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Dev blog: Skill trading in New Eden

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Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#541 - 2016-01-19 13:43:41 UTC
More money under the cover of helping new players instead changing old, outdated xp gaining system.
If I was a new player skill packets will drive me away from the game rather than encourage to play.
Why dimnish return at all? You already screwing vets with it, rellocating SP is useless on their high SP characters ( I don't mean creating alts here). If bringing more players with easy access to SP is healthy for the game let the credit cards decide, it all about money. Vets, what vets? If vets get more ppl to play with, it's good right? More money for you, more players on-line, win-win. I finally get what MMOG stands for: Microtransactions Multiplayer Online Game. In case of EvE hard to talk about Massive.

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

Fukamichi Corporation
SAYR Galactic
#542 - 2016-01-19 13:44:54 UTC
FT Diomedes wrote:
I have been playing almost nine years. I have enough SP to do anything I want in this game. I do not see myself ever using this feature. With that said, I still support this change, because it will be good for some people and will improve their gaming experience. That, and, it is no different than selling or buying a character in the bazaar.

CCP, this idea is good and you should feel good.

It's nice to find the occasional intelligent post in this waterfall of tears and salt.

It's becoming really telling that the people saying how this will kill the game seem to keep posting over and over, whereas we keep getting new faces popping in to say they like the change.

Rattati Senpai noticed us! See you in the next FPS!

Alts: Saray Wyvern, Mobius Wyvern (Dust 514)

Azn Empire
#543 - 2016-01-19 13:51:17 UTC
So this not a done deal that wasn't a done deal, looks to be a done deal. Good job. Lol

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

#544 - 2016-01-19 13:52:40 UTC
Rizz Razz wrote:
Dibz wrote:
Rizz Razz wrote:
Tristan Agion wrote:

I hence really hope for a low price for the skill injector, say 100 AUR.

500 AUR will be minimum i think ... and 3500 AUR wont be a surprise :)

But we will see ...

Anything over 500 AUR would be a total fail IMO.

Don't forget the Blood Raider Accelerator Test ! CCP recognized that Players are willing to pay up to 300 mio isk for just 50k effective Skillpoints ... so why u think u can buy 500k SP for under a billion isk?

Sssssshhhhh!! EvilBig smile

Realistically I know 500 is a lowball. 1000 AUR would be a more realistic sum.

Let's say I wanted to transfer 10M SP from one alt to another. If the character I want to transfer the skills to already has over 5M SP, then I will be taking a 20% loss in SP in the process, so I will need to extract 12M SP to make up for it. You would need 24 extractors for that, at a cost of 24,000 AUR, or roughly £92.

You can buy 10M SP characters on the bazaar for roughly 5B, or 5 plex at a cost of roughly £78.

So yeah, with the added benefits of injecting SP into the skills you want I'd say 1000 AUR seems about right... but I still hope it's less Big smile
#545 - 2016-01-19 13:54:37 UTC
Gregor Parud wrote:
Dibz wrote:
I'm waiting, Greggy Weggy....

Did you delete your Youtube channel yet? Lol

Again, if you really think that your logic makes sense then nothing can help you. Nice alt posting btw.

And yes it's gone.

I would have liked to have seen your explanation, but it seems you don't have one, so we'll leave it there.
0bama Barack Hussein
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#546 - 2016-01-19 13:57:38 UTC  |  Edited by: 0bama Barack Hussein
EvilweaselFinance wrote:

it is amazing how many people with strong opinions on this subject don't know the character bazar exists

I think that is the reason why it felt more tolerable than skill trade, out of sight is out of mind most of the time.
From now on it will be there just laughing at you if you don´t take any advantage of it.

I think I can only compare it to introduction of eve-survival in mission descriptions, if that were to happen.
It is fun to have it as a third party site players can use if so aligned, but only as that.

BUT, that said...

Diminishing returns is still too much, 5% for all (or up to 15 mil, even 50-80 mil SP) would be enough.

Players in EvE learn skills and change corps to avoid tax even for less than that (but there will not be a skill to avoid diminishing returns, so less is justified here).

One needs 15 mil SP to make a good char/alt anyways, loss of 2 million SP for that just feels a bit too harsh.
Yonis Kador
#547 - 2016-01-19 13:57:55 UTC
Of course the character bazaar is also PTW, but at least with the bazaar, the consequences are built into the system. You cannot order a custom character with the details you would prefer but instead are forced to purchase a used car. You get everything associated with that used character - it's name, employment history, contract history etc - which, for now at least, you cannot change. (Coming soon: Name change for aurum.) There has been nothing introduced yet that would allow players to buy SP in this way - consequence free - to upgrade their existing characters. Comparisons between SP-trading & the bazaar are either misguided or deliberately obtuse.
Josef Djugashvilis
#548 - 2016-01-19 14:02:04 UTC
CCP Phantom wrote:
A couple months ago we introduced the idea of Skill Trading which resulted in lots of valuable feedback. After going through a lot of feedback while refining the design, we would like to be add Skill Trading to New Eden and it is currently scheduled for our February release.

Please read the latest blog from CCP Rise and Team Size Matters Skill trading in New Eden for all the details.

We welcome all your feedback, thank you!

You have had a lot of feedback, mostly negative and have chosen to ignore it, so why are you requesting more feedback?

This is not a signature.

FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#549 - 2016-01-19 14:04:04 UTC
Gregor Parud wrote:
FT Diomedes wrote:
That, and, it is no different than selling or buying a character in the bazaar.

Yes it very much is.

How is it more pay-to-win than purchasing a character? In the current scenario, I can sell one of my 2007 characters with 190m+ SP to someone willing to grind a ton of ISK or someone willing to buy a lot of PLEX. They instantly get a capable pilot which I spent years crafting. All that will cost me is one PLEX to transfer the character.

In the future, I could strip down all the SP from 190m+ SP to 5m SP and sell them to any number of players who want to grind for PLEX or pay for PLEX. That costs me however much AURUM (or ISK) to extract the skills. It costs them however much AURUM or ISK to inject them. How is that more pay-to-win than getting a 190m SP character?

The only thing CCP needs to tell us now is how much these extractors and injectors cost.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Mishra San
#550 - 2016-01-19 14:09:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Mishra San
Baron Holbach wrote:
sorry ccp this idea is ********, i have nothign against skill trading as suck

but you should not able to remove skills you already have - i would be fine if you can remove free sp or add some way to make it (like no skill in training, hello free sp, or some special skill you can train to extract it - not just any random skill)
also please add top cap - over what its not possible to add sp using that... like over 200m sp, no sp can be added using skill trading, otherwise im sure that Dr Caymus is soon no more top sp player in eve or whoever owns that title using years or very detailed sp training planing

even **** you plan do with capitals seems like heaven vs idea you can nuke your sp so you can sell it, i honestly promise i quit that game if you add thing like removing any skill you want from any char you own - its just plain wrong

Obligatory "Can I has your stuff, please?" goes here.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#551 - 2016-01-19 14:12:02 UTC
Yonis Kador wrote:
Of course the character bazaar is also PTW

It didn't use to be, most of the trades were done through the acquisition of isk through endless hours of mining, missions, etc, till PLEX was introduced and P2W came a reality.

"They worried we would eventually offer not just vanity items, but ones that would give the Haves an unfair advantage over the Have-Nots."

Lolsec Fockel
#552 - 2016-01-19 14:23:04 UTC
I really wonder, if everyone saying that this is good for new players can do so while keeping a straight face.
Pharmi on CharBazaar
#553 - 2016-01-19 14:25:43 UTC
Guys, it is a new micro transaction, better than paying 20 USD or even more 20 Euro or much more for 2 PLEX for a transfer of a char.

Smaller micro transactions like this will be available for everybody and push CCPs wallet.

Accept it, they have to make profit, otherwise they will shut down the server and we will not see any new releases :)
Alavaria Fera
#554 - 2016-01-19 14:30:21 UTC
Rizz Razz wrote:
Don't forget the Blood Raider Accelerator Test ! CCP recognized that Players are willing to pay up to 300 mio isk for just 50k effective Skillpoints ... so why u think u can buy 500k SP for under a billion isk?

So it came to that...

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Riel Ra'Dib
Casimir Associates
#555 - 2016-01-19 14:37:58 UTC
Perhaps there is an alternative to diminishing returns based on current SP and the "instant alt" concerns.

How about a cool down on Injector/extractor use? Reduced efficiency if you've injected/extracted skills withing the last ~10 days or so. That way you have to wait between uses and you could choose to train a couple of new Neural Enhancement skills to manage the cooldown/efficiency of the injections and extractors, kinda like jump clones or jump fatigue.

Perhaps a step further, make several types of extractors based on skill types (attribute) with different tech levels tied to yet another Neural Enhancement skill or five.

Just thinking out loud...
Riel Ra'Dib
Casimir Associates
#556 - 2016-01-19 14:47:47 UTC
Or how about a simple implant for self extraction? Install a -3 Perception Tap and gain the ability to start burning skills that use that attribute for SP and slowly trickle the SP back into your unused pool for eventual extraction or reassignment. An anti-queue.
Linus Gorp
Ministry of Propaganda and Morale
#557 - 2016-01-19 14:48:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Linus Gorp
Omnathious Deninard wrote:
This by design Requires RL cash to be spent.

Yes, but not yours. Buy a PLEX for ISK, redeem PLEX for 3,500 Aurum, buy with Aurum whatever that thing is going to be called. Or, you know, just buy it with ISK directly off the market. You do not have to spend real life money on this and throw the pay to win **** around when you actually know what the stuff is going to cost.

PLEX needs real life money to be bought. PLEX is sold for ISK, which can then be used to buy ships. Is that pay to win? How are the ships of someone that buys them with ISK he got from PLEX any different than the ships someone bought with ratted ISK?
When someone buys PLEX to buy officer modules for his ship, is that pay to win? By your logic, yes.
Do those officer modules teach that guy how to fly his ship? Will he win to someone with worse modules but the skill to actually fly his ship? No. He'll blow up every single ******* time.
So how can he pay to win, when he actually doesn't win? Can this really be called pay to win then?

SP doesn't teach monkeys how to fly their ships properly, so this can hardly be called pay to win. This new system does bring a few certain problems with it, but it's certainly nothing that will kill the game, nor change it all that much.

And now, HTFU.


When you don't know the difference between there, their, and they're, you come across as being so uneducated that your viewpoint can be safely dismissed. The literate is unlikely to learn much from the illiterate.

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#558 - 2016-01-19 14:53:00 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
CCP Phantom wrote:
A couple months ago we introduced the idea of Skill Trading which resulted in lots of valuable feedback. After going through a lot of feedback while refining the design, we would like to be add Skill Trading to New Eden and it is currently scheduled for our February release.

Please read the latest blog from CCP Rise and Team Size Matters Skill trading in New Eden for all the details.

We welcome all your feedback, thank you!

You have had a lot of feedback, mostly negative and have chosen to ignore it, so why are you requesting more feedback?

Just to make sure they could sweep it under the rug compared to money for skillpoints.

If you can't make a better game, just sell it in a different way. vºv

It's never what CCP say, rather what they do. And CCP are readying EVE to go F2P. You don't need a subscription to skill up if you can just buy the skillpoints, do you? And you can grind the ISK needed to buy those SP. So the game could be effectively F2P. "Premium" players would pay to get Free Skillpoints by passively earning them as now. Before that, all "Free Skillpoints" should have the same value to compete with injected SP, and thus CCP should get rid of attributes and learning implants. This idea already was talked in the past and likely we'll hear again this year...

The pot is heating up, froggies. Bear
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#559 - 2016-01-19 14:59:30 UTC
Kyt Thrace wrote:
OK, My question is simple.

After you remove the skill points to 0 in those skills you no longer want, can you remove the skill from your skillsheet.

I do not want a bunch of 0 level skills showing up. Why remove skill points if you can not remove the skill itself.

Please answer this CCP.

Why would you want to remove them entirely? Its your character ofc. And if you want to throw away the skill, that's on you. But I don't see why you would throw away injected skills since you had to pay isk for the skillbook.

Perhaps a better option would be an option to hide skills with 0 SP? This should be unchecked by default imo.

Albert Spear
Non scholae sed vitae
#560 - 2016-01-19 15:06:16 UTC
I would love to see a 3rd item that is a 1 time only item.

It could either be available based on time since the birth of the character or for a fee per million skill points.

This item would allow a player - 1 time and 1 time only for a toon to rearrange their skill points.

I don't know how many players have indicated that their initial allocation of skill points was wrong and that they feel like they can't use the character.

This one time tool would allow players to fix that allocation on the characters.

I originally thought that each toon should get 1 at the 6 month after birth point and that it should expire at the 1 year and 1 day point, but in discussions with other players, I have changed my mind, I think that there should be more flexibility to the tool.

I know, many of you will think this is crazy, but I think it will help retain people in the game, if they feel like they have messed up their initial toon.