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Carnyx release - General feedback

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Tyr Dolorem
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1021 - 2015-06-04 14:30:35 UTC
CCP Surge wrote:

That's not true. We're definitely still keeping tabs on this thread and assessing the situation. Just don't expect any knee-jerk reactions from us so soon. For now keep the feedback coming, keep it constructive. Thanks

Is that code for do nothing and hope this all blows over?
Ida Aurlien
HIgh Sec Care Bears
Brothers of Tangra
#1022 - 2015-06-04 14:32:12 UTC
teloded wrote:
I would have to say that fozzy sov will most likely be game breaking for smaller corps and alliances. Large groups can now harrass smaller groups they would normally not target.
Bring a bs or cruiser fleet start shutting down services, any hostile response can be crushed easily. once every thing is turned off go to the next system. the targeted corp will undock to turn back on their services only to have them turned back off in a hour. production goes down, income goes down. people more likely to move back to high sec where they dont have to worry about any of this.
Only been under fozzy sov test for 2 days and people are all ready leaving null sec. Good job ccp

Do you really think they care
Vincent Athena
#1023 - 2015-06-04 14:34:22 UTC
CCP Surge wrote:
Milla Goodpussy wrote:
i want the old icons back,

im afraid since the majority of the community is saying the same. ccp has put on the wall module and are no longer paying any attention to this thread.

That's not true. We're definitely still keeping tabs on this thread and assessing the situation. Just don't expect any knee-jerk reactions from us so soon. For now keep the feedback coming, keep it constructive. Thanks

I say it is time for a poll.

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Misaca Mikoto
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1024 - 2015-06-04 14:37:45 UTC
Why can't we just have to the option to choose the old Icons or the new ones in the settings. I see a benefit for pve content, but for pvp I dislike it.
Jackie Esticato
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1025 - 2015-06-04 14:42:49 UTC
CCP Surge wrote:
Milla Goodpussy wrote:
i want the old icons back,

im afraid since the majority of the community is saying the same. ccp has put on the wall module and are no longer paying any attention to this thread.

That's not true. We're definitely still keeping tabs on this thread and assessing the situation. Just don't expect any knee-jerk reactions from us so soon. For now keep the feedback coming, keep it constructive. Thanks

I really want to give constructive feedback, and not just be one of the 'waah I'm leaving' brigade.

With that in mind, can we get a couple of answers from CCP as to the nature of this change, namely:

1) What do you see as the purpose of the icon's?
2) What was the intended objective of this change?

Give us the answers to those, and we can give you genuine, constructive feedback.

Zurtan Bayle
The Wings of Maak
#1026 - 2015-06-04 14:47:55 UTC
Misaca Mikoto wrote:
Why can't we just have to the option to choose the old Icons or the new ones in the settings. I see a benefit for pve content, but for pvp I dislike it.

This. Thoses new icons are absolutely horrible, less understandable and giving a messy feeling all around. NPC having the same icons as players is a non sens, no logic between the different size of ships, wrecks are horrible, drones, pod.... Please give us the old and perfectly understandable icons! Sad

Corporation Full FR, Full PvP (low sec, 0.0, Small Gang)

Recrutement : ouvert


Shpongled Victim
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1027 - 2015-06-04 14:55:13 UTC
Joia Crenca wrote:
Shpongled Victim wrote:
dunno why ppl complain about the UI/Neocom colours, theres a option to choose between different themes. Or do i get it wrong?

This is actually about the color and type of new icons on the overview where you see your targets/enemies. They changed from the crosses and other small icons to the new triangles and such. The biggest thing I can see as a problem is not quickly seeing the difference between an NPC and a Player, or not as quickly as before. The other thing is that they can be blurry for a number of people.

That's what was meant with icon colors.

It looks like people that enjoy PVP most are having the hardest time with this, and even though I don't PVP much, I can easily see the frustration caused by this change.

Now i understand, thxxx
Vincent Athena
#1028 - 2015-06-04 14:55:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Vincent Athena
Misaca Mikoto wrote:
Why can't we just have to the option to choose the old Icons or the new ones in the settings. I see a benefit for pve content, but for pvp I dislike it.

Then they would have to do regression testing with both settings each and every update. That's more money maintaining stuff that could be spent on new stuff.
BTW, I long ago set neutral players to having a grey color tag. For me, players always have a color tag, NPCs do not. They are easy to tell apart.

Know a Frozen fan? Check this out

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Quay Industries
#1029 - 2015-06-04 14:58:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Steijn
CCP Surge wrote:
Milla Goodpussy wrote:
i want the old icons back,

im afraid since the majority of the community is saying the same. ccp has put on the wall module and are no longer paying any attention to this thread.

That's not true. We're definitely still keeping tabs on this thread and assessing the situation. Just don't expect any knee-jerk reactions from us so soon. For now keep the feedback coming, keep it constructive. Thanks


Give me the option to chose wether i want to use the old icons, or the new icons.

PS. I dont expect a knee jerk reaction, but I wouldnt leave it to long if i were you because the damage is already been done. Ive been here 6 years but will willingly delete Eve from my PC if this isnt rectified soon.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1030 - 2015-06-04 14:59:14 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
CCP Surge wrote:
Milla Goodpussy wrote:
i want the old icons back,

im afraid since the majority of the community is saying the same. ccp has put on the wall module and are no longer paying any attention to this thread.

That's not true. We're definitely still keeping tabs on this thread and assessing the situation. Just don't expect any knee-jerk reactions from us so soon. For now keep the feedback coming, keep it constructive. Thanks

It is good news to hear you are still keeping an eye on this.
whilst you are absolutely right, not to make actions made in haste, We are all aware that significant work will go into any change to address our concerns, and to make something that improves the overall gaming experience.

In The meantime however, some of us are suffering.
This is not an exaggeration, it is literally a statement of fact.
In order to continue playing we suffer, eyestrain, and headaches.

To alleviate this, and to allow us to continue playing, can you please allow us the option of using the old icons in the interim?

I am sure eventually you will present a wonderful new experience, that is clear, distinctive, and a delight to use.
until that time, please have mercy.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Muul Udonii
THORN Syndicate
Northern Coalition.
#1031 - 2015-06-04 14:59:26 UTC
I don't like the new icons. Not in that I hate the design, I just think they look bad, almost childish. When the old gate, moon, tower, station etc. icons on the overview were crisp and clear, the new ones with a filling just look like a bad attempt to copy them.

Maybe reduce the size of them by 15% or so, and make them transparent, that might look better.

Or just use the ones from your dev blog on the subject, they actually looked pretty cool.
Thanatos Marathon
#1032 - 2015-06-04 14:59:58 UTC
I seem to be having more odd issues when in space.

Exmple, tried to look at another ship last night and my client flickered between black and white and I couldn't do a thing for a good five seconds in a combat environment.

Multiple times when hitting align or approach my ship either doesn't move, or goes nowhere close to full speed, even when not bumping into someone. Double clicking in space seems to work though.
Alsayr Nara
Grupa Operacyjna ZLY CHUJI
Unicorns from Hell
#1033 - 2015-06-04 15:02:46 UTC
What about T3 gallente destroyer Hecate ship ? We know release date for this ship (or closed time to be) ?
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#1034 - 2015-06-04 15:02:48 UTC
not sure if this has already been mentioned.. but the police rats(concord/navy, also the industrial that undock from stations) now share the same icons as player ships.. which is actually quiet confusing when landing on a gate/station. so maybe change their colour? to be blue or green or whatever that isnt white or red
Ivorcya Yvormes
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1035 - 2015-06-04 15:10:33 UTC
Sadly i have to follow most of my predecessors in this threadnought with my opinion.

The previous icons used to be clear and distinctive.
That's what their purpose was for years: a quick and reliable way of telling what ship classes are on the field.
All other information is in the "type" field of your overview.
Putting that much extra information into the icon field as you did does NOT help the way you think it does.
You still need to know the exact hull type and for many ships you even need to zoom in on the ship itself to know what you are up against and if it's worth or even possible to take on that in your ship(s).

The issue some previous talkers mentioned: "but you couldn't see the difference between frigs and dessies on the overview".
I agree, that was one of the flaws of the previous icons.
Even though size distinction was not always truly possible with the old icons accompanied by some other flaws, they provided a quick and reliable way of telling item classes apart.
This is totally missing in the new system.

Right now i have deactivated the icons column.
Why? They are irritating and useless because not quickly enough identified, thus just distracting from important information like in the types column.
And on top of that - as if that wasn't enough yet - they ain't even stylistically fitting into the futuristic style of the eve overview, they look like something escaped from a 1980s arcade style console game.
So now i'm missing a way of quickly identifying a certain object class on my overview - very bad and an extreme hinderance for especially pvp.

As a developer myself i'm shocked how you guys ignore that much negative user feedback.
Clearly there's like at least 90% negative responses from what i see by skimming over in this threadnought, yet you refuse to acknowledge that you made a mistake and roll back.
If i did my work like that, my customers simply would get another guy to do what i do for them.
On the long term that does not pay out very well ....

Finally to be a little constructive in this post as well:

I'm asking you as a passionate EVE player that does not want to stop playing this game over bad design decisions by a few of your devs:
Make such a critical change optional. You received a lot of negative feedback. Act on it.

You did with the beta map and with the notifications. Please do it again.

This way you can keep your newly achieved icon stuff without angering a big part of your customer base.
Those that like it can use it.
Those that dislike it, use the old icons.

I know that means some additional work now. I hate it everytime a customer comes back at me and says "uh no that needs to be undone/done differently".
BUT i can assure you that it will be worth the extra hours. It will please a lot of your paying customers.
Shpongled Victim
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1036 - 2015-06-04 15:14:49 UTC
Panterata wrote:
To attention of CCP Claymore again.

Claymore pls write something

Just to specify to be clear - The players DO NOT want you to make the new icons more shiny and beautiful. They want old overview icons.

I'm writing this in case you post something like "we will make the new one better" because this will be NOT a solution for us.

So I hope you will fix them till 2-3 days because I didn't play couple of days and I really want to play again

Im ok with the new ones, and if they can improve them even better, so why "the players dont want"?
this game gets a facelifting so far i can see since last patches which was about time i think. So i think the devs play themself EVE or at least the majority of them and i cant believe they dont know what they do, even it looks all fine to me and cant complain.

Besides that i think, related to a statement something like this in here "in the past there were 50k players and now barely 30k".
Im a MMORPG fan and allways had a hard time to adapt to this totally different system of leveling and the lack of life,conten,entertainment. Missions cant substitute quest+rewards so starrting playing eve in my case and aproaching it surfaced and with the wrong expectations was the reason why i never played more than a few month. But i allways come back since its another world than the others. In this niche prolly fall a lot of those 20k and the devs working on it to get them into eve and stay. At least thats what i believe whats going on and im prepared for even more "major" changes (ironic) than icons...
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1037 - 2015-06-04 15:22:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Panterata
Shpongled Victim wrote:
Panterata wrote:
To attention of CCP Claymore again.

Claymore pls write something

Just to specify to be clear - The players DO NOT want you to make the new icons more shiny and beautiful. They want old overview icons.

I'm writing this in case you post something like "we will make the new one better" because this will be NOT a solution for us.

So I hope you will fix them till 2-3 days because I didn't play couple of days and I really want to play again

Im ok with the new ones, and if they can improve them even better, so why "the players dont want"?
this game gets a facelifting so far i can see since last patches which was about time i think. So i think the devs play themself EVE or at least the majority of them and i cant believe they dont know what they do, even it looks all fine to me and cant complain.

Besides that i think, related to a statement something like this in here "in the past there were 50k players and now barely 30k".
Im a MMORPG fan and allways had a hard time to adapt to this totally different system of leveling and the lack of life,conten,entertainment. Missions cant substitute quest+rewards so starrting playing eve in my case and aproaching it surfaced and with the wrong expectations was the reason why i never played more than a few month. But i allways come back since its another world than the others. In this niche prolly fall a lot of those 20k and the devs working on it to get them into eve and stay. At least thats what i believe whats going on and im prepared for even more "major" changes (ironic) than icons...

Probably you read only this post of my others. Yes it's true that ppl don't want it or to be more accurate 75% of the ppl in this game don't want it.

If you read my other post you can see that I wrote that we must have both option

New icons - for you
Old icons - for me and ppl who like it
Ida Aurlien
HIgh Sec Care Bears
Brothers of Tangra
#1038 - 2015-06-04 15:22:30 UTC
Shpongled Victim wrote:
Panterata wrote:
To attention of CCP Claymore again.

Claymore pls write something

Just to specify to be clear - The players DO NOT want you to make the new icons more shiny and beautiful. They want old overview icons.

I'm writing this in case you post something like "we will make the new one better" because this will be NOT a solution for us.

So I hope you will fix them till 2-3 days because I didn't play couple of days and I really want to play again

Im ok with the new ones, and if they can improve them even better, so why "the players dont want"?
this game gets a facelifting so far i can see since last patches which was about time i think. So i think the devs play themself EVE or at least the majority of them and i cant believe they dont know what they do, even it looks all fine to me and cant complain.

Besides that i think, related to a statement something like this in here "in the past there were 50k players and now barely 30k".
Im a MMORPG fan and allways had a hard time to adapt to this totally different system of leveling and the lack of life,conten,entertainment. Missions cant substitute quest+rewards so starrting playing eve in my case and aproaching it surfaced and with the wrong expectations was the reason why i never played more than a few month. But i allways come back since its another world than the others. In this niche prolly fall a lot of those 20k and the devs working on it to get them into eve and stay. At least thats what i believe whats going on and im prepared for even more "major" changes (ironic) than icons...

sometimes less is more even in the time it takes to grow in this game almost to long....10 plus years to b maxed out ppl leave b4 getting maxed as to to long to get there
Benito Arias
Angry Mustellid
#1039 - 2015-06-04 15:22:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Benito Arias
Shpongled Victim wrote:

Im ok with the new ones, and if they can improve them even better, so why "the players dont want"?
this game gets a facelifting so far i can see since last patches which was about time i think. So i think the devs play themself EVE or at least the majority of them and i cant believe they dont know what they do, even it looks all fine to me and cant complain.

Besides that i think, related to a statement something like this in here "in the past there were 50k players and now barely 30k".
Im a MMORPG fan and allways had a hard time to adapt to this totally different system of leveling and the lack of life,conten,entertainment. Missions cant substitute quest+rewards so starrting playing eve in my case and aproaching it surfaced and with the wrong expectations was the reason why i never played more than a few month. But i allways come back since its another world than the others. In this niche prolly fall a lot of those 20k and the devs working on it to get them into eve and stay. At least thats what i believe whats going on and im prepared for even more "major" changes (ironic) than icons...

Don't mean to be rude, but you obviously have no experience with such aspects of EVE as fast-paced or fleet PvP in hostile environments. These require the interface to be more than 'having a facelift' or 'looking fine'. These require the interface to be military-grade precise and functional above all else. Old in-space and overview icons did provide that to a degree. The new ones ruined that, because they are not nearly as distinguishable from each other as they need to be.
Shpongled Victim
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1040 - 2015-06-04 15:26:09 UTC
Panterata wrote:
Shpongled Victim wrote:
Panterata wrote:
To attention of CCP Claymore again.

Claymore pls write something

Just to specify to be clear - The players DO NOT want you to make the new icons more shiny and beautiful. They want old overview icons.

I'm writing this in case you post something like "we will make the new one better" because this will be NOT a solution for us.

So I hope you will fix them till 2-3 days because I didn't play couple of days and I really want to play again

Im ok with the new ones, and if they can improve them even better, so why "the players dont want"?
this game gets a facelifting so far i can see since last patches which was about time i think. So i think the devs play themself EVE or at least the majority of them and i cant believe they dont know what they do, even it looks all fine to me and cant complain.

Besides that i think, related to a statement something like this in here "in the past there were 50k players and now barely 30k".
Im a MMORPG fan and allways had a hard time to adapt to this totally different system of leveling and the lack of life,conten,entertainment. Missions cant substitute quest+rewards so starrting playing eve in my case and aproaching it surfaced and with the wrong expectations was the reason why i never played more than a few month. But i allways come back since its another world than the others. In this niche prolly fall a lot of those 20k and the devs working on it to get them into eve and stay. At least thats what i believe whats going on and im prepared for even more "major" changes (ironic) than icons...

Probably you read only this post of my others. Yes it's true that ppl don't want it or to be more accurate 75% of the ppl in this game don't want it.

If you read my other post you can see that I wrote that we must have both option

New icons - for you
Old icons - for me and ppl that like it

yea right , missed that. That should be managble, as they say gonna to improve em