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Balancing Feedback: Capital Ships

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Cold Moon Destruction.
#741 - 2011-12-28 15:13:57 UTC
So CCP... given that Titans now can lock (quickly) and alpha frigates moving at full transversal... even pods... thoughts?
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#742 - 2011-12-31 07:13:25 UTC
Xtover wrote:
So CCP... given that Titans now can lock (quickly) and alpha frigates moving at full transversal... even pods... thoughts?

Sounds awesome!

Australian Fanfest Event

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#743 - 2011-12-31 23:33:28 UTC
Easy fixes:

Naglfar - Remove missile launchers (make pure turret boat)

Nidhoggur - Increase rr bonus to 25% per level, increase cap amount by an extra 5-10k


    1. Armor instead of shield tank (7 lows, 5 mids or 6 lows, 6 mids)
    2. Increase rr bonus to 25% per level, increase cap amount by an extra 5-10k

There is a reason why the Hel is the least used SuperCarrier, plain and simple worst tank and honestly brings nothing to the table. You want to treat it as a logistic boat? thats fine, make it so people would want to have it on field instead of it being completely overlooked for the aeon (superior tank) or nyx (superior damage and decent tank).

Theres a reason why people fly Nidhoggur's but not Hel's, and that is you can armor tank one and not the other.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#744 - 2012-01-01 08:10:52 UTC
Redon wrote:
Easy fixes:

Naglfar - Remove missile launchers (make pure turret boat)

and add a 100% bonus to turret damage too?

Redon wrote:

Nidhoggur - Increase rr bonus to 25% per level, increase cap amount by an extra 5-10k

that would be BOSS. Too much boss cant be a good thing though, with a T2 triage the niddy could rep satan himself!

Redon wrote:


    1. Armor instead of shield tank (7 lows, 5 mids or 6 lows, 6 mids)
    2. Increase rr bonus to 25% per level, increase cap amount by an extra 5-10k

There is a reason why the Hel is the least used SuperCarrier, plain and simple worst tank and honestly brings nothing to the table. You want to treat it as a logistic boat? thats fine, make it so people would want to have it on field instead of it being completely overlooked for the aeon (superior tank) or nyx (superior damage and decent tank).

Theres a reason why people fly Nidhoggur's but not Hel's, and that is you can armor tank one and not the other.

I agree with #2 there for sure, but not 1, not with CCPs changes coming up soon

Australian Fanfest Event

#745 - 2012-01-01 12:00:44 UTC
Yes. Hels are useless in supercaps fleets now. You can see there only 1 seldom. I don't know what bonuses they need to have to be a full-bodied part of it (maybe one day we'll see the shield sc fleet lol). The incoming balance for insta-boost shield fleet bonuses (oh, I hope) should get Hel close to Nyx in ehp, but others... Definitely remrep bonus must be higher than for carriers, much higher, not like a carrier in triage - half of it or so or/and less cap use for ST and RR. IMHO.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#746 - 2012-01-02 20:29:24 UTC
Headerman wrote:
Redon wrote:
Easy fixes:

Naglfar - Remove missile launchers (make pure turret boat)

and add a 100% bonus to turret damage too?

Redon wrote:

Nidhoggur - Increase rr bonus to 25% per level, increase cap amount by an extra 5-10k

that would be BOSS. Too much boss cant be a good thing though, with a T2 triage the niddy could rep satan himself!

Redon wrote:


    1. Armor instead of shield tank (7 lows, 5 mids or 6 lows, 6 mids)
    2. Increase rr bonus to 25% per level, increase cap amount by an extra 5-10k

There is a reason why the Hel is the least used SuperCarrier, plain and simple worst tank and honestly brings nothing to the table. You want to treat it as a logistic boat? thats fine, make it so people would want to have it on field instead of it being completely overlooked for the aeon (superior tank) or nyx (superior damage and decent tank).

Theres a reason why people fly Nidhoggur's but not Hel's, and that is you can armor tank one and not the other.

I agree with #2 there for sure, but not 1, not with CCPs changes coming up soon

what upcoming changes do you mean?
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#747 - 2012-01-03 01:52:05 UTC  |  Edited by: whoyoulookingat
Remove the ability of all carriers, Dreads, supers & Titans offensive weapons of being able to lock onto any ship class smaller than a Capital hull.

Reps, smarties.. no issues with these.

Capitals should be used with a fleet period. If you take one out with support, don't come b*tching that you lost it. Twisted

Give all Carriers, dreads, supers & titans an improved version of the Remote ECM burst as a "Get out of Jail" card. Something along the lines of:
Scale each one to the class, increase re-activation delay & put in a penalty that it can't be used if drones are out & once activated, will offline all highslot modules.

As for the Naglfar - just remove the d*mn split weapon system & allow people to fit 4 guns.

/rant off - coffee mode on Cool
Goonswarm Federation
#748 - 2012-01-03 04:05:48 UTC  |  Edited by: doombreed52
whoyoulookingat wrote:
Remove the ability of all carriers, Dreads, supers & Titans offensive weapons of being able to lock onto any ship class smaller than a Capital hull.

Reps, smarties.. no issues with these.

Capitals should be used with a fleet period. If you take one out with support, don't come b*tching that you lost it. Twisted

Give all Carriers, dreads, supers & titans an improved version of the Remote ECM burst as a "Get out of Jail" card. Something along the lines of:
Scale each one to the class, increase re-activation delay & put in a penalty that it can't be used if drones are out & once activated, will offline all highslot modules.

As for the Naglfar - just remove the d*mn split weapon system & allow people to fit 4 guns.

/rant off - coffee mode on Cool

first off post with main you twit

and second really so carriers cant lock on to sup capitals and have light drones attack it i mean really. your idea is just very stupid and short sighted. capitals ships should all be the same with the ecm burst.

and the amount of coding and and remaking of it would add unnecessary time just so you can feel safe in a sub capital when a capital group is on grid.

while you're at it why dont you make it so the only sub capital ship that can lock capital is a hic. thats how dumb your idea is just post with your main you tard.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#749 - 2012-01-03 07:46:56 UTC
Redon wrote:
what upcoming changes do you mean?

CCP are contemplating/testing/considering two big things:

1) A slave set for shields
2) Shield bonuses being applied the same as armour (so always 100%)

Australian Fanfest Event

Naomi Knight
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#750 - 2012-01-03 08:01:12 UTC
Caldari capital fix

Caldari Dreadnought Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to missile damage and 5% bonus to Capital Launcher rate of fire per skill level
10% bonus to Capital Hybrid Turret optimal per level
5% bonus to Capital Hybrid Turret rate of fire per level
+2 turret slots
+5 scan resolution

so it can choose between missiles or hybrids

5% resist bonus changed to 7,5% /lvl
+200 base cpu
+5 scan resolution

Max Khaos
Republic Military School
#751 - 2012-01-03 10:58:16 UTC
Fix the Hel ............... as a super it sucks.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#752 - 2012-01-03 15:29:25 UTC
Naomi Knight wrote:
Caldari capital fix

Caldari Dreadnought Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to missile damage and 5% bonus to Capital Launcher rate of fire per skill level
10% bonus to Capital Hybrid Turret optimal per level
5% bonus to Capital Hybrid Turret rate of fire per level
+2 turret slots
+5 scan resolution

so it can choose between missiles or hybrids

5% resist bonus changed to 7,5% /lvl
+200 base cpu
+5 scan resolution

first, the Phoenix change won't happen as it takes too much time to generate a new model with turret-hardpoints.
The other dread changes seem quite fair to me, though I don't have a dread and don't care about them much either.

What i do care about is the wyvern. To be honest, I would rather have a slave implant for shields as well as the change how shield buff were added then those 2.5% more base resist.
Scan resolution, well as long as supers don't have a full flight off fighters and bombers the wyvern does not need it, and the 200 base cpu, well don't need it either.

Regarding the chimera though I would appreciate those changes, it really does need a cpu boost or cap shield transfers need a reduction in cpu need. Either way it's definitely needed.

So CCP, give us a heads up !
Zarak1 Kenpach1
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#753 - 2012-01-04 04:35:02 UTC
phoenix already has 1 turret hardpoint. if i had the skill to fit it, i would post a screen shot here. perhaps someone here is crosstrained enough to do that
Goonswarm Federation
#754 - 2012-01-05 19:58:09 UTC
Soon Shin
Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
#755 - 2012-01-06 01:39:52 UTC
Capital Shield Transporters have had their cpu fitting decreased significantly:

Data from Sisi:

Capital Murky Shield Screen Transmitter I
cpu: 157.0 => 126.0

Capital Shield Transporter I
cpu: 175.0 => 140.0

I don't fly a chimera or a nid, but looks like you'll be able to fit your shield carriers properly now.

Oh and there are now Deadspace Invulnerability fields. Hopefully this will cause Faction Invuls to fall down in price.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#756 - 2012-01-06 02:12:42 UTC
Good they did put a new deadspace invu. But fact is, the Hel still suck as supercarrier and need an urgent fix.
CynoNet Two
GSF Logistics and Posting Reserves
Goonswarm Federation
#757 - 2012-01-08 16:59:09 UTC
Soon Shin wrote:
Capital Shield Transporters have had their cpu fitting decreased significantly:

Data from Sisi:

Capital Murky Shield Screen Transmitter I
cpu: 157.0 => 126.0

Capital Shield Transporter I
cpu: 175.0 => 140.0

I don't fly a chimera or a nid, but looks like you'll be able to fit your shield carriers properly now.

Oh and there are now Deadspace Invulnerability fields. Hopefully this will cause Faction Invuls to fall down in price.

Yeah it's now possible to fit suicide shield-triage fits that dont require special named mods and CPU implants.

The deadspace invuln fields bring the Caldari supercaps inline with the other races very well (if a Leviathan goes all-tank it's actually now the best titan for EHP).
The Rag could use a slight buff (5% shield) while the Hel and Revenant should probably get some kind of raw shield HP-related bonus. After this I don't see any need for 'shield slave set' or 'armour crystal set' equivalents.

MastahFR wrote:
Good they did put a new deadspace invu. But fact is, the Hel still suck as supercarrier and need an urgent fix.

That's an insightful and well-reasoned arguement you've put forward there. I'm sure CCP will get right on fixing this critical issue at once!
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#758 - 2012-01-08 18:13:10 UTC  |  Edited by: MastahFR
CynoNet Two wrote:
That's an insightful and well-reasoned arguement you've put forward there. I'm sure CCP will get right on fixing this critical issue at once!

It as been said countless time (since 2 years and more than 10+ threads) why this ship is useless. I'm just bumping the thread so that CCP don't forget about us Minmatar pilots.
Cold Moon Destruction.
#759 - 2012-01-09 18:55:40 UTC
Zarak1 Kenpach1 wrote:
phoenix already has 1 turret hardpoint. if i had the skill to fit it, i would post a screen shot here. perhaps someone here is crosstrained enough to do that

Confirming it does, but I could never figure out where... maybe tonight I'll mount one.

Cold Moon Destruction.
#760 - 2012-01-09 18:57:11 UTC
Naomi Knight wrote:
Caldari capital fix

Caldari Dreadnought Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to missile damage and 5% bonus to Capital Launcher rate of fire per skill level
10% bonus to Capital Hybrid Turret optimal per level
5% bonus to Capital Hybrid Turret rate of fire per level
+2 turret slots
+5 scan resolution

so it can choose between missiles or hybrids

5% resist bonus changed to 7,5% /lvl
+200 base cpu
+5 scan resolution

The phoenix needs a missile velocity buff. It does enough damage and being missile based is fine.