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CCP Leeloo
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2015-09-02 16:30:01 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Guard
Hi everyone,

I am here today to bring you a list of sessions that we will host during the first CSM Summit, which will be held between 14th and 17th of September. This post will also include a list of CSM delegates who will be attending the Summit in person, so feel free to pass them your thoughts that they can voice during the sessions. All sessions will be available to other CSM delegates via the video conference as well.

Here are the topics / session titles:


  • Meeting with CCP’s CEO
  • 3rd party / CREST session
  • Sov sessions – recap and further plans
  • Capitals and Supercapitals
  • Power projection (wh and low-sec)

  • Tuesday:

  • Roadmap review with EP
  • Player acquisition strategies and data
  • Little things session
  • Nullsec general session
  • Customer Support Team
  • Purpose of the Council
  • Individuality vs uniformity

  • Wednesday:

  • QA team session
  • EVE Metrics / In-game economy
  • Launcher / download on demand
  • Structures
  • EVE Store
  • Art session
  • UI session
  • Fanfest

  • Thursday:

  • EVE Producers
  • Team Security
  • FW & PVE
  • White Paper review
  • Community and Localization
  • Summit Retrospective

  • And here is a list of attendees:

  • Sugar Kyle
  • Sion Kumitomo
  • Sort Dragon
  • Corbexx
  • Mike Azariah
  • Jayne Fillon
  • Gorski Car
  • Cagali Cagali
  • Endie
  • Steve Ronuken

  • Feel free to leave any questions regarding the summit in this thread Smile

    Meeting minutes:

    Day 1 - PDF
    Day 1 - TXT

    Day 2 - PDF
    Day 2 - TXT

    Day 3 - PDF
    Day 3 - TXT

    CCP Leeloo | Community Developer | @ccp_leeloo |

    Dirk MacGirk
    Specter Syndicate
    #2 - 2015-09-02 16:47:01 UTC
    Can we expect minutes along the same time frame as last summit? You did raise the bar last time around.
    Steve Ronuken
    Fuzzwork Enterprises
    Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
    #3 - 2015-09-02 16:54:42 UTC
    Dirk MacGirk wrote:
    Can we expect minutes along the same time frame as last summit? You did raise the bar last time around.

    As long as our typing monkey is up to it.

    (Typing monkey is a term of affection. There's no way in hell we'd be as productive without someone else taking minutes)

    Woo! CSM XI!

    Fuzzwork Enterprises

    Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

    CCP Leeloo
    C C P
    C C P Alliance
    #4 - 2015-09-02 16:54:55 UTC
    Dirk MacGirk wrote:
    Can we expect minutes along the same time frame as last summit? You did raise the bar last time around.

    Yes, the aim is 24 hours or so.

    CCP Leeloo | Community Developer | @ccp_leeloo |

    Dirk MacGirk
    Specter Syndicate
    #5 - 2015-09-02 17:00:11 UTC
    Steve Ronuken wrote:
    Dirk MacGirk wrote:
    Can we expect minutes along the same time frame as last summit? You did raise the bar last time around.

    As long as our typing monkey is up to it.

    (Typing monkey is a term of affection. There's no way in hell we'd be as productive without someone else taking minutes)

    Move up to the big leagues and go with edited audio recordings. Blink
    4chan SlashPOL
    Trillium Invariant
    Honorable Third Party
    #6 - 2015-09-02 17:16:05 UTC
    Can we hope to see blops changes here? :O
    So you want to be a Hero
    #7 - 2015-09-02 17:25:28 UTC

    Meeting with CCP’s CEO

    One would expect a meeting with CCP games lead game designer and / or executive producer since they are the ones that are more closely tight into the games development, or does the current CEO have a larger presence in the games design ?

    Why does the Company insist on the idea that "day one" characters can influence null sec sovereignty system ?
    The Entosis link only requires a T1 frigate and Infomorph Psychology 1, is this a directive from upper echelon management ?

    Can you ask CCP Scarpia and CCP Seagull to be step up their messaging effort on the forums to reply to queries and views from the company's customers. Because it's very silent on the other side and replacing reddit for the official eve online forums as a platform is non-logical.

    source: (last post a year ago !) (total of 2 forum posts, last one 10 months ago !)

    Regards, a Freelancer

    Eve online is :

    A) mining simulator B) glorified chatroom C) spreadsheets online

    D) CCP Games Pay to Win at skill leveling, with instant gratification

    Sugar Kyle
    Middle Ground
    #8 - 2015-09-02 17:31:46 UTC
    Freelancer117 wrote:

    Meeting with CCP’s CEO

    One would expect a meeting with CCP games lead game designer and / or executive producer since they are the ones that are more closely tight into the games development, or does the current CEO have a larger presence in the games design ?

    Why does the Company insist on the idea that "day one" characters can influence null sec sovereignty system ?
    The Entosis link only requires a T1 frigate and Infomorph Psychology 1, is this a directive from upper echelon management ?

    Can you ask CCP Scarpia and CCP Seagull to be step up their messaging effort on the forums to reply to queries and views from the company's customers. Because it's very silent on the other side and replacing reddit for the official eve online forums as a platform is non-logical.

    source: (last post a year ago !) (total of 2 forum posts, last one 10 months ago !)

    Regards, a Freelancer

    That meeting is Tuesday morning.

    Member of CSM9 and CSM10.

    CCP Leeloo
    C C P
    C C P Alliance
    #9 - 2015-09-02 18:14:06 UTC
    Sugar Kyle wrote:

    That meeting is Tuesday morning.

    This ^^^

    CCP Leeloo | Community Developer | @ccp_leeloo |

    So you want to be a Hero
    #10 - 2015-09-02 18:35:24 UTC
    CCP Leeloo wrote:
    Sugar Kyle wrote:

    That meeting is Tuesday morning.

    This ^^^

    EP, is short hand for CCP Seagull, gotcha, will name her EP in the future then, and it sounds like ET, I like it Cool

    At least one half of one out of three questions answered, an awesome start for the CSM Summit , now for the rest.

    Eve online is :

    A) mining simulator B) glorified chatroom C) spreadsheets online

    D) CCP Games Pay to Win at skill leveling, with instant gratification

    Max Kolonko
    Caldari Provisions
    Caldari State
    #11 - 2015-09-02 18:58:55 UTC
    Freelancer117 wrote:
    CCP Leeloo wrote:
    Sugar Kyle wrote:

    That meeting is Tuesday morning.

    This ^^^

    EP, is short hand for CCP Seagull, gotcha, will name her EP in the future then, and it sounds like ET, I like it Cool

    At least one half of one out of three questions answered, an awesome start for the CSM Summit , now for the rest.

    And answered before the summit even started!!! Think about possibilities
    Bienator II
    madmen of the skies
    #12 - 2015-09-02 19:21:45 UTC
    FW + PVE in the same session is a bit strange tbh.

    how to fix eve: 1) remove ECM 2) rename dampeners to ECM 3) add new anti-drone ewar for caldari 4) give offgrid boosters ongrid combat value

    Rattini Tribe
    Minmatar Fleet Alliance
    #13 - 2015-09-02 21:00:15 UTC
    While I understand that Capitals and SuperCapitals are a very pressing issue, what about the forgotten ship classes that still need a rebalance? BCs were supposed to get another pass that was delayed. Logistics, AFs, Black Ops, Rorqual, and Orca still need to be looked at. Also, how is the module tiericide/rebalancing going?

    Also, for the PvE section can you all please bring up the massive price tank that deadspace modules have had? I think a good way to fix this would be to add the in lots of new deadspace modules. You could do the numbers in a way that CCP nerfs the individual drop rates of modules, but as a whole the total amount of modules dropped stays the same. Just an idea.

    Lastly, what is the status of removing attributes, removing attribute implants, and giving new character more SP? I recently got a new player into Eve. They are hit with having to train unfun core skills, dealing with attributes, and purchased implants to speed the process up. These are all bad things for a new player to have to do.
    Steve Ronuken
    Fuzzwork Enterprises
    Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
    #14 - 2015-09-02 21:18:44 UTC
    Bienator II wrote:
    FW + PVE in the same session is a bit strange tbh.

    It's because of the team involved. Same team working on both.

    (If you think about it, FW is, at its core, PvE. The PvP side is pretty much like any PvP)

    Woo! CSM XI!

    Fuzzwork Enterprises

    Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

    Bienator II
    madmen of the skies
    #15 - 2015-09-02 21:57:46 UTC
    Steve Ronuken wrote:
    Bienator II wrote:
    FW + PVE in the same session is a bit strange tbh.

    It's because of the team involved. Same team working on both.

    (If you think about it, FW is, at its core, PvE. The PvP side is pretty much like any PvP)

    its the other way around. FW at its core is PVP. Since a FW complex is the purest "come at me bro" mechanic eve provides. Its eve's domination game mode. Everything around plexes is designed to not influence your pvp in any way. Rats do no damage, have no ewar etc.

    But FW also has a reputation problem due to the fact how easy the mechanics can be abused. So i do understand why you think it is the other way around.

    how to fix eve: 1) remove ECM 2) rename dampeners to ECM 3) add new anti-drone ewar for caldari 4) give offgrid boosters ongrid combat value

    Steve Ronuken
    Fuzzwork Enterprises
    Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
    #16 - 2015-09-02 22:34:55 UTC
    Bienator II wrote:
    Steve Ronuken wrote:
    Bienator II wrote:
    FW + PVE in the same session is a bit strange tbh.

    It's because of the team involved. Same team working on both.

    (If you think about it, FW is, at its core, PvE. The PvP side is pretty much like any PvP)

    its the other way around. FW at its core is PVP. Since a FW complex is the purest "come at me bro" mechanic eve provides. Its eve's domination game mode. Everything around plexes is designed to not influence your pvp in any way. Rats do no damage, have no ewar etc.

    But FW also has a reputation problem due to the fact how easy the mechanics can be abused. So i do understand why you think it is the other way around.

    Heh. I'm looking at it from the game support point of view. What the developers need to work on, rather than what the players do. They tune the PvE bits of it, to support the PvP bits.

    Woo! CSM XI!

    Fuzzwork Enterprises

    Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

    Circumstantial Evidence
    #17 - 2015-09-02 22:42:15 UTC
    Another point for PvE: Data site loot balancing. Data Interfaces for T2 invention were removed, but the Faction Materials needed to make them drop at the same rate as before, and are now only used to make low-demand Storyline modules. At the very least, hit Faction Materials drop rate with a nerf bat. Data sites need some "new information" loot to uncover, perhaps a tie in to any planned new items and structures.
    Master Sergeant MacRobert
    Red Sky Morning
    The Amarr Militia.
    #18 - 2015-09-02 23:16:49 UTC
    Steve Ronuken wrote:
    Bienator II wrote:
    Steve Ronuken wrote:
    Bienator II wrote:
    FW + PVE in the same session is a bit strange tbh.

    It's because of the team involved. Same team working on both.

    (If you think about it, FW is, at its core, PvE. The PvP side is pretty much like any PvP)

    its the other way around. FW at its core is PVP. Since a FW complex is the purest "come at me bro" mechanic eve provides. Its eve's domination game mode. Everything around plexes is designed to not influence your pvp in any way. Rats do no damage, have no ewar etc.

    But FW also has a reputation problem due to the fact how easy the mechanics can be abused. So i do understand why you think it is the other way around.

    Heh. I'm looking at it from the game support point of view. What the developers need to work on, rather than what the players do. They tune the PvE bits of it, to support the PvP bits.

    Poor answer.

    FW needs much more than a bit of tuning to the PvE bits by a team working on something else.

    "Remedy this situation or you shall live out the rest of your life in a pain amplifier"

    Baali Tekitsu
    Verge of Collapse
    #19 - 2015-09-02 23:43:22 UTC
    Im a bit concerned that ship balance aside from caps has not been hinted in a single point. Hope its hidden somewhere.


    Circumstantial Evidence
    #20 - 2015-09-03 00:40:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Circumstantial Evidence
    It takes time to give any topic proper attention: a game designer has to outline the current state of X, CSM members with opinions about X need to discuss it, tell the game designer he or she is completely wrong, detail alternatives and struggle to reach a consensus (without damaging the furniture,) for each item X.

    The Capital card has been drawn, and I'm grateful this class will be getting Dev and CSM's full attention. I hope each other class gets similar quality time, in future Dev <> CSM discussions.

    Launcher: Every few weeks, someone at CCP has to repost the "New to EVE?" news item, to keep that on the front page for new players. WHY?! New player resources should be a perma-link on the launcher.
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