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A question to CCP Falcon

First post
Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#61 - 2016-07-26 13:01:29 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

If I don't get moderated but you do its more likely you are the one causing the problems.

No No No, it must be some conspiracy!!!! That's the only thing that explains it! Big smile

LOL and I saw you doing yet another I am so wonderful post. By the way your deadspace fitted Macherial was perfectly safe from CODE they hardly ever gank mission runners. I know you have me blocked, but its fun to point out just how far off base you are yet again.... Lol

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#62 - 2016-07-26 13:06:56 UTC
High sec terrorissm, is destructive, nothing constructive, like a trolling on forums, here ISD locks the posts that are too trolish or non constructive, something like that in game keeps functioning.
CCP dont seem to bother with eliminating high sec terrorism, even when its something destructive and on such scale, and in real world it is severely punished and tried to be eliminated everywhere it appears. If they really think its real world science fiction, they should make more to punish those terrorists. But for now they cant construct system without overdestructive element. This is bad.
Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#63 - 2016-07-26 13:11:49 UTC
Drac, you know I don't have anything against you. I agree with some of your views and disagree with some others.
That said, you've been abnormally aggro over the last day.
Are you okay?
I mean it could just be drunkposting, and god do I know about that.... but it almost seems like someone put Icy Hot in your Preparation H.

I only ask because you normally seem relatively level headed when it comes to the whole 'not being killed' issues...
whereas these gankling and war threads that have popped up over the last day have been tinfoil ridden and your approach has been nothing short of heated.

Just concerned.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#64 - 2016-07-26 13:12:24 UTC
Dracvlad wrote:

Yes that one, its enough..., but actually I have a major suspicion about who you really are, if that is true you really ought to be more careful.

This should be fun.
Lucy Lollipops
State War Academy
Caldari State
#65 - 2016-07-26 13:15:12 UTC
Please don't make this post locked disputing.

I'm about numbers:

Is 1 trillion 1000 billions?

So basically an alliance destroyed 30.000 billions of ships losing 1.000 billions of ships.

If a plex or month subscription is about 1 bil, they destroyed 30.000 plexes losing only 1.000 plexes.

If you convert in money it should be about 600.000 dollars of plexes value? Losing 30.000 dollars value?

Am I correct? Half a million dollars value?

It's a too huge amount of money for me, it's abnormal in my opinion.

And it's done 74% solo, making it even more incredible.
Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#66 - 2016-07-26 13:16:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Dracvlad
Nana Skalski wrote:
High sec terrorissm, is destructive, nothing constructive, like a trolling on forums, here ISD locks the posts that are too trolish or non constructive, something like that in game keeps functioning.
CCP dont seem to bother with eliminating high sec terrorism, even when its something destructive and on such scale, and in real world it is severely punished and tried to be eliminated everywhere it appears. If they really think its real world science fiction, they should make more to punish those terrorists. But for now they cant construct system without overdestructive element. This is bad.

CCP have lost a lot of players from this, I come across ex-eve players who were the prey type all the time, I spoke to another one today that played Eve for 9 years and gave up at the height of the mining ships having the tank of a wet paper bag.

The question is how niche does CCP went to make it, players like me like the challenge of playing a tough game, but it gets boring after a while because to be blunt players like me get bored at just how lame they the gankers and player killers really are. They can do absolutely nothing against me, war decs ganks, nothing.

The fact is I am at a level that I control my risk, I lost one ship to gankers, and that was Russian gankers when I was shooting them, it was a Thrasher. It is not hard to defeat these players.

The thing is they prey on stupid and lazy players, they are not wrong on this, however there are many mechanics that actually help them, be it from loot scooping to bumping, they are great at using them.

But the issue is that this game is becoming too niche, its ending up with difficult to kill players like me, gankers, griefers, scammers, market traders, power gamers and player killers only, and all of them are risk averse, so in the end it is getting more and more boring.

Then you ahve the structural issues around accounts, so that you try to build something and in comes a spy who then wrecks your alliance from the inside, so the game is full of sloth and inactivity based on its structure and player base activities.

Personally I am losing faith that there is any way back from this and the closing of those earlier threads was a symptom of that.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#67 - 2016-07-26 13:16:33 UTC
Nana Skalski wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Nana Skalski wrote:

Equally they are not a profit making organisation, they are more like terrorists.

Terrorism is not about targeting greedy and stupid. Its about spreading fear and terror, hence the term Terrorism. Please be exact next time and post they are just terrorists.

Thats exactly what they target.

Code started out as a protest to nerfs to barge ganking, over the years it has evolved as more and more nerfs have landed. Now they are practically role playing a religion where they view to greedy and daft bear in highsec as the devil and try to purge what they see as the unclean.

This once protest group now fanatical terrorist group are now more or less the only risk left in highsec, which in itself is rather upsetting.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#68 - 2016-07-26 13:18:16 UTC
Lucy Lollipops wrote:

I'm about numbers:

And I posted some, which you didn't bother responding to.

Eve is like an addiction; you can't quit it until it quits you. Also, iderno

Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#69 - 2016-07-26 13:21:34 UTC
Lucy Lollipops wrote:
Please don't make this post locked disputing.

I'm about numbers:

Is 1 trillion 1000 billions?

So basically an alliance destroyed 30.000 billions of ships losing 1.000 billions of ships.

If a plex or month subscription is about 1 bil, they destroyed 30.000 plexes losing only 1.000 plexes.

If you convert in money it should be about 600.000 dollars of plexes value? Losing 30.000 dollars value?

Am I correct? Half a million dollars value?

It's a too huge amount of money for me, it's abnormal in my opinion.

And it's done 74% solo, making it even more incredible.

They did.
Because their targets were not paying attention or putting forth any effort to defend themselves.
ISK value is not a tank and never will be.
I've personally destroyed ships worth over a billion with ships that were worth less than 40 million, solo.
More than once. And I'm not really that good at EVE.
For me, it was betting on stupid and arrogant.
It's a pretty safe bet, especially if you put a target in front of them that any rational mind without any clue regarding game mechanics would consider an easy kill.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Memphis Baas
#70 - 2016-07-26 13:22:52 UTC
Nana Skalski wrote:
Teorism is [...] about spreading fear and terror, hence the term.

Since this thread is going places, seems to me that the recent attacks have caused pain, loss, charity, solidarity, and major anger at the attackers. I haven't seen fear and terror anywhere.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#71 - 2016-07-26 13:24:20 UTC
Memphis Baas wrote:
I haven't seen fear and terror anywhere.

Endless calls to nerf ganking where the fear and terror isBlink
BamBam Inc.
#72 - 2016-07-26 13:25:50 UTC
Lucy Lollipops wrote:
embrel wrote:
Lucy Lollipops wrote:
I'm not receiving any answer from the developer, I saw him posting so I hoped for an answer.

as someone already stated: the answer to your questions is in the thread. The problem seems IMO that you do/did not really understand what Code is.

So, no use for a dev wasting his time.

I don't think a Developer is wasting time when giving and answer to a question (unless it's an incredibly stupid question, but here isk numbers are so incredibly huge and the ratio is so incredibly high I think the question is not stupid).

your insistence on it being answered by a dev when the answer was already stated and is obvious besides is a bit stupid indeed.

Eve is a game where many questions can be asked and it needs kind of a special snowflake to assume that their questions are worth dev-time.
Memphis Baas
#73 - 2016-07-26 13:26:58 UTC
Really? I thought everyone hated CODE. Pretty sure they're not feared.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#74 - 2016-07-26 13:29:31 UTC
Nana Skalski wrote:
High sec terrorissm, is destructive, nothing constructive, like a trolling on forums, here ISD locks the posts that are too trolish or non constructive, something like that in game keeps functioning.
CCP dont seem to bother with eliminating high sec terrorism, even when its something destructive and on such scale, and in real world it is severely punished and tried to be eliminated everywhere it appears. If they really think its real world science fiction, they should make more to punish those terrorists. But for now they cant construct system without overdestructive element. This is bad.

Again, if it bothers you this much, if you hate a core aspect of EVE that much (and you are talking about a core aspect, EVE has been a game of bastards since day 1), WHY are you still here?

It's not going to change, nor should it because the stuff you are complaining about is a part of the reason why EVE is still here while most "please be nice to each other or we will ban you" MMOs died within 3-4 years of launch.

Even for those of us who don't partake in the Bastardry (personally I despise ganking, scamming, stealing, awoxxing and everything like that so I don't do those things), learning to survive in that kind of environment is what makes the game fun. When CCP nerfs the interesting people (like those Terrorists, called CODE, and yes, Terrorism is ok in a game, because it's a game), they are really nerfing those of us who NEED the interesting people to play against.

And all for what, so lazy people can afk in peace? Screw that nonsense.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#75 - 2016-07-26 13:31:37 UTC
Memphis Baas wrote:
Really? I thought everyone hated CODE. Pretty sure they're not feared.

Thats true of every terrorist organisation.
Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#76 - 2016-07-26 13:37:07 UTC
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
Drac, you know I don't have anything against you. I agree with some of your views and disagree with some others.
That said, you've been abnormally aggro over the last day.
Are you okay?
I mean it could just be drunkposting, and god do I know about that.... but it almost seems like someone put Icy Hot in your Preparation H.

I only ask because you normally seem relatively level headed when it comes to the whole 'not being killed' issues...
whereas these gankling and war threads that have popped up over the last day have been tinfoil ridden and your approach has been nothing short of heated.

Just concerned.

Don't be, I don't like two players here in particular, guess which ones Big smile. I guess I am getting tired at them being so lame with their digs and wind ups and using Alinsky tactics and all to shut up debate. So I am pointing it out, I expect a forum ban soon for hurting their tender feelings.

The issue about consequences is a valid one, there is no real consequence, and that post by CCP Falcon set my teeth on edge in a major way. To be blunt I reckon he regrets making that post and that is why the lock thread hammer is coming down hard and fast, that in itself was well rather disturbing.

I wish more people were like you, Ralph and Dirty Forum Alt, even Shae on a good day with a following wind, Big smile But I guess another part of it is boredom at trying to talk in a sensible way with people who are trolling with attack posts and the like, so it gets more difficult to be even handed in a discussion when they do that, which is why they do it. Smile

I am writing a book at the moment for my own pleasure, I think I better get back to that. Thanks for the heads up and I will now drop gracefully from the forums for a couple of days.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#77 - 2016-07-26 13:39:26 UTC
Forum ECM best ECM.
I could be doing murder right now, but instead I'm typing on here.

Jenn, have you heard the holy gospel of suspect baiting?
I have pamphlets.
It's guilt-free PVP... they choose to shoot. You walk away with a clean conscience, and a wicked adrenaline rush :)

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#78 - 2016-07-26 13:47:48 UTC
confirming, its like fishing for people with a Hubris lure.
ISD Max Trix
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#79 - 2016-07-26 13:49:30 UTC
CCP Falcon has outlined his thoughts on EVE Here. If you have a suggestion on improving a game mechanic please feel free to post it in Player Features and Ideas.

A note on Kill boards: Zkillboard is a third party site. CCP does not endorse any third party site and can not contest to its accuracy.

ISD Max Trix


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to EVE mails about forum moderation.

Dirty Forum Alt
Forum Alts Anonymous
#80 - 2016-07-26 13:52:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Dirty Forum Alt
To anyone who hasn't figured it out yet:

The OP doesn't want the actual answer to his question.

He wants "an answer" from CCP for something he perceives as an outrage. This is just a passive-aggressive troll thread directed at CCP Falcon - hampered by the poor wording and refusal to elaborate by the OP.

Similarly, I could demand "an answer" as to how the monstrous L4 Mission Runners and Incursioners have a 99% efficiency rating against those poor NPC's, while most solo combat pilots have less than a 50% kill:death ratio...

Or I could demand "an answer" as to how those cheating miners can have a 99.999% success ratio in their murderous battle against the harmless asteroids/ice rocks/gas clouds...Only losing ships when outside, non-resource entities intervene...

The literal "answer" to these questions is painfully simple, even to a child - he is after a different sort of "answer"...

PS: Passive aggressive rarely works on internet forums - you would save yourself a lot of time/effort if you just took the direct approach and said you think it is broken and should be changed. Either way though, your thread will be locked, and you aren't going to get what you want.

PPS: I bet I offended some of you with my examples. Passive aggressive questions like this tend to do that. Now think about the fact that you are similarly pissing off at least one member of CCP and making him even less likely to ever take you seriously. Way to be counter-productive OP.

The dead swans lay in the stagnant pool. They lay. They rotted. They turned Around occasionally. Bits of flesh dropped off them from Time to time. And sank into the pool's mire. They also smelt a great deal.

Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings (Sussex)