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More Content for Lowsec players/corporations/alliances? Advertise it.

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#81 - 2015-07-20 14:47:22 UTC
Bobaa Fett wrote:
Angelica Dreamstar wrote:
New player argument spotted. Stopped reading.

If you want more new players in low, then recruit and teach them. You can make a difference! That's the best way to go!

Agreed, but that is not how lowsec works for the majority of established corporations that live there. Many Lowsec corps were designed to reap the rewards and loot of other players, and that's the reality of lowsec and what, I feel, it was designed for.

I am confused. Your killboard says you PVP but you have statements like this. What rewards do none-FW members reap? Killing T1 frigates doesn't count :S
Kaivar Lancer
#82 - 2015-07-20 15:54:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaivar Lancer
edit: bah nevermind....
Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#83 - 2015-07-20 21:04:48 UTC
Daerrol wrote:
Bobaa Fett wrote:
Angelica Dreamstar wrote:
New player argument spotted. Stopped reading.

If you want more new players in low, then recruit and teach them. You can make a difference! That's the best way to go!

Agreed, but that is not how lowsec works for the majority of established corporations that live there. Many Lowsec corps were designed to reap the rewards and loot of other players, and that's the reality of lowsec and what, I feel, it was designed for.

I am confused. Your killboard says you PVP but you have statements like this. What rewards do none-FW members reap? Killing T1 frigates doesn't count :S

He's wondering why more people don't frequent lowsec in goodie-laden industrials, mining barges and PvE fit faction battleships.

The answer is of course because they get almost immediately tackled and blobbed to death or forced out by combat probers that don't sleep.
#84 - 2015-07-21 00:30:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Avvy
Lan Wang wrote:
i think the issue is "vets" in highsec paint a bad picture of what low and null is to new players. but as said recruit the new players yourself, start a lowsec corp which is newbie friendly, give them free ships and advice, take them out to shoot stuff and they might like it.

Not sure if it's a bad picture or just a confused picture.

I do agree, best way to get people into low-sec is to recruit and train them.

People say this is a sandbox game, well in a sandbox game you make your own content. Of course that doesn't stop CCP adding more toys to the sandpit.

Seems to me the main problem with low-sec is its reputation, if deserved or not. One thing you sometimes hear in high-sec is don't go into low-sec if you want to keep your ship (or at least words to that effect).

I can see why missioners might not want to go into low-sec, because of the rep hit if the mission doesn't get completed. Makes me wonder what happens in CURSE if doing Angel missions and you can't complete them. The result could be counter productive.


I also think, because this game is quite complex (as games go) a lot of corps that impose sp requirements do so, so they haven't got to spend too much time training players. They would rather someone else do it for them.
Mike Whiite
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#85 - 2015-07-21 07:11:35 UTC
The problem with Low Sec is, is that it doesn't present a step between high sec and the other systems.

Aside from small gang an FW. the moment I'm able to do PVE in low sec I can do it with less risk in 0.0 with higher rewards.

aside from lvl 5 missions though that isn't something you are able to do as a relative newbee.

mining isn't worth the risk, and the effort, hiding every time someone enters the system

Probing way to busy, aside from being hunted by pirates you're racing against other explorers

Combat sites, way to risky until you run in numbers that are large enough that you need several of those sites to make it profitable again.

the only really interesting thing a relative newbee can do is farm FW site's and the moment that happens FW pilots get annoyed by the people avoiding fights.

to have people migrate to low sec for other things than plainly shooting each other there has to be something to do for those people.
and for a relative Newbee those things are lacking.

Raata Invicti
#86 - 2015-07-21 13:29:58 UTC
Checked Dotlan?

Most of the action in the game right now is in low-sec. You're doing fine.
Commander Spurty
#87 - 2015-07-21 13:45:42 UTC
davet517 wrote:
Checked Dotlan?

Most of the action in the game right now is in low-sec. You're doing fine.

Took a quick look. If you 'dig' into that info, you'll notice it's null sec people operating in low sec.

Guess there is another option than dropping excessive blues.

Go to Low sec.

There are good ships,

And wood ships,

And ships that sail the sea

But the best ships are Spaceships

Built by CCP

lord xavier
Rubbed Out
#88 - 2015-07-21 14:12:05 UTC  |  Edited by: lord xavier
Most of the established lowsec groups just is not newbro friendly. You're talking about pilots with SP that ranges from 70m to 180m SP. A newbro, at best can tackle some stuff, maybe provide some kind of T1 cruiser support. They will not get the full aspect of flying Mega Navies than reshipping to Machs. Living and PVPing in lowsec overall can not be a good experience for many, at least in well established groups.

We get newbros coming through our area quite a bit, they die, they rage. We talk to them and explain things a bit and try to help them out. Some of us will even give them more than enough isk to replace their ship and let them go on their way. I will admit that Faction Warfare is far from helpful to new bros.

Brave Newbies might be an option, though to be honest every time I head out towards their system. They refuse to undock most of the time. That is not the kind of atmosphere you want for some newbros. While most of these "newbro friendly" corps are a great thing that help people out. Most are nullsec drivin. Waffles will kind of just third party stuff all over space. Pandemic Horde will follow their parent alliance in most situations. Which is a good thing because PL does have outstanding FCs. Then there is Eve Uni, who tends to be upshipping more often now that doesn't make them too "newbro" friendly for most fleets.

I've toyed with the thought of a NewBro friendly corp that was strictly lowsec, but seeing how Shadow Cartel is with defending and taking POCOs and POSes in lowsec, the structure grind that comes up from time to time would not be very welcoming for a newbro and is a horrible way to get them started in PVP is by grinding structures 20-35% of the time. They'd be better off going to newbro friendly null alliances/corps that would honestly get them more isk for the same grind.
Karl Jerr
Herzack Unit
#89 - 2015-07-21 23:20:01 UTC
So much hate for low.

I prefer low because of its inner danger and being bullshitless/apolitical vs Null.

The most conversations has had since I playing Eve occured in lowsec, yeah even with some of these "bad" pirates

Industry is possible; I do it a bit myself and see other corps doing the same too. I even seen a MAmmoth doing a ninja run in some LS systems yesterday0

Pirates are part of the game, it will be boring if they weren't here.

Anoms are cool. Yes you can be tracked by the locals. Happened to me one time. It is part of the game and the fun of LS.

I just find data/relic sites so-so, but anyway I don't do these for isk efficiency but for fun.

People are afraid of risk in a pvp game, yeah OK. To each his/her own Roll
Darek Castigatus
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#90 - 2015-07-22 06:10:52 UTC
Karl Jerr wrote:
So much hate for low.

I prefer low because of its inner danger and being bullshitless/apolitical vs Null.

The most conversations has had since I playing Eve occured in lowsec, yeah even with some of these "bad" pirates

Industry is possible; I do it a bit myself and see other corps doing the same too. I even seen a MAmmoth doing a ninja run in some LS systems yesterday0

Pirates are part of the game, it will be boring if they weren't here.

Anoms are cool. Yes you can be tracked by the locals. Happened to me one time. It is part of the game and the fun of LS.

I just find data/relic sites so-so, but anyway I don't do these for isk efficiency but for fun.

People are afraid of risk in a pvp game, yeah OK. To each his/her own Roll

I wouldnt say lowsec is apolitical, just that its more honest about things. I mean lets face it, probably 50% of lowsec disagreements can be boiled down to 'me and my friends dont like that guy and his friends because of something they said/did so we go shoot their **** to **** them off and maybe get a fight' and the rest are 'that guy has something we want and wont give it to us, lets shoot him and his friends until he does'.

As for newbros something occured to me the other night, its almost a repeat of picking up Eve in the first place in that you have to be able to accept that lowsec works a certain way and if that way is not something you enjoy then you may as well not be here.

Pirates - The Invisible Fist of Darwin

you're welcome

Karl Jerr
Herzack Unit
#91 - 2015-07-23 01:35:41 UTC
Darek Castigatus wrote:

I wouldnt say lowsec is apolitical, just that its more honest about things. I mean lets face it, probably 50% of lowsec disagreements can be boiled down to 'me and my friends dont like that guy and his friends because of something they said/did so we go shoot their **** to **** them off and maybe get a fight' and the rest are 'that guy has something we want and wont give it to us, lets shoot him and his friends until he does'.

As for newbros something occured to me the other night, its almost a repeat of picking up Eve in the first place in that you have to be able to accept that lowsec works a certain way and if that way is not something you enjoy then you may as well not be here.

Yeah you're right, it is pretty straightforward, without drama.

PS: sorry for the typos.