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February release - Issues feedback
"Frauenversteher wissen, was Frauen wollen. Aber Frauen wollen keine Frauenversteher. Weil Frauenversteher wissen, was Frauen wollen." (Ein Single)
"Wirklich coolen Leuten ist es egal, ob sie cool sind." (Einer, dem es egal ist)
My opinions are mine.
If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care
It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.
CCP approaches problems in one of two ways: nudge or cludge
EVE Online's "I win!" Button
Fixing bombs, not the bombers
Humanity is the thin veneer that remains after you remove the baffled chimp.