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Transferring a Character with 1 Year of Omega left

Zorn Cosby
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2016-11-30 16:01:30 UTC
Say you have account #1 with a single character with 1 month Omega left on it. In account #2 you have a single character you want to add to account #1, Now you pay a PLEX to transfer account #2 character with 1 year of Omega on it into account #1. Does the Omega time left on account #2 move to account #1? Does account #1 following this transaction have 1 month of MCT and 1 year and 1 month of Omega (or just 1 year of Omega)?
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#2 - 2016-11-30 16:02:59 UTC
Omega doesn't apply to characters. It applies to accounts.

The time stays exactly where it is.
Zorn Cosby
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2016-11-30 16:04:53 UTC
So if you want to consolidate accounts this is not possible? So, this would leave 1 account with 1 year of Omega and no characters?
Stevn Thomas
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2016-11-30 16:09:42 UTC
Also you can only train one character at a time on a account.

There is literaly no point in transferring characters unless you just want to pay for a single account.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#5 - 2016-11-30 16:12:36 UTC
Zorn Cosby wrote:
So if you want to consolidate accounts this is not possible? So, this would leave 1 account with 1 year of Omega and no characters?

Er... sure, if you want to look at it that way (which is silly).

In the scenario you provided, it would clearly make more sense to transfer from account 1 (which only has a one month sub) to account 2 (which has a one year sub), as you said each account only has one character.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#6 - 2016-11-30 16:16:15 UTC
Zorn Cosby wrote:
So if you want to consolidate accounts this is not possible? So, this would leave 1 account with 1 year of Omega and no characters?

Sure. Wait to the end of the month of training left on account 1 and then transfer the character to account 2
Sonya Corvinus
Grant Village
#7 - 2016-11-30 17:23:55 UTC
Zorn Cosby wrote:
So if you want to consolidate accounts this is not possible? So, this would leave 1 account with 1 year of Omega and no characters?

Train a new character on the one account for the rest of that year, the last day of your subscription extract all skillpoints and give them to your actual characters.

Or sell it on the bazaar.

Stevn Thomas wrote:
There is literaly no point in transferring characters unless you just want to pay for a single account.

Not really. I spent a while training up specialized characters (hauling/industry) and they are now at the point where they don't need training queues. It's cheaper to run another account to train than to do multi-character training. After they have the skills I wanted, they are transferred to extra character slots.
Zorn Cosby
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2016-11-30 17:58:32 UTC
Slightly different take, is there alpha MCT garnered for 2nd or third characters introduced to accounts? Seems like any character should be able to train up to alpha level without any cost...
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#9 - 2016-11-30 18:23:59 UTC
Zorn Cosby wrote:
Slightly different take, is there alpha MCT garnered for 2nd or third characters introduced to accounts? Seems like any character should be able to train up to alpha level without any cost...

All characters on an omega account have access to all their skills, ships, etc.

Only 1 can train at a time unless multi character training is paid for.
Zorn Cosby
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2016-11-30 20:56:54 UTC
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Zorn Cosby wrote:
Slightly different take, is there alpha MCT garnered for 2nd or third characters introduced to accounts? Seems like any character should be able to train up to alpha level without any cost...

All characters on an omega account have access to all their skills, ships, etc.

Only 1 can train at a time unless multi character training is paid for.

Honestly I cannot see that this is fair and balanced. Alpha characters can gain sp in certain skills without the expenditure of a single penny, why should second characters on an Omega account be any different in earning those very same sp?

I personally believe that all additional characters on an Omega account should be able to earn sp without MCT as an Alpha account. Once the Alpha character has maxed their permitted sp levels, then moving beyond that should require either MCT or stopping sp gain on the other character associated with the account.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#11 - 2016-11-30 20:59:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Zorn Cosby wrote:
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Zorn Cosby wrote:
Slightly different take, is there alpha MCT garnered for 2nd or third characters introduced to accounts? Seems like any character should be able to train up to alpha level without any cost...

All characters on an omega account have access to all their skills, ships, etc.

Only 1 can train at a time unless multi character training is paid for.

Honestly I cannot see that this is fair and balanced. Alpha characters can gain sp in certain skills without the expenditure of a single penny, why should second characters on an Omega account be any different in earning those very same sp?

I personally believe that all additional characters on an Omega account should be able to earn sp without MCT as an Alpha account. Once the Alpha character has maxed their permitted sp levels, then moving beyond that should require either MCT or stopping sp gain on the other character associated with the account.

Well then, become an alpha I guess.

You'll train slower and are limited in what you can train, fly and use, but if you do t feel the benefit of an omega outweighs the cost, then you can create and alpha and train away.

No account, alpha or omega, has more than 1 training queue (and alphas don't have an unlimited queue). Omegas can pay to activate a second queue, which alphas can't do either.

Overall, there is no such thing as an alpha character, or an omega character. They are alpha accounts or omega accounts, so it makes no logical sense to have an omega account with alpha characters.
Another Posting Alt
Zerious Fricken Biziness
#12 - 2016-11-30 21:26:22 UTC
Zorn Cosby wrote:

Honestly I cannot see that this is fair and balanced. Alpha characters can gain sp in certain skills without the expenditure of a single penny, why should second characters on an Omega account be any different in earning those very same sp?

Because those SP are worth something. You can sell them or use them yourself. An Alpha account can make x SP per month. An Omega account can make 2x SP per month. You get to pick where you allocate them.
Sonya Corvinus
Grant Village
#13 - 2016-11-30 21:35:10 UTC
Zorn Cosby wrote:
Honestly I cannot see that this is fair and balanced. Alpha characters can gain sp in certain skills without the expenditure of a single penny, why should second characters on an Omega account be any different in earning those very same sp?

I personally believe that all additional characters on an Omega account should be able to earn sp without MCT as an Alpha account. Once the Alpha character has maxed their permitted sp levels, then moving beyond that should require either MCT or stopping sp gain on the other character associated with the account.

"They just let me play for free for the first time in 13 years but I still want more"

If you give a mouse a cookie...
Zorn Cosby
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2016-11-30 22:02:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Zorn Cosby
There are accounts, alpha and omega are features that are either free or not. With a paid Omega feature without MCT I can train 1 character only at 2x the rate for a fee. On an account with Alpha, I can train 1 character at 1x for free.

The Alpha can garner a fairly large amount of sp for no cost whatsoever. The second character on the account with the Omega can not garner any sp for free, ever for either the main character or for any other characters associated with the account. Now exactly why is it ok for a FREE account to be able to gain FREE sp and the paid account cannot?

My argument is that accounts with Omega features should be able to have at least 1 of the 2 potential alternate characters be able to train up to the max available for Alpha without cost.
#15 - 2016-12-01 04:52:33 UTC
Zorn Cosby wrote:
There are accounts, alpha and omega are features that are either free or not. With a paid Omega feature without MCT I can train 1 character only at 2x the rate for a fee. On an account with Alpha, I can train 1 character at 1x for free.

The Alpha can garner a fairly large amount of sp for no cost whatsoever. The second character on the account with the Omega can not garner any sp for free, ever for either the main character or for any other characters associated with the account. Now exactly why is it ok for a FREE account to be able to gain FREE sp and the paid account cannot?

My argument is that accounts with Omega features should be able to have at least 1 of the 2 potential alternate characters be able to train up to the max available for Alpha without cost.

Its not a very good argument.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#16 - 2016-12-01 04:59:39 UTC
Zorn Cosby wrote:
There are accounts, alpha and omega are features that are either free or not. With a paid Omega feature without MCT I can train 1 character only at 2x the rate for a fee. On an account with Alpha, I can train 1 character at 1x for free.

The Alpha can garner a fairly large amount of sp for no cost whatsoever. The second character on the account with the Omega can not garner any sp for free, ever for either the main character or for any other characters associated with the account. Now exactly why is it ok for a FREE account to be able to gain FREE sp and the paid account cannot?

My argument is that accounts with Omega features should be able to have at least 1 of the 2 potential alternate characters be able to train up to the max available for Alpha without cost.

The one character on an alpha account can train a limited set of skills up to a maximum amount. The second character can also not train at the same time. Nor the third character.

The one character on an omega account has unlimited access to all skills, faster training and access to more ships and modules. The complete range of activities the game offers. If a player stops the training queue, the second character has access to that exact same freedom, as does the third. They can't be trained at the same time without paying for MCT and this is exactly the same as it was before clone states were introduced.
Zorn Cosby
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2016-12-01 16:34:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Zorn Cosby
So from a practical perspective in terms of dollars. All characters should max out via an Alpha before purchasing an Omega. It is cheaper to farm Alpha accounts for sp, then purchase 1 PLEX to transfer to another account than it would be to have that character developed as a secondary on the PAID Omega account.

How is making the dedicated PAID user jump through hoops to train up a secondary character to maxed Alpha status a good thing?

If you really wanted to make things completely fair, then have paid Omega users have the ability to purchase a maxed Alpha character as a secondary using PLEX or so. This would not encourage the proliferation of account generation...
Solonius Rex
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2016-12-01 17:16:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Solonius Rex
Zorn Cosby wrote:
So from a practical perspective in terms of dollars. All characters should max out via an Alpha before purchasing an Omega. It is cheaper to farm Alpha accounts for sp, then purchase 1 PLEX to transfer to another account than it would be to have that character developed as a secondary on the PAID Omega account.

How is making the dedicated PAID user jump through hoops to train up a secondary character to maxed Alpha status a good thing?

Except it takes twice the time.

And during such time, you cannot do anything or use anything that would require an Omega account.

So yes, if youre okay with waiting twice the amount of time and not being able to do what you want to, then i suppose maxing alpha before purchasing Omega would be the better choice, money-wise.

And if youre going to eventually lose your ship either way, then only flying T1 frigate cruisers with T1 guns would be the better choice, money-wise.

And if youre going to lose your isk either way, never undocking and never playing the game would be the better choice, money-wise.

And if youre going to spend money either way, then not spending it on this game and instead buying something that will last for a couple years is the better choice, money-wise.


If you really wanted to make things completely fair, then have paid Omega users have the ability to purchase a maxed Alpha character as a secondary using PLEX or so. This would not encourage the proliferation of account generation...

A month of training is only around 1.5 million SP. A max alpha is about 5 million SP. How is that fair?

Also, lets say i pause training on my Omega character, and start up the training queue on my alpha. Then my alpha would no longer be an alpha, and I would essentially have 2 Omega characters, would I not?
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#19 - 2016-12-01 17:30:25 UTC
Zorn Cosby wrote:

Honestly I cannot see that this is fair and balanced. Alpha characters can gain sp in certain skills without the expenditure of a single penny, why should second characters on an Omega account be any different in earning those very same sp?

Oh, look, it's this thread again. Roll

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Zorn Cosby
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#20 - 2016-12-01 17:34:46 UTC
So you are arguing that a paid account, that had to struggle to get to 5M sp, should not have access to what is FREE to unpaid players? That a PAID account should have less benefit than an UNPAID account?

An unpaid account can now generate a 5M sp character for no cost. A paid account cannot generate such a character for no cost. So, to generate a 5M sp character on an Omega account either requires a multi-month commitment of the paid sp generation portion of an account holder, OR a multi-month commitment of MCT, VS creation of a new Alpha account, daily interaction of that account to do NOTHING OTHER THAN SET THE QUE until it reaches 5M sp and then the account gets transferred to the paid account for LESS MONEY than would otherwise be required for the paid account to generate said character.

This is not rational.
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