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What 3 things would you change about eve?

First post
Jian Mira
Edgar Industries
#261 - 2016-03-24 12:10:53 UTC
They need to move away from the Excel style menu system....

use more button and icons and expand the swirl menu system...

they also need to update the docking so that instead of ducking inside the station have it outside with a docking ring idea...

I still think the Captain Quaters area needs a complete re-thiink and then it would be used more...

you should be able to control your ship from inside CQ and change the fit, cargo etc....

The CQ is rather useless and a bit obsolete at the moment.
Xantia Naari
Serious About Space Things..
#262 - 2016-04-06 14:57:42 UTC
1. I would like to nerf the targeting time of fits that more or less insta-lock to more then 3,5 s. It should not be possible to catch everything on gate camps. Some things need to be able to slipp through.

2. Possibility to color and group people on the fleet-watch list

3. I want an ingame fitting application, so that I can test fits, see the stats and such, before buying the modules. I can not believe this does not exist by now. Why!? I do not want more third party API applications. I want more first party EVE online applications. Don't outsource your own jobs CCP, unless you intend to fully integrate the products into the game.

additional: I would like to see more science lore explanations as to how the futuristic technology in game supposedly works. Also, it would be cool with some more dynamic missions that involve resent events covered by the scope. (something along the line with what you did with the wyvern that was stolen by the Guristas, but keep building on the story. Don't just abandon it).

Thank you

There are two kinds of children that play in sandboxes. Those who build castles and those who kick them down. It's a symbiosis.

Xantia Naari
Serious About Space Things..
#263 - 2016-04-06 15:15:11 UTC
J'Poll wrote:
1. Remove Concord.
2. Ban all carebears (as in people who are 200% against any form of PvP possibility)
3. Remove high-sec.

and then EVE will never get a singel new player. It will be filled with bitter vets like yourself for a month before shutting down for good

There are two kinds of children that play in sandboxes. Those who build castles and those who kick them down. It's a symbiosis.

Vol Arm'OOO
Central Co-Prosperity Union
#264 - 2016-04-06 15:36:14 UTC
The only thing I want back in eve is viable can flipping. Reduce the cargo holds of barges to make can flipping viable again. Oh and on a related note, make it so that idiots can use orcas again as giant unpiloted floating cans with the possibility of them being jacked like in the old days.

I don't play, I just fourm warrior.

Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#265 - 2016-04-06 15:38:52 UTC
Vol Arm'OOO wrote:
The only thing I want back in eve is viable can flipping. Reduce the cargo holds of barges to make can flipping viable again. Oh and on a related note, make it so that idiots can use orcas again as giant unpiloted floating cans with the possibility of them being jacked like in the old days.

There's exactly two things you need to make this work.

1. Like you said reduce mining barge ore bays to sensible levels
2. Remove the fact that suspect flagged characters can have their property looted by anyone without any consequence (this doesn't seem to serve any purpose whatsoever except to eliminate canflipping, presumably Greyscale did this on purpose because he was completely against all forms of PVP in highsec even existing)
P3ps1 Max
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#266 - 2016-04-07 03:08:14 UTC
1 = mining

Mining needs love. Be cool if it was a basic POS setup built on an asteroid belt. Upgrade them similar to planetary interaction.

The real aim is to introduce new players to POS ownership at an early stage (aka noob friendly). Maybe throw in a mining foreman handing out certain missions like the current research agents do.

Just an idea.

2 = Nebulas

Need more backdrops

3 = effects

Love eye candy
Lexiana Del'Amore
Nouvelle Rouvenor
#267 - 2016-04-07 10:17:57 UTC
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Bruce Kemp wrote:
Hilti Enaka wrote:

2. Logi ships - another contribution to the "I WIN" button, they tend to be the decision to go out and roam or not to go out and roam, as well as the decision to engage or not to engage, it always comes down to if your bringing 10 logi ships i am bringing 15.

Logi is not OP i have solo engaged a oneros and a gila (in my gila) killed te logi and then killed the gila... Twisted

Yeah no one really complains about it at the small gang level.

It's more an issue at the block level fleet engagements where the decision about fight or flight comes down to whether there is enough DPS to punch through the opposition logistic reps or not. The side with the best logistics has the upper hand.

Some the upcoming changes will hopefully rebalance the nullsec logistics without changing small gang use too much.

Alpha fleets... matters not howmuch logi they have...
Hilti Enaka
Space Wolves ind.
Solyaris Chtonium
#268 - 2016-04-11 12:18:30 UTC
Personally loving the battles in the North at the moment but whilst they highlight what can be possible and is right for the game it also highlights what can't be possible and is seriously wrong.

It's took the Mitanni to **** off the entire eve community to get to this state where people are actually enjoying playing the game again. This is what the game developers should be trying to encourage with new features. A lot of the balancing work and new ships etc have been released and i'm not entirely convinced the devs knew what they were trying to achieve.

They have to stop this type of development and think more about the value and experience a player gets with such releases.

I amongst others think logi and Ewar are the cancer of the game and would really encourage a complete rethink of these mechanics.

I'd also like to see the game move into more emphasis on rewards and leaderboards. I don't think the eve killboards provide the right incentives, they in fact promote the wrong behaviour with much emphasis on k/d ratio.

Didn't think this thread would last but it appears that people are still stopping by.
Hilti Enaka
Space Wolves ind.
Solyaris Chtonium
#269 - 2016-04-11 12:25:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Hilti Enaka
Lexiana Del'Amore wrote:
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Bruce Kemp wrote:
Hilti Enaka wrote:

2. Logi ships - another contribution to the "I WIN" button, they tend to be the decision to go out and roam or not to go out and roam, as well as the decision to engage or not to engage, it always comes down to if your bringing 10 logi ships i am bringing 15.

Logi is not OP i have solo engaged a oneros and a gila (in my gila) killed te logi and then killed the gila... Twisted

Yeah no one really complains about it at the small gang level.

It's more an issue at the block level fleet engagements where the decision about fight or flight comes down to whether there is enough DPS to punch through the opposition logistic reps or not. The side with the best logistics has the upper hand.

Some the upcoming changes will hopefully rebalance the nullsec logistics without changing small gang use too much.

Alpha fleets... matters not howmuch logi they have...

Having experienced this recently i can tell you that nothing has changed since the last time people were saying "bring alpha fleets". With the current hardware, it is clear this counter still is not a viable value adding gaming experience. It just teaches one thing, bring more, and of course when that happens servers come to a holt and we ***** and moan at sitting staring a blank screens for an hour.

Again, the war in the north tells you exactly what is good and bad for the game.
Dolorous Tremmens
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#270 - 2016-04-14 16:04:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Dolorous Tremmens
1- give people the ability to change their actual character heights. Not all of us want to see eye to eye.

2- More alternate bonuses for logi. Great for repping and all, and certain ships get bonuses to things like remote tracking, but give them an alternate use/ability more tied to combat. a base speed boost for missile ships(caldari), a single extra scripted hull resist bonus(ducttape for minnies!) agility bonuses for amarr. ability to NOS extra power at lowered cost to the targeted ship for gallente( the opposite of cap chaining).

3- Pink paint color schemes, but really more tint variations on existing an future paint jobs. not full on color shanges, just a few shades difference. But certainly pink ships.

Get some Eve. Make it yours.

Bianca Niam
#271 - 2016-04-14 17:30:57 UTC
1) Bumping should make your ship explode. Only in eve can a tiny frigate bump into a giant metal ball (such as a carrier) with over 5000 meters per second and live to tell the tale. It's beyond dumb.

2) Cancel pay 2 win. Skill injectors.

3) Partner up with AMD. The nvidia love is embarrassing. They play dirty tricks.