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Dev Blog: Reprocess all the things!

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Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1241 - 2014-03-22 14:15:43 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Emuar wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

Most of us run level 4s in high sec. Belt ratting is terrible isk, your better off mining ice.

Here people we have real response why there are so many "nerf high buff null" talks. There are a lot mission agents in low, even lvl5, and pirate agents in npc null, but they do lvl4 in high sec (i mean grunts do this). You know that's embarrassing to realise that you prefer to play EVE as safe as possible for those who officially are proud pvpers.

These "high risk takers" thinks that if high sec income would be nerfed to ground, they would find courage to start using sov space not only for moon mining and leadership hopes that they will get high influx of players from high sec. More active players, more taxes, safer poses, less chance to loose timer.
One not blue person in local shut down almost all pve activities in null - that's reality. That's why grunts do lvl4 missions in high sec (lower rewards but steady income).
of course one null sec system can't support infinity ratters as high sec agent and they need to spread across "owned" systems but there is some risk, so they stick in system with outpost and if neutral or red comes to system they just go to do lvl4 in high.

Belt ratting in null better than most high sec lvl4 missions (do you chaining belts these days?) and with chance to get faction/officer spown if you not chaining. and there are anomalies.

Belt ratting tops out at 16 mil in a very good system.

you earn 50 mil blitzing level 3 missions in high sec in an ishtar.

the best anoms max out at 90 mil

Level 4 missions are 120 mil+. 100 mil/hr is rather easy with a t2 marauder.
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#1242 - 2014-03-22 14:22:02 UTC
If nullsec is such a land of milk and honey, with no risk because of reasons X, Y, and Z, and "virtually empty" to boot; why aren't you out here mining and ratting in these mythical belts of plenty?
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1243 - 2014-03-22 14:25:42 UTC
Ravcharas wrote:
If nullsec is such a land of milk and honey, with no risk because of reasons X, Y, and Z, and "virtually empty" to boot; why aren't you out here mining and ratting in these mythical belts of plenty?

More importantly, why arnt the bots?
Regan Rotineque
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1244 - 2014-03-22 14:32:39 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Vingoruud Arthie wrote:
i think the changes are crap as i have trained to level 5 on all and then worked my ass off to get standings. this is going to screw a lot of us, don't over think it

You will see no difference in your mining and refining, all this change will do is give up to 20% more reward for miners who take greater risks.

This statement is not entirely true. The entire fabric that the current economy is based on will be changed by this. The Goon narrative is that this is good for EvE and that nothing is really changing here. This is not the case.

Right now most production occurs in high sec. Isk, raw high end null minerals, flow out of null and into high sec. Finished goods and low ends (compressed mins) flow out to null sec. Minerals are the lifeblood - bought - sold - reprocessed endlessly.

These changes turn that narrative around. Minerals are no longer that lifeblood - compressed ore blocks are. Now unprocessed ore from high sec will flow out to null and finished goods back to high sec.

Here is the problem. Nobody in high sec can compete when you start at a 20% disadvantage. New players learning the game will not be able make isk and prosper. The number and options that are available as professions is reduced to new players. You can mine and sell ore for can go try scanning... But the doors of industry are slammed shut by the multinationals who will manipulate the mineral markets. Salvaging...gone as a profession.

I don't see how null can provide the volumes of goods back to high sec that are required. Not because of a lack of slots but a lack of security for moving the finished goods.

This is not as Baltec refers a simple buff to null refine. This is a significant change to the economy and what looks like a social experiment by CCP on forcing gameplay - the old join an alliance and move to null game.

CCP do any of you remember SWG....they toyed around and significantly altered the game. Where are they now?

I am not saying null industry does not need some TLC, in fact it does....but I am not sure that this is the solution.

And for the record I live in null, I build in null, and I would not live back in high sec for all the tea in China.
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#1245 - 2014-03-22 14:33:48 UTC
Querns wrote:
Rivr Luzade wrote:

And there you are again with your ISK/hour mentality. There doesn't need to be a buff to income, you can get 15M+ ticks in belts as it is, with proper chaining.

Man, you haven't been in nullsec for a long time, if ever. Chaining was killed a long time ago. The rats that spawn in a belt are now fully randomized, even if you leave some alive. Belt ratting is deader than disco.

I live in 00 sec all the time, contrary to you people.

That is a myth; chaining works perfectly fine for me every time I rat the belts. Blink

baltec1 wrote:
Belt ratting tops out at 16 mil in a very good system.

you earn 50 mil blitzing level 3 missions in high sec in an ishtar.

And again ISK/hour. Roll What makes you think that everything every where in the game needs to give top ISK? Besides, 16M*3==48M/hour... Wow, 2M less than L3 Blitzing ... in space that you actually pay for with your sov bills you can make as much money as in high sec with just as much effort. But if you 00 dwellers make money in High sec, then why do we need to buff 00 sec at all? Where's the point in this? (to bring the discussion a back to the original point a bit)

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#1246 - 2014-03-22 14:35:50 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Dracvlad wrote:
NPC 0.0, go out there and go ice mining, this would be good for a laugh, or perhaps you want to go and do level 4's when being camped by BLOP's hot droppers, I deal in operating in difficult areas, not fantasy.

Why would we go to npc 0.0 for ice?

Why would we worry about blops when running level 4s in high sec?

As I said, I am operating in NPC 0.0 and I found that belt ratting and salvaging/looting works very well for me in terms of being difficult to catch and annoying the hell out of cloaky campers, the come in and go AFK and a couple of hours later they come back to their keyboard to find me next door, so they jump in there and come back a couple hours later to find me in the original system, they cannot stop me, I am using the space something that you don't understand and my strategies and tactics are designed to use the space effectively. Of course you do not understand it, as you are PLAYING AT A DIFFERENT LEVEL, or in a different sandbox.

But CCP has come along and cut my mineral production by 50% in terms of reprocessing modules, its a major hit. So running level 4's make no difference, going ice mining makes no difference, they were irrelevant comments so I made an equally irrelevant one back about you doing this in 0.0, just like your unfitted BS rubbish.

Of course I know how much you get from belt ratting, but my fun comes from more than just the act of belt ratting, its from being in that space, but along comes CCP and makes belt ratting even worse, way to go CCP especially when they want people to go to 0.0 and operate there. But of course you don't see it, you are playing a different game where ISK/hour is king and ship losses are covered by your vast income from moon goo and rental income of stupid serfs, well thats your game, it is not my game.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1247 - 2014-03-22 14:36:56 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Querns wrote:
Rivr Luzade wrote:

And there you are again with your ISK/hour mentality. There doesn't need to be a buff to income, you can get 15M+ ticks in belts as it is, with proper chaining.

Man, you haven't been in nullsec for a long time, if ever. Chaining was killed a long time ago. The rats that spawn in a belt are now fully randomized, even if you leave some alive. Belt ratting is deader than disco.

I live in 00 sec all the time, contrary to you people.

That is a myth; chaining works perfectly fine for me every time I rat the belts. Blink

baltec1 wrote:
Belt ratting tops out at 16 mil in a very good system.

you earn 50 mil blitzing level 3 missions in high sec in an ishtar.

And again ISK/hour. Roll What makes you think that everything every where in the game needs to give top ISK? Besides, 16M*3==48M/hour... Wow, 2M less than L3 Blitzing ... in space that you actually pay for with your sov bills you can make as much money as in high sec with just as much effort. But if you 00 dwellers make money in High sec, then why do we need to buff 00 sec at all? Where's the point in this? (to bring the discussion a back to the original point a bit)

Isk/hr is important to damn near everyone as more isk means we can buy more ships. You are the oddity in EVE in not wanting isk, you are not the norm.

Also those numbers I posted are all isk/hr. You earn twice as much running level 3s in high sec as belt ratting in null.

As for why we want null buffed? We want to be rewarded for taking on that extra risk. If high sec offers the same or better isk the we will pick the safer high sec every time.
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#1248 - 2014-03-22 14:54:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Rivr Luzade
baltec1 wrote:

Isk/hr is important to damn near everyone as more isk means we can buy more ships. You are the oddity in EVE in not wanting isk, you are not the norm.

Also those numbers I posted are all isk/hr. You earn twice as much running level 3s in high sec as belt ratting in null.

As for why we want null buffed? We want to be rewarded for taking on that extra risk. If high sec offers the same or better isk the we will pick the safer high sec every time.

I'm by no means not interested in not gaining ISK, but I don't seek to make the most possible ISK in all things I do, my way of playing this game is to enjoy it, not to make it more of a job and chore than it already is. I actually want to and do enjoy making ISK the way I do it, making it leisurely and with a lot of the different aspects the game offers.

So safety is the issue after all? You want to be (perfectly, I assume?) safe in an environment that is driven by player conflict? Do you realize you are contradicting all your previous Risk vs Reward talk with that? You can make tons of ISK with ratting, PI, mining, moon mining and exploration combined when compared to High sec, you already have all the tools and possibilities at your hand to make x times more ISK in 00 sec than in High sec if only you would use them. But what do you do? You concentrate on ratting, you do what everyone also does in High sec, you want to make more ISK with the exact same things that people in High sec does. How can you possibly expect more reward if you do exactly the same?

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1249 - 2014-03-22 15:04:37 UTC
Rivr Luzade wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

Isk/hr is important to damn near everyone as more isk means we can buy more ships. You are the oddity in EVE in not wanting isk, you are not the norm.

Also those numbers I posted are all isk/hr. You earn twice as much running level 3s in high sec as belt ratting in null.

As for why we want null buffed? We want to be rewarded for taking on that extra risk. If high sec offers the same or better isk the we will pick the safer high sec every time.

I'm by no means not interested in not gaining ISK, but I don't seek to make the most possible ISK in all things I do, my way of playing this game is to enjoy it, not to make it more of a job and chore than it already is. I actually want to and do enjoy making ISK the way I do it, making it leisurely and with a lot of the different aspects the game offers.

So safety is the issue after all? You want to be (perfectly, I assume?) safe in an environment that is driven by player conflict? Do you realize you are contradicting all your previous Risk vs Reward talk with that? You can make tons of ISK with ratting, PI, mining, moon mining and exploration combined when compared to High sec, you already have all the tools and possibilities at your hand to make x times more ISK in 00 sec than in High sec if only you would use them. But what do you do? You concentrate on ratting, you do what everyone also does in High sec, you want to make more ISK with the exact same things that people in High sec does. How can you possibly expect more reward if you do exactly the same?

I expect more isk if I do the same activity without concords protection, out of a station that can taken with all of my stuff trappen init, if the very real risk of blops drops are there and if a neutral entering local means I must dock my ship.

If you earn exactly the same isk in both null and high sec you have to be stupid to not see high sec is the better option.
Joanna RB
JoJo Industries n Shipbreakers
#1250 - 2014-03-22 15:05:07 UTC
Why base refining on implants so much? Without implants under the new system you will get LESS minerals even with level 5 skills. Surely it would be better to scrap the implant altogether and refund people with it, then boost the yield the individual ore refining skills give you to compensate. Industrial implants (except mining) only encourage the use of alts and add NOTHING to gameplay whatsoever.

Also, please please please STOP changing skill names. There was nothing wrong with 'Electronics', 'Engineering', 'Multitasking', ect.. and certainly not with 'Refining'. Noone seems to like the changes, and to say the old skills were meaningless is not true, as the new skills make a mockery of the Science skills - for example to train 'Electronic Engineering' you used to need 'Electronics' and 'Engineering' maxed (which makes sense), now its 'CPU Management' and 'Power Grid Management', which is totally and utterly meaningless.
Andrea Keuvo
Rusty Pricks
#1251 - 2014-03-22 15:12:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Andrea Keuvo
Nothing like spending 10 min writing a post only to have forums post nothing but the text you quoted Roll
Vak'Atioth War Veterans
#1252 - 2014-03-22 15:19:16 UTC
though we talking here not about bots, so why player owned outpost must have highest refine rates? why wh residents won't get the same refine rates? why we can't get the same refine rates in pos?

The mind is a constant. Unfortunately the number of people increases every year....

Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#1253 - 2014-03-22 15:23:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Rivr Luzade
baltec1 wrote:

I expect more isk if I do the same activity without concords protection, out of a station that can taken with all of my stuff trappen init, if the very real risk of blops drops are there and if a neutral entering local means I must dock my ship.

If you earn exactly the same isk in both null and high sec you have to be stupid to not see high sec is the better option.

You make more money ratting (30M+ ticks every 20 minutes?), you make more money in exploration (data/relic sites and not to mention 7-10/10s), you make more money with PI (PI in High sec only makes serious money if you only produce, not mine), you obviously make more money with moon goo because there is no moon goo in high sec, you make more money mining already, because of high value roids, and after this even more... what more do you want? 40M ticks in your AFK-Ishtars? 100% success rate in 7-10/10s? Planets in 0.0 to -1.0 with full white resource fields everywhere? Don't you expect a little bit too much for your little, save blue empire in Deklein?


Andrea Keuvo wrote:
Nothing like spending 10 min writing a post only to have forums post nothing but the text you quoted Roll

ALT A + ALT C, there's also this "Saved Draft" crap.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1254 - 2014-03-22 15:26:54 UTC
Emuar wrote:
though we talking here not about bots, so why player owned outpost must have highest refine rates? why wh residents won't get the same refine rates? why we can't get the same refine rates in pos?

Because not only do WH dwellers risk less but we also would have the issue of a lowsec POS parked next door to highsec offering the same refine rate as a null station. Nobody would use the null station in that situation as you get the same refine rate in a lowsec pos for less risk, effort and cost.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1255 - 2014-03-22 15:35:28 UTC
Rivr Luzade wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

I expect more isk if I do the same activity without concords protection, out of a station that can taken with all of my stuff trappen init, if the very real risk of blops drops are there and if a neutral entering local means I must dock my ship.

If you earn exactly the same isk in both null and high sec you have to be stupid to not see high sec is the better option.

You make more money ratting (30M+ ticks every 20 minutes?), you make more money in exploration (data/relic sites and not to mention 7-10/10s), you make more money with PI (PI in High sec only makes serious money if you only produce, not mine), you obviously make more money with moon goo because there is no moon goo in high sec, you make more money mining already, because of high value roids, and after this even more... what more do you want? 40M ticks in your AFK-Ishtars? 100% success rate in 7-10/10s? Planets in 0.0 to -1.0 with full white resource fields everywhere? Don't you expect a little bit too much for your little, save blue empire in Deklein?


Andrea Keuvo wrote:
Nothing like spending 10 min writing a post only to have forums post nothing but the text you quoted Roll

ALT A + ALT C, there's also this "Saved Draft" crap.

We earn more in high sec. Anoms have been nerfed in the last year so those 30 mil ticks dont happen anymore. The vindicators are gone. Now you get 90mil/hr in them while missions in high sec offer 100mil/hr +.

Mining also works out better in high sec right not despite null having more high ends. Hence why the bots chose to be in high sec, its where the isk is.

We also do not have personal moons. Why people in high sec think we do is a mystery.
#1256 - 2014-03-22 15:38:23 UTC
I like the set out goals and most of the changes!
And say most, as in some respects they didn't wend far enough to my liking (see end of post).

The main thing players need to recognize is that these changes bring a crucial industrial activity (refining/recycling) in line with mining and to some extend, transport and production, with respect to exposure to PvP. It is no longer a risk free and free service if you want all you can get out of it.

Well, now i own a bunch of useless blueprints, who cares. I sure don't.

CCP did not wend far enough with the changes, because:

1. There is still virtually instant processing capacity.

Not only is this unrealistic, but also unbalanced versus other industrial activities like mining and production. Thus recycling remains the odd step in the chain!

2. There is still unlimited capacity at stations.

Compare recycling (a heavy industrial activity) with blueprint research. For research there are a certain number of slots available at a location, it makes sense to do the same with recycling. It should take time and there has to be a limit to how much can be recycled at a given time at a location.

I find this important as it would break the insane clustering that is Jita. It would spread out a step of the manufacturing, to other parts of space and no longer make Jita a hub for mineral resources and hence the cluster all production tries to center around. It would also reduce its importance relative to other locations. And it will reduce the extreme importance of the standings of one faction above all others.

This simple change alone would bring a sandbox quality to the industrial side of EVE and even stretch far beyond it. I sincerely see this as a missed opportunity. One that also highlights the extreme importance to keep in game mechanics logical and reasonable within the sci-fi setting of EVE. Because the side effects of not doing so can be severe!

I am serious!

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1257 - 2014-03-22 15:56:49 UTC
The change, as proposed, actually provides this "de-clustering" as you've described by making it vastly more cost-efficient to jump ore out of Jita into nullsec, where it can be refined at a bonus, and exporting minerals back to highsec.

This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

Mario Putzo
#1258 - 2014-03-22 16:01:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Mario Putzo
baltec1 wrote:
We earn more in high sec. Anoms have been nerfed in the last year so those 30 mil ticks dont happen anymore. The vindicators are gone. Now you get 90mil/hr in them while missions in high sec offer 100mil/hr +.

Mining also works out better in high sec right not despite null having more high ends. Hence why the bots chose to be in high sec, its where the isk is.

We also do not have personal moons. Why people in high sec think we do is a mystery.

Still telling the young folks lies Baltec.

120M+ Easy in NS Anoms/Plexs. Unless you are risk averse and fly around in an Ishtar. Go use the right tool for the job, if you can't then you are not doing it right.

272% more Isk/m3 in NS compared to HS. If you can't you aren't doing it right.

NS is overall SAFER than HS. Provided you actually play with people who undock. If you disagree you aren't doing it right.

It has nothing to do with Risk/Reward. Over 3/4 of your systems are Empty (same applies to N3) No one mines. Yet you feel you are entitled to a handout. Pathetic and FYI. You can get locked out of station in LS, don't even get a fancy timer to form up for to prevent it from happening either.
Vak'Atioth War Veterans
#1259 - 2014-03-22 16:07:12 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Emuar wrote:
though we talking here not about bots, so why player owned outpost must have highest refine rates? why wh residents won't get the same refine rates? why we can't get the same refine rates in pos?

Because not only do WH dwellers risk less but we also would have the issue of a lowsec POS parked next door to highsec offering the same refine rate as a null station. Nobody would use the null station in that situation as you get the same refine rate in a lowsec pos for less risk, effort and cost.

nice logic.. where arguments? why won't your grunts use their stations if they get the same refine rate as they would get in low sec (highsec)? outpost gives a lot more comfort than pos and they usefull not only for refining so effort and cost to build outpost can't be the main reason here.
they won't use null station only in one situation - if they won't like refine tax.

with these changes sov owning alliances (not only CFC) will get upper hand in capital production driving out others from that market, hell they get upper hand in every item production what they will choose.

The mind is a constant. Unfortunately the number of people increases every year....

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1260 - 2014-03-22 16:10:20 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
We earn more in high sec. Anoms have been nerfed in the last year so those 30 mil ticks dont happen anymore. The vindicators are gone. Now you get 90mil/hr in them while missions in high sec offer 100mil/hr +.

Mining also works out better in high sec right not despite null having more high ends. Hence why the bots chose to be in high sec, its where the isk is.

We also do not have personal moons. Why people in high sec think we do is a mystery.

Still telling the young folks lies Baltec.

120M+ Easy in NS Anoms/Plexs. Unless you are risk averse and fly around in an Ishtar. Go use the right tool for the job, if you can't then you are not doing it right.

272% more Isk/m3 in NS compared to HS. If you can't you aren't doing it right.

NS is overall SAFER than HS. Provided you actually play with people who undock. If you disagree you aren't doing it right.

It has nothing to do with Risk/Reward. Over 3/4 of your systems are Empty (same applies to N3) No one mines. Yet you feel you are entitled to a handout. Pathetic and FYI. You can get locked out of station in LS, don't even get a fancy timer to form up for to prevent it from happening either.

If null is as good as you say and better than high se then why is it empty? Why do even the bots crowd into high sec?

Nobody is buying your rubbish. 120 mil in anoms? How? Not even vindicators can get that.