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Balancing Feedback: Hybrid Turrets

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The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1701 - 2012-01-17 00:27:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Mariner6
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
You won't see a huge increase in Gallente or falloff in Minmatar preference (no pun intended), but that has more to do with the current state of the game and the lack of players committing to fights. People will always prefer to run away when they can, and alpha fleets will alphas trump ROF, and as a result Minmatar will still remain popular. This doesn't mean Hybrids are worse than Projectiles, that simply means that the Hybrid playstyle is less popular than the crap that Minmatar promotes.

What the Hybrid changes have done is make those weapons the proper high damaging sluggers they are intended to be.
If someone comes into range, Hybrids will (now) always have a clear damage advantage unlike, prior to the patch, where Autocannons were roughly on par.

Also, blasters with Void ammo actually track well enough now to use.
The tracking difference is 5% worse than regular Antimatter used to be, making it pretty good against bigger/slower targets. When you factor in the ammo actually taking half the cargo space, you can now carry an extra set of ammo without having to sacrifice your main stashes of ammo or cap.

With the Null changes, blasters are ensured to still have some bite beyond point-blank range.
The changes are even more evident on the larger ships and those which can fit Neutron blasters.

And for the record, I haven't been part of a gate camp for well over a year, and I've not even been in a fleet for 8+ months.
All my pvp is primarily blaster-equipped Gallente done solo.

Sorry, double post.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1702 - 2012-01-17 00:27:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Mariner6
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
You won't see a huge increase in Gallente or falloff in Minmatar preference (no pun intended), but that has more to do with the current state of the game and the lack of players committing to fights. People will always prefer to run away when they can, and alpha fleets will alphas trump ROF, and as a result Minmatar will still remain popular. This doesn't mean Hybrids are worse than Projectiles, that simply means that the Hybrid playstyle is less popular than the crap that Minmatar promotes.

What the Hybrid changes have done is make those weapons the proper high damaging sluggers they are intended to be.
If someone comes into range, Hybrids will (now) always have a clear damage advantage unlike, prior to the patch, where Autocannons were roughly on par.

Also, blasters with Void ammo actually track well enough now to use.
The tracking difference is 5% worse than regular Antimatter used to be, making it pretty good against bigger/slower targets. When you factor in the ammo actually taking half the cargo space, you can now carry an extra set of ammo without having to sacrifice your main stashes of ammo or cap.

With the Null changes, blasters are ensured to still have some bite beyond point-blank range.
The changes are even more evident on the larger ships and those which can fit Neutron blasters.

And for the record, I haven't been part of a gate camp for well over a year, and I've not even been in a fleet for 8+ months.
All my pvp is primarily blaster-equipped Gallente done solo.

Really? How can you say that there are a lack of players committed to fights? Seriously? If that were the case then every fleet would be two sides running away from each other all the time. That's not what is going on at all. Lots of people committed to getting into fights. The kill board shows that every day. The reason why people fly minmatar is that they rock. Easy fitting, whether long or short range. Shield or armor. Fast, nimble, massive damage, selectable damage type, neut's don't stop their guns, small sig radius, etc etc. How many empty slots do you see on a minnie ship? NONE. How many on a Gal ship, often a wasted high slot. WHY? Because you can't fit it! 1/2 of the problem right there.

Just look at the Talos and max gank it with rails. Then compare it against a similarly equipped Oracle or Tornado. And you can say rails are great? really? Rails on the Talos? Why not? You can easily fit AC's or Arty on Minmatar. Why not Gallente? Its also easy to fit the largest guns of any class (small, medium, large) on Min ships and still have plenty grid/cpu left over for whatever you want. Try fitting the largest guns of a class on Gal but you quickly run out of fitting. Why? At the end of the day, you work hard to fit out that gallente rail boat, and it still doesn't come close to performing like a minnie.

Void? Hail gets massive boost, nothing for void? Bottom line, why would anyone design a weapon/ammo type meant to be used in close range that 1) has a tracking penalty and 2) has cap usage? That's just stupid. Blasters should use ZERO CAP and have instant ammo changes. Races that fly at distance (amarr) should have the 10 second crystal time switch) and min should have to burn cap. But whatever.

Bottom line, there is really no reason to fly gallente over other platforms which provide so much more flexibility, performance, and results. I think the player base is very committed to fights, and are very adept at doing what they desire most - to win. No one will fly a boat that must commit to each fight 100% of the time and just find itself neuted, webbed, scram'd, and blown up over and over while their minmatar/caldari brothers zip about. Look, the stats prove it. No one is flying/using rail/blaster boats in any numbers, not because they are afraid of the fight, its because they are using the best ships to get the job done.
Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#1703 - 2012-01-17 00:48:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Prometheus Exenthal
I think you missed the mark a little bit.
Minmatar are chosen because they are fast, agile, and can do damage from range. All qualities which have massive benefit when your enemy can't keep you pinned & the fight goes **** up. When it's time to bail Minmatar have the advantage because of the qualities you've described. That is the reason for lack of commitment.

I don't want to lose my ship every time, so I'm going to simply bail when the odds are no longer in my favour.
It doesn't matter what you do to the ships, you can make them weaker and you can make them tank less, but as long as Minmatar have that GTFO ability and range advantage they will be flown more.

It's not because Minmatar are the best for getting the job done (they aren't), it's that they are best at doing said job without being caught in the shitstorm that always comes up. The other races shouldn't be trying to be like Minmatar. Nano is simply a play style, and not every race needs to be good at it.

IMO Hail shouldn't have got a boost. Conflag & Void are indeed left behind when you look at the stats.
At the same time though, Blasters got a 20% tracking boost and reduced cap usage. These changes solve most of Voids problems which makes its tracking and cap usage only slightly worse than normal antimatter prior to Crucible.

And in regard to your Talos/Tornado comparison. You couldn't possibly be more wrong.
The Tornado is not only harder to fit, but has worse damage projection than rails. Want more range? You loose a ton of damage, unlike railguns. You can easily fit Neutrons to a Talos or Naga. The only reason the Tornado is more popular is because of Alpha & Speed. That's it. Get your facts straight because it's the same reason why Artillery is chosen over everything else.


Tanya Powers
#1704 - 2012-01-17 13:03:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Tanya Powers
MeBiatch wrote:
i have been messing around with the deimos and am almost liking it... with the null changes... i am shooting just over 28km (would prefer to reach out to 32km)

tbh i think the 6th highslot goes unused most of the time and would be much better situated as a 4th mid slot... (which would allow for either more tracking comps or i could go for nano/shield setup)

plus please add more base PG... just enough so i dont have to fit TWO pg rigs... (1 is ok if you want neutrons) that way i can put on a ex rig...

it also needs more cpu for the added 4th mid slot...

i am pushing over 2100m/s with heat on and 650 dps with heat and 79 of that is from warrior II...

[Deimos, Deimos fit]

Heavy Neutron Blaster II, Null M
Heavy Neutron Blaster II, Null M
Heavy Neutron Blaster II, Null M
Heavy Neutron Blaster II, Null M
Heavy Neutron Blaster II, Null M
[Empty High slot]

10MN MicroWarpdrive II
Warp Disruptor II
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range

Tracking Enhancer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I

Medium Ancillary Current Router I
Medium Ancillary Current Router I

Yes it's a little better until you face more than one ship and one of them is double neut cane (frequent), theoretical dps seems interesting but neuted your dps is 0 !
-your opponent fitted with civilian autocanons will finish to kill you if you dish 0dps because of this.

While the 425mm/HAM's Munin is really not far from his theoretical 850dps, while being slower than vaga is still faster/agile than Diemos and has less fitting issues.

So in what I'm concerned unless we have only armor logis I will not change from Cynabal/Munin/vaga/Cane

Deimos is still subpar choice, far too fragile because neuts are his worst enemy, and that crappy high utility slot is worthless to use unbonused NOS (distance/effectiveness) witch will never happen since it's Amarr bonus, plus would use more of the already insufficient power grid.

The guy above tell it well, Minie are not the best at dishing dps for example since now any blaster set up will out perform on paper and IG numbers Autos, the thing is that Minies are the best at applying their dps and the best at avoid taking dmg/gtfo.
This morning, had cynabal under scram/60% web taking his skin off with void L like a window licker and .... under web+scram+neut he managed to gtfo thx to base what now? -everytime I get out now I ill exclusively date my navy mega with double web/scram because I might find one Cynabal?? c'mon...

Tornado? -well he tells my 50km+base point "hi, I can mwd 100km away from you in less than 10sec and still shoot you...
Rapier? -again double web on you, watch carefully the window you see another window licker doing /finger to you, there's nothing, absolutely nothing you can do.
They have far too much bonus/abilities to gtfo with almost 0 effort compared to any gallente/amarr/calamari stuff
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1705 - 2012-01-17 13:31:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Mariner6
-1) I think many minmatar ships out perform Gallente ships in the close fight as well. I've run into plenty single and double plated Hurricanes that have significant tank, still faster than their equivalent Gal ship even with trimarks, the small sig radius really shines when they armor tank, and still are able to project damage out sooner and with authority in close. Obviously not quite the DPS of a Gal ship, but considering how soon they are able to start applying the damage on their way into target is a huge help. Also, as primaries rapidly change and ships pop, they are able to more effectively switch targets and still apply damage more often than a Gal ship which has to limp toward the target. Now, I will say that I think the changes to Null will definitely help this. But of course, Min is still the best choice for close in fighting because I can Neut a hurricane all day long and he can still shoot when he fights in close. No way a "close in brawler" race should be burning CAP, period. The reduction is nice, but it needs to go away all together. This would be particularly handy for small ships that die to neuts/drone combination on bigger ships. If gal frigs could still shoot at the drones while webbed/scramed/neuted it would make them much more survivable.

-2) Tornado/Talos- comparing a Arty fit Tornado with 1400's and a Talos with 425 rails, both all gank and no tank (other than a DCU II on both), all level V characters, both using two sensor boosters:
Tornado: 11622 alpha w/ 701 dps using Republic Fleet EMP (range 35+71) - 3 gyro's, 1 TE, 2 Tracking computers, 2 ACR and collision accelerator in rigs.
Talos: 4118 alpha w/ 782 DPS using Caldari Navy Antimatter (range 51+49)- 3 mag stabs, 1 TE, 1 tracking computer, 1 Hybrid locus, 1 hybrid collision accelerator and a polycarbon housing. I have to use a 3% CPU implant to make this fit work.

Now you can play around with the ammo types but this is a roughly fair comparison for engagements in the 50-60 km range which is where I've been seeing most these ships engage at. So yes, you are right, the Talos has more DPS, but frankly hardly a difference (81), especially when you then compare that to the alpha strike comparison. So to say that rails are fixed to me is mostly a joke. I will grant you that you have more chances to hit with hybrids and that can make a difference, but that is negated by the use of multiple tornado's to lower the consequences of misses. And when they hit, few thing can stand up to that Alpha. So yes, I still say that rails suck.

(I did not figure the Talos' drones into the dps equation, by the way, as for these types of engagements they are not really used except if a frig gets in close or ecm drones for GTFO. But as I've been watching these pop many frigs, interceptors etc on their way in (yes, even spiraling in) that's not too frequent. While they don't get much damage in on them, their numbers and a couple of target painters make most things pop to these ships.)
Naomi Knight
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#1706 - 2012-01-17 16:24:55 UTC
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
I think you missed the mark a little bit.
Minmatar are chosen because they are fast, agile, and can do damage from range. All qualities which have massive benefit when your enemy can't keep you pinned & the fight goes **** up. When it's time to bail Minmatar have the advantage because of the qualities you've described. That is the reason for lack of commitment.

I don't want to lose my ship every time, so I'm going to simply bail when the odds are no longer in my favour.
It doesn't matter what you do to the ships, you can make them weaker and you can make them tank less, but as long as Minmatar have that GTFO ability and range advantage they will be flown more.

It's not because Minmatar are the best for getting the job done (they aren't), it's that they are best at doing said job without being caught in the shitstorm that always comes up. The other races shouldn't be trying to be like Minmatar. Nano is simply a play style, and not every race needs to be good at it.

IMO Hail shouldn't have got a boost. Conflag & Void are indeed left behind when you look at the stats.
At the same time though, Blasters got a 20% tracking boost and reduced cap usage. These changes solve most of Voids problems which makes its tracking and cap usage only slightly worse than normal antimatter prior to Crucible.

And in regard to your Talos/Tornado comparison. You couldn't possibly be more wrong.
The Tornado is not only harder to fit, but has worse damage projection than rails. Want more range? You loose a ton of damage, unlike railguns. You can easily fit Neutrons to a Talos or Naga. The only reason the Tornado is more popular is because of Alpha & Speed. That's it. Get your facts straight because it's the same reason why Artillery is chosen over everything else.

you are so wrong

minmatar has comparable range ehp dmg vs other races while being way faster and small thats the problem they dont give up anything to be faster/smaller, thats why ppl fly them

Minmatar is the best for getting the job done in nearly everything. Yeah other races shouldnt take over "nano playstyle" and you forgot matar should not take over others races like snipe from caldari , and close range from gallente and good alltogeather like amarr but currently matar does that. Imba as hell.

Oh hail gives much more then the rest , whats that i call that a stealth matar buff, somehow every expansion is full of those...
Arti is choosen cause it needs no cap , choosable dmg type , and huge alpha , still just a very very little less dps than rails , and same range. Broken!!!
Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#1707 - 2012-01-17 17:02:30 UTC
What did I literally just say. Artillery will always be the premier choice because of alpha.
Railguns have more range, more tracking, and more damage over time. They are used because of alpha. Period.
The Hurricane is a bit of a special snowflake as far as Battlecruisers go. It's far too fast for its abilities, and IMO has too much grid. And no, it really isn't the best at brawling. The mere suggestion made me choke on my drink.

Minmatars range/dps gap has been closing, and it's become even smaller after the changes to Null.
They are faster, and when fit for range, they are weaker. They are also smaller by a tiny margin largely because that *advantage* is negated as soon as you nano the ships with shields (battleships & caps gain the most).
Minmatar isn't ideal for brawling anymore, they aren't ideal for actual RANGE sniping beyond alphaing targets.

As I've been saying, there is nothing wrong with the new Hybrids, they are very good.
Medium rails are also not bad but get overshadowed by Artillery & alpha. There is no way for Rails will ever replace Artillery as long as alpha is so massive. End of story.


Takeshi Yamato
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#1708 - 2012-01-17 17:08:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Takeshi Yamato
Rails and Beams (with the exception of Tachyons) are fairly close. Artillery and Tachyons are the outliers, not Rails.

That said Artillery and Tachyons are probably closer to what long range turrets should be like than the other way around.
Tanya Powers
#1709 - 2012-01-17 19:28:26 UTC
Takeshi Yamato wrote:
Rails and Beams (with the exception of Tachyons) are fairly close. Artillery and Tachyons are the outliers, not Rails.

That said Artillery and Tachyons are probably closer to what long range turrets should be like than the other way around.

Thing is that dps as it is seen by people (raw numbers) it's "always" bigger on rails than Arty witch they use s argument to afirm rails are fine.

In reality some intelligent people have already ran the numbers, made excellent graphics and clearly shows to someone able to understand those graphics after just a few shots (between 5 and 10 depending on skills/fit etc) Alpha it's simply superior to EVERYTHING and there's nothing you can do to change this unless very big game core changes witch will never happen.

First you have distance engagement being just plain equal for whatever engagement type, because warp to blah blah, grid blah blah and full of blah blah, result, no one shoots no one after 100km or it's a frackinf FC mistake actually.

Then once everyone fights in the same range you need stuff that gives you for your time spent behind your stupid screen watching stupid pixels, well matar wins, if some people don't think so they're either ignorants or just arrogants incapable to see the vidence it self under their nose.
WipeOut Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#1710 - 2012-01-17 19:50:32 UTC  |  Edited by: tEcHnOkRaT
the traking enchancers fallof modifier needs to be nerfd to 15% - 20%
and add a script to traking computers with fallof mod maybe

and arty needs to loose some alpha and rails gain some alpha
but not an equal number an all turret classes
small, medium and large need to be looked at seperatly
cuz small hybrids are more then fine maybe a bit too fine :)
Terra Nova Innovations
#1711 - 2012-01-18 06:47:23 UTC
I think that blaster DPS is fine but needs a better optimal range.
Take for example an Abaddon in comparison. It does near the same DPS as a Megathron would with Pulse lasers, only difference is that it can shoot 60KM. I don't see much fairness in that.
TL;DR so I do not have to have a long and drawn out rant: Give blasters better optimal and falloff, Please.
Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#1712 - 2012-01-18 07:26:01 UTC
Naga sucks, talos over powered. Buff naga.
Gallente Federation
#1713 - 2012-01-18 07:32:55 UTC
Super Chair wrote:
Naga sucks, talos over powered. Buff naga.

wrong thread mate

anyways i think hybrids and gallente ships still need more tweaking overall. There has definitely been a marked improvement. I think part of the problem now, or at least the biggest one is the platforms that use hybrids.

Railguns are looking better on paper and are comparable to pulse lasers except for the tracking. Still haven't used those for pvp yet though as i haven't found any reason to bring railguns on the field.
Dare Devel
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1714 - 2012-01-18 07:44:16 UTC
de4deye wrote:
I think that blaster DPS is fine but needs a better optimal range.
Take for example an Abaddon in comparison. It does near the same DPS as a Megathron would with Pulse lasers, only difference is that it can shoot 60KM. I don't see much fairness in that.
TL;DR so I do not have to have a long and drawn out rant: Give blasters better optimal and falloff, Please.

This will resolve the issue....

For Blasters increase the Turret optimal by 20% and Falloff by 30% rather than tweaking the ammo.
Hybrids (blasters) lack RANGE against Lasors/projectiles. Therefore they are not used in fleets against other DPS platforms.
It may be fine for skirmish but skirmish is a totally different battle type.

Hybrids (Rails) lack DPS against Lasors/Projectiles even if they got range they need 20% increase to their damage multiplier since the damage types of Thermal and Kinetic have high base resists.
Mikal Morataya
#1715 - 2012-01-18 08:51:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Mikal Morataya
de4deye wrote:
I think that blaster DPS is fine but needs a better optimal range.
Take for example an Abaddon in comparison. It does near the same DPS as a Megathron would with Pulse lasers, only difference is that it can shoot 60KM. I don't see much fairness in that.

The thing is the Abaddon is very cap heavy with lasers, more so than the Mega with blasters. Reading these threads sometimes makes me smile and its like a MAKE MY RACE ULTIMATE AT ALL. If you really like the Abaddon, train for it. That's the beauty of Eve. It's interesting lots of null fleets fit Arty to the Abandon, as has been mentioned Arty is king.

As for blaster boats suffering at the hand of nuets, won't someone think of the laser boats. :)

Let's just give hybrids the range and alpha of Arty, the instant ammo load of lasers, all dmg types, the killing power it has up close and force all pilots to fly Gallente :)
Tanya Powers
#1716 - 2012-01-18 12:02:12 UTC
Mikal Morataya wrote:
de4deye wrote:
I think that blaster DPS is fine but needs a better optimal range.
Take for example an Abaddon in comparison. It does near the same DPS as a Megathron would with Pulse lasers, only difference is that it can shoot 60KM. I don't see much fairness in that.

The thing is the Abaddon is very cap heavy with lasers, more so than the Mega with blasters. Reading these threads sometimes makes me smile and its like a MAKE MY RACE ULTIMATE AT ALL. If you really like the Abaddon, train for it. That's the beauty of Eve. It's interesting lots of null fleets fit Arty to the Abandon, as has been mentioned Arty is king.

As for blaster boats suffering at the hand of nuets, won't someone think of the laser boats. :)

Let's just give hybrids the range and alpha of Arty, the instant ammo load of lasers, all dmg types, the killing power it has up close and force all pilots to fly Gallente :)

Ho you will excuse us for thinking that a pulse harby able to fully shoot/dms at 45km that manages to be neuted even by a t1 battleship (28km with faction neut), then the harby pilot really sucks.

Terra Nova Innovations
#1717 - 2012-01-18 13:58:10 UTC
Mikal Morataya wrote:
de4deye wrote:
I think that blaster DPS is fine but needs a better optimal range.
Take for example an Abaddon in comparison. It does near the same DPS as a Megathron would with Pulse lasers, only difference is that it can shoot 60KM. I don't see much fairness in that.

The thing is the Abaddon is very cap heavy with lasers, more so than the Mega with blasters. Reading these threads sometimes makes me smile and its like a MAKE MY RACE ULTIMATE AT ALL. If you really like the Abaddon, train for it. That's the beauty of Eve. It's interesting lots of null fleets fit Arty to the Abandon, as has been mentioned Arty is king.

As for blaster boats suffering at the hand of nuets, won't someone think of the laser boats. :)

Let's just give hybrids the range and alpha of Arty, the instant ammo load of lasers, all dmg types, the killing power it has up close and force all pilots to fly Gallente :)

Now, now, calm down. I can fly an abaddon, along with every other races BS, Hac, what have you. Abaddons are heavy on cap no derp, I'm not talking about that, as blasters are high on cap usage too - it makes no real argument. The only null fleets that fit arty to abaddons are the noobs who trained for a Maelstrom and were forced to use an abaddon and cannot use T2 Pulses, As the T2 Arty will do more DPS than T1 pulse lasers. I am not a ranting noob, like some, who doesn't know what they are talking about and saying to "BUFF MY RACE" - Gallente isn't my "Race" as they suck something aweful since a couple years back. The Only ship that any sane Gallente pilot will fly is an Ishtar.
I will disregard your non productive rant and assume that you are just a noob who has nothing better to do. I stick by what I said, Blasters need a Falloff and Optimal range buff to them and their ammo types should not have such restrictive range bonuses.

thoth rothschild
Gallente Federation
#1718 - 2012-01-18 15:46:48 UTC
after posting and loosing a long post to the forum gang i won't type it again Evil
WipeOut Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#1719 - 2012-01-18 15:50:43 UTC
always Ctrl+C before posting
if its gone
Ctrl+V :)
Tanya Powers
#1720 - 2012-01-18 16:58:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Tanya Powers
tEcHnOkRaT wrote:
the traking enchancers fallof modifier needs to be nerfd to 15% - 20%
and add a script to traking computers with fallof mod maybe

and arty needs to loose some alpha and rails gain some alpha
but not an equal number an all turret classes
small, medium and large need to be looked at seperatly
cuz small hybrids are more then fine maybe a bit too fine :)

Exactly what everyone said from the begining, small rails/blasters were ok, only ships needed some tweaks. Now we have a 75mm T2 Gatling+spike Enyo that NEVER misses his target flying at +/-5km/s hitting his target at +/- 30km with 200dps+/- .... c'mon...wtbh?