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Team Pink Zombie Kittens Presents.....

First post
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#121 - 2012-01-08 04:09:15 UTC
Camios wrote:
The word the describes the present implementation of the Neocom is "mystery"
As it is configured on my system, it hides a lot of things in his menu, things that should be accessible with a single click... I figured now how to set it so that I like it (it's very powerful) but I don't like these things:

Minimized chat windows should work as usual and not disappear into the neocom.

Some really important chat channels like the fleet channel must be accessible with a click; if I am forced to minimise it I should be able to recover it with a single click. Now if you minimise a chat windoww it goes to hide in the chat icon in the neocom, and you have to do at least 2 clicks to recover it; moreover you don't see chat channels blinking and that's bad.

For some reason, icons disappear from the neocom when some actions are performed (as adding something to a group), and I was able to restore it if I did some other random stuff (like creating another group. Perhaps because the neocom status was refreshed?). In a word, a bit buggy, hope it's fixed, if I can I will submit a bugreport but it seems rather tricky to reproduce even if it happens often.

didn't the old neo neocom let you put different chat boxes into a button? I'm sure it's just a bug or something.

Commander Lenix
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#122 - 2012-01-08 04:52:40 UTC
+1 for making the Standing requirement to join higher than 0.5. A standing of 5.0 might be too high but something like 3.0 might work.

Also +1 for making it open only for non sov holding Alliances. Alliances that hold sov shouldn't be allowed to fight for the state. They have their own territory to worry about. If sov holding alliances are able to join then the militia will only get their left overs. Their sov will probably always be more important to them and will always take precedence than anything else FW related. It will turn into a place for them to farm isk and whore KMs and blob, blob, blob. End the end these larger Sov holding alliances will not benefit FW at all but only hurt it more than it already is.

TL:DR Higher standing requirement to join FW. Yes to Alliances, no to Sov-holding Alliances.
Spc One
The Chodak
Void Alliance
#123 - 2012-01-08 08:21:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Spc One
new neocom is very confusing :(

Put an option in that user can choose between new and old design.
Or at least put text next to items so we know what they mean.
The Cuddlefish
Ethereal Dawn
#124 - 2012-01-08 23:19:32 UTC
Spc One wrote:
new neocom is very confusing :(

Put an option in that user can choose between new and old design.
Or at least put text next to items so we know what they mean.

It is very pretty, but lacks consistency. Often I found buttons missing when they shouldn't be. It makes sense to have certain station only icons gone when in space, but I found a lot of them stayed missing when I redocked. Other times things had no icons, try minimizing the overview...then getting it back....that was fun.

If it is made consistent and fleshed out I think it should be pretty awesome.

Also, keep in mind that people will have facebook syndrome.

"Oooo what is this, it's new and different! I hate it! change is bad! I want the old look back! I'm scared!"

Two weeks later...

" What new newcom?"
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#125 - 2012-01-09 01:48:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Hans Jagerblitzen
MotherMoon wrote:
Anyways I just wanted to say, I basically quit over a combination of the neo neocom being scraped, the old nebula, and FW being basically ignored like it wasn't something cp wanted to say was real.

This post, plus the last expansion, has basically really pushed me to start buying year long subs and getting back into the game again!

keep up the great work.

Just so you all know, hearing statements like THIS are why I take the time to write all my walls of text, play equal parts good cop / bad cop when sharing my thoughts with CCP devs, and in general spend far too much time in forums than is good for one's health (and admittedly, sometimes more than I spend on Tranquility itself - though often this is due to being away from home where I can play.)

Every person we can add to the active community again makes it that worth the work. That's one more wingmate, one more enemy to shoot, one more consumer of goods to keep the economy strong, and one more friend to spend time with.

Thanks for sharing Moon, and great to have you back! o7

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

darius mclever
#126 - 2012-01-09 05:54:53 UTC
Harleigh wrote:
Can you please include an option for all configurable panels like the new Neocom (awsesome btw) and the quickbar in the market window where we can export / import settings ? This will make life for those of us with multiple toons / computers to migrate settings or sync them between toons. As it is I have to go and copy files / change char id's on the files ever time I make a change.

All we need is exactly what is being done on the overview today for import / export!

Oh and on sissy, my undock icon is missing but the area still works if you hover over it and you get a description popup.

how about just storing it on the server?
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#127 - 2012-01-09 11:17:51 UTC
Any news on the EVE Launcher?
Dr Sodius
#128 - 2012-01-09 11:32:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Dr Sodius
so far pretty nice the new neocom and the others fixes :)

i like!

but i've noticed some missing "features" like:

a) iam not able to drag&drop bookmarks (browser & space bookmarks!)

b) me thinks, the transparency of the new neocom should be adjustable

c) option to minimze chats or conversations into the neocom bar (as long as space is enough)

d) how about a shortcut for the graphic settings ? you know, current, low, max settings ? would be freaky!!

also, can i make a request?

if i set a route through new eden from a starting point to a station , the station is marked yellow.. but only in space

make it so, that if i right-click and navigate to the stations in the dropmenue, the designated target (here the station) is marked in yellow as well (if possible)

thx and keep up the damn good work!
Swiss Tax Avoidance Bank Inc
#129 - 2012-01-09 12:58:47 UTC
New neocom is YES YES YESS!!!!

Love the fact that you can customize it with whatever buttons you want and the autohide function is sweeet
Vard School of Cryo Cuisine
#130 - 2012-01-09 14:23:19 UTC
Hanz Jagerblitzen wrote:
Simply ushering this through without at least communicating that they have a master plan here will only exacerbate an already sore sub-community in EvE who has shown far more dedication to the feature than the developers have since its release.

Preach it preacha man!
Fidelium Mortis
Minor Major Miners LLC
#131 - 2012-01-09 19:44:23 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:

Agreed. The capture mechanics are the second priority though, compared to the consequences of taking/losing space, which we're looking into :)

Care to share what is being considered for the capture mechanic? For instance I think most members of FW would agree that the standard POS/Outpost bash isn't really a desired "feature." Think more rebel alliance vs deathstar, and less beating your head against a wall.

Perhaps something to consider would be a multi-room deadspace complex like Worlds Collide using something similar to the current plexing mechanic. The bunker would be a deathstar that sits inside a deadspace complex that has entry gates that are opened by major plexes. Minor and medium plexes lead to different upgrade satellites (eg. shield resistance/recharger, or guns) - which can be contested by either side at any time. This way a small resistance group has the potential to frustrate an assault before backup arrives.

ICRS - Intergalactic Certified Rocket Surgeon

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#132 - 2012-01-09 20:06:28 UTC
Fidelium Mortis wrote:

Care to share what is being considered for the capture mechanic? For instance I think most members of FW would agree that the standard POS/Outpost bash isn't really a desired "feature." Think more rebel alliance vs deathstar, and less beating your head against a wall.

InB4 Cearain decries your suggestions for even more complicated PvE setups in the FW plexes :)

That whole debate aside, I'm personally really really really hoping any silence about this particular aspect of the feature is because they've got a strong Faction Warfare tie-in related to Dust 514. To me, that’s the perfect way to kill two birds with one stone, as both nullsec and lowsec have almost identical core mechanics problems related to sovereignty, that has lead to stagnation and reduced fighting over the years.

Assuming all is going according to schedule, this means there are ALREADY plans well in place and programmed that will overhaul at very least the nullsec sov system that was last borked in the Dominion patch, tieing sovereignty not just to space bunkers but to planetside installations as well, for the Dust mercs to fight over.

If CCP was wise they would use Faction Warfare as the tie-in for a lowsec gameplay in Dust 514, allowing mercs to take contracts from the militias to secure contested control bunkers on the planets as well as the in-space plexes we’re used to.

ULTIMATELY, I’d love to see Dust 514 activity be taken off-planet, and into the plexes themselves. A Dust 514 deathmatch match could just as easily be fought and won or lost in the amount of time it takes for a ship to orbit a current plex button. Instead of the current mechanics, pilots could warp into a plex, drop the mercs off at the bunker, let them shoot their way to victory, while PvP pilots orbit the installation ready to provide evacuation for the mercs. This would be dramatically much more interesting, while still remaining completely PvP-based. It would also allow for those wicked and oh-so-satisfying "This time, there WON'T be an evacuation!!" moments where EvE players could be as ruthless as the dude in the Dust trailer was to his ground team.

This could all be wishful thinking, or if we’re still on track for a Dust 514 Spring release, something similar could already be in place and CCP’s just kept quiet about it to follow a marketing and press release schedule. I'm certainly hoping for the latter. In the meantime, I'm still a bit nervous about just how little we know about sov changes given that they are supposed to be where the Dust mercs come into play.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Terpene Conglomerate
#133 - 2012-01-09 20:15:22 UTC
I like the new neocom, but I have one question (tried to find an answer, but failed), anyway, according to this devblog, there is the new neocom in a horizontal bottom position, is this somehow customizable now on sisi too? I really like the new customizability of buttons in the neocom (just have it what I really need there), and I like how it is giving you an overview about opened windows (much better than it is currently on TQ), but somehow, I miss this new awesome neocom on horizontal bottom position as it is showed in mentioned devblog :)

Thanks and keep up great work CCP!

CEO of Terpene Conglomerate, Amarrian FW & exploration corp formed from  Khanid, Amarrian and Caldari pilots.

Plus 10 NV
#134 - 2012-01-09 21:25:03 UTC

Yeah I'm not in favor of gaining occupancy via pve.

But I think your idea of dust players fighting for bunkers and effecting faction war sounds pretty good.

It could explain why we need to orbit a button so long - to drop off the troops. Instead of saying we captured the complex it might say you droped the troops off you can now warp out.

On the dust side after we orbited the button long enough our team might see they can go and take over a system.

But anyway I'm sure they have this sorted out already.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Ibeau Renoir
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#135 - 2012-01-09 21:38:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Ibeau Renoir
Takeshi Yamato wrote:
Any chance that the in-game calculator can get some love?

I would like to be able to use the number pad for operators (+ - / *) and = (num pad enter)

The fact that I cannot do this makes me want to keep a real calc at my desk or tab out of the game.

Also allow numpad comma to enter a decimal point. I guess you can already do this in the German client, but I'm weird and have a German keymap with an English client. (Windows calc is smart enough to know what you mean, why not Eve's?)

Ceci n'est pas un sig.

Damassys Kadesh
Royal Khanid Hunting Society
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#136 - 2012-01-10 01:17:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Damassys Kadesh
NOTE: I keep trying to link the "Factional Warfare: Moving Forward" thread here... and repeatedly get the error "There was an issue with parsing this post's BBCode"

I generally agree with 99% of what Hans says 99% of the time.

He puts a lot of effort into expressing FW concerns in well-written posts. Please devs, take the time to read them carefully and consider them comprehensively. There is no shortage of additional meaningful discussion from the FW community in the linked threads, so there should be no problem in allocating your development to the best fixes.

CCP is good enough to create an awesome game that draws people in, so I have no doubt that they can put their minds to making FW better. It seems blatantly obvious that, once it's improved upon, current loyal players and new players alike will be stoked to participate. Don't go and skip step 1 (improving) and go straight to step 2 (boosting participation)... foresight is required here, and you have the most faithful playerbase from which to draw feedback.

FW has been a few tweaks away from a massive subscription increase for years. The time is nigh!

Sourem Itharen > Congratulations Lady Kadesh, you have been selected by trial of fire and blood, under the watchful eyes of God, to represent Lord Khanid as his champion in the Imperial Succession trials -YC117

Damassys Kadesh
Royal Khanid Hunting Society
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#137 - 2012-01-10 01:18:03 UTC
Damassys Kadesh wrote:
NOTE: I keep trying to link the "Factional Warfare: Moving Forward" thread here... and repeatedly get the error "There was an issue with parsing this post's BBCode"

I generally agree with 99% of what Hans says 99% of the time.

He puts a lot of effort into expressing FW concerns in well-written posts. Please devs, take the time to read them carefully and consider them comprehensively. There is no shortage of additional meaningful discussion from the FW community in the linked threads, so there should be no problem in allocating your development to the best fixes.

CCP is good enough to create an awesome game that draws people in, so I have no doubt that they can put their minds to making FW better. It seams blatantly obvious that, once it's improved upon, current loyal players and new players alike will be stoked to participate. Don't go and skip step 1 (improving) and go straight to step 2 (boosting participation)... foresight is required here, and you have the most faithful playerbase from which to draw feedback.

FW has been a few tweaks away from a massive subscription increase for years. The time is nigh!

Seems to work here?

Sourem Itharen > Congratulations Lady Kadesh, you have been selected by trial of fire and blood, under the watchful eyes of God, to represent Lord Khanid as his champion in the Imperial Succession trials -YC117

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#138 - 2012-01-10 01:23:57 UTC
Damassys Kadesh wrote:

I generally agree with 99% of what Hans says 99% of the time.

Ahhhhh yes, this is excellent. Those implants provided to me by the Sanshas seem to be operating as promised. Twisted

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#139 - 2012-01-10 02:00:14 UTC
Cearain wrote:

It could explain why we need to orbit a button so long - to drop off the troops. Instead of saying we captured the complex it might say you droped the troops off you can now warp out.

On the dust side after we orbited the button long enough our team might see they can go and take over a system.

But anyway I'm sure they have this sorted out already.

I'm not even talking explaining the "why" of an orbit button, I'm talking the dust fight happening inside the plex, in real time. I'm talking about when our FW pilots warp into a plex, it means we already have our ground troops online waiting for the match to begin, which would happen once the EvE ship gets within proximity of the bunker, or perhaps even "launches" a probe like a missle, dropping the mercs off and opening the match for the console owners to spring into action. Literally, while we are orbiting that button, waiting for the timer to tick down, we can listen to the gunfire and the screams and hear the progress as Dust mercs race against a clock to secure the facility, convert the bunker over to friendly control, and escape back to a getaway pod to be retrieved by EvE players for a safe warp-out.

Since really there needs to be alert system for Faction Warfare plexes anyways, the Dust mercs would be racing against not only the consoles players who might be dispatched to defending a faciity, but racing against the possibility that their "ride" (the EvE ship who brought them there) could be eliminated in space if they take their time or fail at their attempt to seize the plex bunker Dust could spawn NPC foes as cheap default defense to chew through if the Amarr didn't make it in time to launch a merc probe themselves. Eve pilots can warn the Dust players the mission may be going south, or vice versa, and both teams can adjust priorities and tactics on the fly.

I know this sounds like a stretch, but I don't really see it as one given that cross-platform comms and cross-platform warfare are already functioning in Beta as intended. All this would mean is creating some maps for matches that would take place inside a space facility, instead of being limited to planetside as we have seen exclusively so far in the screens and trailers, and allowing Dust clones to be transported and deployed using a specialized EvE ship (I suspect this is already part of the link already, if not something slated for the future).

Ultimately the plexes could offer a more dynamic PvP scenario than a simple game of "king of the hill", there could be dedicated troop transport ships that one would need to get into the plex, protect long enough to get the dust mercs out, and failure could mean pissing off the mercs enough by letting them die or leaving them behind, risking the chance they'll defect or screw you over next time around.

I hope you're right and all this is sorted out already, regarding troop transports, deployment, and the Dust -Eve-Sov link. If not, we're slated for another Incarna in terms of being way behind schedule and possibly enraging customers who expect this level of interaction between the games and get handed something far more limited. I don't get the sense that this is the case though. I just think we have a lot of exciting news yet coming to us in the next few months, if we can be patient enough!

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Hirana Yoshida
Behavioral Affront
#140 - 2012-01-10 09:58:55 UTC
I'd prefer they did away with the infernal button entirely .. replace it with a less obvious waste of time like multiple hack targets or mini-games. As long as the time spent can be controlled almost anything is better than "The Button™" (my 400k lifetime VP demands "The Button™" be put to death! .. I intentionally let Sasa overtake me \o/).