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Dev blog: Unboxing the new Camera in EVE Online
Jita Flipping Inc.: Kovl & Kuvl
My opinions are mine.
If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care
It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.
Daemun of Khanid
Minny boat flyer, unofficial squeaky wheel.
'Game Ethics and Morality Monitor' I remember promises.
Snark at 11-24/7/365.25. Overshare? Yup.
Yes it's my fault. And if you don't staap it I'll do it again. ;-P
No you can't has my stuffs OR my SPs.
Perfection is a dish best served like wasabi .
Bumble's Space Log
This is not a signature.
I'm a lowsec pirate and diplo of A Band Apart.
GM Guard > I must ask you not to use the petition option like this again but i personally would finish the chicken sandwich first so it won´t go to waste. The spaghetti will keep and you can use it the next time you get hungry. Best regards.
OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!
Eve For life.
Whomever is making the last few years decisions on what changes are to be implemented in this game, must hate Eve with all their being.