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Two years later: Walking in Stations

First post
#121 - 2013-12-07 05:15:33 UTC
Ignore the idiots afraid of change.

EVE's executive group have said they will look at avatar gameplay when they have the resources to implement it in such a way that it is fun and doesn't result in the neglect of space gameplay.
Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#122 - 2013-12-07 05:29:30 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Crumplecorn wrote:
Captain IQ wrote:
EVE is dying
I can't quite communicate the feel I get from seeing posts saying this after having spent nearly a decade seeing posts saying this.

Some people can't separate (in their minds) themselves from everyone else, so they think that if THEY are starting to dislike something, every one else is too, therefore EVE must be dying....when in fact, EVE is only dying for THEM.

Funnily enough, in the General Discussion forum, people who can't understand the concept described above tend to have the word "Captain" in their screen names Twisted

I see what you did there.

Its ok. One does not really believe EVE is dying. One says it is so simply for the provocation.

For all you know I might be in Null sec ratting now enjoying this glorious game.

Though I'm pretty sure somone else will have walking in stations before this game does.

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#123 - 2013-12-07 08:52:42 UTC  |  Edited by: marVLs
Those presentations linked here were awesome, don't see them before but srly whole WiS idea was incredible cool with those rental pockets on stations with own customization Shocked

Who decide to abandon this?! There was so much content, really good content throwed away for single room with looong corridor...

CCP don't be afraid of WiS, that first idea showed on those presentations were just enought to be succes, please understand that WiS don't need to be useful in every aspect, players expect from it to be more relaxing, personal space system with social environment. Players just want to hang out in bar, play minigames, furniture own space, have own busines on station like medical room, drug store, bar, casino, disco etc.

Don't try to give everything on one time. Do it in "EVE style" that means give us some core gameplay/elements, maybe even with not much content but that core would be fundation for everything later, so on start we will get opened door but in every next expansions something will be added just like now with many eve elements (graphic updates, ships rebalance, new ships, new modules etc). So with launch of WiS we will get only few areas, few furniture options but every another expansion will add someting like new minigame, smuggling element for WiS, new rooms etc. GIVE US AT LEAST THOSE FUNDATIONS (like now deployable structures are fundations for new POS system).

BTW Im pretty sure that WiS will gain CCP more subs and money than Dust or new ships.
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#124 - 2013-12-07 09:24:34 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD LackOfFaith
{{Redacted discussion of moderation. -- ISD LackOfFaith}}

Anyone interested to keep discussing the matter, can go to the "official" thread:

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Captain IQ
Innocent Traders Ltd
#125 - 2013-12-07 11:43:34 UTC
Captain Tardbar wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Crumplecorn wrote:
Captain IQ wrote:
EVE is dying
I can't quite communicate the feel I get from seeing posts saying this after having spent nearly a decade seeing posts saying this.

Some people can't separate (in their minds) themselves from everyone else, so they think that if THEY are starting to dislike something, every one else is too, therefore EVE must be dying....when in fact, EVE is only dying for THEM.

Funnily enough, in the General Discussion forum, people who can't understand the concept described above tend to have the word "Captain" in their screen names Twisted

I see what you did there.

Its ok. One does not really believe EVE is dying. One says it is so simply for the provocation.

For all you know I might be in Null sec ratting now enjoying this glorious game.

Though I'm pretty sure somone else will have walking in stations before this game does.

Dying isn't always instant fyi, yes it's been said for a long time I use to hate reading those posts too but now I'm really starting to believe it.

"Some people can't separate (in their minds) themselves from everyone else, so they think that if THEY are starting to dislike something, every one else is too, therefore EVE must be dying....when in fact, EVE is only dying for THEM."

And this is gobbledegook but if you mean I think everyone feels the same as I do then ofc I don't that would be daft but the plain fact is every time this subject comes up the discussion runs to many pages so deny it if you like but a lot of people feel strongly and hold an opposing view to you, deal with it rather than single one person out in the discussion just because you don't like the name Captain.

Felicity Love
#126 - 2013-12-07 12:25:30 UTC
Repeat after me... "DUST killed WIS".

Just what the world needed... yet another "shooter" for yet another console... the pure dream of EVE and WIS -- "There was never much hope. Just a fool's hope."

"EVE is dying." -- The Four Forum Trolls of the Apocalypse.   ( Pick four, any four. They all smell.  )

Davon Mandra'thin
Das Collective
#127 - 2013-12-07 12:41:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Davon Mandra'thin
It suffices to say that WiS has a great deal of support. On Reddit someone posted a fan made picture of Avatar walking around a war room photo-shopped from the dust war room images, and it received more attention in it's limited time than the pictures of the new SoE Battleship posted on the same day.

On a great many of CCPs recent facebook posts, the top comments have been people asking what happened to walking in stations. A very high proportion of posters in the forums are PvPers, null sec players, lowsec pirates, very high end traders and community site creators etc etc. But the vast vast majority of players are high sec players sat in mostly PvE and Industry corporations doing nothing particularly spectacular. You think they wouldn't want WiS? Even on the forums, PvPers etc are generally in support of the idea. Here on the forums it looks maybe 70/30 in favour of WiS, but in game I would say 90% or more would be in favour. A great many of those people never even knew it had been planned. Blissfully ignorant of the promises CCP made.

Felicity Love wrote:
Repeat after me... "DUST killed WIS".

There are so many people saying that CCP's idea for WiS was what killed it, and that it never would have worked etc. But frankly this is much much closer to the truth. They took on more than they could handle, so when it came time to deliver, they had nothing to show for it.
Mr Pragmatic
#128 - 2013-12-07 13:16:25 UTC
They should do an official silent vote when all characters log in if they are in favor for more Wis Content. Settle this once and for all.

Super cali hella yolo swaga dopeness.  -Yoloswaggins, in the fellowship of the bling.

Baroness Vulna
Armada vi Vulnezia
#129 - 2013-12-07 14:14:32 UTC
Mr Pragmatic wrote:
They should do an official silent vote when all characters log in if they are in favor for more Wis Content. Settle this once and for all.

Thats a neat idea, i wonder if they could do that.

brought to you by -Barony of Vulnezia MMO micro nation- Be a part of the world's first MMO Micro Nation

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#130 - 2013-12-07 14:47:27 UTC
Mr Pragmatic wrote:
They should do an official silent vote when all characters log in if they are in favor for more Wis Content. Settle this once and for all.

If possible, never do a voting whose result may inconvenience you... Twisted

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#131 - 2013-12-07 14:54:04 UTC
Mr Pragmatic wrote:
They should do an official silent vote when all characters log in if they are in favor for more Wis Content. Settle this once and for all.

That vote already happened when so many people cancelled their accounts over Incarna CCP had to fly in the CSM for an emergency summit.

EVE is a game about spaceships and there's an enormous amount of work to do on the in-space gameplay before players (or developers) are ready to sacrifice it for a totally new type of gameplay - CCP Rise

Davon Mandra'thin
Das Collective
#132 - 2013-12-07 14:56:46 UTC
Rhes wrote:
Mr Pragmatic wrote:
They should do an official silent vote when all characters log in if they are in favor for more Wis Content. Settle this once and for all.

That vote already happened when so many people cancelled their accounts over Incarna CCP had to fly in the CSM for an emergency summit.

We've covered this Rhes, people didn't cancel their subs because of the idea of Walking in Stations.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#133 - 2013-12-07 14:57:43 UTC
Davon Mandra'thin wrote:
Rhes wrote:
Mr Pragmatic wrote:
They should do an official silent vote when all characters log in if they are in favor for more Wis Content. Settle this once and for all.

That vote already happened when so many people cancelled their accounts over Incarna CCP had to fly in the CSM for an emergency summit.

We've covered this Rhes, people didn't cancel their subs because of the idea of Walking in Stations.

Well, technically they cancelled because real Eve content was ignored for two years while CCP worked on WiS.

EVE is a game about spaceships and there's an enormous amount of work to do on the in-space gameplay before players (or developers) are ready to sacrifice it for a totally new type of gameplay - CCP Rise

Davon Mandra'thin
Das Collective
#134 - 2013-12-07 15:00:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Davon Mandra'thin
Rhes wrote:
Davon Mandra'thin wrote:
Rhes wrote:
Mr Pragmatic wrote:
They should do an official silent vote when all characters log in if they are in favor for more Wis Content. Settle this once and for all.

That vote already happened when so many people cancelled their accounts over Incarna CCP had to fly in the CSM for an emergency summit.

We've covered this Rhes, people didn't cancel their subs because of the idea of Walking in Stations.

Well, technically they cancelled because real Eve content was ignored for two years while CCP worked on Dust and CARBON.

Fixed your post.
Baroness Vulna
Armada vi Vulnezia
#135 - 2013-12-07 15:04:25 UTC
Davon Mandra'thin wrote:
Rhes wrote:
Davon Mandra'thin wrote:
Rhes wrote:
Mr Pragmatic wrote:
They should do an official silent vote when all characters log in if they are in favor for more Wis Content. Settle this once and for all.

That vote already happened when so many people cancelled their accounts over Incarna CCP had to fly in the CSM for an emergency summit.

We've covered this Rhes, people didn't cancel their subs because of the idea of Walking in Stations.

Well, technically they cancelled because real Eve content was ignored for two years while CCP worked on Dust and CARBON.

Fixed your post.

so WiS wasnt such a waste of time after all, so if WiS is such a hot item and CCP realizes they just messed up on the delivery...why wouldn't they just do it right little by little knowing so many people want it? My guess is that the CSM told them not to, they got scared by all the backlash (after incarna but not entirely about WiS) , or they just dont know what to do right with WiS.

brought to you by -Barony of Vulnezia MMO micro nation- Be a part of the world's first MMO Micro Nation

Ella Foreman
Ze DoucheWaffe
#136 - 2013-12-07 15:10:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Ella Foreman
Forget about 'just' walking in stations. I'd like to see running with guns and knives in stations. Sh*tcan Dust, before it dies pitifully all on it's own, and adapt it's code for something worthwhile.

Decced station campers? Kick the door down and let 'em suck on 2 frags. Shocked

Grrr Goons show up and the lead starts flying? No problem. Just grab your nearest 'out of podder' and let him meat shield you from the gank.

I would gladly pay for that game.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#137 - 2013-12-07 15:11:41 UTC
Baroness Vulna wrote:
so WiS wasnt such a waste of time after all, so if WiS is such a hot item and CCP realizes they just messed up on the delivery...why wouldn't they just do it right little by little knowing so many people want it? My guess is that the CSM told them not to, they got scared by all the backlash (after incarna but not entirely about WiS) , or they just dont know what to do right with WiS.

You don't have to guess about anything. Thousands of people stopped giving money to CCP right after Incarna was released.

EVE is a game about spaceships and there's an enormous amount of work to do on the in-space gameplay before players (or developers) are ready to sacrifice it for a totally new type of gameplay - CCP Rise

Davon Mandra'thin
Das Collective
#138 - 2013-12-07 15:28:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Davon Mandra'thin
Rhes wrote:
Baroness Vulna wrote:
so WiS wasnt such a waste of time after all, so if WiS is such a hot item and CCP realizes they just messed up on the delivery...why wouldn't they just do it right little by little knowing so many people want it? My guess is that the CSM told them not to, they got scared by all the backlash (after incarna but not entirely about WiS) , or they just dont know what to do right with WiS.

You don't have to guess about anything. Thousands of people stopped giving money to CCP right after Incarna was released.

Dude, are you that dense? You have nothing. No argument. Repeating yourself over and over again just lowers people's opinion of your inelegance (my opinion of your intelligence can't possibly get any lower but others can). People didn't leave during Incarna because of Walking in Stations. I hate to labour the point, but your obviously not getting it.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#139 - 2013-12-07 15:32:23 UTC
Davon Mandra'thin wrote:
People didn't leave during Incarna because of Walking in Stations.

Sure they did. I guess you didn't play back then.

EVE is a game about spaceships and there's an enormous amount of work to do on the in-space gameplay before players (or developers) are ready to sacrifice it for a totally new type of gameplay - CCP Rise

Davon Mandra'thin
Das Collective
#140 - 2013-12-07 15:35:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Davon Mandra'thin
Rhes wrote:
Davon Mandra'thin wrote:
People didn't leave during Incarna because of Walking in Stations.

Sure they did. I guess you didn't play back then.

You going to provide any evidence for that statement? Of course not, because they didn't.

Also, as if it were even relevant, I've been playing since 2009. Don't let this character fool you.