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Team Avatar and the future of our prototype

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Sphit Ker
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#3121 - 2013-12-07 17:18:51 UTC
I want The Device that does a thing in my CQ and a joystick so I can spin my ship from the balcony. There's a conveniently placed console on the railing already.

right. whatever. x.x

It knows what you think.

Eve Cluster Explorations
#3122 - 2013-12-07 17:47:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Crumplecorn
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
I think that's unfair. The people in favour of WIS are no less convinced that EVE is dying than the FIS only crowd.


As mentioned in previous posts I advocate the twin focus approach to WIS and FIS so that every expansion from here on in offers a little to both communities.
Here again is the issue I spotted when I skimmed the last few pages of this thread. "Both communities". "Twin approach". The style of the talk is that of bringing in a whole new seperate group of players to EVE (I think I saw someone saying something like "two niches is better than one"?). I remember when that used to be a caricature of WiS that the anti-WiS crowd used to make it sound bad; that it would just be barbies-in-space for people who couldn't hack EVE itself.

WiS used to be about adding to the substance of the game for the existing players, and maybe attracting new people who would initially come for the avatar content, but would stay for the spaceships. And while I'm sure you'll say that that hasn't changed, people are now talking about WiS as a new revenue stream for EVE, in the same way that DUST and WoD are (supposed to be) for CCP.

EVE has plateaued because CCP have directed their efforts to other games, and what I am seeing is the suggestion that they should (or even need to) direct even more of their efforts away from EVE and into another game, but this time we'll build it into the client and call it part of EVE to make the sub numbers get bigger without actually solving the 'problem' of EVE's plateau.

What is the idea that EVE needs a new game built into it for a new playerbase in order to survive if not the idea that EVE, the spaceship game, is dying?

Witty Image - Stream

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Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3123 - 2013-12-07 17:56:21 UTC
Apparently it used to be possible to display your own videos on the CQ monitor.
All they need is to add a broadcast station camera of some sort.
Eli Green
The Arrow Project
#3124 - 2013-12-07 18:01:40 UTC
Thetabetalpha wrote:
Apparently it used to be possible to display your own videos on the CQ monitor.
All they need is to add a broadcast station camera of some sort.

you still can iirc


Sura Sadiva
Entropic Tactical Crew
#3125 - 2013-12-07 18:09:37 UTC
Thetabetalpha wrote:
Apparently it used to be possible to display your own videos on the CQ monitor.
All they need is to add a broadcast station camera of some sort.

I think that was only a client side hack, replacing the video stream file in the client. Getting live video from space should be very different and problematic.
Davon Mandra'thin
Das Collective
#3126 - 2013-12-07 18:18:08 UTC
Crumplecorn wrote:
what I am seeing is the suggestion that they should (or even need to) direct even more of their efforts away from EVE and into another game, but this time we'll build it into the client and call it part of EVE to make the sub numbers get bigger without actually solving the 'problem' of EVE's plateau.

What is the idea that EVE needs a new game built into it for a new playerbase in order to survive if not the idea that EVE, the spaceship game, is dying?

Actually, I think most people who realise that these development resources will have to come from somewhere would prefer them to have not bothered with Valkyrie or a mobile app at all. Frankly, I would rather they hadn't developed Dust in the first place. With the resources they have put onto any one of those projects we could have seen considerable progress towards Avatar content in a single expansion cycle.

Instead, however, CCP think it's best to spread themselves too thin. CCP splitting their developers between Dust and Eve for the 18 months before the release of Incarna was probably a contributing factor to why we saw so little development on Eve during that time.

People bring up how CCP working on Avatar content would spread them too thin a lot. It's a common argument from people. But if your going to argue that, perhaps you should be opening threads asking CCP to stop development on all the stuff they are currently wasting their resources on. CCP are already doing that.
Davon Mandra'thin
Das Collective
#3127 - 2013-12-07 18:19:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Davon Mandra'thin
Sura Sadiva wrote:
Thetabetalpha wrote:
Apparently it used to be possible to display your own videos on the CQ monitor.
All they need is to add a broadcast station camera of some sort.

I think that was only a client side hack, replacing the video stream file in the client. Getting live video from space should be very different and problematic.

Not entirely. If you replaced all the usual files (so you wouldn't see the normal things come up on the screen) you could write a simple solution to cut a stream (such as a Twitch livestream from outside) into small video files and dynamically add them into that folder.

You would have a 5-10 second delay, but that's workable for a quick dirty solution.
Sura Sadiva
Entropic Tactical Crew
#3128 - 2013-12-07 18:25:41 UTC
Crumplecorn wrote:

WiS used to be about adding to the substance of the game for the existing players, and maybe attracting new people who would initially come for the avatar content, but would stay for the spaceships. And while I'm sure you'll say that that hasn't changed

Offering an anchor for a pool of potential players more comfortable in immedesimating themself in an avatar gameplay (it's a MMORPG standard), and to get into game playing it instead of having to study PDF guides was a declared goal of CQ. And this is needed to help player retantion (one of the main weakness of EVE) more than to actract masses of random players.

This was and still is a good point to adress. Problem is that CQ had to be simply a part of WiS, and even this mere retention function doesn't work left as is now and without any real integration with the main gameplay.

Beside this I think almost everyone in this thread agree that WiS, to make sense, need to be integrated with the main EVE gameplay and universe.

The ones marking a separation are just the trolls of the so-called "FiS ". They see more EVE lilke a LoL or WoT in space; they have no interest in having a proper sci-fi gameplay developed, they will quit EVE anyway, as soon as some new, shiny, shooter/flight simulator will be released on the market.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3129 - 2013-12-07 19:00:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Thetabetalpha
Crumplecorn wrote:

WiS used to be about adding to the substance of the game for the existing players, and maybe attracting new people who would initially come for the avatar content, but would stay for the spaceships. And while I'm sure you'll say that that hasn't changed, people are now talking about WiS as a new revenue stream for EVE, in the same way that DUST and WoD are (supposed to be) for CCP.
The general consensus here or at least the most WiS proponents would agree on is that CCP's split attention to so many projects (projects that have minimal or no relation to Eve) caused bad release of Incarna. That is while the most "eve is only about ships" crowd prefers to blame Incarna for the lack of work on spaceship content. Derogatory "Barbies in space" is tossed around way to often if you ask me.

Crumplecorn wrote:
what I am seeing is the suggestion that they should (or even need to) direct even more of their efforts away from EVE and into another game, but this time we'll build it into the client and call it part of EVE to make the sub numbers get bigger without actually solving the 'problem' of EVE's plateau.
Why would it be another game? One universe with multiple aspects with WiS as "meaningful" avatar game with the same players. "Station games" could attain the new meaning.
Also it was said multiple times that WiS potentially can bring so much more content to Eve, since it's practically fresh start - comparing to new ships-related content which can potentially break fragile game balance. As a result WiS would add more variety to activities, it would hold new player interest for much longer than current system. As of now newcomers have to spend hefty amount of time on google digging through piles of spreadsheets, pie-charts.

Avatar content is one of the most efficient ways to get new players hooked on the game. New player retention would be the solution for 'problem' of EVE's plateau as you call it.

Right now the game is not advertised true to its game play. And when someone new downloads and installs the client lies continue with character creator. We were given such an elaborate tool to create highly detailed character for what exactly? To get dumped in a single room and convert it to a static image. Seems like such a waste.
Eve Cluster Explorations
#3130 - 2013-12-07 19:43:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Crumplecorn
Davon Mandra'thin wrote:
People bring up how CCP working on Avatar content would spread them too thin a lot. It's a common argument from people. But if your going to argue that, perhaps you should be opening threads asking CCP to stop development on all the stuff they are currently wasting their resources on. CCP are already doing that.
I have no issue with CCP focusing elsewhere as long as EVE isn't declining, which as far as I can see, it isn't. My issue is with people advocating an even greater split of their focus as a solution to a supposed problem caused by their split focus.

Sura Sadiva wrote:
Beside this I think almost everyone in this thread agree that WiS, to make sense, need to be integrated with the main EVE gameplay and universe.

The ones marking a separation are just the trolls of the so-called "FiS ".
Really? Because I see pro-WiS people using phrases like "two niches" and "both communities". Doesn't sound very integrated to me.

Thetabetalpha wrote:
Why would it be another game? One universe with multiple aspects with WiS as "meaningful" avatar game with the same players.
Really? Because I see pro-WiS people using phrases like "two niches" and "both communities". Doesn't sound the same players to me.

Thetabetalpha wrote:
Also it was said multiple times that WiS potentially can bring so much more content to Eve, since it's practically fresh start - comparing to new ships-related content which can potentially break fragile game balance. As a result WiS would add more variety to activities, it would hold new player interest for much longer than current system. As of now newcomers have to spend hefty amount of time on google digging through piles of spreadsheets, pie-charts.
"DUST potentially can bring so much more content to Eve, since it's practically fresh start - comparing to new ships-related content which can potentially break fragile game balance. As a result DUST would add more variety to activities, it would hold new player interest for much longer than current system. As of now newcomers have to spend hefty amount of time on google digging through piles of spreadsheets, pie-charts."

See, when I can sub in a game seperate from EVE and you paragraph still basically makes sense, I kinda don't get the "I'm not talking about a new game" vibe.

Witty Image - Stream

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Sura Sadiva
Entropic Tactical Crew
#3131 - 2013-12-07 20:07:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Sura Sadiva
Crumplecorn wrote:

Really? Because I see pro-WiS people using phrases like "two niches" and "both communities". Doesn't sound very integrated to me.

Yes, really. Sometime reading (or at least having a lcue about what the discussion is about) the thread before jumping in cocky is usefull.

Then you'd know better as these people are mostly replying to trolls staing "EVE is only FiS" and "WiS cause players to unsub" and so on.

As well as you'd know better as the large majority of people talking in this thread is, in a way or another, firmly committed that WiS makes sense only integrated with EVE main gameplay. As well as CCP OP.
Eve Cluster Explorations
#3132 - 2013-12-07 20:31:38 UTC
Sura Sadiva wrote:
Then you'd know better as these people are mostly replying to trolls staing "EVE is only FiS" and "WiS cause players to unsub" and so on.
So the response to the idea that WiS and FiS are completely seperate is to refer to it as a second community?

You're right, there's something about this thread I'm not quite getting.

Witty Image - Stream

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Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3133 - 2013-12-07 20:43:15 UTC
Crumplecorn wrote:
Thetabetalpha wrote:
Why would it be another game? One universe with multiple aspects with WiS as "meaningful" avatar game with the same players.
Really? Because I see pro-WiS people using phrases like "two niches" and "both communities". Doesn't sound the same players to me.
Guess what caused it? Pro-FiS trolling this thread all over the place.
But WiS w/o FiS won't survive either. And while FiS is in not in dire need of WiS to sustain as of now, some day it is going to be to late to act. All while the community is split up on the issues because everybody "pulls the blanket" on their own side.

Crumplecorn wrote:
See, when I can sub in a game separate from EVE and you paragraph still basically makes sense, I kinda don't get the "I'm not talking about a new game" vibe.
Dust is on a different platform and the planetary bombardment part where Eve "connects" to it is rather meaningless, for the most of eve anyways. The games are separated pretty much twice - via platforms and lack of meaningful interaction. Eve characters cannot descend onto planets, Dust players hardly have effect on Eve, well, some FW.

Eve outgrew the initial narrow vision of "spaceships only" long ago (CCP Torfifrans explains it.)

Instead of developing WiS all the way split into many projects. The only way for Eve to survive through competition is to grow, and sustaining practically the same amount of subs throughout the years whereas so many popular MMOs have millions is hardly growth. It has not direct competitor yet, though some may argue that some of SC raised money is pretty much out of CCP's pockets. Game developers compete for the player-base, and Eve deserves much bigger playerbase, not as niche, "we are so pro elite-gamers-rest-mmo-suck playerbase."
Eve Cluster Explorations
#3134 - 2013-12-07 20:59:41 UTC
Crumplecorn wrote:
Dust is on a different platform and the planetary bombardment part where Eve "connects" to it is rather meaningless, for the most of eve anyways. The games are separated pretty much twice - via platforms and lack of meaningful interaction. Eve characters cannot descend onto planets, Dust players hardly have effect on Eve, well, some FW.
Not the point. Point is, you described a game as divorced from EVE as DUST. The fact that it would be built into the client changes nothing.

Crumplecorn wrote:
Instead of developing WiS all the way split into many projects. The only way for Eve to survive through competition is to grow, and sustaining practically the same amount of subs throughout the years whereas so many popular MMOs have millions is hardly growth. It has not direct competitor yet, though some may argue that some of SC raised money is pretty much out of CCP's pockets. Game developers compete for the player-base, and Eve deserves much bigger playerbase, not as niche, "we are so pro elite-gamers-rest-mmo-suck playerbase."
Comparing a niche game to popular MMOGs is pointless, it'll never have that many subs. You say that EVE needs to grow and deserves more players, but you describe an addition marketed at people who don't want to play EVE as it is; building an effectively seperate game inside EVE. I'm all for expanding the scope and playerbase of EVE; that is not the same thing as building an alternative for people who don't like EVE, attaching it to EVE, and declaring the horrible frankenstein you have created to be EVE.

If you add WiS in such a way that you end with "two communities" or the need for split expansions to keep "both sides" happy, then you have done nothing for the established playerbase of FiS, it's (fictional) decline will continue, WiS will be dragged down with it, and that will be that. (imo)

Witty Image - Stream

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Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3135 - 2013-12-07 21:52:18 UTC
Crumplecorn wrote:
Point is, you described a game as divorced from EVE as DUST. The fact that it would be built into the client changes nothing.
What exactly did I describe? It is your problem if you see that there's no way to implement wis w/o getting intricately tied into Eve.

Eve has been a niche game for too long, doesn't mean it has to stay that way either. I am not linking Torfifrans video again - you ignored that pretty well, didn't you?
Crumplecorn wrote:
You say that EVE needs to grow and deserves more players, but you describe an addition marketed at people who don't want to play EVE as it is; building an effectively separate game inside EVE. I'm all for expanding the scope and playerbase of EVE; that is not the same thing as building an alternative for people who don't like EVE, attaching it to EVE, and declaring the horrible frankenstein you have created to be EVE.
It doesn't take much to put words in somebody's mouth, does it? If you see WiS in a completely separate way from FiS, if you see it somehow splitting community in two, no matter how anyone tries to lay it out for you, you are going to see it that way. There're examples throughout the thread posted how many ppl envision WiS and how it ties into Eve w/o being separated from core game play. Feel free to read through 157 pages, except something tells me you are going to cherry-pick the negatives.
Crumplecorn wrote:
If you add WiS in such a way that you end with "two communities" or the need for split expansions to keep "both sides" happy, then you have done nothing for the established playerbase of FiS, it's (fictional) decline will continue, WiS will be dragged down with it, and that will be that. (imo)
Would make no sense for CCP to do it. Might be the reason it takes 'em so long to find that "meaningful" way of implementation.
Eve Cluster Explorations
#3136 - 2013-12-07 22:16:13 UTC
Thetabetalpha wrote:
It doesn't take much to put words in somebody's mouth, does it? If you see WiS in a completely separate way from FiS, if you see it somehow splitting community in two, no matter how anyone tries to lay it out for you, you are going to see it that way.
I'm not the one talking about designing WiS to bring in a new set of players who aren't interested in the spaceship game.

Witty Image - Stream

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Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#3137 - 2013-12-07 22:47:39 UTC
Crumplecorn wrote:
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
I think that's unfair. The people in favour of WIS are no less convinced that EVE is dying than the FIS only crowd.


As mentioned in previous posts I advocate the twin focus approach to WIS and FIS so that every expansion from here on in offers a little to both communities.
Here again is the issue I spotted when I skimmed the last few pages of this thread. "Both communities". "Twin approach". The style of the talk is that of bringing in a whole new seperate group of players to EVE (I think I saw someone saying something like "two niches is better than one"?). I remember when that used to be a caricature of WiS that the anti-WiS crowd used to make it sound bad; that it would just be barbies-in-space for people who couldn't hack EVE itself.

WiS used to be about adding to the substance of the game for the existing players, and maybe attracting new people who would initially come for the avatar content, but would stay for the spaceships. And while I'm sure you'll say that that hasn't changed, people are now talking about WiS as a new revenue stream for EVE, in the same way that DUST and WoD are (supposed to be) for CCP.

EVE has plateaued because CCP have directed their efforts to other games, and what I am seeing is the suggestion that they should (or even need to) direct even more of their efforts away from EVE and into another game, but this time we'll build it into the client and call it part of EVE to make the sub numbers get bigger without actually solving the 'problem' of EVE's plateau.

What is the idea that EVE needs a new game built into it for a new playerbase in order to survive if not the idea that EVE, the spaceship game, is dying?

I am not advocating a new game built into the client for a new playerbase the incarna client and CQ is already there. I am just advocating that its gets some development time just like SOV, POS and starbase structures and ship rebalancing.

I agree with all of your other points which are well made. SIde projects like Dust and Valkyrie which will never pay the bills are the real threat to eve's survival. If they built those engines and game play into the existing PC/MAC client in a clever way they might stand a chance of some success, but as separate projects set in New Eden they are worthless and as far as I can see have absolutely zero future as console games.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Lors Dornick
Kallisti Industries
#3138 - 2013-12-07 22:58:22 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

Just look at PCU versus marketing expense

I wasn't aware that you had access to data on their marketing expense ;)

But look back on you data, Eve is a very successful niche game.

So far no other game has come close and it doesn't look like any of the upcoming games are even trying.

CCP Greyscale: As to starbases, we agree it's pretty terrible, but we don't want to delay the entire release just for this one factor.

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#3139 - 2013-12-07 23:01:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Little Dragon Khamez
Sura Sadiva wrote:

As well as you'd know better as the large majority of people talking in this thread is, in a way or another, firmly committed that WiS makes sense only integrated with EVE main gameplay. As well as CCP OP.

Agreed, I would also add that If there's a split anywhere in eve that created the two camps we have today it was caused by the FIS crowd saying that eve is only about spaceships, that's like saying that Grand Theft Auto is only about stealing cars, when clearly it's evolved beyond that. The pro WIS players are actually unifiers that want everyone to get the game they want in Eve and as such as unselfish they don't mind the FIS supporters getting new ships and new space based game mechanics and deployable structures because they understand that it benefits everyone, the whole community.

If anything is going to reduce subscriber numbers in the future it's the FIS crowd's and their selfish instance that their playstyle and type of in game activity is the only way to play EVE, the one true path so to speak. It's becoming a religion for them and we all know where that leads...

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#3140 - 2013-12-07 23:02:15 UTC
Lors Dornick wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

Just look at PCU versus marketing expense

I wasn't aware that you had access to data on their marketing expense ;)

But look back on you data, Eve is a very successful niche game.

So far no other game has come close and it doesn't look like any of the upcoming games are even trying.

CCP would rather it not be a niche game though. That's why they are looking for mass market appeal with shooters and consoles.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...