

Hell, you could even find people who considered X-Rebirth a threat.

End result of all these "threats"? Zero impact. People think 'the next big thing' is going to have an effect on EVE, mainly because some of the people who play EVE don't really understand themselves or know what they want. This is why people talk loudly about how much EVE sucks when they leave...only to come back (quietly) because no game can offer what EVE does.

What it offers is way more than spaceships, hell, the spaceships might be totally secondary in all of this.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#282 - 2015-04-10 12:57:07 UTC
Anuri Suaraj wrote:

Right. You should double check the definition of exploration then. Trying to find an "anomaly site" (which hundreds of players had already visited) by way of a clunky probe interface and then trying to open a relic/data site through a "connect the dots to the X thingy" mini-game is most definitely not exploration.

Again, it is in EVE ONLINE. If you were so obtuse you'd understand what you are being told.

In EVE, Battleships are battleships, Logistics ships don't do logistics, industrial ships don't do industry etc. EVE online's nomenclature is based on real world and sci fi concepts, but their MEANING and functions are based on, well, what Icelandic game developers want it to be based on.

Trying to explain things to you is a lot like trying to explain the color blue to someone who has been blind since birth lol.


Everything else in my post, however, are just opinions from my limited experience which I've NEVER tried to portray as facts despite your efforts to make it seem as such.

What's been explained to you is that you don't know enoguh to form an opinion. This is bad because it seriously stunts one's ability to actually learn.

Watch this video, because this is you. This is why I won't reply to the rest of your rambling post, because until you empty your cup, you won't be able to understand.

Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#283 - 2015-04-10 13:01:29 UTC
Anuri Suaraj wrote:

P.S. I do have to say that this thread is somewhat confusing. Where are all these numbers from the title?

I have no clue what the poet wanted to say here.

I'm no poet but thanks anyway.,.

The "Eve by numbers", you yourself mention in part - The exploration mini game.
Another example is, Faction Warfare buttons (complexes), where you warp in and orbit a small structure while a timer counts down to increase your companies control of the system.

More to come? Sovereignty to be controlled (won and lost) with the use of a thing called an "Entosis Link". Basically the same as in FW except the entosis needs to have a lock on the structure you are orbiting as it is capturing.

Plus, an all new dimension coming to sov, "capture the node", again using the new entosis link but this time you need to capture multiple "nodes" (small structures) spread around an area of space your alliance may not even hold sov in. Losing or winning the capture the node game will determine who wins the battle for controlling an area of sov.
All of this carried out in a set four hour period on a daily basis.
It also becomes, who gets to screw with another's sov without really wanting it for them selves.
Who can go reinforce someone else's sov on behalf of a third party.
Basically the new sov system favors large well organized groups. If you are in a small alliance, having enemies (or simply not enough friends) will mean you soon lose your "home".

So Eve by numbers, does not so much mean numbers as in 1 to 10. It was a reference to the changing face of Eve as a whole and how the sandbox element (play the game how you choose) of the game is slowly being eroded away and replaced with, mini games which will in turn, become a numbers game.
The bigger the group, the more numbers, to send out with entosis links.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Eve Solecist
Shitt Outta Luck - GANKING4GOOD
#284 - 2015-04-10 13:09:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Eve Solecist
Soldarius wrote:
Pok Nibin wrote:
I doubt there's anyone left at CCP actively involved in development that recalls first hand what EVE was originally built on.

Implying this is a bad thing.

I think you forget that in the end, Eve Online is a business owned by CCP. If they can't at least maintain their numbers, it will eventually go offline.

According to PCU numbers are hovering at about 25k, a 5-year-low.

Eve-O has been on a slow decline since Incursion part 3, with large spikes during times of major conflict. As you can see on the 5-year scale, numbers have slipped to a 5 year low.

War is good for CCP. The high points since the Incursion update in 2011 correspond roughly to the initial Incarna release, Delve War 2012, 2013 CFC invasion of TEST space, and the Halloween War (B-R and its aftermath specifically).

The end of the Halloween War heralded a huge and significant drop in PCU numbers from an average 50k to barely 40k. A 20% drop in players logging in, while not definitely an indicator of accounts subscribed, surely must have some correlation.

What is more, the counts are only getting worse. The 3 month PCU average is currently sitting at only 26k and is still trending slightly downward.

I suppose at this point, you could call this a typical "Eve is dying" post. It's my hope that the current trend is merely a short-term congruence of factors such as the end of a major conflict and the announced changes having put a damper on many long-term strategic plans.

On the plus side, war has broken out in Delve again. So I expect to see numbers going up soon.

Not sure what you are looking at,
but when I log in later the day it's always above 30k,
probably way more even later.

People and their obsessions with averages...

When I shoot left of a miner ...
... and right of a miner ...
... then on average ...
... he died.

And if I recall the past correctly ...
... and I do ...
... numbers went up again with Crucible.

Which was long after Incursions.
  • All incoming connection attempts are being blocked. If you want to speak to me you will find me either in Hek local, you can create a contract or make a thread about it in General Discussions. I will call you back. -
Jenshae Chiroptera
#285 - 2015-04-10 13:10:04 UTC
Anuri Suaraj wrote:
Just look at how many people threw their money at Star Citizen at the mere promise of such a game.
Sounds like Star Citizen might become the Sci-Fi, Waste of Web.

As far as I am concerned:
"Waste of Web was so successful as it was the first MMO that ran on almost any machine and could be played by any idiot." Suddenly there was a game for the average and below to play and the social black hole was created.

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

Prince Kobol
#286 - 2015-04-10 14:23:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Prince Kobol
Jenn aSide wrote:

I simply have no idea why (after 12 years of new sci-fi games coming out , people claiming they were going to affect EVE Online, and SEEING those games not affect EVE Online) people still think this way lol.

Star Trek Online
Black Prophecy
Jump Gate: Evolution (which never even launched despite the hype)
Star Wars Galaxies
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Elite: Dangerous

Hell, you could even find people who considered X-Rebirth a threat.

End result of all these "threats"? Zero impact. People think 'the next big thing' is going to have an effect on EVE, mainly because some of the people who play EVE don't really understand themselves or know what they want. This is why people talk loudly about how much EVE sucks when they leave...only to come back (quietly) because no game can offer what EVE does.

What it offers is way more than spaceships, hell, the spaceships might be totally secondary in all of this.

I disagree although slightly.

All these games do have an effect on Eve in so far as they give people another option to explore.

Some people will try Eve and then try one of those other games and might find that the other game is more to their liking then Eve.

That is a potential paying customer gone.

Also with every new game people will have a look, its only natural. Some will come back to Eve, others will not. The problem then becomes how many new players can you attract and more importantly keep which is something Eve has always struggled with.

The drip effect.

Whilst this is nothing new to CCP, what is new is trying to keep the existing player base happy.

I do believe that more and more vets are leaving. I see this in my own corp / alliances forums, mails, various 3rd party forums that vets are leaving.

The PCU whilst does not show subs, does show is less and and less people are logging in and that is not a good thing.

People will and rightly so argue that with the new training queues people have less reason to log in over a given time but given the choice I would rather have 10k more people logging in and playing the game then people logging in once every few months to update their skill queues.

Nothing screams to players that a is game struggling when they can fly though system after system and encounter only a few people here and there if they are lucky. .

I haven't played in nearly 6 months now however in my last few months of activity I spent a considerable amount of time doing exploration on an alt which is no longer subbed and I could spend hours flying around null sec without seeing more then 10 people in local.

Hell in those last few months I was only attacked twice (both gate camps both failed).

It really should not be this way,
#287 - 2015-04-10 15:43:23 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
I simply have no idea why (after 12 years of new sci-fi games coming out , people claiming they were going to affect EVE Online, and SEEING those games not affect EVE Online) people still think this way lol.

Star Trek Online
Black Prophecy
Jump Gate: Evolution (which never even launched despite the hype)
Star Wars Galaxies
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Elite: Dangerous

Hell, you could even find people who considered X-Rebirth a threat.

End result of all these "threats"? Zero impact. People think 'the next big thing' is going to have an effect on EVE, mainly because some of the people who play EVE don't really understand themselves or know what they want. This is why people talk loudly about how much EVE sucks when they leave...only to come back (quietly) because no game can offer what EVE does.

What it offers is way more than spaceships, hell, the spaceships might be totally secondary in all of this.

Saying I might play a different computer game is a "threat"? Lol I don't take games that seriously, perhaps you do.

What others have said in the past is irrelevant. I'm simply saying that for me EVE isn't my ideal internet spaceships game but I play it anyway because it's the best of the current bunch. I know others play it for the same reasons. Trying to force me into game of sovs or PvP roams with player corps isn't going to help retain me as a customer because that's not why I play EVE. If another multiplayer spaceships game comes along with a more authentic combat system and better PvE etc then I'll play that instead.

Biomassing in 3...2...1...

State Protectorate
Caldari State
#288 - 2015-04-10 15:53:11 UTC

"More authentic combat system" and "better PVE" will engage you for a time, but you'll get bored of it and move on.

The thing about EVE is the people. It's why people keep coming back.

everything is better with ᵈᵒᵗˢ on it

New Player Opportunities: a gallery

Jenshae Chiroptera
#289 - 2015-04-10 15:56:07 UTC
Dots wrote:
The thing about EVE is the people. It's why people keep coming back.
I play EVE despite the people. P

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#290 - 2015-04-10 16:14:52 UTC
Sofanaut wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
I simply have no idea why (after 12 years of new sci-fi games coming out , people claiming they were going to affect EVE Online, and SEEING those games not affect EVE Online) people still think this way lol.

Star Trek Online
Black Prophecy
Jump Gate: Evolution (which never even launched despite the hype)
Star Wars Galaxies
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Elite: Dangerous

Hell, you could even find people who considered X-Rebirth a threat.

End result of all these "threats"? Zero impact. People think 'the next big thing' is going to have an effect on EVE, mainly because some of the people who play EVE don't really understand themselves or know what they want. This is why people talk loudly about how much EVE sucks when they leave...only to come back (quietly) because no game can offer what EVE does.

What it offers is way more than spaceships, hell, the spaceships might be totally secondary in all of this.

Saying I might play a different computer game is a "threat"? Lol I don't take games that seriously, perhaps you do.

That doesn't make any sense at all. I clearly used the word 'threat' in the context of 'a threat to the game'. WTF are you talking about here?


What others have said in the past is irrelevant. I'm simply saying that for me EVE isn't my ideal internet spaceships game but I play it anyway because it's the best of the current bunch. I know others play it for the same reasons. Trying to force me into game of sovs or PvP roams with player corps isn't going to help retain me as a customer because that's not why I play EVE. If another multiplayer spaceships game comes along with a more authentic combat system and better PvE etc then I'll play that instead.

What others said in the past is the only thing that's relevant, because they've been saying it since 2003.

EVERY game on my list (except JG:E because it never saw the light of day) has better PVE than EVE. Hell, a game of solitaire has better PVE than EVE (solitaire doesn't make us save the same Damsel 20 million times). I still play Star Trek Online and it's missions are epic and involve avatar gameplay. Hellfire, you can MAKE missions in STO via the Foundry.

All of those games (except again the one that was never finished) have better combat systems than EVE as well.

And yet here we all still are, including you. If what you said was true, you wouldn't be here, there are options RIGHT NOW that you aren't availing yourself of (the latest being Elite). You suggest that "people like you" would leave EVE for a game with a better combat system and better PVE, but how does that makes sense? See, those people are LIKE YOU... and you didn't leave for better combat or PVE lol.

And it's been this way in EVE for 12 years.

Jenshae Chiroptera
#291 - 2015-04-10 16:28:47 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
WTF are you talking about here?
When I see one of your posts, I try ignore that thought and just scroll past. P

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#292 - 2015-04-10 16:31:47 UTC
Jenshae Chiroptera wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
WTF are you talking about here?
When I see one of your posts, I try ignore that thought and just scroll past. P

Which simply means you have an aversion to the truths I reveal, which further means that what I'm saying (when I'm talking about you at least) resonates to the point where it causes psychological pain. TL;DR you know I'm right about you and have developed an avoidance technique to preserve your ego. That's totally human, even if it is pitiful as all hell.
Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#293 - 2015-04-10 16:32:53 UTC
Games are not a zero sum thing. I have a Star Trek Online account. Somehow, despite that, I have neither left EVE nor imploded from the impossibility of playing two spaceship games. The neat thing about the two games is that they are good at completely different things. There's almost no overlap, except for ~sci fi~, which at this point is too big of a genre to be much of an identifier. I would say that, overall, EVE is the deeper and more perdurable game, but sometimes I want to log my Gorn in and have lots of stuff served up to me to blow up; or maybe I want some of the wry wit and deep lore of Star Trek. It's all good. Elite isn't a threat to EVE not because it's terrible, but because nobody logs into EVE for twitchy dog-fighting gameplay anyway.

To understand EVE's shrinking numbers (and yes, 30k is shrinking even from what I remember: Crucible would see US prime time numbers in the mid 40s), you have to take into account the fact that CCP is repositioning the game. The change to programmatic multiboxing probably cost them a lot of accounts, and also the PCU, but it also cost them relatively few actual players. The addition of multiple character training also shrunk the total number of accounts, but not any significant number of players. The new, more aggressive anti-botting policy probably also shrunk the PCU and reduced the number of players. On the other side of the coin, some part of the registered-account spike triggered by the nullsec wars is accounted for by people re-upping their latent supercapital pilots. The subsequent cooldown is doubtless the same accounts going back into suspension after they're no longer needed.

None of these are bad. None of them are a sign that the game is dying. They are, however, a sign that CCP is shifting from being reliant on more accounts to being reliant on more players. It's no accident that their interest in the new player experience was rekindled at almost exactly the same time that they started the various initiatives to get people to consolidate their multiple accounts down. The transition will be rocky, as they tend to be. Induction on any current trends is highly liable to be misleading. Sure, CCP is taking risks, but risks can pay off.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Eve Solecist
Shitt Outta Luck - GANKING4GOOD
#294 - 2015-04-10 16:35:37 UTC
Dots wrote:

"More authentic combat system" and "better PVE" will engage you for a time, but you'll get bored of it and move on.

The thing about EVE is the people. It's why people keep coming back.

People! Exactly!
You're not wearing a bra under that top, right? xD
  • All incoming connection attempts are being blocked. If you want to speak to me you will find me either in Hek local, you can create a contract or make a thread about it in General Discussions. I will call you back. -
Eve Solecist
Shitt Outta Luck - GANKING4GOOD
#295 - 2015-04-10 16:40:55 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Jenshae Chiroptera wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
WTF are you talking about here?
When I see one of your posts, I try ignore that thought and just scroll past. P

Which simply means you have an aversion to the truths I reveal, which further means that what I'm saying (when I'm talking about you at least) resonates to the point where it causes psychological pain. TL;DR you know I'm right about you and have developed an avoidance technique to preserve your ego. That's totally human, even if it is pitiful as all hell.

90% of her posts only spread negativity,
while at the same time she defends exactly those assholes
who constantly whine, rage and insult people who shoot others.
  • All incoming connection attempts are being blocked. If you want to speak to me you will find me either in Hek local, you can create a contract or make a thread about it in General Discussions. I will call you back. -
Net 7
#296 - 2015-04-10 16:58:40 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

I simply have no idea why (after 12 years of new sci-fi games coming out , people claiming they were going to affect EVE Online, and SEEING those games not affect EVE Online) people still think this way lol.

Star Trek Online
Black Prophecy
Jump Gate: Evolution (which never even launched despite the hype)
Star Wars Galaxies
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Elite: Dangerous

Hell, you could even find people who considered X-Rebirth a threat.

End result of all these "threats"? Zero impact. People think 'the next big thing' is going to have an effect on EVE, mainly because some of the people who play EVE don't really understand themselves or know what they want. This is why people talk loudly about how much EVE sucks when they leave...only to come back (quietly) because no game can offer what EVE does.

What it offers is way more than spaceships, hell, the spaceships might be totally secondary in all of this.

I disagree although slightly.

All these games do have an effect on Eve in so far as they give people another option to explore.

Some people will try Eve and then try one of those other games and might find that the other game is more to their liking then Eve.

That is a potential paying customer gone.

Also with every new game people will have a look, its only natural. Some will come back to Eve, others will not. The problem then becomes how many new players can you attract and more importantly keep which is something Eve has always struggled with.

The drip effect.

Whilst this is nothing new to CCP, what is new is trying to keep the existing player base happy.

I do believe that more and more vets are leaving. I see this in my own corp / alliances forums, mails, various 3rd party forums that vets are leaving.

The PCU whilst does not show subs, does show is less and and less people are logging in and that is not a good thing.

People will and rightly so argue that with the new training queues people have less reason to log in over a given time but given the choice I would rather have 10k more people logging in and playing the game then people logging in once every few months to update their skill queues.

Nothing screams to players that a is game struggling when they can fly though system after system and encounter only a few people here and there if they are lucky. .

I haven't played in nearly 6 months now however in my last few months of activity I spent a considerable amount of time doing exploration on an alt which is no longer subbed and I could spend hours flying around null sec without seeing more then 10 people in local.

Hell in those last few months I was only attacked twice (both gate camps both failed).

It really should not be this way,

Actually this is not really true. I tend to play between 8pm pst and 12am pst (roughly 0300-0700 gmt [give or take an hour]) A few months ago i;d log in at 8pm and the player count hovered around 18k players. by 12am when i cralwed into bed the player count dipped to about 13k (play eve at us night kids, you can get a lot done). Recently however this trend had changed. I log in at 8pm and i have seen the cout as high as 24k and ripping to 19k when i go to bed. That tells me overall the player count is up.

New games have three effects on eve.. 1) a drain of people for a few month after relase, only to have them return. 2) an increase in eve numbers as people try out game x then want to see how it compaires to eve. and 3) nothing.

No game will kill eve, no game will really hurt eve. CCP is all that can kill eve. The pcu numbers might eb and flow, but with things like unlimited skill queue, pcu no longer matters. There was an increase in players when ED came out. Thats right, increase. SC, which i am 100% conviniced will crash and burn due to the hype, won;t kill eve either. But it will help, as compition is good.

But the pcu numbers are up, and have been for months, at least in the time i play. And they are higher recently on sundays. But we will see in the long run.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Net 7
#297 - 2015-04-10 17:02:52 UTC
Eve Solecist wrote:
Dots wrote:

"More authentic combat system" and "better PVE" will engage you for a time, but you'll get bored of it and move on.

The thing about EVE is the people. It's why people keep coming back.

People! Exactly!
You're not wearing a bra under that top, right? xD

There is also no other game like it, i mean, where else can you log into a single server, run into am american, russian, german, etc. or have huge battles. no place.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Jenshae Chiroptera
#298 - 2015-04-10 17:17:41 UTC
Eve Solecist wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Jenshae Chiroptera wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
WTF are you talking about here?
When I see one of your posts, I try ignore that thought and just scroll past. P
90% of her posts only spread negativity,
while at the same time she defends exactly those assholes
who constantly whine, rage and insult people who shoot others.
Once again due to
the way that you write
it is difficult to
tell, which Jen you
are talking about.

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

Eve Solecist
Shitt Outta Luck - GANKING4GOOD
#299 - 2015-04-10 17:19:03 UTC
And she even deliberately tries to help proving my point.

  • All incoming connection attempts are being blocked. If you want to speak to me you will find me either in Hek local, you can create a contract or make a thread about it in General Discussions. I will call you back. -
Jenshae Chiroptera
#300 - 2015-04-10 17:23:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenshae Chiroptera
Eve Solecist wrote:
And she even deliberately tries to help proving my point.
"She even helps to prove my point. Fascinating."

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.