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What is CCP giving to The Mittani?

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Gallente Federation
#41 - 2015-11-04 00:29:21 UTC
Estelie Heyan wrote:
mech res wrote:
Will the book not continue to sell after it is made? Or is it then given out for free? If it is to be sold who gets the money?

Generally partners share the costs and the profits. They also generally need to have aligned goals.

According to the, CCP and the mittani are partners in this with the author.

According to CCP Falcon, CCP is only allowing them to use the EVE name and related ip. Well he said they are allowing that. He technically didn't say that is all the involvement ccp has. I would be interested in knowing if CCP is partnering with the mittani.

The amount of stupid in this thread is amazing

1. Mittens is a trust fund babby and doesnt care about isk ingame/ out of game or making money from game

2. Why do pubbies wanna **** on somebody trying to do something good for this dying game

3. If it was a chribba or sugar kyle it wouldnt have nearly the same exposure/backing but all of your little grr goon hearts would feel better about it.

I would not call RMT good for the game.
Cidanel Afuran
Grant Village
#42 - 2015-11-04 00:41:59 UTC
Estelie Heyan wrote:
2. Why do pubbies wanna **** on somebody trying to do something good for this dying game

Because literally nothing about EVE conditions us to trust someone at their word....
Estelie Heyan
#43 - 2015-11-04 00:49:57 UTC
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
I would not call RMT good for the game.

You missed the part where he doesnt care about money. RMT is somebody taking their ingame assetts and trading them for USD, because they want USD.

Obviously the kickstarter thing is new territory because nobody has ever done this before, the stretch goal was changed and removed almost immediately but if you wanna keep on raging then knock yourself out.
Aoife Fraoch
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#44 - 2015-11-04 00:51:37 UTC
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
Estelie Heyan wrote:
mech res wrote:
Will the book not continue to sell after it is made? Or is it then given out for free? If it is to be sold who gets the money?

Generally partners share the costs and the profits. They also generally need to have aligned goals.

According to the, CCP and the mittani are partners in this with the author.

According to CCP Falcon, CCP is only allowing them to use the EVE name and related ip. Well he said they are allowing that. He technically didn't say that is all the involvement ccp has. I would be interested in knowing if CCP is partnering with the mittani.

The amount of stupid in this thread is amazing

1. Mittens is a trust fund babby and doesnt care about isk ingame/ out of game or making money from game

2. Why do pubbies wanna **** on somebody trying to do something good for this dying game

3. If it was a chribba or sugar kyle it wouldnt have nearly the same exposure/backing but all of your little grr goon hearts would feel better about it.

I would not call RMT good for the game.

I am very very curious about how you define RMT. Maybe I am old fashioned but I define it as acquiring in game assets or advantage with cash outside of approved channels.
mech res
Fwaction Warfare Corporwation
#45 - 2015-11-04 00:59:36 UTC  |  Edited by: mech res
Estelie Heyan wrote:
mech res wrote:
Will the book not continue to sell after it is made? Or is it then given out for free? If it is to be sold who gets the money?

Generally partners share the costs and the profits. They also generally need to have aligned goals.

According to the, CCP and the mittani are partners in this with the author.

According to CCP Falcon, CCP is only allowing them to use the EVE name and related ip. Well he said they are allowing that. He technically didn't say that is all the involvement ccp has. I would be interested in knowing if CCP is partnering with the mittani.

The amount of stupid in this thread is amazing

1. Mittens is a trust fund babby and doesnt care about isk ingame/ out of game or making money from game

2. Why do pubbies wanna **** on somebody trying to do something good for this dying game

3. If it was a chribba or sugar kyle it wouldnt have nearly the same exposure/backing but all of your little grr goon hearts would feel better about it.

I'm not sure your post helps the thread.

1) Everyone cares about money. Mittani said he made some great big amount of money as a lawyer which meant he could retire. But I suspected he was a trust fund baby. Did he finally admit it?

2) More "grr goons" "pubbies" talk. Whatever that means now - are karmafleet "pubbies"?

3) Mittani has allot of fanatical cheerleaders - like yourself. But he also leaves a bad taste in allot of mouths and turns people off from eve. I hope ccp realizes that.

Estelie Heyan wrote:

You missed the part where he doesnt care about money. RMT is somebody taking their ingame assetts and trading them for USD, because they want USD.

Obviously the kickstarter thing is new territory because nobody has ever done this before, the stretch goal was changed and removed almost immediately but if you wanna keep on raging then knock yourself out.

Yeah sure, he doesn't care about money.

And the "kickstarter thing" was done before.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#46 - 2015-11-04 01:07:44 UTC
Estelie Heyan wrote:
mech res wrote:
Will the book not continue to sell after it is made? Or is it then given out for free? If it is to be sold who gets the money?

Generally partners share the costs and the profits. They also generally need to have aligned goals.

According to the, CCP and the mittani are partners in this with the author.

According to CCP Falcon, CCP is only allowing them to use the EVE name and related ip. Well he said they are allowing that. He technically didn't say that is all the involvement ccp has. I would be interested in knowing if CCP is partnering with the mittani.

The amount of stupid in this thread is amazing

1. Mittens is a trust fund babby and doesnt care about isk ingame/ out of game or making money from game

2. Why do pubbies wanna **** on somebody trying to do something good for this dying game

3. If it was a chribba or sugar kyle it wouldnt have nearly the same exposure/backing but all of your little grr goon hearts would feel better about it.

It's just little people/players trying to piggy back on popular people/players.

Been around since the beginning.

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#47 - 2015-11-04 01:18:29 UTC
No its just the Mittani effect. You see it when he undocks and people sperg themselves trying to kill him. Post his name in the forums attached to something and you have an instantly polarized topic. It could be "The mittani prefers grape jelly to strawberry jam" and people will still go nuts.

The RMT claim is laughable when put into actual context as well. No items were sold and it wasnt a sustainable business model. It was a one time event that someone didnt think out very clearly first. Sh*t happens and people make mistakes.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#48 - 2015-11-04 01:32:29 UTC
Nafensoriel wrote:
No its just the Mittani effect. You see it when he undocks and people sperg themselves trying to kill him. Post his name in the forums attached to something and you have an instantly polarized topic. It could be "The mittani prefers grape jelly to strawberry jam" and people will still go nuts.

The RMT claim is laughable when put into actual context as well. No items were sold and it wasnt a sustainable business model. It was a one time event that someone didnt think out very clearly first. Sh*t happens and people make mistakes.

That's exactly what i described.

You see it in the real world with regular people and celebrities.

Been around since the beginning.

Giaus Felix
#49 - 2015-11-04 01:34:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Giaus Felix
mech res wrote:
3) Mittani has allot of fanatical cheerleaders - like yourself. But he also leaves a bad taste in allot of mouths and turns people off from eve. I hope ccp realizes that.
He's an ex corporate lawyer that has become the bastard adopted space child of Ming the Merciless and Genghis Khan; what's not to love?

At the end of the day he plays an evil space tyrant and he's good at it, haters gonna hate.

I came for the spaceships, I stayed for the tears.

Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#50 - 2015-11-04 01:40:43 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:
mech res wrote:
According to the Mittani, CCP is backing his book regarding his alliance evicting test. He has posted that CCP is supporting and backing this project.

I am curious if this is more than just moral support. From what I see it appears to mostly be that. But it goes beyond that, I would like to know how much support CCP is giving to this player's endeavors.

Here is an example of a quote from the mittani:

"When CCP, Jeff Edwards and The Mittani Media decided to collaborate in writing science fiction thrillers based on the stories created in EVE Online, we knew that this would be only the first of many epic stories we would tell. Combining the remarkable writing talent of Jeff Edwards with the strength and support of CCP Games and The Mittani Media, this book is destined to captivate science fiction, action, suspense, and military fiction fans everywhere."

they better write about how I extracted goontears in VFK for months, the fountain war, just a reason to escape my torpedos

You must be new to how mittens "narrates".

Sanity is fun leaving the body.

mech res
Fwaction Warfare Corporwation
#51 - 2015-11-04 02:53:12 UTC
First nothing mittani does in game causes distaste. People can play eve how they like.

Giaus Felix wrote:
mech res wrote:
3) Mittani has allot of fanatical cheerleaders - like yourself. But he also leaves a bad taste in allot of mouths and turns people off from eve. I hope ccp realizes that.
He's an ex corporate lawyer that has become the bastard adopted space child of Ming the Merciless and Genghis Khan; what's not to love?

At the end of the day he plays an evil space tyrant and he's good at it, haters gonna hate.

Ah yeah the whole successful corporate attorney yarn. It doesn't matter what people do out of game, but Mittani uses those claims to promote himself. Of course if you challenge his claims then you are accused of attacking someone personally.

Anyway I would still like to know if what CCP Falcon said was the full extent of ccp's "partnership" with the mittani.
Chapmonious Hunter
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#52 - 2015-11-04 03:08:53 UTC
Posting in not so subtle "grrr goons" thread
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#53 - 2015-11-04 03:40:48 UTC
Aiwha wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
mech res wrote:
According to the Mittani, CCP is backing his book regarding his alliance evicting test. He has posted that CCP is supporting and backing this project.

I am curious if this is more than just moral support. From what I see it appears to mostly be that. But it goes beyond that, I would like to know how much support CCP is giving to this player's endeavors.

Here is an example of a quote from the mittani:

"When CCP, Jeff Edwards and The Mittani Media decided to collaborate in writing science fiction thrillers based on the stories created in EVE Online, we knew that this would be only the first of many epic stories we would tell. Combining the remarkable writing talent of Jeff Edwards with the strength and support of CCP Games and The Mittani Media, this book is destined to captivate science fiction, action, suspense, and military fiction fans everywhere."

they better write about how I extracted goontears in VFK for months, the fountain war, just a reason to escape my torpedos

You must be new to how mittens "narrates".

His getting into the book isn't all that far fetched, after all, we did take him with us on deployments.
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#54 - 2015-11-04 03:47:36 UTC
Removed an off topic post.

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Senior Lead

Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

Syn Shi
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#55 - 2015-11-04 03:50:24 UTC
Maybe if the F1 monkeys went out and created content they too can be in a position to do something like this.

But we know they will just make dumb-ass posts and QQ to anyone who will listen. While waiting for someone else to create content for them.

Obligatory Grrrr Goons.
Rhiannon Marius
Marius Family Enterprises Unlimited
#56 - 2015-11-04 06:27:58 UTC
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
Estelie Heyan wrote:
mech res wrote:
Will the book not continue to sell after it is made? Or is it then given out for free? If it is to be sold who gets the money?

Generally partners share the costs and the profits. They also generally need to have aligned goals.

According to the, CCP and the mittani are partners in this with the author.

According to CCP Falcon, CCP is only allowing them to use the EVE name and related ip. Well he said they are allowing that. He technically didn't say that is all the involvement ccp has. I would be interested in knowing if CCP is partnering with the mittani.

The amount of stupid in this thread is amazing

1. Mittens is a trust fund babby and doesnt care about isk ingame/ out of game or making money from game

2. Why do pubbies wanna **** on somebody trying to do something good for this dying game

3. If it was a chribba or sugar kyle it wouldnt have nearly the same exposure/backing but all of your little grr goon hearts would feel better about it.

I would not call RMT good for the game.

Your stupid is showing. You may want to cover it up.
Otso Bakarti
#57 - 2015-11-04 08:07:53 UTC
Just watch. He'll dupe as many people as the PLEX sellers.

There just isn't anything that can be said!

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#58 - 2015-11-04 10:23:30 UTC
mech res wrote:
Anyway I would still like to know if what CCP Falcon said was the full extent of ccp's "partnership" with the mittani.
TBH the extent of CCP's partnerships with other businesses is none of your damn business.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Iron Krosz
#59 - 2015-11-04 10:34:29 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
mech res wrote:
Anyway I would still like to know if what CCP Falcon said was the full extent of ccp's "partnership" with the mittani.
TBH the extent of CCP's partnerships with other businesses is none of your damn business.

That would be true if those businesses were not playing (in fact dominating large areas of) the game itself.

Disclaimer : Just making this point, I have no position on the accusation of RMTing etc.
Aoife Fraoch
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#60 - 2015-11-04 10:51:40 UTC
Portmanteau wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
mech res wrote:
Anyway I would still like to know if what CCP Falcon said was the full extent of ccp's "partnership" with the mittani.
TBH the extent of CCP's partnerships with other businesses is none of your damn business.

That would be true if those businesses were not playing (in fact dominating large areas of) the game itself.

Disclaimer : Just making this point, I have no position on the accusation of RMTing etc.

Can you develop that point further?

The only advantage I can see that their presence ingame has in this case is access to a large community that might be interested in the product. I guess you could argue that having CCP's support for a commercial venture might mean something, but this project isn't being done by nor will it benefit an in-game entity as a whole. It is a project being done by a handful of individuals who happen to be Goons.

I don't actually see how there is anything happening here that is more unethical than the last EVE themed book kickstarter. The only difference I can see are the people who are driving the project.

Seriously, where was all this handwringing when the 'A History' book kicked off?