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Crime & Punishment

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Miner Bumping, Ganking and the activities of James 315 and the New Order of Highsec.

First post
Selina Dyle
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#341 - 2014-04-12 22:36:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Selina Dyle
Ok now that you like to play the quoting game i will try it :)
Lets see if i do better with actually reading the things that you wrote than you did with mine.

La Rynx wrote:

Much less an insult as calling me and other critics of the bully club "retards".
Quite the type of CodeBully i was thinking of. Nothing with being "gallant"

I didnt call the critics retards. I had many interesting and open discussion with people opposing the code.
But i call people retards who sperg and rage about things without beeing able to make a reasonable chain of reasoning and start to bring up that silly austrian that killed a big bunch of jews back in the 40s.

La Rynx wrote:

Yes i am sure that made you very proud and you feel very badass, right?
You showed it to the lowly folks out there. Want a medal?

All i did here is providing proof for my following argument which you and other "retards" (and not self proclaimed "critics" ) didnt ever do. I never had the itention to feel badass. Also a medal is unececcary. All i need is my pledge to the code.

La Rynx wrote:

i am a quite acute observer and changing the sequence of things and showing Letters of Submission from victims that where forced out for ship ransom, is the kind of edit i mean. Or Posting only fragments of chats. Classical Propaganda works sometimes i have a hard time reading it, because i feel disgusted. Do ppl really believe this?

So you are criticizing that James is compressing the sometimes very long storys (and we all know james sometimes really writes waaaaaals of text) so the readers can directly get to the interesting parts without having to go through uninteresting informations that are not helping to understand the ongoing situation etc?
That basically means that in your perfect world journalism would be completely impossible as every story must be posted with all details and in full length. Like when a cat gets stuck on a tree, you also need to cover that its claws havent been cut for a while and that the tree looked dry etc...

As i mentioned before. If you have troubles believing some posts feel free to contact James or one of the involved parties. We will be happy to show you chatlogs and pictures in full length.
The new order is and will always be a open book community that has nothing to hide.
Just ask and dont instead start unproven rumours like most anti new order people do.

La Rynx wrote:

Yes yes and CodeBullies never lie and dont use any excuse to kill ppl that where so stupid to buy a permit.

Nope we dont and again you fail to provide any proof as always. Again everything unbacked assumptions.

Try harder please.

P.S. This partiall quoting thing is a pain in the ass.... you must be really butthurt to do it over and over without ever having any evidence for anything you say...
Maxmillian Rokatansky
#342 - 2014-04-12 23:02:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Maxmillian Rokatansky
Selina earlier I posted about a NO member who acted dishonestly, dishonorably and had a tear filled profanity laced rant in local chat that was as bad (and as funny) as any ganked miner tears after he lost a ship. Now if you read back to that post and see how this thread has been all over the board since then maybe you will agree I've been fairly civil and reasonable throughout my posts. Yes I'll admit I poked a bit of fun at James and maybe my sense of humour isnt for everybody but after all he is your supreme leader not mine.

With your permission I could contact you in-game to present you with some of this "evidence" so you could make your own judgements and decide whether or not I doctored any of the information given.
If the CODE truly exists to help save hi-sec is it too much to ask to expect those who enforce it to be held to the same high standards as the people it is being forced upon?
Selina Dyle
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#343 - 2014-04-12 23:08:18 UTC
Maxmillian Rokatansky wrote:
calm poster i like

please do so. but you dont need to as i believe there are and will be black sheep. the new order is a very big community. you find idiots in every subculture, but trust me that fellow you are describing will probably never be supported by the other agents.
Maxmillian Rokatansky
#344 - 2014-04-12 23:16:11 UTC
Selina Dyle wrote:
Maxmillian Rokatansky wrote:
calm poster i like

please do so. but you dont need to as i believe there are and will be black sheep. the new order is a very big community. you find idiots in every subculture, but trust me that fellow you are describing will probably never be supported by the other agents.

I appreciate your reply for after a year of confrontations with your people you are the first agent to even come remotely close to admitting that not all agents are perfect little choirboys that can do no wrong.

Selina Dyle
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#345 - 2014-04-12 23:30:30 UTC
Maxmillian Rokatansky wrote:
Selina Dyle wrote:
Maxmillian Rokatansky wrote:
calm poster i like

please do so. but you dont need to as i believe there are and will be black sheep. the new order is a very big community. you find idiots in every subculture, but trust me that fellow you are describing will probably never be supported by the other agents.

I appreciate your reply for after a year of confrontations with your people you are the first agent to even come remotely close to admitting that not all agents are perfect little choirboys that can do no wrong.

a true agent does no wrong. you see the problem is here that that person described by you can hardly be a true agent.
i mean, everyone can go around and claim to be one, it is a totally different step to actually be one.
you are one by your actions and words.
so could you please link me the post in this thread where you wrote that stuff, or could you send me the logs ingame, pastebin or whatever, so i can investigate further.

Agent Selina
Maxmillian Rokatansky
#346 - 2014-04-12 23:37:23 UTC
I will do so sooner rather then later.
The individual in question here is unmistakenly an agent.
He was featured and praised by James in a minerbumping blog post only days before the incident I described.
Thanks again
Capt Starfox
Goonswarm Federation
#347 - 2014-04-13 03:04:51 UTC
La Rynx wrote:

So you assume. Thats not very gallant.

You clearly have a misunderstanding of the term "gallant."

La Rynx wrote:

The code would life through the ppl who represent it. Sofar: Its not irrelevant.

Stop pretending like you know what you're talking about and actually read the Code. I know, words, but you can do it.

La Rynx wrote:

There are no rebels. Just ppl that dont want to play with you.
But thats missing the Point.
The point is, that you should read jimmies stuff.
All stuff Jimmie releases is heavily edited to let codies look good.
Its very unpolit to assume that Maxmillian Rokatansky would lie or manipulate, especialy looking at the other manipulator called Jimmy.

The rebels call themselves rebels. Are you new around here?

La Rynx wrote:

Well if so, you have lost massivly.
Cause Jimmy cuts and edits the story like he finds fitting. Only a fool or one that wants to believe dosnt realise.

It's okay if James does it, but he doesn't.

La Rynx wrote:

Noper, never Big smile

To be gallant or noble, you should have some inner "noblesse" something that the codies i met were clearly missing.

So back to the beginning:
How one, or some (or many?) codies act, they represent the code. And how do they act? like bullies!
Bullying the weakest poorest miners, that neither have experience nor the ISK, or skill to equip a skiff.
The real bots? fly in big fleets with x skiffs and are not harmed, nor disturbed.
Codies are just pathetic.

This response has absolutely nothing to do with my statement. You are simply regurgitating words to support your second point.

Abandon all hope ye who x up in fleet

Capt Starfox
Goonswarm Federation
#348 - 2014-04-13 03:21:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Capt Starfox
Maxmillian Rokatansky wrote:

As I stated before in this thread, I was kicked from your channel for for posting contrary ideas about your CODE while James was online and was kicked immediately. Wasnt argueing or being unpolite. What is it with you guys telling people how to how to behave in RL. Whats that have to do with internet spaceships? James does the same thing in many of his minerbumping blog posts. If anyone in this game needs to worry about RL behavior it is probably the person who celebrates being the villain but still trys to make it seem noble and honorable.

As for chatlogs, James uses them alot in his blog, sometimes its screen shots and sometimes not, I wonder if any of those are doctored.

So, lets make this simple. Maybe I have been confused. If the CODE is a living breathing document like James describes then it might be considered to be difficult to understand for a simple internet spaceship guy like myself.
Hopefully an esteemed agent of the CODE will help me with this inquiry:
1. Is foul language in local prohibited by the CODE?
2. Are CODE agents required to follow the CODE?
These questions are worded very simply and should not be to difficult for a veteren CODE represenative.
They could even be considered to be yes or no questions.
I eagerly await your response and in the meantime I shall attempt to become more classy.

I will have to check the chat logs myself and see what was exactly said/written in the channel. Until proven otherwise, I still believe that the fault rests with you. I've seen people kicked from the channel before. Usually they receive some sort of warning and are either trolling and/or aggressively starting arguments with other people.

About RL, I should have worded that differently, apologies. I wanted to make a reference for out of game communications such as teamspeak. But, as I see now I completely failed to include that in my post.

To answer your questions.
1. A miner should show respect to Agents of the New Order in local and other chat channels; this includes but not limited to private chats. A miner should also refrain from using foul language in local in general.

2. An Agent of the New Order is required to follow the same Code that miners follow if he/she mines in Highsec.


Abandon all hope ye who x up in fleet

Clara Pond
Never Not Snazzy
#349 - 2014-04-13 03:48:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Clara Pond
On the topic of the occasional Agent who falters in their adherence to James's great vision: only James 315 is perfect. The rest of us muddle along as best we can.

The New Order is by its nature an open organisation and accepts Agents from all walks of life. All they require is a passion for the Code. Naturally some require mentoring and guidance in the finer arts of local conversation, and senior Agents regularly take them under their wing. Imagine an infant lion cub - all wide eyes and teeth and unconstrained enthusiasm - but with the innate potential to be a proud king or queen of the jungle. These are adorable newbies to be nurtured, not pariahs.

Sadly also there are those who impersonate New Order Agents in flagrant disregard of the TOS. I have myself noticed the vast majority of Code violating "Agents" are in fact these, attempting to dscredit the New Order with their outlandish noncompliant behaviour. Again we see the sandbox at work, and the subtle ways the Code operates to keep highsec interesting.
The Carnifex Corp
#350 - 2014-04-13 08:21:03 UTC
Nice post OP, I hope you've bought a permit or rolled a cat pilot by now.

A simple experiment everyone should try once:
Get a mwd cruiser of some sort and go bump some people. The game is simple, he wants the ore or ice and you want his 10 million isk. There are several ways to play it. Some bumpers use humor, some are incredibly polite about it, and some are all business. We even have some bumpers who play the CODE religious zealot. Playing the zealot properly can actually cause some miners to "suicide" themselves at your bump ship. It's like finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! Experiment and find your own style. This can be a great confidence booster for players that have very little experience doing pvp. It has also been proven to cure bitter-vet disease for a time.

Yes, this can get very RP if you let it. Try it out anyway, see how you like it. If it doesn't take just jump to another system, find a miner, link his name in local, say hello, ask where the isk he owes James 315 is, and start bumping. Easy.

Some basic stuff for a new bumper:
1) You own whatever highsec system you're bumping in.
2) They play your game, never play their game.
3) Read and understand the Code tab on the MinerBumping site.
4) Enjoy yourself.
4a) Share your adventures with the MB community so we can enjoy them too!

When you do that for awhile and get to where you want to shoot more and chat less, roll a cat pilot. Or don't. This is a free movement and it's up to each player how much they want to contribute. The MinerBumping website is a great resource for techniques for bumping and ganking.

If you have any questions and want a short answer that leads to a private chat feel free to drop me a mail. If you have any questions that you want an 8,000 word essay to answer please mail Capt Starfox. Or if you know who your local agent is send him a mail.

Interact with other EvE players and have some fun!

Between Ignorance and Wisdom

La Rynx
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#351 - 2014-04-13 10:57:28 UTC  |  Edited by: La Rynx
Selina Dyle wrote:
La Rynx wrote:

Yes yes and CodeBullies never lie and dont use any excuse to kill ppl that where so stupid to buy a permit.

Nope we dont and again you fail to provide any proof as always. Again everything unbacked assumptions.

You (gankers maybe not you in special) *do* lie
Check your won webside, check your own forums, check this forum, heck check this Posting and check this link.


Selina Dyle wrote:

Try harder please.

Ok, check this:

Selina Dyle wrote:

P.S. This partiall quoting thing is a pain in the ass....

I love it, when i was right!
See you agree that you are butthurt, as i said.
So your small attention span makes it difficult to read and gives you headaches.

Selina Dyle wrote:

you must be really butthurt to do it over and over without ever having any evidence for anything you say...

You obviously don't realise that *you* started others calling liers.
Like this butthurt stuff when i already wrote that my sweet miner butt is virgin, you wanna implie that i lied.

You guy do often start accusing others of lying, happily forgetting / ignoring that its even documented on your webside.

No i just like calling bullies bullies and clowns laughingstock.
Kill more lowfit orcas, retrievers and lowfit exhumers.
But you realy can't expect any respect when you only hit the weakest.

Atomic Virulent : "You can't spell DOUCHE. without CODE."

La Rynx
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#352 - 2014-04-13 11:13:54 UTC
Capt Starfox wrote:

Stop pretending like you know what you're talking about and actually read the Code.

Yawn, i already wrote, i *did* read the code
A very badly written "something" To "ride" under this flag is embarrasing.

Capt Starfox wrote:

It's okay if James does it,

Of course.

Capt Starfox wrote:

but he doesn't.

Sure and the moon is made out of cheese.

Boasting and bragging over cheap kills and the "stupid miners", makes yourself laughingstock.

Atomic Virulent : "You can't spell DOUCHE. without CODE."

Capt Starfox
Goonswarm Federation
#353 - 2014-04-13 11:44:29 UTC
La Rynx wrote:

Yawn, i already wrote, i *did* read the code
A very badly written "something" To "ride" under this flag is embarrasing.

If you read the Code, you would have been able to ascertain that an Agent can correspond with a miner the way he/she believes best represents said Code. Perhaps you skimmed through it, yes?

La Rynx wrote:

Of course.

Sure and the moon is made out of cheese.

Boasting and bragging over cheap kills and the "stupid miners", makes yourself laughingstock.

You didn't know the moon was made out of cheese?

Abandon all hope ye who x up in fleet

Haedonism Bot
People for the Ethical Treatment of Rogue Drones
#354 - 2014-04-13 11:59:15 UTC
John XIII wrote:
Nice post OP, I hope you've bought a permit or rolled a cat pilot by now.

Big smile

This thread is 11 months old.

Vote Sabriz Adoudel and Tora Bushido for CSMX. Keep the Evil in EVE!

Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#355 - 2014-04-13 12:33:23 UTC
Haedonism Bot wrote:
John XIII wrote:
Nice post OP, I hope you've bought a permit or rolled a cat pilot by now.

Big smile

This thread is 11 months old.

What do you think we should get it for its birthday?

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#356 - 2014-04-13 12:36:11 UTC
Leto Thule wrote:
Haedonism Bot wrote:
John XIII wrote:
Nice post OP, I hope you've bought a permit or rolled a cat pilot by now.

Big smile

This thread is 11 months old.

What do you think we should get it for its birthday?

Caldari Navy Antimatter. Duh. The gift that keeps on giving.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#357 - 2014-04-13 12:51:42 UTC
Leto Thule wrote:
Haedonism Bot wrote:
John XIII wrote:
Nice post OP, I hope you've bought a permit or rolled a cat pilot by now.

Big smile

This thread is 11 months old.

What do you think we should get it for its birthday?

A lock Shocked

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#358 - 2014-04-13 13:45:25 UTC
Yeah, but if its locked another will just spring up. At least this way the tears are easily referenced.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Maxmillian Rokatansky
#359 - 2014-04-13 15:14:29 UTC
Once again I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the CODE representives who have responded in a well worded and civil manner.

Capt Starfox you covered the same ground as Admiral Root and though I feel there are still some grey areas I am happy to see that both your posts were consistent with one another.

Clara Pond as you should be well aware that this is a public forum, do you think it might be possible to keep the James 315 booty kissing in minerbumping chat? Also I dont want to tell you how to do your job but with hardly a CODE compliant miner
to be found between gamis and rens your time might be better spent attending to your CODE enforcement duties.

To the rest of those who have posted and claim to be "supporters" of CODE I feel I even have something in common with you.
Sadly over the years I have supported Wigan Athletic knowing full well that its highly unlikely my support will ever be acknowledged.
Hot Droppin Cherry Poppers
#360 - 2014-04-13 16:01:10 UTC
The activities of CODE members have provided numerous hours of entertainment for myself and others. The cat and mouse game of trying to catch the ganker before they gank is quite fun. I do feel for the poor miner, usually a retriever flown by a young pilot, no tank to speak of and watching giligans island while simultaneously ming ice. The scout, in a covert frigate, closes in slowly, slowly, and at just the right time, provides the warp in for the -10 ganker to land on the hapless target. I, having seen the gank ship in dscan for what seemed like minutes, watch it swoop in, land and kill the victum in about 8-10 seconds.

There isnt much you can do about it, well except of course, put a little tank on, and I suppose you could watch dscan when a known ganker is in system, and when a catalyst named "Im coming to gank you" appears on dscan, begin to align, so the moment a -10 ganker arrives on grid, you are on your way out.

A fun thing would be to post a falcon at the ice belt, wait for the ganker to arrive, jam them, let concord do the rest.

Anyone have a fun way to catch gankers?