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Advanced Audio Settings Changes

First post
CCP Antiquarian
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2017-05-08 10:45:05 UTC
Greetings, Capsuleers! This post will discuss the changes coming out for the Audio settings of EVE Online.

In 2014, we released Kronos which provided players with in-depth sound customization options in the form of Advance Audio Settings. We introduced that change because we wanted our players to have more control when choosing what they personally prefer to hear in the game - especially when playing with many clients at the same time - and also because we wanted to encourage the experience of EVE Online's unique soundscape.

The Advanced Audio Settings have been a partial success, functioning as intended but not having all the desired effects. We did indeed make the audio side of the game more flexible for our players, introducing some 30 different sliders for many possible audio mixing scenarios. Despite that customization, however, only a handful of players ultimately ended up using these customization options. Client settings logging reveals that around 9% of total EVE players are using the Advance Audio Settings menu at all. Of them, only a third (3% of all EVE players) are using each individual slider. A large majority of the 9% are only using one or two sliders in the Audio Customization menu. Some are only using sliders for elements they've disabled via the normal Audio settings.

Via survey, self-reporting, and focused testing, it became clear that complexity is the most likely reason for this lack of engagement with the menu options. New players confronted with the already gargantuan EVE Online options menu find the list of sliders daunting, and manual upkeep of the code yields more defects on the development side than the usage merits. Additionally, upkeep of the existing system when upgrading our middle-ware and adding new sounds to EVE is somewhat cumbersome. Frequently it is unclear where a sound should be included, or how to link new sound triggers into the existing system. We are dedicated to empowering EVE players, but in this instance simplification seemed better for both players and developers.

With that in mind, in order to make the menu more inviting for everyone and clear up valuable interface space (not to mention developer hours) we have decided to simplify the Audio Customization menu greatly. This will require adjustment for many of the 9% that have been using the existing sliders, but we've taken steps to minimize that disruption by shifting and grouping the various sounds according to usage and type. The names of the regular Volume Level settings (the UI, Music, Speech, World and Master sliders) are not being changed but some of the old Advanced sliders are being diverted into those controls. For example, Aura's voice will now be controlled by the Speech Volume slider.

The names and functions of the Advanced Sliders change as listed below:

New Sliders:
Jump Activation
Secondary Interfaces
Ship Effects
Ship Ambience
Turret Volume
Warning Sounds

Old Slider -> Appears under New Slider:
Turret volume -> Turret Volume
Impacts -> Turret Volume
Stargates -> Atmosphere
Wormholes -> Atmosphere*
Jump Activation -> Jump Activation
Crimewatch -> (UI Sound Level)
Explosions -> Ship Effects
Engine.MWD.AB -> Ship Ambience
Station Exterior -> Atmosphere
Station Interior -> Atmosphere
Modules -> Ship Effects
Ship Ambience -> Ship Ambience
Warping Effect -> Ship Effects
3rd Party warp -> Jump Activation
Map and Ship Tree Vol -> Secondary Interfaces
Locking -> (UI Sound Level)
EVE store -> (UI Sound Level)
Planets -> Atmosphere
UI Click -> (UI Sound Level)
Radial Menu -> (UI Sound Level)
UI Interaction -> Secondary Interfaces
Aura -> (UI Speech Level)
Hacking -> Secondary Interfaces
Shield Warning -> Warning Sounds
Hull Warning -> Warning Sounds
Ship Damage Warnings -> Warning Sounds
Cap Warning -> Warning Sounds
Atmosphere -> Atmosphere
Music Dungeons -> (Music Level)
Music General -> (Music Level)

* This indicates general wormhole atmosphere. The wormhole activation sound is controlled by the Jump Activation slider.

We continue to investigate ways to improve this system, including modifying which features are controlled by which sliders and adjusting for popular requests, so do not hesitate to comment on the forums and make your own noise across New Eden. We look forward to streamlining the process of customization for all capsuleers and hopefully bumping that 9% up so that more players can experience all that EVE has to offer.

Fly free!

"Singularity pilots are helpful pilots."

@CCP_Antiquarian - for immediate fulfillment of your archaic social media needs.

Sentient Blade
Crisis Atmosphere
Coalition of the Unfortunate
#2 - 2017-05-08 11:16:59 UTC
If I'm reading this right, please separate stargates activation from station interiors. There is a gameplay advantage to hearing a stargate fire where as station buzzing is just super-tedious when we're docked for hours at a time.

I would like to see the map volume broken out too. Having that constant whine when the map window is maddening, but I do like some of the UI sounds.
Dzieci we mgle
#3 - 2017-05-08 11:19:23 UTC  |  Edited by: B0T0
CCP Antiquarian wrote:

Old Slider -> Appears under New Slider:
Wormholes -> Atmosphere*


* This indicates general wormhole atmosphere. The wormhole activation sound is controlled by the Jump Activation slider.

That is the only change I have a problem with because sound of wormhole indicates its status unlike rest of atmosphere sounds.

01010111 00101101 01110011 01110000 01100001 01100011 01100101 00101100 00100000 01100010 01100101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01110011 01110000 01100001 01100011 01100101 00100001

Dzieci we mgle
#4 - 2017-05-08 11:25:44 UTC
CCP Antiquarian wrote:
Greetings, Capsuleers! This post will discuss the changes coming out for the Audio settings of EVE Online.
Stargates -> Atmosphere
Wormholes -> Atmosphere*
Jump Activation -> Jump Activation
Station Exterior -> Atmosphere
Station Interior -> Atmosphere
Planets -> Atmosphere
Atmosphere -> Atmosphere

* This indicates general wormhole atmosphere. The wormhole activation sound is controlled by the Jump Activation slider.

WHY do you hate wormholers so much?

When i was living on POS i had to quiet down "Planets" because it occured that's the reason of annoying ambient sound - being really close to the planet on moon 1.
You introduced citadels and now you plan to torture me with sounds of station interiors and exteriors....
From all sounds quoted above i only need "Wormhole" and "Jump Activation". And i really DON'T want to hear Stargates, f*ing Station noise nor planets and atmosphere.

It's a space game, the less sounds the better. Especially when one account jumps with some worthless s**t through gates on autopilot and i couldn't care less if it jumps, dies or docks somewhere, and another does it's WH business (listening for jump, mass change or disappearance of WH) and least thing i want to hear is some f*****g Station Interior from another account.

I'm a wormholer, I listen to the wormhole sound and that's my life.
And death.
CCP Antiquarian
C C P Alliance
#5 - 2017-05-08 11:51:15 UTC
Sentient Blade wrote:
If I'm reading this right, please separate stargates activation from station interiors. There is a gameplay advantage to hearing a stargate fire where as station buzzing is just super-tedious when we're docked for hours at a time.

I would like to see the map volume broken out too. Having that constant whine when the map window is maddening, but I do like some of the UI sounds.

Slight misreading, but the result is positive: The wormhole activation sound (Jump Activation) is completely separate from Station Interiors (Atmosphere).

Map is not lumped in with UI sounds, but is instead part of Secondary Interfaces. Win.

WildStrawberry wrote:
...WORMHOLES...(possibly paraphrased)

Thanks for putting this up here. Please have a go at using the set up tomorrow and come back to see how the sliders worked out as far as minimizing the sounds you don't need, then add further comment. CCP Baldur will be monitoring the player response here.

"Singularity pilots are helpful pilots."

@CCP_Antiquarian - for immediate fulfillment of your archaic social media needs.

Sentient Blade
Crisis Atmosphere
Coalition of the Unfortunate
#6 - 2017-05-08 11:57:47 UTC
CCP Antiquarian wrote:
Sentient Blade wrote:
If I'm reading this right, please separate stargates activation from station interiors. There is a gameplay advantage to hearing a stargate fire where as station buzzing is just super-tedious when we're docked for hours at a time.

I would like to see the map volume broken out too. Having that constant whine when the map window is maddening, but I do like some of the UI sounds.

Slight misreading, but the result is positive: The wormhole activation sound (Jump Activation) is completely separate from Station Interiors (Atmosphere).

Map is not lumped in with UI sounds, but is instead part of Secondary Interfaces. Win.

Great, thanks!
Dominous Nolen
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#7 - 2017-05-08 13:52:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Dominous Nolen
Please separate the wormhole ambience from the stargate hum. I live in wormholes on all of my accounts, and stargate ambiance plays no reliance impact on my game and gets turned down to near 0, Wormhole states however... Big deal.

3rd party warp should be its own items. It's not a jump effect there for it doesn't make sense. I keep that setting maxed at all times and turn down my jump effect to 3/4 volume.

Station interior/exterior bound to the same slider as gate/wormhole effects isn't ideal either. I turn that down for sanity sake as the interior/ exterior station chatter don't really matter and can be annoying.

Aww Explosions aren't their own menu item anymore... Dammit. I'd like to hear the satisfying sound of the kill while seperating it from the same silder that my warp effect falls under, because.. I don't need to hear the warp tunnel as long as I visually see myself moving in warp. I know alot people that want the ship skinning effect turned down (especially while watching wormholes)

I'm not seeing anything or incursion radio chatter audio/ Thera ambiance/ Tactical camera ambiance. Where is that bound, just the generic ambiance slider?

Iterating on this as time allows / Once I get hands on time with this after patch day.


When you're looking at your stats and getting on 9% of the player base are you taking into account character age/clone states?

I was at the Toronto meetup on the weekend and one of the attendees who has been active since 2014 said he has barely gone through the menu in that time. Even in the previous thread this item was brought up in some older players weren't even aware the advanced options were there.

Maybe some of us are edge cases in this but never the less our play styles will be impacted by this upcoming change.


"Fly dangerously, Fly safe, Fly whatever, just keep Flying." - Lee Blackwood

Dominous Nolen
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#8 - 2017-05-08 14:09:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Dominous Nolen
CCP Antiquarian wrote:

WildStrawberry wrote:
...WORMHOLES...(possibly paraphrased)

Thanks for putting this up here. Please have a go at using the set up tomorrow and come back to see how the sliders worked out as far as minimizing the sounds you don't need, then add further comment. CCP Baldur will be monitoring the player response here.

From Testing I've done on SISI I can already tell you being bombarded by the station interior/exterior just for the sake of the wormhole states is going to be maddening.

CCP Antiquarian wrote:

Via survey, self-reporting, and focused testing

Whom did you survey (and how? I've never seen and In game Notification, email or other) and how do you perform your focus user testing? (existing players vs. random sample group of people thrown at the game and never touching it again)

How do veteran players get included on this because I have a feeling that newer players are the only ones reporting issues and being surveyed (hence why we lost the double tap tab rollup / rolldown on the open windows in game)

If you'd sent out a feedback survey somehow (plenty of online survey tools out there that could be used to gather/sort the feedback) You'd probably have received a lot of responses from active veteran players stating we need more controls, not less. I have replied on numerous threads asking for more ambient noise control for changes that are rolled out to the player base.


"Fly dangerously, Fly safe, Fly whatever, just keep Flying." - Lee Blackwood

Seraph Essael
The Initiative.
#9 - 2017-05-08 14:18:35 UTC
Dominous Nolen wrote:
Please separate the wormhole ambience from the stargate hum. I live in wormholes on all of my accounts, and stargate ambiance plays no reliance impact on my game and gets turned down to near 0, Wormhole states however... Big deal.

Yep this!
I would also like to see jump activation and wormhole activation in separate sliders also. I live in wormholes and have the wormhole activation turned pretty much right up. If I have to turn down the gates (because jesus they get loud) every time I go into K-Space it gets tedious.

Dominous Nolen wrote:
3rd party warp should be its own items. It's not a jump effect there for it doesn't make sense. I keep that setting maxed at all times and turn down my jump effect to 3/4 volume.

I also have 3rd party warp set up high also. This is effective because you can tell when something else is landing on grid that you cannot necessarily see. Say for example, if its a fleet mate or someone is landing on a grid where your overview is cramped.

I notice a few of the things I have turned down / adjusted is the UI sounds. Will there be some sliders for different UI sounds or will UI clicks and Scanning sounds all be in the same category?

Quoted from Doc Fury: "Concerned citizens: Doc seldom plays EVE on the weekends during spring and summer, so you will always be on your own for a couple days a week. Doc spends that time collecting kittens for the on-going sacrifices, engaging in reckless outdoor activities, and speaking in the 3rd person."

Dominous Nolen
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#10 - 2017-05-08 14:23:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Dominous Nolen
Seraph Essael wrote:

I notice a few of the things I have turned down / adjusted is the UI sounds. Will there be some sliders for different UI sounds or will UI clicks and Scanning sounds all be in the same category?

Sight specifics on this point. Right now they all seem to be lumped into the UI interaction/ secondary interfaces sliders based on what I'm reading.


"Fly dangerously, Fly safe, Fly whatever, just keep Flying." - Lee Blackwood

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#11 - 2017-05-08 14:26:23 UTC
Has there ever been any thought of making customizable audio parameters available in the .ini, similar to this:

This would allow "power users" to get their settings just right, while taking the pressure off the UI team.
Seraph Essael
The Initiative.
#12 - 2017-05-08 14:26:42 UTC
Dominous Nolen wrote:
Seraph Essael wrote:

I notice a few of the things I have turned down / adjusted is the UI sounds. Will there be some sliders for different UI sounds or will UI clicks and Scanning sounds all be in the same category?

Sight specifics on this point. Right now they all seem to be lumped into the UI interaction/ secondary interfaces sliders based on what I'm reading.

That could get frustrating if they aren't seperate mainly due to the UI clicks and they sound like insects running across my headset.

I'll reserve judgement until I get off work and can test them and post here with findings. Big smile

Quoted from Doc Fury: "Concerned citizens: Doc seldom plays EVE on the weekends during spring and summer, so you will always be on your own for a couple days a week. Doc spends that time collecting kittens for the on-going sacrifices, engaging in reckless outdoor activities, and speaking in the 3rd person."

Dominous Nolen
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#13 - 2017-05-08 14:30:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Dominous Nolen
Seraph Essael wrote:

That could get frustrating if they aren't seperate mainly due to the UI clicks and they sound like insects running across my headset.

I'll reserve judgement until I get off work and can test them and post here with findings. Big smile

UI Click -> (UI Sound Level) <--- really should be bound to its own item still. cause dammit it's annoying.
UI Interaction -> Secondary Interfaces (From what I assume I'm going to guess that this includes things like that annoying login sound, background sweeps form the scanner etc)


"Fly dangerously, Fly safe, Fly whatever, just keep Flying." - Lee Blackwood

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2017-05-08 15:10:09 UTC
I object to this streamlining. There should be more controls for audio, not fewer. The ability to manage the volume level of in-game sounds is important to my enjoyment of the game. There are some sounds in the game that are highly annoying - the DScan BOOM for example. I use dscan a lot so that sound annoys me a lot. Presently I find it not at all helpful that the only way to soften that awful sound is to turn the UI setting way down, but that makes other UI sounds hard to hear.

Recent updates added a number of new sounds and I'd like an ability to soften or accentuate several of them. It will make the playing experience more enjoyable if I can hear the sounds I want to hear that provide important in-game feedback, without getting annoyed by the ones that are intrusive and irritating and don't provide any significant feedback to in-game activities.
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2017-05-08 15:26:08 UTC
I'll do absolutely anything to separate the dscan ping from everything else. Seriously I'll come to Iceland and do your laundry for a year. Anyone that flies small gang/solo or lives in wormholes needs to dscan every few seconds. I don't want to roleplay a submarine commander. Muting UI interaction already means I don't get killmail dongs and now it's gonna be more on top of that.

If you don't want to spend dev hours is there at least a line I can add to the prefs.ini or something?
Rolled Out
#16 - 2017-05-08 15:48:08 UTC
Sentient Blade wrote:
CCP Antiquarian wrote:
Sentient Blade wrote:
If I'm reading this right, please separate stargates activation from station interiors. There is a gameplay advantage to hearing a stargate fire where as station buzzing is just super-tedious when we're docked for hours at a time.

I would like to see the map volume broken out too. Having that constant whine when the map window is maddening, but I do like some of the UI sounds.

Slight misreading, but the result is positive: The wormhole activation sound (Jump Activation) is completely separate from Station Interiors (Atmosphere).

Map is not lumped in with UI sounds, but is instead part of Secondary Interfaces. Win.

Great, thanks!

Thank you, indeed.

I'm right behind you

Rolled Out
#17 - 2017-05-08 15:52:10 UTC
Tomalak wrote:
I'll do absolutely anything to separate the dscan ping from everything else. Seriously I'll come to Iceland and do your laundry for a year.

I don't think you understand what you're volunteering for. That is laundry made from diets consisting of Hakarl (fermented shark) washed down with Brennivin (Black Death).

I'm right behind you

Ransu Asanari
Caldari State
#18 - 2017-05-08 16:29:24 UTC
Just wanted to stop in and say thanks for providing the mappings.

Also, glad to see "3rd Party Warp" is under Jump Activation, since I'd want options for situational audio to be turned on.

As a wormholer, contrary to some other people, I don't mind not having the ambient audio of the wormholes turned on. I just need the jump activation sounds, and that's already covered with Jump Activation.
Dominous Nolen
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#19 - 2017-05-08 16:30:18 UTC
Duplicate. Delete please


"Fly dangerously, Fly safe, Fly whatever, just keep Flying." - Lee Blackwood

Dominous Nolen
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#20 - 2017-05-08 16:31:58 UTC
Hey Antiquarian/Baldor - I did post about this thread on reddit.. You'll probably get some feedback there that doesn't transition over here.. Just an FYI


"Fly dangerously, Fly safe, Fly whatever, just keep Flying." - Lee Blackwood

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