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Hans Jagerblitzen for CSM7

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Jared Reidel
The Frog Pond
#21 - 2012-02-07 15:29:59 UTC
Yup, you've got my vote as well. Sensible looking suggestions for low-sec that are a lot more than just FW and so should be of interest to Pirate low-sec dwellers as well.

Good Luck Hans!
Princess Nexxala
Zero Syndicate
#22 - 2012-02-07 15:32:47 UTC
I fully endorse this candidate

FW and low sec need some love...

nom nom

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2012-02-07 15:36:24 UTC

+1 , you got my vote Hans

to hell with null-sec, those babys get to much of CCP's attention
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#24 - 2012-02-07 16:21:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Hans Jagerblitzen
Jade Constantine wrote:

All I need to know is where you stand on microtransactions in Eve.

Thank you for the kind words, Jade! I consider them a high compliment, given your experience on the council.

Microtransactions were one of many issues that for the sake of brevity (if such a word is even appropriate for my campaign primer) I was unable to include in the document but am happy to discuss as they are brought up.

Personally, I loathe the layering of microtransactions onto games which are already subscription-supported . Even when used to deliver content players ask for, it still feels tacky, commercial, and disruptive to me. And especially within a game like EvE where the entire item economy should be player-driven, microtransactions are a particularly dangerous payment model to flirt with.

One of my frustrations with the NeX store rollout was that CCP just sold the items straight to players for cash - there were no materials necessary nor any manufacturing process used, and the items themselves were unpopular enough that there isn’t even a vibrant after-market for them. Players buy items directly for their avatar, but rarely use the EvE market system, which for me just breaks all immersion and highlights them for the cash-grab that they are.

As for ship skins, I would absolutely urge CCP to abandon the microtransaction model, and make them obtainable through in-game means, rather than by asking customers to pay more on top of their existing subscriptions. LP is by far the most sensible solution, since skins will likely be tied to one flavor of NPC faction or another, and therefore could require that faction’s LP to obtain.

The only possible scenario under which I would tolerate the idea of paying cash for ship skins is if CCP offered players a forced, gunpoint choice – you will either pay cash for these, or we won’t bother making them. If given that choice and the majority of players still wanted ship skins enough to pay cash for them, that’s their choice, I would have a hard time saying no at that point.

But as for corporate and alliance logos ?? They BETTER come free, and in unlimited quantities. They should be a built-in option to apply to ships without having to pay one isk, one aurum, or one LP to generate. The whole fun of ship logos is the sense of visual unity they create amongst the mixed ships in a fleet, which would be immediately ruined if CCP required any monetary threshold to have them in the first place.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#25 - 2012-02-07 16:21:57 UTC
You got my vote Hans! Good Luck brudda.
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#26 - 2012-02-07 16:32:36 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
Jade Constantine wrote:

All I need to know is where you stand on microtransactions in Eve.

Thank you for the kind words, Jade! I consider them a high compliment, given your experience on the council.

Microtransactions were one of many issues that for the sake of brevity (if such a word is even appropriate for my campaign primer) I was unable to include in the document but am happy to discuss as they are brought up.

Personally, I loathe the layering of microtransactions onto games which are already subscription-supported . Even when used to deliver content players ask for, it still feels tacky, commercial, and disruptive to me. And especially within a game like EvE where the entire item economy should be player-driven, microtransactions are a particularly dangerous payment model to flirt with.

One of my frustrations with the NeX store rollout was that CCP just sold the items straight to players for cash - there were no materials necessary nor any manufacturing process used, and the items themselves were unpopular enough that there isn’t even a vibrant after-market for them. Players buy items directly for their avatar, but rarely use the EvE market system, which for me just breaks all immersion and highlights them for the cash-grab that they are.

As for ship skins, I would absolutely urge CCP to abandon the microtransaction model, and make them obtainable through in-game means, rather than by asking customers to pay more on top of their existing subscriptions. LP is by far the most sensible solution, since skins will likely be tied to one flavor of NPC faction or another, and therefore could require that faction’s LP to obtain.

The only possible scenario under which I would tolerate the idea of paying cash for ship skins is if CCP offered players a forced, gunpoint choice – you will either pay cash for these, or we won’t bother making them. If given that choice and the majority of players still wanted ship skins enough to pay cash for them, that’s their choice, I would have a hard time saying no at that point.

But as for corporate and alliance logos ?? They BETTER come free, and in unlimited quantities. They should be a built-in option to apply to ships without having to pay one isk, one aurum, or one LP to generate. The whole fun of ship logos is the sense of visual unity they create amongst the mixed ships in a fleet, which would be immediately ruined if CCP required any monetary threshold to have them in the first place.

Thats good enough for me.

I'll be endorsing your candidature and sending my votes your way.

This time around I am convinced we need far better grass roots representation of the player base and much less monotone nullsec influence on the council.

Good luck Hans. Hope you win!

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

The Mittani
State War Academy
Caldari State
#27 - 2012-02-07 16:36:09 UTC
I sort of assumed that Hans would be a FW candidate this year and I support him, no need to get all ~rah rah mittens~ about it.

During CSM6 Hans reached out to us and gave us a whole list of FW fixes, which we promptly dumped in CCP's lap, and they're now cognizant of them - pretty much entirely due to Hans taking the initiative.

FW dudes should have a rep, just like Wormhole dudes. If I was a FW player, I'd rally behind Hans. Good luck!


Vordak Kallager
#28 - 2012-02-07 16:38:36 UTC
And my axe!

Vote Hans for Free Hans Jobs. (They are really good, I promise.)

Sa souvraya niende misain ye.

Ice Fire Warriors
#29 - 2012-02-07 16:38:52 UTC
Congrats Hans,

Ive known you for the past two years and I cant think of anyone I know in lowsec who has the passion to help out the low sec and FW players in this game.

You have all my votes.

Were all rooting for you!

Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#30 - 2012-02-07 17:13:37 UTC
Good luck

And it all starts officialy tommorow.
February 8th to 22nd – Candidacy application period opens

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#31 - 2012-02-07 17:20:27 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:

This time around I am convinced we need far better grass roots representation of the player base and much less monotone nullsec influence on the council.

That is precisely my mission here. The militia community has been really supportive in understanding that they really are only providing the core vote base needed to compete against the 0.0 power blocs, helping me to shrug off the question about viability that has been rightfully directed at the other empire "front runner" candidates so far. It will be the wide-ranging support of pilots like yourself that believe in the inherent value of my platform that will help me the rest of the way to a top seat.

I want my election to CSM7 to be a truly grassroots effort spread among capsuleers from all walks of life who believe I can do a stand-up job of representing the non-null voice on the council. Hence, why Faction Warfare discussion only comprises a small portion of my complete platform.

The difference between a militia "bloc" vote and an alliance bloc vote is simple - I have no whipping power or authority to force compliance from any Faction Warfare pilot, and certainly not those that belong to enemy factions. In order to secure widespread, unanimous support from the leadership of the four militias, I've had to convince them to cooperate with my campaign based solely on the merit of my ideas and their collective faith that I will protect their voice with CCP if elected.

The work ahead of me now is to demonstrate to the voting public that the experience I've gained working with the militia community will equally serve the rest of the player base throughout the coming year.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Karmilla Strife
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#32 - 2012-02-07 17:34:43 UTC
As a faction warfare veteran, I'm more than happy to support a candidate who'll keep the interest of low-sec dwellers at heart. +1 vote for Hans.
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#33 - 2012-02-07 17:35:23 UTC
The Mittani wrote:
I sort of assumed that Hans would be a FW candidate this year and I support him, no need to get all ~rah rah mittens~ about it.

During CSM6 Hans reached out to us and gave us a whole list of FW fixes, which we promptly dumped in CCP's lap, and they're now cognizant of them - pretty much entirely due to Hans taking the initiative.

FW dudes should have a rep, just like Wormhole dudes. If I was a FW player, I'd rally behind Hans. Good luck!

Thank you for your recognition of my efforts, and I do appreciate you at least passing on the information, despite the fact that little of it seems to have appeared on CCP's radar in terms of future FW plans.

I'm not sure where the communication breakdown still exists, though we will certainly have time to tackle the issue should the two of us end up on the winning council together.

Also, for the record, I must clarify that despite your words of support here, I do NOT want voters to construe this as any kind of indication that we stand for the same values. You and I have some fairly fundamental differences regarding the ways we think certain areas of space should be improved, which will no doubt become clear as we move further into election season and conduct our interviews and continue to blog, etc.

That being said, let the games begin! It's going to be a fun election season. I hope the other empire candidate hopefuls bring their "A" game, they'll need it to go up against you and the other incumbents campaigning in this race.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

The Mittani
State War Academy
Caldari State
#34 - 2012-02-07 18:15:48 UTC
I kind of doubt the idea that we have wildly conflicting ideas, I mostly stay out of FW issues. You're not running a campaign against me, even though you might think you are as a political neophyte. Our constituencies don't intersect.

You're running primarily against Meissa and his lowsec voter pool, as well as Trebor, T'Amber, Issler and Kelduum for hisec nonaligneds.

Protip is to mostly ignore this forum as it's a sideshow and focus on organizing your base; people vote based on identification, and if you're going to be the 'FW Guy' you need to ensure every FW player knows about your run via ingame means. Making long posts in Jita Park or trying to be 'more than the FW Guy' will just result in Trebor, Meissa, et al turning their guns on you, but if you stick to gotv on your base you'll sail to a seat (probably an alt one, but maybe not)

7th seat right now is likely to be either a wormholer or you as FW, unless Riverini somehow convinces enough people to vote for him via EN24.

Anyway, feel free to hit me up on Skype or ingame if you'd like to touch base on campaign strategy.


Garr Earthbender
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#35 - 2012-02-07 18:21:44 UTC
You have my Coercer (and my vote).

-Scissors is overpowered, rock is fine. -Paper

Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#36 - 2012-02-07 18:25:12 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
But as for corporate and alliance logos ??..

Wouldn't it be a rather silly idea to launch such custom jobs as 'standard' (ie. no costs at all)? Should be an in-game cost for sure, preferably ISK but could be marketable materials found in specific sites as well .. but some kind of bar has to be in place or everyone and their mother will be brandishing them thus watering the whole idea down like a pint of lager at a nightclub.

As for supporting Hans .. not sure it is kosher to support an insurgent slave, Minnies are not exactly pillars of the community after all!


PS: You have my vote as well as those whose arms I can twist and whose ears I can whisper into between now and then.
#37 - 2012-02-07 19:14:14 UTC
I'm renaming all my ships to HANS FOR CSM
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#38 - 2012-02-07 19:31:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Hans Jagerblitzen
The Mittani wrote:
I kind of doubt the idea that we have wildly conflicting ideas, I mostly stay out of FW issues.

Except for your repeated discussion of using Faction Warfare as a test bed for null sec sovereignty mechanics, of course. Roll

Again, while I appreciate you encouraging me to "shoot for the middle", I have no intention of doing so. I will not be running merely as the "FW Guy", and have no problem seeking votes from players residing in both high sec and low sec space, since both regions are important to me as they have been my joint home for the entirety of my EvE career.

Issler, T'Amber, and Kelduum will all have to strongly consider whether or not they hold the voting core needed to rival mine if their goal is to achieve one of the top 7 seats. If not, I hope they will consider supporting my own campaign instead. They might also be fine with aiming for a lower seat, and may continue to campaign regardless, that is their decision of course.

As for Meissa, the bottom line is that I have lived in lowsec since I began playing the game, and have many influential friends in the various pirate corporations, because there is a huge crossover between lowsec pirate circles and the former Faction Warfare crowd. Both groups have a huge interest at stake this Spring, with much of the future health of low sec space hinging upon whether or not Faction Warfare will be forced to more closely resemble null sec, or whether it will maintain its core appeal as a haven for small gang PvP. I urge all low sec pilots to read over my platform, and to consider supporting me with a vote, regardless of the existence of an already popular incumbent.

I am quite comfortable putting myself forward as an empire candidate this Spring election, regardless of the challenge I face running against the incumbents, and I wouldn't come out saying as much if I didn't already know that I have the head start needed to realistically achieve one of the top council seats. I invite all eve players to consider supporting me with their votes, regardless of whatever label or category or label you'd like to place me in.

As for being a political neophyte, that's a pretty fair assessment. However, I think voters are smart enough to understand that sometimes, a fresh perspective is needed for the health of the CSM, and that my lack of political experience is in no way a statement upon my ability to represent their interest on the council.

Just as in real life, CSM7 needs strong leadership, not just a winning group of skilled politicans.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Trebor Daehdoow
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#39 - 2012-02-07 19:34:34 UTC
Good luck in the elections, Hans. You've demonstrated that you have the primary characteristic of a good CSM; the willingness to work hard, without letting emo or ego get in the way.

PS: you slightly misrepresent my position in your manifesto. While I agree that the tolerance for griefing is something that distinguishes EVE from most other MMOs, this is not quite the same thing as liking it, approving of it, or thinking the current state of affairs is properly balanced.

But hey, what's an election without a little slander between friends? Twisted

Private Citizen • CSM in recovery

Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#40 - 2012-02-07 19:43:23 UTC
I would say with out a doubt this is the candidate for folks that are focused on Faction Warfare. I still think we need a mining candidate and I will remain focused on getting one with a mining focus in the CSM 7 as well.

Good luck Hans! You will do well in the CSM 7. Hope you'll be working along side someone from my party as well!
