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Advanced Audio Settings Changes

First post
Cyber Collapse.
Fanatic Legion.
#241 - 2017-05-16 13:18:53 UTC
CCP Antiquarian
The new option "Warning Sounds" does not work correctly, it can be used to control the volume of Shield Warning, Hull Warning, Cap Warning, Armor Warning. But "UI Sound Level" disables all sounds, including "Warning Sounds".
If you set "Warning Sounds" and "UI Sound Level" to 100, then all sounds will be heard, including BZZZ.
If you set "Warning Sounds" to 0, "UI Sound Level" to 100 then only BZZZ will be heard.
If you set "Warning Sounds" to 100, "UI Sound Level" to 0 then no sound is heard.

I am sorry if I write is not too clear, but I have a problem with the sound of BZZZ.
Felyx Ravencroft
#242 - 2017-05-16 13:36:37 UTC
Iron'Kran wrote:
CCP Antiquarian
The new option "Warning Sounds" does not work correctly, it can be used to control the volume of Shield Warning, Hull Warning, Cap Warning, Armor Warning. But "UI Sound Level" disables all sounds, including "Warning Sounds".

The problem here is the nested dependencies of various categories, some of which are being treated as sub-categories of super-categories - this more or less defeats a large portion of what is (presumably) intended. Just another aspect of an all-round ****-poor job.

As for the general pulling of wool over the players' heads:
Wait for it, in a couple of weeks' time, or perhaps a month, once players have had ample chance to fiddle in frustration with the current travesty of settings options, trying in vain to approximate their desired soundscapes, certain clowns are going to dislocate their shoulders patting themselves on the back and claiming: "See? Usage statistics for our New! Improved! Advanced Audio Controls are up. This proves that we were right all along to butcher them."

*shakes head in dismay*
Felyx Ravencroft
#243 - 2017-05-16 15:31:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Felyx Ravencroft
So, i just discovered that the informative, and therefore useful, and even relatively pleasant sound of ISK rolling into (and out of) the wallet has been lumped into the UI Click category - are you ****ing kidding me?? Is this some sick attempt at a joke?

Alright, here are my thoughts, categorised:

Constructive: Whoever is making these executive design decisions is clueless and needs to be replaced, or at the very least sent off on sabbatical to play and FAMILIARISE him/herself with the game he/she is butchering.

Not-so-constructive: Just how far up their posteriors are the audio team storing their heads?
Oraac Ensor
#244 - 2017-05-16 15:57:50 UTC
CCP Antiquarian wrote:
Audio has looked over the feedback and has decided to hold off on additional changes for the continuing rework of settings.

After today's (16/05/2017) patch, there will be no further alterations to the Advanced Audio Settings in the current release.

Absolutely disgraceful - you should be utterly ashamed of yourselves.

No other way to say it without adding expletives.
CCP Antiquarian
C C P Alliance
#245 - 2017-05-16 17:35:21 UTC
Felyx Ravencroft wrote:
So, i just discovered that the informative, and therefore useful, and even relatively pleasant sound of ISK rolling into (and out of) the wallet has been lumped into the UI Click category

Definitely a bug, not a feature.

"Singularity pilots are helpful pilots."

@CCP_Antiquarian - for immediate fulfillment of your archaic social media needs.

Felyx Ravencroft
#246 - 2017-05-16 17:48:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Felyx Ravencroft
CCP Antiquarian wrote:
Felyx Ravencroft wrote:
So, i just discovered that the informative, and therefore useful, and even relatively pleasant sound of ISK rolling into (and out of) the wallet has been lumped into the UI Click category

Definitely a bug, not a feature.

OK, thank you for the response on this - if not a design decision, then it's understandable (bugs do slip/crawl through cracks, after all.) I certainly hope that bug-stomping is exempt from the whole "no further changes" thing...
Market JitaAlt
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#247 - 2017-05-16 18:22:52 UTC
CCP Antiquarian wrote:
Audio has looked over the feedback and has decided to hold off on additional changes for the continuing rework of settings.

After today's (16/05/2017) patch, there will be no further alterations to the Advanced Audio Settings in the current release.

90% of the people that use advanced settings don't like this changes and this is your wow...shameful display.

On another note, which and where are the BZZZZ sound files and can they be replaced with 0 kb sound files? X
Queloor Zefram
Goonswarm Federation
#248 - 2017-05-16 19:43:17 UTC
Felyx Ravencroft wrote:

Not-so-constructive: Just how far up their posteriors are the audio team storing their heads?

my sentiments exactly
Eternity INC.
Goonswarm Federation
#249 - 2017-05-16 20:21:23 UTC
Market JitaAlt wrote:
CCP Antiquarian wrote:
Audio has looked over the feedback and has decided to hold off on additional changes for the continuing rework of settings.

After today's (16/05/2017) patch, there will be no further alterations to the Advanced Audio Settings in the current release.

90% of the people that use advanced settings don't like this changes and this is your wow...shameful display.

On another note, which and where are the BZZZZ sound files and can they be replaced with 0 kb sound files? X

I already suggested that they put all the sound files to a directory and let us delete or lower them as we want using third party tools. That way CCP can waste dev time on various future failures while we get to play the game we pay for without turning suicidal.

Of course they ignored it like any other suggestion that includes actually getting the function back. No function allowed in EVE sound. You will listen to all of it because there is no fun like pissing on your paying customers and **** them all.
#250 - 2017-05-17 02:53:58 UTC
Only 10% of people used the advanced settings. The part they don't mention is that the other 90% mute it all. EVE sound sucks. Always has. Worse now than ever. It's actually somewhat surprising there's an audio team at all.

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Denny Britva
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#251 - 2017-05-17 06:42:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Denny Britva
CCP Audio team do not know what to do? They looking some thing to fix? So add new soundtracks to EVE, I'm tired of listening to the same thing for 8 years and return back old Advanced Audio settings. It was really bad idea change Audio Settings.
Denny Britva
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#252 - 2017-05-17 07:08:45 UTC
Iron'Kran wrote:
CCP Antiquarian
The new option "Warning Sounds" does not work correctly, it can be used to control the volume of Shield Warning, Hull Warning, Cap Warning, Armor Warning. But "UI Sound Level" disables all sounds, including "Warning Sounds".
If you set "Warning Sounds" and "UI Sound Level" to 100, then all sounds will be heard, including BZZZ.
If you set "Warning Sounds" to 0, "UI Sound Level" to 100 then only BZZZ will be heard.
If you set "Warning Sounds" to 100, "UI Sound Level" to 0 then no sound is heard.

I am sorry if I write is not too clear, but I have a problem with the sound of BZZZ.

BBBBZZZZZ it is a "CrimeWatch" in the old Audio settings.
CCP Antiquarian
C C P Alliance
#253 - 2017-05-17 10:14:47 UTC
Felyx Ravencroft wrote:

OK, thank you for the response on this - if not a design decision, then it's understandable (bugs do slip/crawl through cracks, after all.) I certainly hope that bug-stomping is exempt from the whole "no further changes" thing...

Bug stomping is always possible. Defect is in and I'm nagging for a fix.

"Singularity pilots are helpful pilots."

@CCP_Antiquarian - for immediate fulfillment of your archaic social media needs.

Sylvia Kildare
Kinetic Fury
#254 - 2017-05-19 06:32:08 UTC
Wow. I had heard something about things changing with this, but I only just today went and checked my audio tab of my escape menu in all 3 of my main toons and... all my custom settings are gone. I really enjoyed being able to set separate sliders for warp-in/out sounds, shield, armor, hull, cap warning sounds... losing that level of granularity in our ability to control the game interface is really crushing.
Sylvia Kildare
Kinetic Fury
#255 - 2017-05-19 09:01:03 UTC
WildStrawberry wrote:
After some testing i came up with results which do not satisfy me but are a compromise between insanity and temptation to throw speakers out the window.


Thanks to such low granularity my settings show my appreciation to the hard work of CCP's audio guys which effects i won't hear anymore. So yeah, nice little effects you made. Really good work. Too bad they play together with some awfull noice. MUUUUUUTED!!!! Bye, next please.


Based on what a dev said earlier in the thread, Jump Activation is an advanced audio option under world level, so since your world level is like 40% and that's 100%, you're golden.

But Warning Sounds is an advanced audio option under UI sound level, and since your UI sound level is set to 0%, I believe it won't matter that your Warning Sounds is set to 100%... the 0% UI sound level should make it where you can't hear the warning sounds at all.

Should probably doublecheck that, tho. Don't miss out on shield/armor/hull alerts!
Zero Davahum
#256 - 2017-05-19 09:16:20 UTC
CCP Antiquarian wrote:
Audio has looked over the feedback and has decided to hold off on additional changes for the continuing rework of settings.

After today's (16/05/2017) patch, there will be no further alterations to the Advanced Audio Settings in the current release.

This isn't good enough CCP.

Saying "we won't change it any futher" is not good enough.

There is one change that you need to make to this audio settings BS. That change is to bring back the old advanced audio options as they were before, don't fix it if it isnt broken.

Linus Gorp
Ministry of Propaganda and Morale
#257 - 2017-05-19 14:10:42 UTC
I want this targeting warning sound GONE. MAKE IT GO AWAY. Before, I could just mute it with one of the sliders, but now I tried EVERYTHING and it didn't go away. Ended up muting all my clients and that made me lose 4 ships so far because I always shitpost on the forums and my ships die in the background.

CCPls, how am I to shitpost when I can't hear important warning sounds?

When you don't know the difference between there, their, and they're, you come across as being so uneducated that your viewpoint can be safely dismissed. The literate is unlikely to learn much from the illiterate.

Orillion Maxwell
EVE University
Ivy League
#258 - 2017-05-19 19:40:32 UTC
Just...why? Advanced settings are called advanced for a reason.
Eternity INC.
Goonswarm Federation
#259 - 2017-05-20 08:30:29 UTC
Orillion Maxwell wrote:
Just...why? Advanced settings are called advanced for a reason.

It wouldn't be CCP is they were not pissing on their customers or trying to save "dev costs" on eve to put them on some pet project that will never make any money but will waste our subscriptions.

Sometimes I really think that all the bugs and crap moves are just them testing just how much **** we are willing to put up with.
Linus Gorp
Ministry of Propaganda and Morale
#260 - 2017-05-20 12:30:18 UTC
Axhind wrote:
Sometimes I really think that all the bugs and crap moves are just them testing just how much **** we are willing to put up with.

If only EVE had some sort of competition we could wander off to...

When you don't know the difference between there, their, and they're, you come across as being so uneducated that your viewpoint can be safely dismissed. The literate is unlikely to learn much from the illiterate.