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Hans Jagerblitzen for CSM7

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Indahmawar Fazmarai
#41 - 2012-02-07 19:54:19 UTC
Issler Dainze wrote:
I would say with out a doubt this is the candidate for folks that are focused on Faction Warfare. I still think we need a mining candidate and I will remain focused on getting one with a mining focus in the CSM 7 as well.

Good luck Hans! You will do well in the CSM 7. Hope you'll be working along side someone from my party as well!


Well, but then, FW is a niche within a niche, and Hans may perfectly leave hisec outside of the CSM. Not very thrilling, WiS-like.

Be noted that my main interest is to find a reason to play EVE doing something i didn't did before, and so far there is no feature that interests me. Bounty hunting may be the thing closest to my initial interests if it ever gets to harm griefers as much as griefers harm everyone else, but, otoh, WiS people was cheated by CCP and they shouldn't get off with it that easily. What?
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#42 - 2012-02-07 20:35:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Hans Jagerblitzen
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:

Well, but then, FW is a niche within a niche, and Hans may perfectly leave hisec outside of the CSM. Not very thrilling, WiS-like.

Be noted that my main interest is to find a reason to play EVE doing something i didn't did before, and so far there is no feature that interests me. Bounty hunting may be the thing closest to my initial interests if it ever gets to harm griefers as much as griefers harm everyone else, but, otoh, WiS people was cheated by CCP and they shouldn't get off with it that easily. What?

Let's talk about "niche" for a moment. I want to be straight with you. Last summer, thousands of subscriptions started dropping due to the frustration over a much hyped and under-delivered expansion that did not resonate with the majority of the player base. To put it simply, the vast majority of eve players are far more concerned with matters concerning spaceships, than they are with WiS.

I'm sorry to say, there will be no major candidate capable of winning a CSM seat that rides on a platform of WiS, as you desire, because there is not a dedicated community that wishes to protect WiS badly enough to force the issue with CCP. If such players existed in volume, surely you would be their champion and it would be you announcing a campaign, instead of myself. I don't say this to sound pompous, this is just a matter of demographic reality that I know you are still struggling to accept.

If you really believe that as many players want more WiS as you think they do, the burden is on YOU to organize them into a fighting force, not to sit back and remain frustrated that no one will talk about it in their campaigns.

I completely respect that WiS is a matter of great importance to you, I was really looking forward to Establishments myself. I make boosters in lowsec, and loved the idea of having a "Quark's bar" where I can deal drugs in the corner, behind the Quafe soda machine. Sadly, I'm afraid this won't be a reality anytime soon.

This is not a responsibility you can place on CSM candidates, however. it is CCP that decided that WiS are on the back burner until the other core game play mechanics are fixed, because they know better than any of us what Incarna was doing for their revenue streams, since the players voted out WiS with their wallets last summer.

I will also point out that I have no desire or energy to debate the WiS issue, this will be my last statement on the subject for the duration of the campaign. Unless CCP decides to re-prioritize WiS, the CSM won't be able to do much good as we will only be feedback mechanisms for the features CCP has decided to work on. We don't tell them what to work on, only how to make it better. Best of luck with your pursuit, I of all people understand having a niche interest and what it takes to fight to protect it.

Oh - and as for Bounty Hunting, this is a big part of my platform for High Sec space. I wholeheartedly endorse any measure that lets the griefed grief griefers in return, and I truly believe that a player-driven "security economy" is a much better solution to increased reliance on CONCORD NPC's in the pursuit of making High Sec space safe. Please take the time to read my document if you have not already, I think you will appreciate my sense of urgency regarding the reform of both the kill rights and Bounty system. I WANT to help make your dream of being a bounty hunter a reality, and will most certainly fight for it should I be elected to the CSM7.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Plus 10 NV
#43 - 2012-02-07 20:43:03 UTC
Very few communities were as fractured as the faction war crowd. Hans managed to find the commonality and propose things that pretty much everyone agrees on.

Yet considering the views of others in low sec and several in null, I have no doubt that the majority of his vote will come from outside faction war. His goals for low sec will resonate well beyond faction war.

The last csm did some things well but when it came to low sec ideas they were mostly silent. Judging from the few comments that did make it into the minutes, silence is the best we can hope for from them. The mindset is just too different.

Most of the things that most non-faction war low sec players dislike about faction war Hans, and fw players themselves, also dislike. So even the things he addresses within faction war will be big pluses for those who don't do faction war.

Moreover I think there will be lots of null sec players who are tired of the slow pace and would love to see ccp work toward the goals he sets forth. The general foundations of sov null sec require a certain mechanics (slow ass timers, blobs etc.) that yield allot of boring game play. Players invested allot of time to acquire those areas so before they lose them they need ample opportunity to defend. This is understandable, but it still means allot of boring down time.

Low sec and npc null sec are pretty much free from that burden. Things can happen faster, be more dynamic and action packed. I think there are allot of people in all areas of space that would like ccp ot work toward that.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Ice Fire Warriors
#44 - 2012-02-07 20:53:35 UTC
Hans is a great guy to fly with and has had great insights on FW. +1 and good luck.
#45 - 2012-02-07 21:05:00 UTC
hans buddy,

i was all set to +1 you based on your previously stated positions on FW. that was until i read your manifesto. man there is some out there ideas in there that are just plain crazy.

i'd also tone down the "i'm just 2" and other commentary that alienates you from the "bitter veterens" who have been here since the start of eve. the ****** CSMs have cost us billions in the last 2 releases and the last thing many of us want is dangerous changes applied by people yet to experience "everything" that eve has to offer.

personally i want to see small steady changes to the way things work, not wholesale changes that again, cost billions of isk and hundreds of hours in wasted skill points. some common, don't turn low-sec-into-0.0, make eve simpler and faster, get more fights and kills, sense. you may also want to tone down the RP a bit. sure it makes it interesting to read but "half" of FW doesn't need to be reminded that we'd rather shoot you than vote for you.

best of luck and i'll patiently watch and see how this unfolds before casting a vote.

btw. an idea that may help out your quest re: mining would be to take mining and make it more profitable and interesting through mission arcs. either mining the $*%# of roids or killing 0.0 like freight trains. have them available in hi-sec and low-sec so it also feeds the pirate eco-system.
S810 Jr
Snuffed Out
#46 - 2012-02-07 21:16:37 UTC
You got my vote.
Ice Fire Warriors
#47 - 2012-02-07 22:08:04 UTC
+1 for Hans.

*resists urge to say something mean*
King Rothgar
Deadly Solutions
#48 - 2012-02-07 22:16:11 UTC
I've been around for 4 years now and started running in low sec on my very first day (I died horribly btw). I remember the glory days of low sec piracy, I remember epic fights both big and small in FW and I remember those first exciting days of w-space, diving into the truly unknown. Those days are long past. There is no question that I'm solidly in the bittervet camp.

I think eve today is a poor shadow of what it once was. It isn't so much the mechanics that have changed, it's the players. Players today are far more risk averse. In the past people would go to belts in both low and null sec to rat in full pvp fits. They weren't just looking for rats for isk, they were looking for other players too. This isn't the case anymore. Those players have gone to high sec to gain maximum isk/hr by blitzing lvl4's and incursion sites. They then seek pvp separate from this. That's fine, in a lot of ways that shift was inevitable as players got better and more experienced. But the mechanics of high/low/null sec have not changed to reflect this.

I believe my younger corp mate's platform, if implemented, would help bring game mechanics inline with current player attitudes. He didn't cover everything that needs to be done in his PDF, but he got a lot of it. Low sec is fight club as he put it, even if we don't always like to admit it. It always has been and should remain so. We don't need some silly sov system, those proposals are always made by guys who don't live there. So please set aside your petty differences and vote for him. No one agrees on everything, but his proposals are quite reasonable.

BTW, fix the damn forums, I'm tired of copy/paste every time I type something more than 3 lines long.

[u]Fireworks and snowballs are great, but what I really want is a corpse launcher.[/u]

Shadows Of The Federation
#49 - 2012-02-07 22:36:37 UTC
You have my sword + 1
Amarr Empire
#50 - 2012-02-07 23:13:39 UTC
I was suprised FW was shunned in such a manner at the round table, Hans.... That was in poor taste, as well as a dereliction of duty. It would be a service to us all, for you represent us on the CSM.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#51 - 2012-02-07 23:59:11 UTC
I don't even play FW, but you have my +1 and vote!! Good Luck!!
Naga's Be Trippin
#52 - 2012-02-08 00:11:45 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#53 - 2012-02-08 00:34:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Hans Jagerblitzen
zero2espect wrote:

i'd also tone down the "i'm just 2" and other commentary that alienates you from the "bitter veterens" who have been here since the start of eve. the ****** CSMs have cost us billions in the last 2 releases and the last thing many of us want is dangerous changes applied by people yet to experience "everything" that eve has to offer.

personally i want to see small steady changes to the way things work, not wholesale changes that again, cost billions of isk and hundreds of hours in wasted skill points. some common, don't turn low-sec-into-0.0, make eve simpler and faster, get more fights and kills, sense.

Thanks for the criticism zero! It’s going to get real boring, real fast if this thread turns into a giant Hans love-fest. And the voters wouldn’t learn anything as a result.

I should take a moment first off to clarify that my “manifesto” is intended to give those that know nothing about me at all, a primer on the types of ideas I think have merit, as well as to get to know my attitudes about certain types game play. There will be plenty of time for in-depth discussion of each issue, I just wanted to catch people up that weren’t familiar with me or my principles. Fire away if you saw something you thought was "crazy".

One of the core values I hope to bring to the CSM is humility and a willingness to admit when we don’t have the answers. I make no pretense about knowing it all, and will always defer to expert opinion when I realize I’m out of my element. The bottom line is that the current council is already composed of so-called “bittervets”, and in some cases this has proven to be a liability, not an asset.

I’ll pick on Seleene this round, though by the election I'm sure I'll have something to say about all my opponents in the race (thats how these things work). Seleene is most certainly an EvE veteran, to the core - serving in all three capacities: As a player, as a CSM, and as a CCP developer. The problem is, he's still speaking about issues that he clearly doesn't understand. Take some of his recent responses to a questionnaire:

"I think that FW and null-sec sov could, and probably should, have some commonalities with regard to capture mechanics"

"Any proper iteration on FW is going to require a fundamental re-work of how players interact with NPC factions."

Seriously?? If I were Seleene, and wasn't particularly active in Faction Warfare, I would decline to comment rather than just make statements that show a clear lack of understanding about the players that engage in that activity. If this is the kind of "bittervet" expertise you feel belongs on the CSM, than by all means vote for the candidate with the most years under their belt.

One of the reasons I'm running in this race is to bring a sense of humanism and respect to the council with regards to working on features that may not be well represented by the constituents that elected the council members. As I stated in my document, I will continue to refuse to make definitive "this is how it should be" statements about things I'm not an expert on.

I think naivete about a particular issue in EvE is not something that is limited to younger players, clearly experienced pilots can sometimes tunnel vision with regards to a fix in a way that ends up hurting the game.

you may also want to tone down the RP a bit. sure it makes it interesting to read but "half" of FW doesn't need to be reminded that we'd rather shoot you than vote for you.

I know not every single militia member is aware yet of the work we've been doing, because most of it has gone on behind the scenes, so I still get some skepticism about "will those guys actually work with us?" And my answer always is, "they already are."

I don't ever intentionally role play, I meant what I said about uniting the militias and saving the feature. Those that support me even amongst my "enemies" understand that no matter how much we want to fight each other, we may have a whole host of issues standing in the way of that if CCP moves forward with their "massive overhaul" of FW without consulting the community. I've talked with countless players in all four militias that have downright said they will unsubscribe if CCP implements even a portion of some of the rather insane ideas discussed at the summit. So yes, it really is this important to speak up now, so that we have a say in the future of the feature we all participate in.

I have yet to meet a single Faction Warfare pilot, even those that role play, come up to me and say "I'm not backing you because you're a filthy slave." For all of us, the work to be done with the CSM election has very little to do with what goes on in the low sec warzones on Tranquility.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Har Harrison
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#54 - 2012-02-08 00:37:26 UTC
Hans has my support. He has been in contract with myself about his campaign and the changes that are needed in low sec and high sec mechanics.
This is a chance for many people to grab a voice in the discussion over the direction they want low sec and high sec to go. This is not just about an FW candidate. This is about ensuring that the CSM is not dominated by pure null sec players.

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#55 - 2012-02-08 00:37:59 UTC
btw. an idea that may help out your quest re: mining would be to take mining and make it more profitable and interesting through mission arcs. either mining the $*%# of roids or killing 0.0 like freight trains. have them available in hi-sec and low-sec so it also feeds the pirate eco-system.

As for mining, in the long run I favor mining changes that involve more movement, both within the belts, as well as between the belts. I think mining should be less sitting and watching lazers cycle, and more about maximizing one's yield through careful piloting and searching out the most lucrative caches of rock to chew on. Missions could indeed be a great part of this. I think we need to see more depletion and respawning, more dynamic resource distribution, and more yield out of each lazer cycle, so that pilots can have fun with the adventure of searching for treasure rather than falling asleep while waiting for one's cargohold to fill.

All of these things would indeed involve some "massive overhauls" I'm afraid, so there's always an exception to "simple is best". I think the primary questions future CSM members should ask themselves when discussing any feature should be, "Have we spoken with the community that these changes affect directly?" as well as "Does this feature REALLY require an overhaul to be improved, or is there a simpler fix we may have overlooked?"

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#56 - 2012-02-08 00:50:19 UTC  |  Edited by: ceyriot
Yeah, nice work. I'm impressed, and certainly will be voting for you!

Also, have ever played Mass Effect, with their resource extractor? It's more of finding the big patch on a planet and mining it instead of just pointing at a planet and going.

I feel that it could be similar in Eve, you could either just mine the asteroid as it is now, or you could move and scan the asteroids and look for the biggest mineral patch, and then mine that and get more ISK quicker. This would still let people mine with relatively little effort and still get an income, but also provides a major boost for a new player or for an active and experienced miner who wants to maximize profit.

Just my thoughts.

Not Flyinghotpocket's alt. At all.

Faction Warfare is like Fight Club. But with spaceships.

Ice Fire Warriors
#57 - 2012-02-08 01:37:52 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:

It’s going to get real boring, real fast if this thread turns into a giant Hans love-fest.

Fine, then I hate you.

Seriously though, Hans is a smart candidate, especially if you care about FW at all.

I'm Galdornae and I approved this candidate.
Aidan Padecain
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#58 - 2012-02-08 01:39:19 UTC
I don't engage in faction war, it is not a mechanic that I have much experience in. However, your conduct in the forums, cogent presentation of ideas, measured response and overall "this guys gets his ****" - ness has me seriously contemplating a vote for you.

You have my like.

Good luck sir.
Small Focused Memes
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#59 - 2012-02-08 02:25:39 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:

-Send the message that we want more activity in lowsec, but not more blobbing!

-Send the message that we culturally disdain the drama that complicates 0.0 warfare!

-Send the message that we are not a test bed for nullsec sovereignty improvements!

-Send the message that we are not here to be “co-opted” by nullsec groups!

I cant beleive im saying this.

You have my vote

Amarr Militia Representative - A jar of nitro

Questionable Acquisitions
#60 - 2012-02-08 02:31:50 UTC
Read your platform Hans, you're very passionate about EVE and will be a great representative for the existing FW crowd and other current Low sec residents. However, I'm not part of that constituency, and actually really liked what Selene had to say about NPC interaction, and was less than thrilled by your hostility to EVE's real Piracy (for profit PvP) in your platform.